List of acts of the Parliament of Scotland
This is a list of acts of the Parliament of Scotland.
English, Scottish, Irish and Great Britain legislation |
Acts of parliaments of states preceding the United Kingdom |
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It lists the acts of Parliament of the old Parliament of Scotland, that was merged with the old Parliament of England to form the Parliament of Great Britain, by the Union with England Act 1707.
The numbers after the titles of the acts are the chapter numbers. Acts are referenced using 'Year of reign', 'Monarch', c, 'Chapter number' — e.g. 16 Charles II c 2 — to define a chapter of the appropriate statute book. Chapter numbers given in the duodecimo edition, where applicable, are given in square brackets.
This list is only a partial catalogue of acts that remained on the statute books even after the Union of 1707. For a largely comprehensive edition of Scottish acts of Parliament see Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, ed. Thomas Thomson. A new edition has been edited by the Scottish Parliament Project at the University of St Andrews and is available online as the Records of the Parliaments of Scotland.
For the period after 1707, see list of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain.
15th century
Record ed: 26 May
- Church Act 1424[1] (c 1) [12mo ed: 1424 c 1] (Of the fredome of halikirk.)[2] This Act was repealed because it was superseded by 1425 c 1.[3]
- Public Peace Act 1424[4] (c 2) [12mo ed: 1424 c 2] (Of pece to be kepit throu the realme.)[2]
- Treason Act 1424[5] (c 3) [12mo ed: 1424 c 3] (Of rebellouris aganis the kingis persone.)[2]
- Treason Act 1424[6] (c 4) [12mo ed: 1424 c 4] (Of inforsing the King aganis notour rebellouris.)[2]
- Riders and Gangers Act 1424[7] (c 5) [12mo ed: 1424 c 5] (Of ridaris and gangaris throu the cuntre.)[2]
- Officers of Law Act 1424[8] (c 6) [12mo ed: 1424 c 6] (Of the ministeris and officiaris of law throu the realme.)[2]
- Sorners Act 1424[9] (c 7) [12mo ed: 1424 c 7] (Of sornaris.)[2]
- Customs and Burgh Mails Act 1424[10] (c 8) (Of the custumis and buroumaillis of the realme.)[2]
- Crown Revenues Act 1424[11] (c 9) [12mo ed: 1424 c 9] (Anent inquisicione of the kingis landis possessionis and annuel rentis.)[2]
- Supply Act 1424[12] (c 10) (Of a general yelde to be rasyt for the payment of the finance to be made in Ingland for our lord the kingis costage.)[2]
- Salmon Act 1424[13] (c 11) [12mo ed: 1424 c 10][2] (Of slauchter of salmonde in tyme forbodyne be the law.)
- Salmon Act 1424[14] (c 12) [12mo ed: 1424 c 11] (Of crufis and yaris.)[15] This Act related to "cruives and yairs, i.e. salmon traps and salmon yards or dams".[16]
- Royal Mines Act 1424[17] (c 13) [12mo ed: 1424 c 12] (Of mynis of golde and silver.) (still in force)
- Clergy Act 1424[18] (c 14) [12mo ed: 1424 c 13] (Of clarkis and thair procuratoris passand oure the see.)[2]
- Clergy Act 1424[19] (c 15) [12mo ed: 1424 c 14] (Of clerkis purchessand pensionis out of beneficis.)[2]
- Of the custum of gold and silver had oute of the realme. (c 16) [12mo ed: 1424 c 15][2]
- Of strangeris that sellis merchandise in the realme and takis mone tharfor. (c 17) [12mo ed: 1424 c 16][2]
- Football Act 1424[20] (Of playing at the fut ball.) (c 18) [12mo ed: 1424 c 17][2]
- Archers Act 1424[21] (c 19) [12mo ed: 1424 c 18] (Of archaris.)[2]
- Rooks Act 1424[22] (c 20) [12mo ed: 1424 c 19] (Of rukis biggande in treis.)[2]
- Muirburn Act 1424[23] (c 21) [12mo ed: 1424 c 20]. (Of murbyrne.)[2]
- Of the custum of hors nolt scheip and hering. (c 22) [12mo ed: 1424 c 21][2]
- Of the custum of mertrik skynnis and other furringis. (c 23) [12mo ed: 1424 c 22][2]
- Coinage Act 1424[24] (c 24) [12mo ed: 1424 c 23] (Of the amending of the mone.)[2]
- Innkeepers Act 1424[17] (c 25) [12mo ed: 1424 c 24] (Of hostilaris in burowis townis and thruchfaris.) (Repealed by the Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1989 (c 43))
- Of the age and mark of beggars and of idle men. [12mo ed: 1424 c 25][2]
- Anent the complaynt of Maister Nicholl of Cumnok apone Maister Ingrem Lindissay that he purchest in the court of Rome ane pensione out of the denry of Abirdene. (c 26)[25]
- Supply Act 1424[26] (c 27) (Of the chevisance to be maide in Flanderis for payment of the finance for the kingis costage.)[2]
Record ed: 12 March 1424 (old style)[27] [which is 1425 (new style)]
- Of the fredome of the halykirk. (c 1) [12mo ed: 1424 c 26][2]
- Anent hospitalis. (c 2) [12mo ed: 1424 c 27][2]
- Lollard Act[28] (c 3) [12mo ed: 1424 c 28] (Anontis heretikis and lollardis.)[2]
- Observance of Statutes Act 1425[29] (c 4) [12mo ed: 1424 c 29] (Anent the keping of the statutis maid in the kingis first parliament.)[2]
- Leagues Act 1425[30] (c 5) [12mo ed: 1424 c 30] (Anent ligis and bandis.)[2]
- Trade in Flanders Act 1424[31] (c 6) (Of merchandis passand in Flanderis.)[2]
- Horses Act 1425[32] (c 7) [12mo ed: 1424 c 31] (Of the selling of hors.)[2]
- Tallow Act 1425[33] (c 8) [12mo ed: 1424 c 32] (Anent talch.)[2]
- Of the pricis of vittallis. (c 9)[2]
- Theft of Green Wood Act 1424[34] or 1425[35] (c 10) [12mo ed: 1424 c 33] (Of the steyllaris of greene wode and brekaris of orchardis.)[36][2]
- Stolen Wood Act 1424[37] or 1425[38] (c 11) [12mo ed: 1424 c 34] (Of stollyn wode fundyn in uthir lordis landis.)[2]
- Salmon Act 1424[39] (c 12) (Anentis salmonde.)
