Anders Fogh Rasmussen II Cabinet

Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen retained his parliamentary support in the 2005 Danish parliamentary election, and was able to continue as head of his government. On 18 February 2005, he presented his updated cabinet, the Cabinet of Anders Fogh Rasmussen II. One of the main issues of the cabinet was administrative reform that slashed the number of municipalities and replaced the thirteen counties with five regions.

Second Fogh Rasmussen Cabinet

71st Cabinet of Denmark
Date formed18 February 2005 (2005-02-18)
Date dissolved23 November 2007 (2007-11-23)
People and organisations
Head of stateMargrethe II of Denmark
Head of governmentAnders Fogh Rasmussen
No. of ministers20
Ministers removed3
Total no. of members23
Member partyVenstre
Conservative People's Party
Status in legislatureMinority coalition
Outgoing election2007
Legislature term(s)2005–2007
PredecessorFogh Rasmussen I
SuccessorFogh Rasmussen III

Anders Fogh Rasmussen has referred to the reform as the biggest reform in thirty years. Furthermore, a reform of the police and judicial systems was initiated in January 2007, changing the numbers of police districts and city courts from 54 to 12 and 82 to 22 respectively. Rasmussen retained parliamentary support in the 2007 election and continued as Prime Minister in the Cabinet of Anders Fogh Rasmussen III, formed on 23 November 2007.

Notable events

  • On 8 June 2005 somebody made an arson attack on Minister for Refugees, Immigrants and Integration Rikke Hvilshøj's home. Rikke Hvilshøj, her husband, and her two small children escaped unharmed. It is not clear who was behind the attack (Though one unknown group has claimed responsibility), or what the motive were. Following the attack security was stepped up for several ministers.
  • In January 2006 Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen became embroiled in the controversy of the Muhammad cartoons which initially were published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten.
  • On 13 December 2006 Lars Barfoed was forced to resign as Minister of Family and Consumption because of issues with the ministry's food inspections. Carina Christensen was named as Barfoed's replacement.
  • On 21 February 2007 Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said that the 460 Danish troops in Iraq will have left by August.

Changes from the Cabinet of Anders Fogh Rasmussen I

  • Bertel Haarder changed from being Minister for Development Cooperation and Minister for Refugees, Immigrants and Integration to being Church Minister and Minister of Education.
  • The much-criticised Tove Fergo, who failed to get reelected to parliament (though that is not a requirement for a minister) was replaced as Church Minister.
  • Ulla Tørnæs switched from being Minister of Education to being Minister for Development Cooperation.
  • Rikke Hvilshøj was appointed Minister for Refugees, Immigrants and Integration.
  • Lars Barfoed replaced Henriette Kjær as Minister of Family and Consumption, after there had been some criticism Henriette Kjær because her personal finances were in disorder. Barfoed himself resigned, effective 14 December 2006.

List of ministers and portfolios

Some periods in the table below start before 18 February 2005 or end after 23 November 2007 because the minister was also in the Cabinet of Anders Fogh Rasmussen I or III.

Prime Minister's Office
Prime Minister27 November 20015 April 2009 Venstre
Minister of Economic and Business Affairs
(de facto) Deputy Prime Minister
27 November 20019 September 2008 Conservatives
Minister for Foreign Affairs27 November 200123 February 2010 Conservatives
Minister for Finance27 November 200123 November 2007 Venstre
Minister of Employment27 November 20017 April 2009 Venstre
Minister of the Interior and Health27 November 200123 November 2007 Venstre
Minister for Justice27 November 200110 September 2008 Conservatives
Minister of Defence24 April 200423 February 2010 Venstre
Minister for Culture27 November 200110 September 2008 Conservatives
Minister for Taxation2 August 200424 February 2010 Venstre
Minister for Nordic Cooperation18 February 200523 November 2007 Conservatives
Minister of Traffic &
Minister for Energy
Flemming Hansen
27 November 200112 September 2007 Conservatives
Jakob Axel Nielsen
12 September 200723 November 2007 Conservatives
Minister for Family and Consumer Affairs
Lars Barfoed
18 February 200514 December 2006 Conservatives
Carina Christensen
15 December 200623 November 2007 Conservatives
Minister for Food
Hans Christian Schmidt
2 August 200412 September 2007 Venstre
12 September 200723 February 2010 Venstre
Minister for Science, Technology and Development
Helge Sander
23 March 199823 February 2010 Venstre
Minister of Education18 February 200523 February 2010 Venstre
Minister for Ecclesiastical Affairs18 February 200523 November 2007 Venstre
Minister of Social Affairs &
Minister for Gender Equality
2 August 200412 September 2007 Venstre
12 September 200723 November 2007 Venstre
Minister for the Environment2 August 200423 November 2007 Conservatives
Minister for Development Cooperation18 February 200523 February 2010 Venstre
Minister for Refugees, Immigrants and Integration
Rikke Hvilshøj
18 February 200523 November 2007 Venstre


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