
Negrophobia is a term for anti-Black sentiment, which is also called anti-Black racism or anti-Blackness. It is characterized by prejudice, collective hatred, and discrimination or extreme aversion towards those who are regarded as Black people, such as sub-Saharan Africans, as well as a loathing of Black culture worldwide. Caused, among other factors, by racism and traumatic events and circumstances, symptoms of this form of xenophobia include, but are not limited to: the attribution of negative characteristics to Black and Coloured people; the fear or strong dislike or dehumanization of Black and Coloured men; and the objectification (including sexual objectification) of Black and Coloured women.[1]

A gathering of White supremacists of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) in Baltimore in 1923. Designated as a far-right terrorist organization, the KKK first emerged in the American South in the 19th century and is widely considered to be the most notorious Negrophobic group in the country, having peaked in the 1920s with approximately six million members.

Mixed-race people in South Africa are referred to as Coloureds or Cape Coloureds. This term includes individuals with a mixed-race descent that can include African, Asian, and European ethnic heritage.[2] The term "Coloured" is considered neutral in South African society and is commonly used to refer to individuals who self-identify as such.[3] However, in some Western countries, such as the United Kingdom and the United States, the term "Coloured" has a negative connotation and can be seen as derogatory because it was historically used as a means of categorizing Black individuals and reinforcing racial hierarchies.[4] The word persists as a neutral descriptor in the names of some older organizations, such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in the United States.

The 1911 South African census played a significant role in shaping the country's racial identities. The enumeration process involved specific instructions for classifying individuals into different racial categories, and the category of "Coloured persons" was used to refer to all people of mixed race. This included various ethnicities, such as Khoikhoi, San, Cape Malays, Griquas, Korannas, Creoles, Negroes, and Cape Coloureds.

What is particularly noteworthy about the classification of "Coloured persons" is that it included individuals of Black African descent, who were commonly known as Negroes. As a result, Coloureds or Cape Coloureds, as a group of mixed-race descent individuals, also have Black African ancestry and can be considered part of the broader African diaspora.[5]

The racial category of Coloureds is a multifaceted and heterogeneous group that exhibits great diversity. Analogously, they can be compared to Black Americans, whose population is composed of approximately 75% West African and 25% Northern European ancestry. However, the Cape Coloureds possess an even greater level of complexity due to the presence of Bantu ancestry in their genetic makeup, which is closely linked to the predominantly West African heritage of Black Americans.[6][7]

While Coloureds in South Africa do have Black African ancestry, it is important to recognize that they have a distinct identity and experiences that differ from those of Black South Africans.

Despite this, there are instances where Coloureds may face discrimination and prejudice based on their mixed-race descent and Black African ancestry.

Furthermore, some individuals who hold prejudiced attitudes towards Black people may also hold negative attitudes towards Coloureds, viewing them as inferior or less desirable due to their mixed-race heritage.



The hybrid word negrophobia consists of two components: negro and phobia. As such, it literally derives from "Fear of black":

Other terms with similar meanings include antiblackness and blackophobia.[8][9] However, some publishers have discouraged designating individuals as blackophobes or negrophobes and rather highlight the general epithet that is usually applied to racists.[10]

Although melanophobia is sometimes confused with negrophobia, the former term is more commonly applied to situations involving inanimate objects that are very dark or black.[11] Negrophobia is also distinct from Afrophobia, which is a perceived fear of the various cultures and peoples of Africa and the African diaspora irrespective of their racial origin. Unlike negrophobia, Afrophobia is thus essentially a cultural rather than a racial phenomenon.[12]

Debates over definitions

There are differences in the senses that are applied to negrophobes or the noun Negrophobia. Some senses use the term to describe a discriminatory sentiment towards people who may identify with the Black race.[13] Accordingly, the latter sense adopts the notion that a person with Negrophobia believes that his or her race is superior to the Black race through xenophobia.[14] However, an alternative definition stays true to the original clinical meaning of the suffix phobia. Thereby, Negrophobia would be associated not with racism, but rather with those who critically fear the Black race.[15] In July 2010, a segment on Negrophobia was featured on The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC.[16][17][18][19][20]