- Deer Act 1424[40] or 1425[41] (c 13) [12mo ed: 1424 c 36]. (Anent stalkiris that slais deir.)[42][2]
- Reset Act 1424[43] or 1425[44] (c 14) (Of resettouris of theffis and reffaris.)[2]
- Treason Act 1425[45] (c 15) [12mo ed: 1424 c 37] (Of resettouris of rebellouris.)[2]
- Of merchandis passand our the see. (c 16) [12mo ed: 1424 c 38][2]
- Deacons of Crafts Act 1424[46] or 1425[47] (c 17). (Of dekynis of craftis.) Repealed by 1427 c 4 [12mo: c 86].[48]
- Anent the ordinance of processionis and prayeris for the king the quen and thar barntyme. (c 18)[2]
- Customs Act 1424[49] (c 19) [12mo ed: 1424 c 40] (Of the custum of wollyn clayth.)[2]
- Labourers Act 1425[50] (c 20) [12mo ed: 1424 c 41] (Anent the laboraris of the erd.)[2]
- Beggars Act 1424[51] (c 21) [12mo ed: 1424 c 42] (Of thiggaris.)[2]
- Leasing Making Act 1424[52] or 1425[53] (c 22) [12mo ed: 1424 c 43] (Anent lesing makaris.)[2]
- Wapinschaws Act 1424[54] (c 23) [12mo ed: 1424 c 44] (Of wapynschawingis.)[2]
- Poor's Counsel Act 1424[55] or 1425[56] (c 24) [12mo ed: 1424 c 45]. (Anent billis of complayntis.) Repealed by section 17(5) of, and Part I of the Eighth Schedule to, the Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 1949 (that is to say, the Legal Aid and Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1949). Repealed again by Part XII of Schedule 1 to the Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1973.
- Remissions Act 1424[57] (c 25) [12mo ed: 1424 c 46] (Anent remissionis to be gevyn.)[2]
Record ed: 11 March 1425 (old style) [which is 1426 (new style)]
- Church Act 1425[58] (c 1) (Of the fredom of the haly kirk.)[2]
- Armour to be Imported Act 1426[59] (c 2) [12mo ed: 1425 c 47] (Anent harnes and armouris to be brocht hame be merchandis.)[2]
- Law of the Land Act 1425[60] or 1426[61] (c 3) [12mo ed: 1425 c 48] (Under quhat lawis the kingis liegis salbe governyt.)[15]
- Registration of King's Letters Act 1426[62] (c 4) (Anent the registracione of lotteris of newe infeftment, confirmacion, &c.)[2]
- Of the halding of the mone within the realme. (c 5) [12mo ed: 1425 c 49][2]
- Of thame that may not gang apon assise. (c 6) [12mo ed: 1425 c 50][2]
- Forethought Felony Act 1425[63] (c 7) [12mo ed: 1425 c 51] (Of forthocht felony.)[2]
- Attendance in Parliament Act 1425[64] or 1426[65] (c 8) [12mo ed: 1425 c 52] (Of presens in the Parliament.)[2]
- Attorneys Act 1425[66] (c 9) [12mo ed: 1425 c 53] (Of attournayis in the Justice ayr.)[2]
- Statute Law Revision Act 1425[67] or 1426[68] (c 10) [12mo ed: 1425 cc 54 and 55] (Of personis to be chosyn to examyn and mend the bukis of law of this realme.)[2]
- Travellers Act 1425[69] (c 11) [12mo ed: 1425 c 56] (Anent hostelaris in boroustounis and throuchfaris.)[2]
- Of orisones to be maid for the king the queyn and thare childer. (c 12)[2]
- Anent mesuris. (c 13) [12mo ed: 1425 c 59][2]
- Anent wechtis. (c 14)[2]
- Of watter mettis. (c 15) [12mo ed: 1425 c 57][2]
- Ferries Act 1425[70] (c 16) [12mo ed: 1425 c 58] (Anent batemen and feriaris.)[2]
- Wapinschaws Act 1425[71] (c 17) [12mo ed: 1425 c 60] (Of wapinschawingis.)[2]
- Ordinance anent the passage betuix Scotlande and Irlande. (c 18) [12mo ed: 1425 cc 61 to 64][2]
- Lords of the Session Act 1425[72] or 1426[73] or the Lords of Session Act 1425[74] (c 19) [12mo ed: 1425 c 65] (Of the Sessionis to be haldin.)[2]
- Poor Act 1425[75] or 1426[76] (c 20) [12mo ed: 1425 c 66] (Anent inquisicion to be maid of ydil men that has nocht of thare awin to leif upon.)[2]
- Proclamation of Acts of Parliament Act 1425[77] or 1426[78] (c 21) [12mo ed: 1425 c 67] (Of the registracione and proclamacione of the actis of parliament.)[2]
- Assisa de ponderibus et mensuris. (c 22) [12mo ed: 1426 cc 68 to 70][2]
- Fire in Towns Act 1425[79] or 1426[80] (c 23) [12mo ed: 1426 cc 71 to 75] (Anentis fyre in townis.)[2]
Record ed: 30 September
- Anent the custum of salmondis and uthir fische. (c 1) [12mo ed: 1426 c 76][2]
- Deacons of Crafts Act 1426[81] (c 2) (Of the dekynis of craftis.)[82] Repealed by 1427 c 4 [12mo: c 86].[83]
- Craftsmen's Work Act 1426[84] (c 3) [12mo ed: 1426 c 78] (Of the price of the werk maid by craftismen.)[2]
- Wages Act 1426[85] (c 4) [12mo ed: 1426 c 79] (Of the fee of werkmen.)[2]
