B♭ (musical note)

B (B-flat), or, in some European countries, B, is the eleventh step of the Western chromatic scale (starting from C). It lies a diatonic semitone above A and a chromatic semitone below B,[1] thus being enharmonic to A, even though in some musical tunings, B will have a different sounding pitch than A. B-flat is also enharmonic to Cdouble flat (C-double flat).

{ \new Staff \with{ \magnifyStaff #3/2 } << \time 2/1 \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f { \clef bass bes1_B-flat \clef treble bes' } >> }

When calculated in equal temperament with a reference of A above middle C as 440 Hz, the frequency of the B above middle C is approximately 466.164 Hz.[2] See musical pitch for a discussion of historical variations in frequency.

While orchestras tune to an A provided by the oboist,[3] wind ensembles usually tune to a B-flat provided by a tuba, horn, or clarinet.

In Germany, Russia, Poland, Scandinavia and Slovakia this pitch is designated B, with 'H' used to designate the B-natural. Since the 1990s, B-flat is often denoted Bb or "Bess" instead of B in Swedish music textbooks. Natural B is called "B" by Swedish jazz and pop musicians, but still denoted H in classical music. See B (musical note) and Note names and their history for explanations.

Designation by octave

Scientific designation Helmholtz designation Octave name Frequency (Hz)
B−1B͵͵͵ or ͵͵͵B or BBBBSubsubcontra14.568
B0B͵͵ or ͵͵B or BBBSubcontra29.135
B1B͵ or ͵B or BBContra58.27


Common scales beginning on B

Diatonic scales

  • B Ionian: B C D E F G A B
  • B Dorian: B C D E F G A B
  • B Phrygian: B C D E F G A B
  • B Lydian: B C D E F G A B
  • B Mixolydian: B C D E F G A B
  • B Aeolian: B C D E F G A B
  • B Locrian: B C D E F G A B

Jazz melodic minor

  • B ascending melodic minor: B C D E F G A B
  • B Dorian ♭2: B C D E F G A B
  • B Lydian augmented: B C D E F G A B
  • B Lydian dominant: B C D E F G A B
  • B Mixolydian ♭6: B C D E F G A B
  • B Locrian ♮2: B C D E F G A B
  • B altered: B C D Edouble flat F G A B


  1. "B-flat (note) on Piano, Guitar, and Ukulele". Musicca. Retrieved 2024-01-18.
  2. Suits, B. H. (1998). "Physics of Music Notes - Scales: Just vs Equal Temperament". MTU.edu. Michigan Technological University. Retrieved 5 February 2024.
  3. "Why does the orchestra tune to the oboe?". Rockford Symphony Orchestra. Retrieved 2024-01-18.

See also

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