2009 Mexico most-wanted drug lords

This is a list of Mexico's 37 most-wanted drug lords as published by Mexican federal authorities on 23 March 2009. According to a BBC Mundo Mexico report, the 37 drug lords "have jeopardized Mexico national security."[1][2]

The list of drug lords is grouped by their drug cartels. As of 2009 Mexico has offered up to 30 million pesos for the capture of each of the fugitives.[2][3][4] The United States also offers rewards for two of them.[5]

The most-wanted of the 37 drug lords was Joaquín Guzmán Loera, for whom Mexican and U.S. governments offered a total bounty of US$7 million.[6] He was captured on 22 February 2014 in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, where he was staying at a hotel.[7] He escaped on 11 July 2015 through a 1.5 kilometer long tunnel from his cell in the Mexican maximum security prison but was recaptured by Mexican Marines following a gun battle on 8 January 2016.[8] As of 2024, the single remaining fugitive of the 37 most-wanted drug lords is Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada who has never been arrested and incarcerated.


As of 18 January 2011, Mexico had captured or killed 20 of the 37 in the most-wanted list.[9] The 21 June 2011 arrest of José de Jesús Méndez Vargas,[10] a.k.a. "El Chango", brought the total to twenty-one captured or killed.[11][12] On 4 November 2011, Francisco Hernández García was captured. A leader of the Zetas drug cartel, Raúl Hernández Lechuga was captured on 12 December 2011.[11][12][13] On 26 September 2012, Iván Velázquez Caballero was captured by Mexican security forces.[14] The 7 October 2012 killing of Heriberto Lazcano brought this total to 25 captured or killed so far.[15]

On 15 July 2013, Miguel Treviño Morales was apprehended by the Mexican Marines in a town called Anáhuac, Nuevo León, near the border of the state of Tamaulipas.[16] Then, the 27 January 2014 apprehension of Dionisio Loya Plancarte,[17] a.k.a. "El Tío" left the Mexican government with 10 fugitives still on the loose. On 23 June 2014, Fernando Sánchez Arellano was arrested by soldiers of the Mexican Army and federal agents of the Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) at the La Mesa borough of Tijuana, Baja California. On 1 October 2014 Héctor Beltrán Leyva was arrested by the Mexican Army inside a restaurant in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. On 9 October 2014, Vicente Carrillo Fuentes was arrested by Mexican authorities in Torreón (Coahuila). On 27 February 2015, Servando Gómez Martínez, the leader of the Knights Templar cartel, was arrested by Mexican security forces in Morelia, Michoacán.[18] On 4 March 2015, Omar Treviño Morales was captured inside a residence in Fuentes del Valle, an upper-class neighborhood in San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, by the Federal Police and the Mexican Army. On 8 January 2016, Mexican Marines captured Joaquín Guzmán Loera after a heavy firefight in the city of Los Mochis, Sinaloa, bringing the total captured or killed to 33.

Grouped by drug cartels

Mexico offered up to 30 million pesos (about 1.45 million U.S. dollars in 2021) for each of the following:

Beltrán-Leyva Cartel

La Familia Michoacana/Knights Templar Cartel

Gulf Cartel

Juárez Cartel

Sinaloa Cartel

Tijuana Cartel

Los Zetas

  • Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano, a.k.a. "El Lazca,"[72] "Z-3",[73] "El Verdugo"[74] (English: "The Executioner"[73]), "El Bronce,"[75] "El Pitirijas,"[76] "Licenciado"[74] – Killed on 7 October 2012[15]
  • Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, a.k.a. "Z-40" ("40," "Cuarenta," "Comandante 40")[77] – Captured on 15 July 2013[16]
  • Omar Treviño Morales, a.k.a. "Z-42"[3] – Captured on 4 March 2015[78]
  • Iván Velázquez Caballero, a.k.a. "El Talibán,"[79] "Z-50"[80] – Captured on 26 September 2012[14]
  • Gregorio Sauceda Gamboa, a.k.a. "El Goyo,"[81] "Metro-2," "Caramuela" – Captured on 30 April 2009[82][83]
  • Alberto Pineda Villa, a.k.a. "El Borrado" – Killed on 12 September 2009[84][85]
  • Marco Antonio Pineda Villa, a.k.a. "El MP" – Killed on 12 September 2009[86]
  • Héctor Huerta Ríos, a.k.a. "La Burra," "El Junior" – Captured on 25 March 2009 – Killed on 4 July 2019[87]
  • Ricardo Almanza Morales, a.k.a. "El Gori I"[88] – Killed on 4 December 2009[89]
  • Eduardo Almanza Morales, a.k.a. "El Gori II"[88]
  • Raymundo Almanza Morales, a.k.a. "El Gori III"[88] – Captured on 22 May 2009[90]
  • Flavio Méndez Santiago, a.k.a. "El Amarillo"[9] – Captured on 18 January 2011[91][92]
  • Sergio Peña Solís, a.k.a. "El Concord," "El Colosio" – Captured on 14 March 2009[93]
  • Raúl Lucio Hernández Lechuga, a.k.a. "El Lucky"[75] – Captured 12 December 2011[13]