- Workmen Act 1426[86] (c 5) [12mo ed: 1426 c 80] (Of the punicion of werkmen that fulfillis nocht thar werk at the tyme thai hecht.)[2]
- Anent the sawing of quhete peis and benis. (c 6) [12mo ed: 1426 c 81][2]
- Castles Act 1426[87] (c 7) [12mo ed: 1426 c 82] (Anent the biggyn and reparelling of castellis and maner placis beyonde the mownth.)[2]
Record ed: 1 July
- Oaths Act 1427[88] (c 1) [12mo ed: 1426 c 83] (De juramento auditorum ad causas et querelas terminandas.)[2]
- Travellers Abroad Act 1427[89] (c 2) [12mo ed: 1426 c 84] (De financia facienda per clericos aut laicos ad partes ultramarinas se transferentes.)[2]
- Travellers Act 1427[90] (c 3) [12mo ed: 1426 c 85] (De hostellaris seu hospiciis publicis.)[2]
- Deacons of Crafts Act 1427[91] (c 4) [12mo ed: 1426 c 86] (Revocacio ordinacionum super artificum decapis.)[2]
- Spiritual Court Procedure Act 1427[92] (c 5) [12mo ed: 1426 c 87] (Pro expedicione litium in curia spirituali.)[2]
- Arbitration Act 1427[93] (c 6) [12mo ed: 1426 c 87] (De arbitriis.)[2]
- De excepcionibus falsis et frivolis. (c 7)[2]
- Jurisdiction over Scotsmen Dying Abroad Act 1427[94] (c 8) [12mo ed: 1426 c 88] (De causis mercatorum extra regnum decedencium tractandis)[15]
Record ed: 1 March 1427 (old style) [which is 1428 (new style)]
- Of thaim that has oute of the realme merchandice nocht payande the custum. (c 1) [12mo ed: 1427 c 100][2]
- Members of Parliament Act 1427[95] or 1428[96] Of the commissaris of the schiris and the commoun spekar of the parliament. (c 2) [12mo ed: 1427 c 101][2]
- Craftsmen Act 1427[97] (c 3) [12mo ed: 1427 c 102] (Anentis the men of craftis in burowis.)[2]
- Beggars Act 1427[98] (c 4) [12mo ed: 1427 c 103] (Adicioun to the statut of beggaris.)[2]
- Wolves Act 1427[99] (c 5) [12mo ed: 1427 c 104] (That baronis ger seik the quhelpis of the wolfis and sla thame.)[2]
- Of cruffis in waterris. (c 6)[2]
- Shipping Act 1427[100] or 1428[101] (c 7) (The leife to merchandis to fure thar gudis in schippis of vther cuntries.)[2]
- Lepers Act 1427[102] (c 8) [12mo ed: 1427 c 105] (Anent lipper folk.)[2]
- Barratry Act 1427[103] or 1428[104] (c 9) [12mo ed: 1427 c 106] (Anent the passage of clerkis out of the realme.)[2]
- Attendance at Courts Act 1427[105] (c 10) (That na man cum to courtis with gaddering.)[2]
- Interpretation of Acts Act 1427[106] or 1428[107] (c 11) [12mo ed: 1427 c 107] (Anent interpreting the kingis statutis.)[2]
- Wild Birds Act 1427[108] (c 12) [12mo ed: 1427 c 108] (Anent wylde foulis.)[2]
Record ed: 12 July, vol 2, p 17
Record ed: 26 April
- De fugientibus a Rege vel alio quocunque ejus locum tenente. (c 1) [12mo ed: 1429 c 110][2]
- De colonis pro anno futuro non removendis. (c 2)[2]
Record ed: 6 March
- Of mayris of fee. (c 1) [12mo ed: 1429 c 111][2]
- Of summondis. (c 2) [12mo ed: 1429 c 112][2]
- Anent excepcionis agane the kingis breifis (c 3) [12mo ed: 1429 c 113][15]
- Of essonyeis. (c 4) [12mo ed: 1429 c 114][2]
- Of borghis fundyn be defendouris apon a weir of law and thar fredome to be avisit. (c 5) [12mo ed: 1429 c 115][2]
- Of falsing of domis. (c 6) [12mo ed: 1429 c 116][2]
- Of recounteris and of the absens of the partiis at the dome geving of the docrete. (c 7) [12mo ed: 1429 c 117][2]
- Of the array of knychtis lordis vtheris. (c 8) [12mo ed: 1429 c 118][2]
- Of the array of burgessis and their wyffis. (c 9)[2]
- Of the array of yemen and commonis to landwartis. (c 10)[2]
- Anent the maner of grathing of gentilmen and utheris for weir. (c 11) [12mo ed: 1429 c 120][2]
- Anent the maner of grathing of yemen for weir. (c 12) [12mo ed: 1429 c 121][2]
- Of unlawis to be raisit of thaim nocht bodyn as is before wryttin. (c 13) [12mo ed: 1429 c 122][2]
- Lawburrows Act 1429[17] (c 20) [12mo ed: 1429 c 129] (see Lawburrows) (still in force)
- Leases Act 1449 (c 6) [12mo ed: 1449 c 18] (still in force)
- Royal Burghs Act 1487[17] (c 17) [12mo ed: c 111] (see royal burghs) (still in force)
- Education Act 1496 (c 87) (see also Education in Scotland)
16th century
- College of Justice Act 1532[17] (c 2) [12mo ed: cc 36–41] (still in force)
- Liferent Caution Act 1535[17] (c 14) [12mo ed: c 15] (still in force)
