Cultural interest fraternities and sororities

Cultural interest fraternities and sororities, in the North American student fraternity and sorority system, refer to general, social organizations oriented to students having a special interest in a culture or cultural identity.

Although racial and religious restrictions have long since been abolished in all North American Interfraternity Conference and National Panhellenic Conference organizations, their memberships nationally remain predominantly Caucasian, and National Pan-Hellenic Council memberships largely African American. The new generation of cultural interest organizations has arisen to serve the interests of communities whose numbers in the traditional Greek system are historically small and dispersed.

Following is a list of national cultural interest fraternities and sororities.

African American


Organization name Symbols Nickname Chartered Founding location Type Affiliation Active


Status Reference
Alpha Epsilon Omega ΑΕΩ AEO December 20, 2000 California State University, Northridge Fraternity 9 Active [1][2]
Alpha Gamma Alpha ΑΓΑ AGA October 25, 2002 University of California, Los Angeles Sorority 1 Active [3][4]

Asian American

Asian American interest in Greek-lettered organizations began in the early 20th century. After World War II, there was a surge in participation to join these organizations, as college campuses were seeing a rise in multiculturalism.[5] Rho Psi was the first Asian American interest Greek-lettered organization and was created on the campus of Cornell University in 1916. Since then, there has been growth in these Asian American interest Greek lettered organizations across North America. There are over sixty Asian American interest Greek-lettered organizations, many of which are overseen by the National APIDA Panhellenic Association.

Active organizations are in bold, and inactive organizations are in italics.

Organization name Symbols Nickname Chartered Founding location Type Affiliation Active


