Bibliography of the Holocaust

This is a selected bibliography and other resources for The Holocaust, including prominent primary sources, historical studies, notable survivor accounts and autobiographies, as well as other documentation and further hypotheses.


Primary sources

"The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland", a note issued by the Polish government-in-exile, 1942
Photos from The Black Book of Poland, published in 1942 by Polish government-in-exile in London and New York

Early Reports

Some of the information relayed in the Grojanowski Report (from the extermination center at Chelmno), including an estimate of 700 thousand murdered Jews, was broadcast by the BBC on June 2nd, 1942.[2] Mention of several details from this broadcast were recycled and reported on page 5 of the New York Times near the end of that month on June 27th, 1942.[3]

A New York Times article reports on the existence and use of the gas-chambers on November 24th, 1942.[4] It significantly understates the scale of the mass-killing ongoing in the camps, though it does quote the number killed that year at 250,000 and suggests by implication that operations were continuous or otherwise had not concluded. The article appears on page 10 of that day's edition of the New York Times next to an ad for Seagram's Gin much larger than the article itself.[4] This brief mention broadcasts certain basic elements of the Racynski's note, which was not officially circulated as a brochure under the heading "The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland" until several weeks later.[5]

During the Second World War and in its immediate aftermath, many of the documents listed in the "Primary Documents" section above existed alongside a scattering of reports from individual camps such as Bettleheim's "Individual & Mass-Behavior in Extreme Situations"(1943) which appeared in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology. Early book-length works from survivors of the camps that became widely available immediately after the war include Kogon's Theory and Practice of Hell (1st published in 1946 as Der SS-Staat: Das System de Deutschen Konzentrationslager), and Rousset's Other Kingdom (1946).

The Bettleheim paper appearing in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology is a unique document, insofar as it was published while the concentration camps and extermination centers were still in operation and consisted of the testimony of a working psychiatric clinician in an attempt to report on the circumstances from the perspective of a survivor of the camps.[6] However "Individual & Mass Behavior in Extreme Situations"(1943) also represents the limitations of the early reports: Dachau and Buchenwald (where Bettleheim was imprisoned) were not, technically speaking, extermination centers (the gas-chambers were not used for mass-executions in those camps) and thus does not reflect the experience of prisoners in the death-camps in Eastern Europe but speaks to how the system operated within Germany.

Even reports that record massacres, camps and extermination centers in the East during the war such as Raczyński's Note; the Black Book of Polish Jewry (which confines its sample to Poland, and understates, for a variety of reasons, the full scope of ongoing mass-murder);[7][8] the Black Book of Soviet Jewry (which was compiled and presented for publication during the war but not circulated until after the war); and the Vrba–Wetzler report (which is contains the testimony of two prisoners escaped from Auschwitz-Birkenau, published alongside the testimony of the Jerzy Tabeau, the Polish Major in Auschwitz Protocols) speak only to limited areas within the system of extermination, do not present a full picture of the killing, and were scarcely made available to the larger public due to an editorial policy that questioned the statistics at the time.[8] The Black Book of Soviet Jewry did not circulate during the war, while the Vrba–Wetzler report (April 1944) saw a limited and circumscribed distribution (though it convinced the regent of Hungary to halt transports in June of 1944, which had until then been proceeding at a rate of 12,000 deportees per day). The Black Book of Polish Jewry and even earlier reports in the Allied press presented details, but these documents significantly understate the scale of the killings – due in part to limited information, and in part to a (retrospectively) misplaced sense of discretion and sensitivity to the prevailing attitude of antisemitism amongst all Western powers, whether Allied or Axis: there was a desire to make the reports speak to an audience unconcerned about the fate of Jews.[9]

Articles such as the report on atrocities in the May 7th, 1945 issue of Life Magazine (7 May 1945, 31–37) began the process of substantively documenting and revealing aspects of what had happened to the global public whereas before knowledge of the mass-killings and the gas-chambers – though alluded to, for example, in speeches by Churchill (24 August 1941 broadcast, re: 'Appeal to Roosevelt') – and reported by rumor or anecdote, remained hazy and fragmentary in public consciousness. Many of the earliest accounts came from individual camps and the documents listed above – most substantially the Nuremberg Trial documents  but these remained obscure apart from high-level (or generally vague) quotation in journalism.[9]

First Histories: Early Attempts at a Comprehensive Presentation

Early major attempts at systematic scholarship or overviews of the whole system and process of Nazi genocide include:

