2018 Winter Olympics Parade of Nations

During the 2018 Winter Olympics Parade of Nations at the 2018 Winter Olympics opening ceremony, beginning at 20:00 KST (UTC+9) on 9 February 2018, athletes bearing the flags of their respective nations led their national delegations as they paraded into the Pyeongchang Olympic Stadium in the host city of Pyeongchang, South Korea.[1] 92 teams qualified to compete (91 nations and Olympic Athletes from Russia).


Athletes entered the stadium in an order dictated by Olympic tradition. As the originator of the Olympics, the Greek team entered first.[2] Other teams entered in alphabetical order based on the names of countries in the Korean language.[3] Following tradition, the delegation from the host nation, South Korea, was scheduled to enter last. However, following solidarity negotiations with North Korea, the host nation was instead represented by the unified Korean delegation, consisting of the South Korean and North Korean teams, marching under the Korean Unification Flag.[4][5]

The names of the nations were announced in French, followed by English and Korean, the official languages of the Olympic movement and the host nation, in accordance with traditional and International Olympic Committee (IOC) guidelines. Background music included such Korean songs from throughout the ages from as old as the folk song Arirang, to "Short Hair" by Cho Yong-pil and "The Beauty" by Shin Jung Hyun & Yup Juns of the 1970s, and modern K-pop hits such as "Gangnam Style" by Psy, "Likey" by Twice, "Fantastic Baby" by Big Bang, "DNA" by BTS, and "Red Flavor" by Red Velvet.[6][7]


Below is a list of parading countries and their announced flag bearer, in the same order as the parade. This is sortable by country name, flag bearer's name and flag bearer's sport. Names are given in the form officially designated by the IOC.[8]