Status Reference
Alpha Delta Kappa ΑΔΚ ADKs 1977 University of Southern California Sorority 1 Active [6]
alpha Kappa Delta Phi αΚΔΦ KDPhi, aKDPhi February 7, 1990 University of California, Berkeley Sorority NAPA 59 Active [7]
Alpha Kappa Omega ΑΚΩ ΑΚΩ October 16, 1996 California State University, East Bay Fraternity 3 Active [8]
Alpha Kappa Omicron [9] ΑΚO AKO, Omicrons December 3, 1997 San Francisco State University Sorority 3 Active [9]
Alpha Phi Gamma ΑΦΓ APhiG February 1, 1994 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Sorority NAPA 18 Active [7]
Alpha Psi Rho ΑΨΡ APsiRho, Rho Doggs March 1, 2000 San Diego State University Fraternity 4 Active
Alpha Sigma Lambda (local) ΑΣΛ Alpha Sigs October 15, 1993 – 2011 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Fraternity 1 Active [10]
Alpha Sigma Rho ΑΣΡ Alphas, ASR, Alpha Sigs, Lovely Ladies in Red April 2, 1998 University of Georgia Sorority NAPA 10 Active [7]
Beta Pi Phi ΒΠΦ Betas December 5, 2005 – 2018 Temple University Fraternity 0 Inactive [11]
Beta Tau Omega ΒΤΩ BTO August 28, 1995 Texas A&M University Fraternity 1 Active [12][13]
Beta Upsilon Delta ΒΥΔ Buds August 21, 1998 University of California, Riverside Fraternity 2 Active [14][15]
Chi Alpha Delta ΧΑΔ Chis 1928 University of California, Los Angeles Sorority 1 Active
Chi Delta Sigma ΧΔΣ Chi D Sig, Cranes February 8, 2007 Washington State University Sorority 1 Active
Chi Delta Theta ΧΔΘ Chi Delts October 13, 1989 University of California, Santa Barbara Sorority 7 Active
Chi Rho Omicron ΧΡΟ XPOs February 16, 1995 California State University, Fresno Fraternity 10 Active
Chi Sigma Alpha ΧΣΑ Chi Sigs September 2, 2002 University of Washington, Seattle Sorority 2 Active
Chi Sigma Tau ΧΣΤ Chi Sigs, CST September 9, 1999 University of Illinois at Chicago Fraternity NAPA 9 Active [7]
Delta Chi Lambda ΔΧΛ DChiL October 12, 2000 University of Arizona Sorority 3 Active
Delta Chi Psi ΔΧΨ Deltas, DXPsi December 18, 2004 Temple University Fraternity 1 Active
Delta Lambda Chi ΔΛΧ DLC February 9, 2002 University of California, Irvine Sorority 2 Active
Delta Phi Gamma ΔΦΓ DPG April 1, 1998 University of California, Irvine Sorority 1 Active
Delta Phi Kappa ΔΦΚ Deltas May 6, 1960 University of Southern California Sorority 1 Active
Delta Phi Lambda ΔΦΛ DPhiL December 5, 1998 University of Georgia Sorority NAPA 24 Active [7]
Eta Mu Theta ΗΜΘ Etas, Tigers February 25, 2015 California State University, Chico Fraternity 1 Active
Gamma Beta ΓΒ GBs May 1, 2000 University of Texas at Austin Fraternity 6 Active
Gamma Epsilon Omega ΓΕΩ Gammas 1963 University of Southern California Fraternity 1 Active
Kappa Beta Zeta ΚΒΖ KBZ November 20, 2011 University of California, Irvine Fraternity 1 Active
Kappa Gamma Delta ΚΓΔ KGD April 17, 1997 Indiana University Bloomington Sorority 1 Active
Kappa Lambda Delta ΚΛΔ Kappa Ds September 19, 2005 Texas Christian University Sorority 1 Active
Kappa Phi Lambda ΚΦΛ Kappas, KPL March 9, 1995 Binghamton University Sorority NAPA 39 Active [7]
Kappa Pi Beta ΚΠΒ KPiB March 16, 2000 Northern Illinois University Fraternity 5 Active
Kappa Psi Epsilon ΚΨΕ Kappas March 28, 1996 CSULB Sorority 2 Active
Kappa Zeta Phi ΚΖΦ Kappas December 1960 California State University, Los Angeles Sorority 3 Active
Lambda Alpha Phi ΛΑΦ Lambdas, LAP January 1, 1997 Indiana University Bloomington Fraternity 1 Active
Lambda Delta Psi ΛΔΨ LDPsi, LDY, Ladybugs May 1, 2009 University of Oklahoma Sorority 5 Active
Lambda Phi Epsilon ΛΦΕ Lambdas, LPhiE, LFE February 25, 1981 University of California, Los Angeles Fraternity NAPA. NIC 70 Active [7]
Lambda Psi Rho ΛΨΡ Rhos February 11, 2006 University of Nevada, Reno Fraternity 1 Active
Lambda Theta Delta ΛΘΔ LTD March 2, 1983 University of California, Irvine Fraternity 1 Active
Nu Alpha Phi ΝΑΦ Naphi, Nappys, Naps March 18, 1994 State University of New York at Albany Fraternity 9 Active
Omega Phi Gamma ΩΦΓ Omegas, OPhiG May 21, 1995 University of Texas at Austin Fraternity 7 Active
Omega Sigma Tau ΩΣΤ Omegas, OST March 9, 1996 University of California, Los Angeles Fraternity 1 Active
Omega Xi Delta ΩΞΔ Omegas, Dub Xi Dee 1994 California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Fraternity 1 Active
Phi Alpha Omicron ΦΑΟ PhiAO February 9, 2011 California State University, Fresno Sorority 1 Active
Phi Delta Alpha ΦΔΑ Phi Dee April 2, 2002 University of Oklahoma Sorority 2 Active
Phi Delta Sigma ΦΔΣ FDS August 7, 2007 University of Maryland, College Park Fraternity 1 Active
Phi Zeta Tau ΦΖΤ Phis, PZT February 10, 1983 University of California, Irvine Sorority 1 Active
Pi Alpha Phi ΠΑΦ P.A.Phi's, Pineapples February 1, 1929 University of California, Berkeley Fraternity NAPA 28 Inactive [7]
Pi Delta Psi ΠΔΨ PDPsi, Pi's February 20, 1994 Binghamton University Fraternity NAPA 31 Active [7]
Psi Chi Omega ΨΧΩ Psi Chi's January 24, 1992 University of California, San Diego Fraternity 6 Active
Rho Delta Chi ΡΔΧ Rhos January 17, 1991 University of California, Riverside Sorority 6 Active
Rho Psi ΡΨ Su Yu She 1916 Cornell University Fraternity
Sigma Omicron Pi ΣΟΠ S.O.Pi 1930 San Francisco State University Sorority NAPA 13 Active
Sigma Phi Omega ΣΦΩ Sigmas 1949 University of Southern California Sorority 10 Active
Sigma Psi Zeta ΣΨΖ SYZ, Sigmas March 23, 1994 University at Albany Sorority NAPA 39 Active [7]
Sigma Sigma Rho ΣΣΡ Sigma Rhos December 10, 1998 St. John’s University Sorority NAPA 28 Active [7]
Tau Theta Pi ΤΘΠ Taus, Ladybugs November 24, 1998 University of Southern California Sorority 4 Active
Tau Kappa Omega ΤΚΩ Taikos March 9, 2002 University of Oklahoma Fraternity 2 Active
Theta Delta Beta ΘΔΒ The Dark Boyz, Thetas May 25, 1990 University of California, Irvine Fraternity 5 Active
Theta Kappa Phi ΘΚΦ Thetas 1959 University of California, Los Angeles Sorority 1 Active
Theta Lambda Beta ΘΛΒ The Lost Boys, Thetas September 20, 2010 University of Illinois, Chicago Fraternity 1 Active
Xi Kappa ΞΚ XK February 28, 1998 University of Georgia Fraternity 3 Active
Zeta Epsilon Tau ΖΕΤ ZET 1971 Originally University of Southern California moved to California State University, Long Beach Fraternity 1 Active [16]
Zeta Phi Rho ΖΦΡ Zetas August 20, 1995 California State University, Long Beach Fraternity 10 Active



