Star (glyph)

In typography, a star is any of several glyphs with a number of points arrayed within an imaginary circle. A commonly used star symbol is the asterisk.

Four points

NameCharacterCode point
Black four-pointed star U+2726
White four-pointed star U+2727
Sparkles (emoji) U+2728
Square lozenge ("pillow") U+2311
Bamum script (Phase D) shii 𖥔U+16954

Five points

NameCharacterCode point
asterisk operator U+2217
star equals U+225B
star operator U+22C6
APL functional symbol circle star U+235F
APL functional symbol star diaeresis U+2363
black star U+2605
white star U+2606
star and crescent U+262A
outlined white star U+269D
pentagram U+26E4
right-handed interlaced pentagram U+26E5
left-handed interlaced pentagram U+26E6
inverted pentagram U+26E7
stress outlined white star U+2729
circled white star U+272A
open center black star U+272B
black center white star U+272C
outlined black star U+272D
heavy outlined black star U+272E
pinwheel star U+272F
shadowed white star U+2730
white medium star U+2B50
black small star U+2B51
white small star U+2B52
glowing star 🌟U+1F31F
shooting star 🌠U+1F320
Bamum script (Phase D) ngkeuri 𖤐U+16910
low asterisk U+204E
full width asterisk U+FF0A
Arabic five-pointed star[lower-alpha 1] ٭U+066D

See also

Six points

NameCharacterCode point
combining asterisk above U+20F0
Star of David U+2721
six-pointed black star U+2736
Slavonic asterisk U+A673
six-pointed star with middle dot/hexagram 🔯U+1F52F
vai full stop U+A60E
Six spoke asterisk, various weights 🞵🞶🞷
U+1F7B5 to U+1F7BA
Star of Life

See also

Seven points

Eight points

NameCharacterCode point
Bengali script section mark U+2055
Rejang script section mark ꥟U+A95F
eight-pointed black star U+2734
eight-pointed pinwheel star U+2735
eight-pointed rectilinear black star U+2737
heavy eight-pointed rectilinear black star U+2738
circled open center eight-pointed star U+2742
eight-pointed cuneiform star 𒀭U+1202D
rub-el-hizb ۞U+06DE
Bamum script (Phase D) ngkyee 𖤓U+16913

Nine points

NameCharacterCode point
nine pointed white star (Baháʼí star) 🟙U+1F7D9

See also

Ten points

Eleven points

NameCharacterCode point
Bamum script (Phase C) nten 𖣔U+168D4

Twelve points

NameCharacterCode point
twelve-pointed black star U+2739

See also

Thirteen points

Fourteen points

Fifteen points

Sixteen points

NameCharacterCode point
sixteen pointed asterisk U+273A

See also

Multiple stars

NameCharacterCode point# of Stars
sparkles (emoji) U+27283 (18 including background stars)
two asterisks aligned vertically U+20512
asterism U+20423
Canadian syllabics tth U+156F2
Bamum script (Phase D) ndeux 𖤉U+169092


  1. Although this character is defined in the Unicode reference as having five points, in some fonts it has a different number. In some, such as Arial Unicode MS, it even has six.[1]


See also

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