Historical studies

Selected accounts by survivors

Selected semi-autobiographical accounts by survivors

Other documents

Hypotheses and historiography

Selected filmography

  • America and the Holocaust The American Experience. 1994, 2005 WGBH Educational Foundation, ISBN 1-59375-235-0
  • Auschwitz: The Nazis and the 'Final Solution', BBC. 2005.
  • Daring to Resist: Three Women Face the Holocaust is a 57-minute documentary from 1999 which tells the stories of three Jewish teenagers who resisted the Nazis: Faye Schulman, a photographer and partisan fighter in the forests of Poland (now Belarus); Barbara Rodbell, a ballerina in Amsterdam who delivered underground newspapers and secured food and transportation for Jews in hiding; and Shulamit Lack, who acquired false papers and a safe house for Jews attempting to escape from Hungary.[10][11][12] The movie was produced and directed by Barbara Attie and Martha Goell Lubell, and narrated by Janeane Garofalo.[11]
  • Genocide (1981 film) documents the history of the Holocaust and won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.
  • Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport
  • Liebe Perla is a 53-minute documentary that documents Nazi Germany's brutality towards disabled people through the exploration of a friendship between two women with dwarfism: Hannelore Witkofski of Germany and Perla Ovitz, who at the time of filming was living in Israel. Perla Ovitz was experimented on by Joseph Mengele during the Nazi regime. The film was made by Shahar Rozen in Israel and Germany in 1999, and it is in German and Hebrew with English subtitles.[13][14]
  • Memory of the Camps, as shown by PBS Frontline
  • Night and Fog, 1955, directed by Alain Resnais, narrated by Michel Bouquet.
  • One Survivor Remembers is a 1995 Oscar-winning documentary (40 minutes) in which Holocaust survivor Gerda Weissmann Klein describes her six-year ordeal as a victim of Nazi cruelty.[15]
  • Paper clips
  • Paragraph 175 is an 81-minute documentary directed by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman that discusses the plight of gays and lesbians during the Nazi regime using interviews with all of the known gay and lesbian survivors of this era, five gay men and one lesbian.[16][17]
  • Shoah is a nine-hour documentary completed by Claude Lanzmann in 1985. The film, unlike most historical documentaries, does not feature reenactments or historical photos; instead it consists of interviews with people who were involved in various ways in the Holocaust, and visits to different places they discuss.
  • The Sorrow and the Pity, 1972, directed by Marcel Ophüls.
  • Swimming in Auschwitz is a 2007 documentary which interweaves the stories of six Jewish women who were imprisoned inside the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp during the Holocaust. The women all survived and tell their stories in person in the documentary; at the time of its filming they were all living in Los Angeles.[18][19][20]

General sites

Sites in languages other than English


Particular groups which were involved in The Holocaust

Holocaust education

Victim information and databases

Documentation and evidence

Other topics


See also

  • Bibliography of genocide studies
  • Bibliography of World War II
  • Holocaust diarists
  • Holocaust studies
  • List of books about Nazi Germany
  • List of Holocaust films
  • The Holocaust in popular culture
  • World War II in popular culture


  1. Dr. Hans Ehlich & Dr. Konrad Meyer under supervision of Heinrich Himmler (June 1942). Facsimile of Dossier for Generalplan Ost from the Bundesarchiv.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  2. "BBC: 700,000 Jews killed in Poland". Retrieved 2024-03-19.
  3. "TimesMachine: Saturday June 27, 1942 –". The New York Times. Retrieved 2024-03-19.
  4. MacDonald, James (24 November 1942). "Himmler Program Kills Jews". New York Times. p. 10.
  5. "Mass Extermination of Jews in Occupied Poland" (PDF). Republic of Poland, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 10 December 1942.
  6. Bettelheim, Bruno (October 1943). "Individual and mass behavior in extreme situations". The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. 38 (4): 417–452. doi:10.1037/h0061208. ISSN 0096-851X.
  7. Apenszlak Jacob (1943). Black Book Of Polish Jewry.
  8. Fleming, Michael (2014). Auschwitz, the Allies and censorship of the Holocaust. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 190–194. ISBN 978-1-107-06279-5.
  9. Leff, Laurel (2006). Buried by the Times: the Holocaust and America's most important newspaper. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-60782-7.
  10. "Daring to Resist: Three Women Face the Holocaust - Educational Media Reviews Online (EMRO)". Archived from the original on 3 March 2016. Retrieved 12 May 2016.
  11. "PBS - Daring To Resist". PBS. Retrieved 12 May 2016.
  12. "Daring to Resist: Three Women Face the Holocaust". Archived from the original on 11 June 2016. Retrieved 12 May 2016.
  13. "Liebe Perla: a complex friendship and lost disability history captured on film". Archived from the original on 2011-09-28. Retrieved 2011-06-26.
  14. "New International Film Explores Disability & the Holocaust". Archived from the original on 2011-09-28. Retrieved 2011-06-26.
  15. "Book and Movie Reviews". Tennessee Tech. Archived from the original on 2012-03-26. Retrieved 2011-06-29.
  16. "Paragraph 175". Archived from the original on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 12 May 2016.
  17. "Paragraph 175". United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Archived from the original on 2011-06-23. Retrieved 2011-06-26.
  18. "Entry not found in index season NOT FOUND". Archived from the original on 2012-01-12. Retrieved 2011-06-28.
  19. "The PBS documentary "Swimming in Auschwitz" is a Thursday TV pick". The Seattle Times. April 23, 2009.
  20. "Holocaust Survivors talk in 'Swimming in Auschwitz'. International Premiere at DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE FILM FESTIVAL: London June 1st-7th". Archived from the original on 13 July 2011. Retrieved 12 May 2016.
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