Organization name Symbols Nickname Chartered Founding location Type Affiliation Active


Status Reference
Alpha Phi Delta * ΑΦΔ APD November 5, 1914 Syracuse University Fraternity NIC 48 Active


Sigma Lambda Beta


These organizations do not identify with a specific cultural identity. Some may fall under associations that cater to specific cultural backgrounds, however, the organization itself refers to itself as Multicultural.

Organization name Symbols Nickname Chartered Founding location Type Affiliation Active


Status Reference
Alpha Theta Gamma ΑΘΓ Lavender Ladies, ATG April 10, 2003 University of Maryland College Park Sorority 1 Active
Beta Xi Chi ΒΞΧ Wolfpack November 11, 1998 Texas A&M University Fraternity 1 Active
Chi Sigma Xi ΧΣΞ CSX April 1, 2010 University of Toronto Scarborough Sorority 1 Active
Delphic of Gamma Sigma Tau ΓΣΤ Delphics, GST October 13, 1871 State University of New York at Geneseo Fraternity 2 Active
Delta Alpha Omega ΔΑΩ Dayo, Omega August 22, 2001 University of Texas at Arlington Fraternity 1 Active
Delta Alpha Sigma ΔΑΣ P.I.N.K. Ladies, Pinkies March 10, 2004 University of Texas at Arlington Sorority 5 Active
Delta Gamma Pi ΔΓΠ D G Pies, Roses November 11, 1998 Towson University Sorority 1 Active
Delta Psi Alpha ΔΨΑ DPsi, Delta Psi November 24, 1998 Northern Illinois University Fraternity 1 Active
Delta Psi Sigma ΔΨΣ DYS, Deltas January 14, 2001 4 Sorority 3 Active
Delta Sigma Chi ΔΣΧ DSC, Divine Sisters of Chi November 27, 1996 New York City College of Technology Sorority NMGC 11 Active
Delta Xi Nu ΔΞΝ Xi Honeys October 7, 1997 Texas A&M University Sorority NMGC 20 Active
Delta Xi Phi ΔΞΦ D-Xi, Xi-Phi, DXP April 20, 1994 University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign Sorority NMGC 23 Active
Epsilon Sigma Rho ΕΣΡ Sigma Rho's, Rho Dawgz, Rho's March 2, 1986 California State University, Sacramento Fraternity 8 Active
Gamma Beta Lambda ΓΒΛ Gammahouse October 2, 1963 Northern Ontario Fraternity
Gamma Omega Delta ΓΩΔ GQD November 21, 1992 SUNY New Paltz/Binghamton University Fraternity
Gamma Phi Epsilon ΓΦΕ GPhiE March 1994 San Diego State University Fraternity 1 Active
Iota Nu Kappa ΙΝΚ Nu-Kapps September 13, 2010 University of Maine[17] Fraternity 1 Active
Kappa Lambda Xi ΚΛΞ KLXi October 3, 2000 University of Maryland, College Park Sorority 1 Active
Kappa Sigma Psi ΚΣΨ Kappas KSP, K-Psi January 30, 2016 University of Ontario Institute of Technology Sorority 2 Active
Lambda Phi Xi ΛΦΞ Lady Xi January 27, 2004 Michigan State University & Purdue University Calumet Sorority 5 Active
Lambda Psi Delta ΛΨΔ Diamonds, Diamond Girls March 9, 1997 Yale University Sorority 13 Active
Lambda Sigma Gamma ΛΣΓ LSG October 24, 1986 Sacramento State University Sorority NMGC 26 Active
Lambda Tau Omega ΛΤΩ Enchanting Mermaids October 9, 1988 Montclair State College Sorority NMGC 26 Active
Lambda Xi Beta ΛΞΒ Lambda Xis, LXBs December 1, 2012 New York City Chapter Sorority 1 Active
Mu Sigma Upsilon ΜΣΥ MUs November 21, 1981 Rutgers University Sorority NMGC 64 Active
Omega Delta ΩΔ Oh Deez January 19, 1997 University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign Fraternity 8 Active
Omega Delta Phi ΩΔΦ O D Phi November 25, 1987 Texas Tech University Fraternity 78 Active
Omega Phi Chi ΩΦΧ O P C November 9, 1988 Rutgers University Sorority NMGC 26 Active
Omega Phi Kappa ΩΦΚ O-Phi February 1, 1995 Sacred Heart University Fraternity 1 Active
Phi Chi Epsilon ΦΧΕ PCE, Royal Ladies November 12, 1990 New Jersey City University Sorority 1 Active
Psi Sigma Phi ΨΣΦ PSP, Phimen December 12, 1990 Montclair State University and New Jersey City University Fraternity NMGC 19 Active
Sigma Alpha Zeta ΣΑΖ Sigma's October 17, 1992 California State University, Fresno Sorority 8 Active
Sigma Beta Rho ΣΒΡ SigRho August 16, 1996 University of Pennsylvania Fraternity NIC, NMGC 61 Active
Sigma Omega Phi ΣΩΦ SOPhi's April 26, 1990 California State University, Chico Sorority 1 Active
Sigma Theta Psi ΣΘΨ Sigmas, STP November 13, 1991 San Jose State University Sorority 13 Active
Tau Phi Sigma ΤΦΣ November 11, 1992 University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign Fraternity NIC 9 Active
Theta Delta Sigma ΘΔΣ Thetas, TDS, Transcendent Siblings April 15, 2001 University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Gender Inclusive 12 Active
Theta Nu Kappa ΘΝΚ Nesskuhs November 20, 2007 University of California, Santa Barbara Fraternity 1 Active
Theta Nu Xi ΘΝΞ TNX, Butterflies, Theta Women April 11, 1997 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Sorority NMGC 58 Active
Upsilon Kappa Delta ΥΚΔ UKD December 10, 1993 California State University, Chico Sorority 5 Active
Zeta Chi Phi ΖΧΦ Zee-Chi, Zetas, ZCP January 30, 2003 University of Texas at San Antonio Sorority 3 Active
Zeta Phi Rho ΖΦΡ ZOP, ZFR, Zetas August 10, 1995 California State University, Long Beach Fraternity 10 Active
Zeta Sigma Chi ΖΣΧ Z-Chi March 3, 1991 Northern Illinois University Sorority 22 Active


