Biblia Hebraica Quinta

The Biblia Hebraica Quinta Editione, abbreviated as BHQ or rarely BH5, is the fifth edition of the Biblia Hebraica. When completed, it will supersede the fourth edition, the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS/ BH4).

Biblia Hebraica series
First fasicule (not the first chronologically published), Genesis, 2016

BHK Biblia Hebraica Kittel (1. - 3.)
BHS Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (4.)
BHQ Biblia Hebraica Quinta (5.)
Translatorsee BHQ Fascicles and Editors
LanguageBiblical Hebrew, Biblical Aramaic, English
PublisherDeutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart
Published2004 – est. 2020
(see release date)
Media typeHardcover pocket edition ("Handausgabe")
Preceded byBiblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia
A sample page from Biblia Hebraica Quinta (Deuteronomy 1:1–11). Note the newly implemented and fully collated Masorah magna between the main text and the critical apparatus.

BHQ Edition Plan: Fascicles and Editors

The edition has been described as "international and ecumenical" as it features editors from 13 different countries and different denominations (with involvement from Catholics, Protestants and Jews).[1] The work is currently being published in fascicles according to this release schedule:[lower-alpha 1]

Fascicle Editor University / Institute Country Publication
1Genesis Avraham TalTel Aviv University Israel2016 (published)
2Exodus Peter SchwagmeierUniversity of Zürich  Switzerlandin preparation
3Leviticus Innocent HimbazaUniversity of Fribourg  Switzerland2021 (published)
4Numbers Martin RöselUniversity of Rostock Germanyin preparation
5Deuteronomy Carmel McCarthy†University College Dublin Ireland2007 (published)
6Joshua Seppo SipiläUniversity of Helsinki Finlandin preparation
7Judges Natalio Fernandez MarcosCSIC Madrid Spain2011 (published)
8Samuel Stephen Pisano†

Craig E. Morrison Leonardo Pessoa da Silva Pinto Claudio Balzaretti

Pontificio Istituto Biblico Rome Italyin preparation
9Kings Adrian SchenkerUniversity of Fribourg  Switzerlandin preparation
Carmel McCarthy†University College Dublin Ireland
Łukasz PopkoÉcole Biblique Poland
Stephen D. RyanDominican House of Studies United States
10Isaiah Arie van der KooijLeiden University Netherlandsin preparation
Mirjam van der Vorm-CroughsHaarlem
11Jeremiah Richard D. Weis†Lexington Theological Seminary United Statesin preparation
Miika TuckerUniversity of Helsinki Finland
12Ezekiel Johan LustKatholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium2024 (forthcoming)
13Twelve Prophets Anthony GelstonDurham University United Kingdom2010 (published)
14Chronicles Zipora Talshir†

Dalia Amara

University of Beer Sheva Israelin preparation
15Psalms Gerard J. NortonUniversity College Dublin Irelandin preparation
16Job Robert AlthannPontificio Istituto Biblico Rome Italy2024 (forthcoming)
17Proverbs Jan de WaardUniversity of Strasbourg France2008 (published)
18aGeneral Introduction 2004 (published)
18bRuth Jan de WaardUniversity of Strasbourg France2004 (published)
18cCanticles Piet B. DirksenLeiden University Netherlands2004 (published)
18dQoheleth Yohanan A. P. GoldmanUniversity of Fribourg  Switzerland2004 (published)
18eLamentations Rolf SchäferGerman Bible Society Stuttgart Germany2004 (published)
18fEsther Magne SæbøMF School of Theology Oslo Norway2004 (published)
19Daniel Agustinus GiantoPontificio Istituto Biblico Rome Italyin preparation
University of Bologna
20Ezra and Nehemiah David MarcusJTS New York United States2006 (published)

Consulting work for the Masorah is being done by Aron Dotan, Tel Aviv University,  Israel.

indicates members of the Editorial Committee
A indicates the president of the Editorial Committee

Publication Notes

  • The first volume (General Introduction and Megilloth, Fascicle 18) was published in 2004.[lower-alpha 2]
  • The second volume (Ezra and Nehemiah, Fascicle 20) was published in 2006.
  • The third volume (Deuteronomy, Fascicle 5) was published in 2007.
  • The fourth volume (Proverbs, Fascicle 17) was published in 2009.
  • The fifth volume (The Twelve Minor Prophets, Fascicle 13) was published in 2010.
  • The sixth volume (Judges, Fascicle 7) was published in 2012.
  • The seventh volume (Genesis, Fascicle 1) was published in 2016.
  • The eighth volume (Leviticus, Fascicle 3) was published in 2021.
  • The ninth volume (Job, Fascicle 16) will be published in June 2024.[2]

Completion Date

Due to meticulous nature of the work, the timeline for the edition's completion has constantly been delayed. Before the release of the first fascicle in 2002, one of the original editors, Richard D. Weis, expressed optimistically that the project would be completed by 2010.[3]As recently as June 2023, Rolf Schäfer, another of the BHQ editors, expressed that the present estimate for completion is approximately 2032. "At present our estimate for the completion of BHQ is by 2032 approximately."[lower-alpha 3]

See also


  1. According to the German Bible Society webpage.
  2. The books are in the same order as in the Leningrad Codex and BHS, namely Ruth, Canticles (Song of Songs), Qoheleth (Ecclesiastes), Lamentations, and Esther.
  3. This was stated in a personal email on 6/12/2023, in response to being asked whether the BHQ Committee has a current estimate for the completion date of the entire edition.


  1. "Internationale Forschung - Institut Barthélemy". Archived from the original on 2016-04-15. Retrieved 2016-02-15.
  2. "Biblia Hebraica Quinta (BHQ). Band 16: Job | die Bibel".
  3. Weis, Richard D. "Biblia Hebraica Quinta and the Making of Critical Editions of the Hebrew Bible". TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism. Retrieved 12 March 2024.
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