- Act of Sederunt 1540 (c 93)
Record ed: 3 December
- Citation Act 1540[17] (c 10) [12mo ed: c 75] (still in force)
Record ed: 14 March
- Confession of Faith Ratification Act 1560[17] (c 1) (still in force)
- Papal Jurisdiction Act 1560 (c 2) (still in force)
- Anentis Witchcrafts.[112] Anent the using of witchcraftis sorsarie and necromancie. (c 9)[113] (Witchcraft Act 1563)
- Anent mesouris and wechtis. (c 14)[2]
- Notaries Act 1563[17] (c 17) [12mo ed: c 79]
- Anent the demissioun of the Crowne in favouris of our Soverane lord and his Majesteis coronatioun. (c 1)[2][114] (Act Anent the demission of the Crown in favour of our Sovereign Lord, and his Majesty's Coronation 1567)
- Coronation Oath Act 1567[17] (c 8) [12mo ed: c 8] (still in force)
- Church Jurisdiction Act 1567[17] (c 12) (still in force)
- Incest Act 1567[17] (c 15) [12mo ed: c 14]
- Marriage Act 1567[17] (c 16) [12mo ed: c 15]
- Church Act 1579[17] (c 6) [12mo ed: c 68]
- Church Jurisdiction Act 1579[17] (c 7) [12mo ed: c 69]
- Sunday Act 1579[17] (c 8) [12mo ed: c 70]
- For punishment of the strang and ydle beggaris and releif of the pure and impotent. (c 12) [12mo ed: c 74][2] (Act for Punishment of Strong and Idle Beggars, and Relief of the Poor and Impotent)
- Registration Act 1579[17] (c 13) [12mo ed: c 75]
- Criminal Letters Act 1579[17] (c 16) [12mo ed: c 78] (still in force)
- Subscription of Deeds Act 1579[17] (c 18) [12mo ed: c 80] (repealed by 1995 c 7)
- Prescription (Ejections) Act 1579[17] (c 19) [12mo ed: c 81][110]
- Prescription Act 1579[17] (c 21) [12mo ed: c 83][110]
- Hornings Act 1579[17] (c 45) [12mo ed: c 94]
- Sovereignty Act 1584[17] (c 2) [12mo ed: c 129] (still in force)
- Unlawful Jurisdictions Act 1584[17] (c 4) [12mo ed: c 131] (still in force)
- Disqualification of Ministers Act 1584[17] (c 6) [12mo ed: c 133] (still in force)
- Execution of Decrees Act 1584[17] (c 15) [12mo ed: c 139]
- Decrees in Absence Act 1584[17] (c 10) [12mo ed: c 3] (repealed by the Bankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 2007)
- Curators Act 1585[17] (c 25) [12mo ed: c 18] (repealed by the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000)
- General Assembly Act 1592[17] (c 8) [12mo ed: c 116] (see General Assembly of the Church of Scotland) (still in force)
- Deposition of Ministers Act 1592[17] (c 9) [12mo ed: c 117]
- Lyon King of Arms Act 1592[17] (c 29) [12mo ed: c 127] (see Lyon King of Arms) (still in force)
- Mines and Metals Act 1592[17] (c 31) (still in force)
- Citation Act 1592[17] (c 59) [12mo ed: c 141] (still in force)
- Compensation Act 1592[17] (c 61) [12mo ed: c 143] (still in force)
- Expenses Act 1592[17] (c 62) [12mo ed: c 144] (still in force)
- Deforcement Act 1592[17] (c 72) [12mo ed: c 152] (still in force)
- Hornings Act 1593[17] (c 34) [12mo ed: c 181]
- Declinature Act 1594[17] (c 22) (repealed by the Court of Session Act 1988)
- Prescription Act 1594[17] (c 24) [12mo ed: c 218][110]
- Land Purchase Act 1594[17] (c 26) [12mo ed: c 220] (still in force)
- Ejection Caution Act 1594[17] (c 27) (repealed by the Bankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 2007)
- Parricide Act 1594[17] (c 30) [12mo ed: c 224] (repealed by the Succession (Scotland) Act 2016)[115]
17th century
- Sovereignty Act 1606[17] (c 1) [12mo ed: c 1] (see sovereignty) (still in force)
- Anent Coilyearis and Saltaris (c 2)
- Theft Act 1607 (c 6) [12mo ed: c 3] (still in force)
- Convention of Burghs Act 1607[17] (c 13) [12mo ed: c 6]
- Prescription Act 1617[17] (c 12) [12mo ed: c 12][110]
- Reduction Act 1617[17] (c 13) [12mo ed: c 13][110]
- Executors Act 1617[17] (c 14) [12mo ed: c 14] (still in force)
- Registration Act 1617[17] (c 16) [12mo ed: c 16] (still in force)
- Arrestments Act 1617[17] (c 17) [12mo ed: c 17] (repealed by the Bankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 2007)
- Dovecotes Act 1617[17] (c 19) [12mo ed: c 19]
- Diligence Act 1621[17] (c 6) [12mo ed: c 6] (repealed by the Bankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 2007)
- Adjudication Act 1621[17] (c 7) [12mo ed: c 7] (repealed by the Bankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 2007)
- Bankruptcy Act 1621[17] (c 18) [12mo ed: c 18]