Historical context

In Europe, Negrophobia finds its roots in the 17th century due to its extensive historical colonisation and slavery.[21] According to certain sources, the term Negrophobia would have been forged on the model of the word Nigrophilism, itself first appearing in 1802 in Baudry des Lozières's Les égarements du nigrophilisme.[21] It further reappeared in January 1927 in Lamine Senghor's La voix des nègres, a monthly anti-colonialist newspaper. The term was later popularised by Frantz Fanon, especially in his works Peaux noires masques blancs and Les Damnés de la Terre.[21] More recently in 2005, an anti-negrophobia brigade (BAN) was created in France to protest against increasing targeted acts and occurrences of police violence.[21] The latter protest movements notably underwent severe police violence in the Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris during the 2011 and 2013 abolition of slavery commemorations.[21]

Negrophobia and identity

More specifically on Fanon's analysis of Negrophobia, the psychiatrist was the first to introduce the concept of Black Negrophobia, pointing to the hatred of Black people and Black culture by Black people themselves.[1] Indeed, he asserts that Negrophobia is a form of "trauma for white people of the Negro".[22] Equivalent to internalised racism caused by the trauma of living in a culture defining Black people as inherently evil, Fanon emphasises the slight existing cultural intricacies caused by the vast diversity of Black people and cultures, as well as the nature of their colonisation by White Europeans.[1] The symptoms of such Black Negrophobia include a rejection of their native or ethnic language in favour of European languages, a marked preference for European cultures over Black cultures, and a tendency to surround themselves with lighter skinned people rather than darker skinned ones.[1] Similarly, the pattern further includes attributing negative characteristics to Black people, culture, and things. Toni Morrison's novel The Bluest Eye (1970) stands as an illustrative work on the destroying effects of Negrophobia among the Black community on themselves.[23] Indeed, the main character, Pecola Breedlove, through her non-reconciliation with her Black identity, her Black societal indifference and her craving for symbolic blue eyes, presents all the signs of an internalised Negrophobia.[23] She develops an anti-Black neurosis due to her feeling of non-existence both within the White and her own community.[23]

While the latter theoretical framework is academically debated, Fanon insists on the nature of Negrophobia as a socio-diagnosis, thus characterising not individuals but rather entire societies and their patterns.[1] Fanon thereby implies that Negrophobia is a cross-disciplinary area of research, justifying that its analysis and understanding may not be confined to the psychological field.[1]

Negrophobia and law

The notion of involuntary Negrophobia is highly debated in the academic and legal arenas, specifically opposing instrumentalists and non-instrumentalists. The former are favourable to the involuntary nature of a post-traumatic stress disorder, thereby defending the uncontrollable nature of a defendant's actions.[24] This approach focusses on the personal culpability of the individual defendant,[24] thus disregarding any possible social implications. On the other hand, instrumentalists do consider such broader implications, viewing the law as an object of social change and claiming to promote the general welfare by refusing to recognise legal claims damaging the integrity of the legal.[25] This view criticises non instrumentalists for equating Negrophobia with insanity by allowing a person's racial fear to legally justify and even excuse violent behaviour.[25] Following widespread claims that sane but guilty defendants may exploit the insanity defence to escape long prison sentences,[26] a similar skepticism with respect to defences invoking Negrophobia would result in significant distrust in the legal and criminal justice system, thereby indirectly destroying the legitimacy of such courts.[26]

Anti-blackness in education and organization studies

In response to Black Lives Matter organizing contemporary scholars of Education, Human Resource Development, and Critical Management Studies have begun focusing on anti-Blackness in schools and places of business.[27][28][29][30][31] These efforts build on established critical race discourses in their respective field and incorporate concepts from Afropessimism.[32]