Order Nation Hangul Roman Transliteration (in RR) Flag bearer Sport
1 Greece (GRE)그리스GeuriseuSophia RalliAlpine skiing
2 Ghana (GHA)가나GanaAkwasi FrimpongSkeleton
3 Nigeria (NGR)나이지리아NaijiriaNgozi OnwumereBobsleigh
4 South Africa (RSA)남아프리카 공화국Nam-Apeurika GonghwagukConnor WilsonAlpine skiing
5 Netherlands (NED)네덜란드NedeollandeuJan Smeekens[9]Speed skating
6 Norway (NOR)노르웨이NoreuweiEmil Hegle SvendsenBiathlon
7 New Zealand (NZL)뉴질랜드NyujillaendeuBeau-James Wells[10]Freestyle skiing
8 Denmark (DEN)덴마크DenmakeuElena Møller Rigas[11]Speed skating
9 Germany (GER)독일DogilEric Frenzel[12]Nordic combined
10 East Timor (TLS)동티모르Dong-TimoreuYohan Goutt GonçalvesAlpine skiing
11 Latvia (LAT)라트비아RateubiaDaumants Dreiškens[13]Bobsleigh
12 Lebanon (LBN)레바논RebanonSamer TawkCross-country skiing
13 Romania (ROU)루마니아RumaniaMarius Ungureanu[14]Biathlon
14 Luxembourg (LUX)룩셈부르크RuksembureukeuMatthieu OschAlpine skiing
15 Lithuania (LTU)리투아니아RituaniaTomas Kaukėnas[15]Biathlon
16 Liechtenstein (LIE)리히텐슈타인RihitensyutainMarco PfiffnerAlpine skiing
17 Madagascar (MAD)마다가스카르MadagaseukareuMialitiana Clerc Alpine skiing
18 Malaysia (MAS)말레이시아MalleisiaJulian Yee[16]Figure skating
19 Mexico (MEX)멕시코MeksikoGermán Madrazo[17]Cross-country skiing
20 Monaco (MON)모나코MonakoRudy Rinaldi[18]Bobsleigh
21 Morocco (MAR)모로코MorokoSamir AzzimaniCross-country skiing
22 Montenegro (MNE)몬테네그로MontenegeuroJelena Vujičić[19]Alpine skiing
23 Moldova (MDA)몰도바MoldobaNicolae GaiducCross-country skiing
24 Malta (MLT)몰타MoltaÉlise Pellegrin[20] Alpine skiing
25 Mongolia (MGL)몽골MonggolAchbadrakh Batmunkh[21]Cross-country skiing
26 United States (USA)미국MigukErin Hamlin[22]Luge
27 Bermuda (BER)버뮤다BeomyudaTucker MurphyCross-country skiing
28 Belgium (BEL)벨기에BelgieSeppe Smits[23]Snowboarding
29 Belarus (BLR)벨라루스BellaruseuAlla Tsuper[24]Freestyle skiing
30 Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)보스니아 헤르체고비나Boseunia HereuchegobinaElvedina Muzaferija[25]Alpine skiing
31 Bolivia (BOL)볼리비아BollibiaSimon Breitfuss Kammerlander[26]Alpine skiing
32 Bulgaria (BUL)불가리아BulgariaRadoslav Yankov[27]Snowboarding
33 Brazil (BRA)브라질BeurajilEdson Bindilatti[28]Bobsleigh
34 San Marino (SMR)산마리노SanmarinoAlessandro Mariotti[29]Alpine skiing
35 Serbia (SRB)세르비아SereubiaNevena Ignjatović[30]Alpine skiing
36 Sweden (SWE)스웨덴SeuwedenNiklas Edin[31]Curling
37 Switzerland (SUI)스위스SeuwiseuDario Cologna[32]Cross-country skiing
38 Spain (ESP)스페인SeupeinLucas EguibarSnowboarding
39 Slovakia (SVK)슬로바키아SeullobakiaVeronika Velez-ZuzulováAlpine skiing
40 Slovenia (SLO)슬로베니아SeullobeniaVesna Fabjan[33]Cross-country skiing
41 Singapore (SGP)싱가포르SinggaporeuCheyenne GohShort track speed skating
42 Armenia (ARM)아르메니아AreumeniaMikayel MikayelyanCross-country skiing
43 Argentina (ARG)아르헨티나AreuhentinaSebastiano Gastaldi[20] Alpine skiing
44 Iceland (ISL)아이슬란드AiseullandeuFreydis-Halla EinarsdóttirAlpine skiing
45 Ireland (IRL)아일랜드AillaendeuSeamus O'ConnorSnowboarding
46 Azerbaijan (AZE)아제르바이잔AjereubaijanPatrick Brachner[34]Alpine skiing
47 Andorra (AND)안도라AndoraIrineu Esteve Altimiras[35]Cross-country skiing
48 Albania (ALB)알바니아AlbaniaSuela Mehilli[36]Alpine skiing
49 Eritrea (ERI)에리트레아EriteureaShannon-Ogbnai Abeda[37]Alpine skiing
50 Estonia (EST)에스토니아EseutoniaSaskia Alusalu[38]Speed skating
51 Ecuador (ECU)에콰도르EkwadoreuKlaus Jungbluth[39]Cross-country skiing
52 Great Britain (GBR)영국YeonggukLizzy Yarnold[40]Skeleton