- Hornings Act 1621[17] (c 20) [12mo ed: c 20]
- Act Anent Hunting and Haulking (c 31)
- Sovereignty Act 1633[17] (c 3) [12mo ed: c 3] (still in force)
- Education Act 1633 (Act V of XXXI in Legislation of 28 June 1633)
- Education Act 1646
- Crown Appointments Act 1661[17] (c 6) [12mo ed: c 2] (still in force)
- Parliament Act 1661[17] (c 7) [12mo ed: c 3] (still in force)
- Prerogative Act 1661[17] (c 13) [12mo ed: c 5] (still in force)
- Act against the crime of Blasphemy 1661 (c 21)
- Messengers of Arms Act 1661[17] (c 47)
- Anent Coal-Hewers 1661[17] (c 56)
- Precedence Act 1661[17] (c 211) (still in force)
- Poinding Act 1661[17] (c 218) [12mo ed: c. 29]
- Registration Act 1661[17] (c 243) [12mo ed: c 31] (repealed by the Abolition of Feudal Tenure etc. (Scotland) Act 2000))
- Bonds Act 1661[17] (c 244) [12mo ed: c 32] (still in force)
- Redemptions Act 1661[17] (c 247) (repealed by the Title Conditions (Scotland) Act 2003 (asp 9))
- Sunday Act 1661[17] (c 281) [12mo ed: c 18]
- Arrestments Act 1661[17] (c 283) [12mo ed: c 51] (still in force)
- March Dykes Act 1661[17] (c 284) [12mo ed: c 41] (still in force)
- Justices of the Peace Act 1661[17] (c 338) [12mo ed: c 38]
- Diligence Act 1661[17] (c 344) [12mo ed: c 62] (repealed by the Bankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 2007)
- Poinding Act 1669[17] (c 5) [12mo ed: c 4]
- Prescription Act 1669[17] (c 14) [12mo ed: c 9][110]
- Interruptions Act 1669[17] (c 15) [12mo ed: c 10][110]
- Act for annexation of Orkney and Shetland to the Crown 1669 (c 19) [12mo ed: c 13]
- March Dykes Act 1669[17] (c 38) [12mo ed: c 17] (still in force)
- Lyon King of Arms Act 1669[17] (c 95) (still in force)
- Tutors and Curators Act 1672[17] (c 2) [12mo ed: c 2] (repealed by the Age of Legal Capacity (Scotland) Act 1991)
- Summons Execution Act 1672[17] (c 6) [12mo ed: c 6]
- Writs Act 1672[17] (c 16) [12mo ed: c 7] (still in force)
- Ann Act 1672[17] (c 24) [12mo ed: c 13] (repealed by the Abolition of Feudal Tenure etc. (Scotland) Act 2000)
- Courts Act 1672[17] (c 40) [12mo ed: c 16] (still in force)
- Correction Houses Act 1672[17] (c --)
- Adjudications Act 1672[17] (c 45) [12mo ed: c 19] (repealed by the Bankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 2007)
- Lyon King of Arms Act 1672[17] (c 47) [12mo ed: c 21]
- Subscription of Deeds Act 1681[17] (c 5) [12mo ed: c 5] (repealed by Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995 (c. 7))
- Act anent Religion and the Test (c 6) (passed 31 August 1681)[116]
- Declinature Act 1681[17] (c 79) [12mo ed: c 13] (still in force)
- Act against Assassinations (c 81)
- Judicial Sale Act 1681[17] (c 83) [12mo ed: c 17]
- Oaths of Minors Act 1681[17] (c 85) [12mo ed: c 19] (repealed by 1991 c 50)
- Bills of Exchange Act 1681[17] (c 86) [12mo ed: c 20] (still in force)
- Registration Act 1681
- Act declaring the Meeting of the Estates to be a Parliament (c. 1)
- Claim of Right (1689) (c 28) [12mo ed: c 13] (still in force)
- Prelacy Act 1689[17] (c 4) [12mo ed: c 3] (still in force)
- Confession of Faith Ratification Act 1690[17] (c 7) [12mo ed: c 5] (still in force)
- Judicial Sale Act 1690[17] (c 49) [12mo ed: c 20]
- Confirmation Act 1690[17] (c 56) [12mo ed: c 26] (still in force)
- Udal Tenure Act 1690[17] (c 61) [12mo ed: c 32] (see Udal law) (repealed by the Abolition of Feudal Tenure etc. (Scotland) Act 2000)
- Teinds Act 1690[17] (c 63) [12mo ed: c 30] (repealed by the Abolition of Feudal Tenure etc. (Scotland) Act 2000)
- Citation Act 1693[17] (c 21) [12mo ed: c 12] (still in force)
- Real Rights Act 1693[17] (c 22) [12mo ed: c 13] (still in force)
- Register of Sasines Act 1693[17] (c 23) [12mo ed: c 14] (see sasine) (still in force)
- Registration Act 1693[17] (c 24) [12mo ed: c 15] (still in force)
- Interlocutors Act 1693[17] (c 31) [12mo ed: c 18]
- Ministers Act 1693[17] (c 38) [12mo ed: c 22] (still in force)
- Removings Act 1693[17] (c 40) [12mo ed: c 24] (still in force)
- Court of Session Act 1693[17] (c 42) [12mo ed: c 26] (see Court of Session) (still in force)
- Criminal Procedure Act 1693[17] (c 43) [12mo ed: c 27]
- Cautioners Act 1695[17] (c 7) [12mo ed: c 5][110]