Organization name Symbols Nickname Chartered Founding location Type Affiliation Active


Status Reference
Alpha Upsilon Nu ΑΥΝ AUN 2007 Toronto, Canada Fraternity
Gamma Gamma Chi ΓΓΧ Gammas, Gamma Ladies, GGChi April 3, 2005 Greensboro, North Carolina Sorority 2 Active
Mu Delta Alpha ΜΔΑ Muslimahs for Change 2016 University of Texas at Dallas Sorority 5 Active
Xi Delta Pi ΞΔΠ XDP October 20, 2009 George Washington University Sorority 1 Active
Alpha Lambda Mu ΑΛΜ Alif Laam Meem February 12, 2013 University of Texas at Dallas Fraternity 7 Active

Native American

Organization name Symbols Nickname Chartered Founding location Type Affiliation Active


Status Reference
Alpha Pi Omega ΑΠΩ APiO, Queen Bees September 1, 1994 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Sorority 21 Active
Beta Sigma Epsilon ΒΣΕ Beta Sig, Horned Toads, Beta January 1, 2000 University of Arizona Fraternity 1 Active
Epsilon Chi Nu EXN E Chi Nu January 1, 1996 East Carolina University Fraternity
Gamma Delta Pi ΓΔΠ GDP, Butterflies August 27, 2000 University of Oklahoma Sorority 1 Active
Iota Gamma ΙΓ Phoenixes, Indigenous Gentlemen October 22, 2004 University of Oklahoma Fraternity 4 Active [18][lower-alpha 1]
Phi Sigma Nu ΦΣΝ Nu Tribe, Nu Warriors, Phi Nu's, Nu's February 13, 1996 University of North Carolina at Pembroke Fraternity 5 Active
Sigma Omicron Epsilon ΣΟΕ SOE March 30, 1997 East Carolina University Sorority 3 Active


Organization name Symbols Nickname Chartered Founding location Type Affiliation Active