Sortable table

No.CartelNameAliasReward (Mexican pesos)StatusDate of statusNotes
1Beltrán-LeyvaArturo Beltrán LeyvaEl Barbas$30MKilled16 December 2009[21]
2Beltrán-LeyvaHéctor Beltrán LeyvaEl General$30MCaptured1 October 2014[23]
3Beltrán-LeyvaSergio Villarreal BarragánEl Grande$30MCaptured13 September 2010[24]
4Beltrán-LeyvaEdgar Valdez VillarrealLa Barbie$30MCaptured31 August 2010[28][29]
5Beltrán-LeyvaFrancisco Hernández GarcíaEl 2000$15MCaptured4 November 2011[83]
6Beltrán-LeyvaAlberto Pineda VillaEl Borrado$15MKilled12 September 2009[84][94]
7Beltrán-LeyvaMarco Antonio Pineda VillaEl MP$15MKilled12 September 2009[86]
8Beltrán-LeyvaHéctor Huerta RíosLa Burra$15MCaptured25 March 2009[87]
9La Familia MichoacanaNazario Moreno GonzálezEl Chayo$30MKilled9 March 2014[32]
10La Familia MichoacanaServando Gómez MartínezLa Tuta$30MCaptured27 February 2015[34]
11La Familia MichoacanaJosé de Jesús Méndez VargasEl Chango$30MCaptured21 June 2011[10]
12La Familia MichoacanaDionisio Loya PlancarteEl Tío$30MCaptured27 January 2014[17]
13Los ZetasHeriberto Lazcano LazcanoZ-3$30MKilled7 October 2012[15]
14Los ZetasRaúl Lucio Hernández LechugaEl Lucky$15MCaptured12 December 2011[13]
15Los ZetasSergio Peña SolísEl Concord$15MCaptured14 March 2009[93]
16Los ZetasMiguel Ángel Treviño MoralesZ-40$30MCaptured15 July 2013[16]
17Los ZetasOmar Treviño MoralesL-42$30MCaptured4 March 2015[78]
18Los ZetasIván Velázquez CaballeroL-50$30MCaptured26 September 2012[95]
19Los ZetasGregorio Sauceda GamboaEl Goyo$30MCaptured30 April 2009[82]
20Los ZetasFlavio Méndez SantiagoEl Amarillo$15MCaptured18 January 2011[92]
21Los ZetasRicardo Almanza MoralesEl Gori I$15MKilled4 December 2009[89]
22Los ZetasEduardo Almanza MoralesEl Gori II$15MAllegedly dead4 December 2009[96]
23Los ZetasRaymundo Almanza MoralesEl Gori III$15MCaptured22 May 2009[90]
24Gulf CartelSigifredo Nájera TalamantesEl Canicón$15MCaptured23 March 2009[42]
25Gulf CartelEzequiel Cárdenas GuillénTony Tormenta$30MKilled5 November 2010[39][40]
26Gulf CartelJorge Eduardo Costilla SánchezEl Coss$30MCaptured12 September 2012[97]
27Gulf CartelSergio Enrique Ruiz TlapancoEl Tlapa$15MCaptured8 September 2009[43][44][45]
28Juárez CartelVicente Carrillo FuentesEl Viceroy$30MCaptured9 October 2014[46][47]
29Juárez CartelVicente Carrillo LeyvaEl Ingeniero$30MCaptured3 March 2009[49]
30Juárez CartelJuan Pablo LedezmaEl JL$15MDisputed (Reportedly Killed or Fugitive)[98][99]No longer reported as La Linea leader[100][101][102][103] by 2020[104]Bounty for his death was offered by El Chapo.[98]
31Sinaloa CartelJoaquín Guzmán LoeraEl Chapo$30MRecaptured18 January 2016[8]
32Sinaloa CartelIsmael Zambada GarcíaEl Mayo Zambada$30MFugitive
33Sinaloa CartelIgnacio Coronel VillarrealEl Nacho Coronel$30MKilled29 July 2010[55]
34Sinaloa CartelJuan José Esparragoza MorenoEl Azul$30MAllegedly dead7 June 2014[57]
35Sinaloa CartelVicente Zambada NieblaEl Vicentillo$30MCaptured19 March 2009[59]
36Tijuana CartelTeodoro García SimentalEl Teo$30MCaptured12 January 2010[62][64]
37Tijuana CartelFernando Sánchez ArellanoEl Ingeniero$30MCaptured23 June 2014[67]

See also




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