- Judicial Sale Act 1695[17] (c 8) [12mo ed: c 6]
- Act for a Company Tradeing to Affrica and the Indies. (c 10)[118] [12mo ed: c 8][2] Company of Scotland Act (see Company of Scotland)
- Act against Blasphemy 1695 (c 11)[119]
- Runrig Lands Act 1695[17] (c 36) [12mo ed: c 23] (see run rig) (still in force)
- Act anent Executry and Moveables (c 41)
- Soil Preservation Act 1695[17] (c 54) [12mo ed c 30] (Act for Preservation of Meadowes Lands and Pasturages lying adjacent to sand hills)
- Division of Commonties Act 1695[17] (c 69) [12mo ed: c 38] (still in force)
- Act anent Letters passing the Signet (c 71) [12mo ed c. 40]
- Confirmation Act 1695[17] (c 72) [12mo ed: c 41] (still in force)
- Act for Erecting a Publick Bank[120] (c 88) (Act for erecting a Bank in Scotland)[121] (see Bank of Scotland)[122]
- Bankruptcy Act 1696[17] (c 5) [12mo ed: c 5] (Act for Declaring nottour Bankrupt)
- Tutors and Curators Act 1696[17] (c 8) [12mo ed: c 8] (repealed 1991 (c. 50))
- Prescription Act 1696[17] (c 9) [12mo ed: c 9][110]
- Act in favors of Universities Schools and Hospitalls (c 14)
- Deeds Act 1696[17] (c 15) [12mo ed: c 15] (repealed by Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995 (c 7))
- Act anent Registration of Seasins and other writts and diligences[123][124] (c. 18)
- Interuptions Act 1696[17] (c 19) [12mo ed: c 19][110]
- Vitious Intromitters Act 1696[17] (c 20) [12mo ed: c 20] (still in force)
- Blank Bonds and Trusts Act 1696[17] (c 25) [12mo ed: c 25] (repealed by the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995 (c 7))
- Education Act 1696 (c 26)
- Salmon Act 1696[17] (c 35) [12mo ed: c 33]
- Inland Bills Act 1696[17] (c 38) [12mo ed: c 36] (still in force)
- Registration Act 1696[17] (c 41) [12mo ed: c 39] (still in force)
- Act for preventing of disorders in the Supplying and Planting of vacant Churches (c 2)
- Act against Pocknet fishing upon the Water of Forth (c 3)
- Registration Act 1698[17] (c 4) [12mo ed: c 4] (repealed by the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995 (c 7))
- Act against Clandestine and Irregular Marriages (c 6)
- Act for the Ease of small Vassalls of Bishops Lands now holden of the King (c 11)
- Act for preserving of Planting (c 35) [12mo ed c 16]
- Act for settling the Communication of Trade[125] (c 39) [12mo ed: c 20]
18th century
- Criminal Procedure Act 1701[17] (c 6) [12mo ed: c 6] (Act for preventing wrongous Imprisonments and against undue delayes in Tryals)[126][127] (still in force)
- Liberation Act 1701 (c 6)
- (c 1) Act recognizeing her Majesties Royall Authority.
- (c 2) Act Adjourning the Session till the first of July next.
- (c 3) Act for Secureing the true Protestant Religion and Presbyterian Government.
- (c 4) Act Declaring the present meeting of Parliament to be a lawfull and free meeting of Parliament
- (c 7) Act for National Fast.
- (c 6) Act anent the Supply of Ten Months and a halfs Cess upon the Land Rent.
- (c 7) Act enabling her Majesty to appoint Commissioners to treat for an Union betwixt the two Kingdoms of Scotland and England.
- (c 8) Act for the Justiciary in the Highlands.
- (c 9) Act of Adjournment.
- Act Anent Peace and War
- (c 1) Act Asserting and Recognizeing her Majesties Authority.
- (c 2) Act for Secureing the true Protestant Religion and Presbyterian Government.
- (c 3) Act Ratifieing the turning the meeting of the Estates in the year 1689 into a Parliament.
- (c 4) Act anent Leesing Makers and Slanderers.
- (c 7) Act and Commission anent the Public Accounts.
- (c 8) Act Dischargeing Butchers to be Grasiers, &c.
- (c 9) Act in favors of the Company trading to Africa and the Indies.
- (c 10) Act Dischargeing Importation of Irish Victual Beef and Cattle.
- (c 11) Act continuing the Prohibition of Exporting English or Irish Wool till the next Session of Parliament inclusive.
- Wine Act (c 13) Act allowing the Importation of Wines and other Foreign Liquors.
- Act for the additional representation of barons
- Act of Security 1704
- (c 1) Act Adjourning the Session.
- (c 4) Act anent the Supply of Six Moneths Cess upon the Land Rent.
- (c 5) Act in favors of the Five Lords Commissioners of the Justiciary.
- (c 6) Act allowing the Exportation of Wool, &c.