Status Reference
Kappa Omega Sigma ΚΩΣ KOS August 17, 2012 University of Maryland Fraternity
Sigma Pi Sigma Psi ΣΠΣ May 18, 2009 University of California, Los Angeles Sorority 1 Active

South Asian

Organization name Symbols Nickname Chartered Founding location Type Affiliation Active


Status Reference
Alpha Iota Omicron ΑΙΟ AIO October 16, 1998 University of Michigan Fraternity 3 Active
Beta Chi Theta ΒΧΘ Beta Chi, BCT June 2, 1999 University of California, Los Angeles Fraternity NIC, NAPA 29 Active [7]
Beta Kappa Gamma ΒΚΓ BKG May 6, 1999 University of Texas at Austin Fraternity 1 Active
Chi Psi Beta XΨB Chi Psi November 18, 1998 Texas A&M University Fraternity 1 Active
Beta Kappa Gamma ΒΚΓ BKG May 6, 1999 University of Texas at Austin Fraternity 1 Active
Delta Epsilon Psi ΔΕΨ DEPsi, D E Psi October 1, 1998 University of Texas at Austin Fraternity NIC, NAPA 35 Active [7]
Delta Epsilon Sigma Iota ΔΕΣΙ Desi December 12, 1997 University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Fraternity 2 Active
Delta Kappa Delta ΔΚΔ B.E.T.I.S., DKD October 1, 1999 Texas A&M University Sorority NAPA 15 Active [7]
Delta Phi Omega ΔΦΩ DPO December 6, 1998 University of Houston Sorority NAPA 49 Active [7]
Delta Sigma Iota ΔΣΙ Delta Men, King Cobras, DSI August 15, 2000 Pennsylvania State University, University Park Campus Fraternity NAPA 8 Active [7]
Delta Theta Psi ΔΘΨ DTPsi January 14, 2002 University of Michigan Sorority 1 Active
Iota Nu Delta ΙΝΔ IND February 7, 1994 Binghamton University Fraternity NAPA, NIC 31 Active [7]
Kappa Phi Gamma ΚΦΓ KPhiG November 8, 1998 University of Texas at Austin Sorority NAPA 19 Active [7]
Sigma Beta Rho ΣΒΡ SigRho August 16, 1996 University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia Fraternity NAPA 57 Active [7][lower-alpha 2]
Sigma Sigma Rho ΣΣΡ SigSig December 10, 1998 St. Johns University Sorority NAPA 27 Active


  1. Group was called Sigma Nu Alpha Gamma until a rebranding decision in the summer of 2022.
  2. Sigma Beta Rho started as a South Asian interest group but became a multicultural fraternity.

See also


  1. "Alpha Epsilon Omega Fraternity Inc. - Highlander Link". University of California, Riverside. Retrieved 2023-02-10.
  2. "Chapters – Alpha Epsilon Omega". Retrieved 2023-02-10.
  3. "Alpha Gamma Alpha Sorority - Highlander Link". University of California, Riverside. Retrieved 2023-02-10.
  4. "Alpha Gamma Alpha". Alpha Gamma Alpha. Retrieved 2023-02-10.
  5. "About". National APIDA Panhellenic Association. Retrieved 2020-02-01.
  6. "Welcome to Our Sisterhood". University of Southern California Alpha Delta Kappa. Retrieved 2023-02-10.
  7. "About". National APIDA Panhellenic Association. Retrieved 2023-02-10.
  8. "Alpha Kappa Omega Fraternity, Inc. - BaySync". California State University East Bay. Retrieved 2023-02-10.
  9. "HOME". akomicron. Retrieved 2024-03-14.
  10. "Cal Poly Pomona Sanctions Two Fraternities for Hazing | PolyCentric". Retrieved 2023-02-04.
  11. Greta Anderson (2018-11-27). "Temple's AEPi chapter removed from campus - The Temple News". Retrieved 2023-02-04.
  12. "Beta Tau Omega | Multicultural Greek Council". Texas A&M University. Retrieved 2023-02-10.
  13. "Home". Beta Tau Omega. Retrieved 2023-02-10.
  14. "Beta Upsilon Delta". Beta Upsilon Delta. Retrieved 2023-02-10.
  15. "Beta Upsilon Delta | SJNY Engage". St. Joseph's University, New York. Retrieved 2023-02-10.
  16. "About". Retrieved 2022-12-29.
  17. "Campus Activities & Student Engagement". Iota Nu Kappa - Campus Activities & Student Engagement. The University of Maine. Retrieved 25 March 2019.
  18. "Iota Gamma". University of Oklahoma. Retrieved 2023-02-17.
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