53 Australia (AUS)오스트레일리아OseuteureilliaScott JamesSnowboarding
54 Austria (AUT)오스트리아OseuteuriaAnna Veith[41]Alpine skiing
55 Olympic Athletes from Russia (OAR)[lower-alpha 1]러시아 출신 올림픽 선수Reosia Chulsin Ollimpik SeonsuPOCOG VolunteerN/A
56 Uzbekistan (UZB)우즈베키스탄UjeubekiseutanKomiljon TukhtaevAlpine skiing
57 Ukraine (UKR)우크라이나UkeurainaOlena Pidhrushna[42]Biathlon
58 Iran (IRI)이란IranSamaneh Beyrami BaherCross-country skiing
59 Italy (ITA)이탈리아ItalliaArianna Fontana[43]Short track speed skating
60 Israel (ISR)[lower-alpha 2]이스라엘Iseura'elAlexei Bychenko[45]Figure skating
61 India (IND)인도IndoShiva KeshavanLuge
62 Japan (JPN)일본IlbonNoriaki Kasai[46][47]Ski jumping
63 Jamaica (JAM)자메이카JameikaAudra Segree[48][49]Bobsleigh[50]
64 Georgia (GEO)조지아JojiaMoris KvitelashviliFigure skating
65 China (CHN)중국JunggukZhou YangShort track speed skating
66 Czech Republic (CZE)체코ChekoEva Samková[51]Snowboarding
67 Chile (CHI)칠레ChilleHenrik von Appen[52]Alpine skiing
68 Kazakhstan (KAZ)카자흐스탄KajaheuseutanAbzal Azhgaliyev[53]Short track speed skating
69 Canada (CAN)캐나다KaenadaTessa Virtue & Scott Moir[54]Figure skating
70 Kenya (KEN)케냐KenyaSabrina SimaderAlpine skiing
71 Kosovo (KOS)코소보KosoboAlbin Tahiri[55]Alpine skiing
72 Colombia (COL)콜롬비아KollombiaPedro CausilSpeed skating
73 Croatia (CRO)크로아티아KeuroatiaNatko Zrnčić-Dim[56]Alpine skiing
74 Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)키르기스스탄KireugiseuseutanTariel ZharkymbaevCross-country skiing
75 Cyprus (CYP)키프로스KipeuroseuDinos LefkaritisAlpine skiing
76 Chinese Taipei (TPE)차이니스 타이베이Chainiseu TaibeiLien Te-an[57]Luge
77 Thailand (THA)태국TaegukMark ChanloungCross-country skiing[58]
78 Turkey (TUR)터키TeokiFatih Arda İpcioğluSki jumping
79 Togo (TOG)토고TogoMathilde-Amivi PetitjeanCross-country skiing
80 Tonga (TGA)통가TonggaPita Taufatofua[20] Cross-country skiing
81 Pakistan (PAK)파키스탄PakiseutanMuhammad KarimAlpine skiing
82 Portugal (POR)포르투갈PoreutugalKequyen LamCross-country skiing[59]
83 Poland (POL)폴란드PollandeuZbigniew Bródka[60] Speed skating
84 Puerto Rico (PUR)푸에르토리코PuereutorikoCharles Flaherty[20] Alpine skiing
85 France (FRA)프랑스PeurangseuMartin Fourcade[61]Biathlon
86 Macedonia (MKD)[lower-alpha 3]구유고슬라비아 마케도니아 공화국Gu-Yugoseullabia Makedonia GonghwagukStavre Jada[62]Cross-country skiing
87 Finland (FIN)핀란드PillandeuJanne Ahonen[63]Ski jumping
88 Philippines (PHI)필리핀PillipinAsa Miller[64]Alpine skiing
89 Hungary (HUN)헝가리HeonggariKonrád Nagy[65]Speed skating
90 Hong Kong (HKG)홍콩차이나Hongkong ChainaArabella NgAlpine skiing
91 Korea (COR)코리아KoriaWon Yun-jong[66] (South Korea)Bobsleigh
Hwang Chung-gum[66] (North Korea)Ice hockey


  1. The Olympic Athletes from Russia team was alphabetized under "Olympic" (올림픽 Ollimpik), although in Korean their team name begins with the word "Russia" (러시아 Reosia).
  2. Italy and Israel switched positions in the parade so that the surrounding order was Iran → Italy → Israel (Hangul alphabetical order would have dictated Iran → Israel → Italy). An IOC spokesperson stated, without elaborating, that this decision "was taken at the time to reflect the appropriate protocols."[44]
  3. Macedonia entered as its official name "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" in all languages, but paraded as if its name were "FYROM" (피롬 Pirom), between France and Finland. If it were ordered with the word "former" (구 gu), it would have marched third after Ghana.


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