- (c 7) Act continuing the Commission for the Publick Accounts.
- (c 8) Act for an Imposition on Foreign Ships that come into this Kingdom for bearing the charges of finishing the Maps and description of the Sea coasts and Isles &c.
- (c 47) [12mo ed: c 1] Act Discharging the Importation of English Irish and Foreign Butter and Cheese. 21 September 1705
- Fisheries Act 1705[17] (c 48) [12mo ed: c 2] Act for advancing and establishing the Fishing Trade in and about this Kingdom. 21 September 1705 (still in force)
- (c 49) [12mo ed: c 3] Act appointing a Council of Trade. 21 September 1705
- Act for a Treaty with England 1705 (c 50) [12mo ed: c 4] Act for a Treaty with England. 21 September 1705 (see Acts of Union 1707)
- (c 51) [12mo ed: c 5] Act for inconraging the Exportation of Beef and Pork. 21 September 1705
- (c 52) [12mo ed: c 6] Act Declaring Linnen and Woollen Manufacture free of duty at Exportation. 21 September 1705
- (c 53) [12mo ed: c 7] Act for a Supply of Seven Months Cess out of the Land Rent. 21 September 1705
- [12mo ed: c 10] Act of Adjournment. 21 September 1705
- c 1 Act Adjourning the Session till the first day of December next. (repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906)
- c 2 Act for a Supply of Eight Months Cess out of the Land Rent. (repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906)
- c 3 Act against all Mustors and Rendevouzes during the present Session of Parliament without Her Majesties special command. (repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906)
- c 4 Act Act adjourning the Session to the first day of January next and continueing the sitting thereof from the last of February to the lastday of March next inclusive. 3 December 1706 (repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906)
- c 5 [12mo ed: c 6] Act Adjourning the Session to the fourth day of February next to come. 2 January 1707 (repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906)
- Protestant Religion and Presbyterian Church Act 1707 also known as the Act of Security 1707 (c 6) [12mo ed: c 6] 16 January 1707 (still in force)
- Union with England Act 1707 (c 7) [12mo ed: c. 7] Act Ratifying and Approving the Treaty of Union of the Two Kingdoms of Scotland and England. 16 January 1707 (still in force)
- Election Act 1707[17] (c 8) [12mo ed: c 8] Act Settling the manner of Electing the Sixteen Peers and Forty Five Commoners to Represent Scotland in the Parliament of Great Britain. 5 February 1707 (repealed by the Electoral Administration Act 2006)
- (c 91) [12mo ed: c 13] Act for preserving the Game. 25 March 1707 (repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906)
- (c 94) [12mo ed: c 14] Act for Burying in Woollen. 25 March 1707 (repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906)
- (c 96) [12mo ed: c 15] Act concerning the Payment of the Sums out of the Equivalent to the African Company. 25 March 1707 (repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906)
- (c 97) [12mo ed: c 16] Act concerning the Pulick Debts. 25 March 1707 (repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906)
- [12mo ed: c 18] Act of Adjournment. 25 March 1707 (repealed by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906)
See also
- List of legislation in the United Kingdom
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 416.
- Repealed by the Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 (c.38), s 1 & Sch.
- Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Bill. 6 Edw 7. Bill 94: . 1906. p 3. See column headed "reasons for repeal".
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 549. The reference to chapter 12 on page 212 is a misprint for chapter 2.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 212, 531 & 550. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 495. "Treason Acts 1424": vol 2, p 549.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 550. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 495.
- Walker. A Legal History of Scotland. 1988. vol 2. p 212.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 212, 288 & 553.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 358.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 216. The reference to chapter 6 on page 216 is a misprint for chapter 8.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 212 & 359. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 621.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 215 & 416.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 213 & 519. Walker, Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 450.
- The Laws of Scotland: Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia, 1990, vol 11, p xxviii & para 2 at p 2. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 213.
- Repealed by the Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1964 (c.80), s 1 & Sch.
- A H Chaytor. "The Old Salmon Acts". Letters to a Salmon Fisher's Sons. 2nd Ed. 1919. Chapter 26. p 263 at p 264.
- The citation of this Act by this short title was authorised by the Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1964, section 2 and Schedule 2. Due to the repeal of those provisions it is now authorised by section 19(2) of the Interpretation Act 1978.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 414.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 414. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 495.
- The Laws of Scotland: Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia, 1990, vol 19, p 9 & para 1202 at p 434.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 215, 359 & 362. "Archers Act": p 251.
- Walker. A Legal History of Scotland. 1988. vol 2. p 213.
- Sheehan, Criminal Procedure, 2nd Ed, LexisNexis UK, 2003, p xxvi & para 26 at p 14. Walker, Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, pp 429 & 450.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 204.
- The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland. 1814. vol 2. p 3. "A Chronological Table of the whole Acts and Statutes of the Parliament of Scotland". Alexander. An Abridgement of the Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland. Adam and Charles Black. Edinburgh. 1841. p (3). Illustrations of the Topography and Antiquities of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff. Printed for the Spalding Club. 1857. vol 3. pp 161 & 162.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 216.
- "Dating conventions" in "Chronological Tables of Statutes, 1424 to 1707". RPS.
- Wills, A Synopsis of Scottish History, 1885, p 61
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 212.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 549.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 133.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 213.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 213.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 549 & 723. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 450.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 213.
- The title is sometimes rendered "Of the steyllaris of grene wode and brekaris of orchardis": The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland. 1814. vol 2. p 3.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 362 & 549.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 213.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 519 & 549.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 519. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 450.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 231.