See also


  1. Brooks, Adia A. (2012). "Black Negrophobia and Black Self-Empowerment: Afro-Descendant Responses to Societal Racism in São Paulo, Brazil" (PDF). UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research. XV: 2. Retrieved 4 May 2020.
  2. Kline Jr. 1958, p. 8254.
  3. Stevenson & Waite 2011, p. 283.
  4. "Is the word 'coloured' offensive?". BBC News. 9 November 2006. Retrieved 5 June 2019.
  5. Moultrie, Tom A.; Dorrington, Rob E. (August 2012). "Used for ill; used for good: a century of collecting data on race in South Africa". Ethnic and Racial Studies. 35 (8): 1447–1465. doi:10.1080/01419870.2011.607502.
  6. Khan, Razib (June 16, 2011). "The Cape Coloureds are a mix of everything". Discover. Retrieved March 2, 2023.
  7. Christopher, A. J. (2002). "'To Define the Indefinable': Population Classification and the Census in South Africa". Area. 34 (4): 401–408. doi:10.1111/1475-4762.00097. ISSN 0004-0894. JSTOR 20004271.
  8. Rieger 2013, p. 177.
  9. Adem & Mazrui 2013, p. 105.
  10. Ball 2013, p. xxvi.
  11. Klaffke 2003, p. 181.
  12. Achola 1992, p. 127.
  13. Wolfrum 1999, p. 492.
  14. Hankela 2014, p. 88.
  15. McCulloch 2002, p. 73.
  16. Maddow, Rachel (July 21, 2010). "Scaring white people for fun and profit". MSNBC.
  17. James 2019.
  18. Armour 1997, p. 2.
  19. Bauerlein 2001, p. 3.
  20. HarperCollins Publishers (2022). "Negrophobia". The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Retrieved 1 March 2024.
  21. Une Autre Histoire (13 January 2015). "Négrophobie". Retrieved 6 May 2020.
  22. Anthony C. Alessandrini (3 August 2005). Frantz Fanon: Critical Perspectives. Routledge. p. 153. ISBN 978-1-134-65657-8.
  23. Maleki, Nasser and Haj'jari and Mohammad-Javad (2015). "Negrophobia and Anti-Negritude in Morrison's The Bluest Eye". Epiphany: Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies. 8: 69. Retrieved 7 May 2020.
  24. Armour 1997, p. 64.
  25. Armour 1997, p. 65.
  26. Armour 1997, p. 66.
  27. Bell, Myrtle P.; Berry, Daphne; Leopold, Joy; Nkomo, Stella (January 2021). "Making Black Lives Matter in academia: A Black feminist call for collective action against anti‐blackness in the academy". Gender, Work & Organization. 28 (S1): 39–57. doi:10.1111/gwao.12555. ISSN 0968-6673. S2CID 224844343.
  28. Bohonos, Jeremy W (July 2023). "Workplace hate speech and rendering Black and Native lives as if they do not matter: A nightmarish autoethnography". Organization. 30 (4): 605–623. doi:10.1177/13505084211015379. ISSN 1350-5084. S2CID 236294224.
  29. Dumas, Michael J. (2016-01-02). "Against the Dark: Antiblackness in Education Policy and Discourse". Theory into Practice. 55 (1): 11–19. doi:10.1080/00405841.2016.1116852. ISSN 0040-5841. S2CID 147252566.
  30. Dumas, Michael J.; ross, kihana miraya (April 2016). ""Be Real Black for Me": Imagining BlackCrit in Education". Urban Education. 51 (4): 415–442. doi:10.1177/0042085916628611. ISSN 0042-0859. S2CID 147319546.
  31. Bohonos, Jeremy W.; Sisco, Stephanie (June 2021). "Advocating for social justice, equity, and inclusion in the workplace: An agenda for anti‐racist learning organizations". New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education. 2021 (170): 89–98. doi:10.1002/ace.20428. ISSN 1052-2891. S2CID 240576110.
  32. Wilderson 2021.

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