- The title is sometimes rendered "Anent stalkaris that slais deir": The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland. 1814. vol 2. p 3.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 362.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 213 & 553.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 212 & 549.
- Walker. A Legal History of Scotland. 1988. vol 2. pp 444 & 562.
- Walker. A Legal History of Scotland. 1988. vol 2. pp 213.
- (1886) 17 Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow 175. Mackintosh, The History of Civilisation in Scotland, 1892, vol 1, p 405. Ancient Laws and Customs of the Burghs of Scotland, 1910, vol 2, p 11. Reid and Zimmerman, A History of Private Law in Scotland, 2000, vol 2, p 285.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 635
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 213.
- The Laws of Scotland: Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia, 1988, vol 14, p 3 & para 34 at p 24. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 359, 522 & 598. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 690.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 553. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 495.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 212 & 549.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 251.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 289; Sheehan, Criminal Procedure, 2nd Ed, LexisNexis UK, 2003, p 35. "Poor's Counsel Act": Finlay, Legal Practice in Eighteenth-Century Scotland, 2015, p 191.
- Walker. A Legal History of Scotland. 1988. vol 2. pp 212 & 325.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 522. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 745.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 416.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 215.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 131 & 212. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 404.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 251 & 286.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 212.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 212, 535 & 549. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, pp 455, 493 & 745. The reference to 1424 on page 455 is a misprint for 1425.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, pp 213 & 242
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 592.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 289. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 407.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 10, 288 & 511. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 405. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1996, vol 4, p 406. Stark, The Work of the British Law Commissions, 2017, pp xiv & 15. Fifty Years of the Law Commissions, 2016, p 3.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 212, 250 & 251.
- The Laws of Scotland: Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia, 1990, vol 11, p xxxiii & paras 1701 & 1703 at p 560. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 25.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 25.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 251.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, pp 244 & 544. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 325.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 213.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 544.
- The Laws of Scotland: Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia, 1988, vol 14, Table p 40, & volume para 34 at p 24. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 251 & 598.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 359.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 241 & 286.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 212 & 251.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 362, 444, 522, 535 & 598. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 501 & 692.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 488, as read with p 500, n 384.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 444.
- The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland. 1814. vol 2. p 4.
- (1886) 17 Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow 175. Mackintosh, The History of Civilisation in Scotland, 1892, vol 1, p 405. Ancient Laws and Customs of the Burghs of Scotland, 1910, vol 2, p 11.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 444. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 741. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1998, vol 5, p 672.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 444. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 741.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, Butterworths Lexis Nexis, 2001, vol 6 p 720.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 213 & 362.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 212, 289 & 325. The reference to p 11 of the Record Edition on page 289 is a misprint for p 14. The reference to 1426 on page 553 is a misprint for 1427.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 25.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 25.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 444.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 212 & 415. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 260.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 596.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 212 & 755. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 635.
- The Laws of Scotland: Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia, 1995, vol 16, p 11 & para 1304 at p 129. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, pp 243 & 244.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 248 & 592. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 98.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 213, 362 & 444. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 741. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, Butterworths Lexis Nexis, 2001, vol 6 p 720.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 598.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 359 & 362.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 133 & 213.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, pp 133 & 624.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 598.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 416. See further p 386.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 414.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 212.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 250.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 212.
- The Laws of Scotland: Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia, 1990, vol 11, p 34 & paras 496 & 801 at pp 224 & 314. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 519. Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1995, vol 3, p 450.
- Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, 1988, vol 2, p 213. See further p 184; and Statute Law of Scotland Abridged, 2nd Ed, 1769, p 323.
- Repealed by section 16(2) and 23(2) of, and Part I of Schedule 5 to, the Prescription and Limitation (Scotland) Act 1973
- Repealed by the Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1973
- Repealed by the Witchcraft Act 1735, section 2
- The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, 1814, vol 2, p 39
- The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, 1814, vol 3, p 4. At p 11 the title is rendered as "Anent the demissioun of the Crowne in fauouris of our Souerane Lord, and his Maiesteis Coronatioun".
- "Succession (Scotland) Act 2016". Retrieved 3 June 2021.
- Wodrow, Robert (1832). The History of the Suffering of the Church of Scotland. Vol. 3. Blackie. pp. 295–297.
- The citation of this Act by this short title was authorised by the Short Titles Act 1896, section 1 and the first schedule. Due to the repeal of those provisions it is now authorised by section 19(2) of the Interpretation Act 1978.
- The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol 9, p 15
- "Parliamentary Register 28 June 1695". Retrieved 30 May 2016.
- The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol 9, p 494
- 14 Geo 3 c 32 (1774), preamble
- See also "Act of Parliament for Erecting a Bank in Scotland":
- The Schedule to the Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 says that this is the title of this Act. Cf. The Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1964 and The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol 10, p 60.
- Sometimes called "Act anent Registration of Seasins and other writs and diligences": Laws and Acts made in the First Parliament of . . . James VII, 1685, p 497.
- Sometimes called "Act for settleing the Communication of Trade": The Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906, Schedule; The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol 10, p 176.
- The Schedule to the Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 says that this is the title of this Act. See also The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol 10, p 272.
- The title is sometimes rendered as "Act for preventing wrongful imprisonment and against undue delays in trials": Adams and Stephens (eds), Select Documents of English Constitutional History, Macmillan, 1901, p 497.
External links

- RPS (Records of the Parliaments of Scotland)
- UK Statute Law Database results for pre-Union Scottish Acts, as amended and in force today, also has text of those still in force in 1991 which have since been repealed.
- Act-Of-Union-1707