List of United States Army Corps of Engineers Chiefs of Engineers

The Chief of Engineers is a principal United States Army staff officer at The Pentagon. The Chief advises the Army on engineering matters, and serves as the Army's topographer and proponent for real estate and other related engineering programs. The Chief of Engineers is the senior service engineer for the Department of Defense, responsible for integrating all aspects of combat, general and geospatial engineering across the Joint Force.

Chief of Engineers of the
United States Army
Seal of the Office of the Chief of Engineers
Flag of the Chief of Engineers
LTG Scott A. Spellmon
since 10 September 2020
Department of the Army
Reports toSecretary of the Army
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works)
SeatThe Pentagon, Arlington County, Virginia, U.S.
AppointerThe President
with Senate advice and consent
Term lengthFour years
Constituting instrument10 U.S.C. § 3036
FormationApril 1776
First holderLTC Rufus Putnam
WebsiteOfficial website

The Chief of Engineers also commands the United States Army Corps of Engineers. As commander of the US Army Corps of Engineers, the Chief of Engineers leads a major Army command that is the world's largest public engineering, design and construction management agency. This office defines policy and guidance, and it plans direction for the organizations within the Corps. The Chief of Engineers is currently a lieutenant general billet but in the past has been held by field grade officers as low as major. Civilian oversight of the Chief of Engineers is provided by the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works).

Chiefs of Engineers

ImageRankNameBegin DateEnd DateNotes
ColonelGridley, RichardRichard Gridley1775-06-01June 17751776-04-01April 1776[a]
Rufus PutnamLieutenant colonelPutnam, RufusRufus Putnam1776-04-02April 17761776-12-01December 1776[a]
Louis Lebègue DuportailBrigadier generalDuportail, Louis LebègueLouis Lebègue Duportail1777-07-2222 July 17771783-10-10October, 10, 1783[a]
Lieutenant colonelRochefontaine, StephenStephen Rochefontaine1795-02-2626 February 17951798-05-077 May 1798[a]
Henry BurbeckMajorBurbeck, HenryHenry Burbeck1798-05-077 May 17981802-04-011 April 1802[a]
Jonathan WilliamsColonelWilliams, JonathanJonathan Williams1802-04-011 April 18021803-06-2020 June 1803[a]
Jonathan WilliamsColonelWilliams, JonathanJonathan Williams1805-04-1919 April 18051812-07-3131 July 1812[a]
Joseph Gardner SwiftColonelSwift, Joseph GardnerJoseph Gardner Swift1812-07-3131 July 18121818-11-1212 November 1818[a]
Walker Keith ArmisteadColonelArmistead, Walker KeithWalker Keith Armistead1818-11-1212 November 18181821-06-011 June 1821[a]
Alexander MacombColonelMacomb, AlexanderAlexander Macomb1821-06-011 June 18211828-05-2424 May 1828[a]
Charles GratiotColonelGratiot, CharlesCharles Gratiot1828-05-2424 May 18281838-12-066 December 1838[a]
Joseph Gilbert TottenColonelTotten, Joseph GilbertJoseph Gilbert Totten1838-12-066 December 18381864-04-2222 April 1864[a]
Richard DelafieldBrigadier generalDelafield, RichardRichard Delafield1864-04-2222 April 18641866-08-088 August 1866[a]
Andrew Atkinson HumphreysBrigadier generalHumphreys, Andrew AtkinsonAndrew A. Humphreys1866-08-088 August 18661879-06-3030 June 1879[a]
Horatio WrightBrigadier generalWright, Horatio GouverneurHoratio Gouverneur Wright1879-06-3030 June 18791884-03-066 March 1884[a]
John NewtonBrigadier generalNewton, JohnJohn Newton1884-03-066 March 18841886-08-2727 August 1886[a]
James Chatham DuaneBrigadier generalDuane, James ChathamJames Chatham Duane1886-10-1111 October 18861888-06-3030 June 1888[a]
Thomas Lincoln CaseyBrigadier generalCasey, Thomas LincolnThomas Lincoln Casey1888-07-066 July 18881895-05-1010 May 1895[a]
William Price CraighillBrigadier generalCraighill, William PriceWilliam Price Craighill1895-05-1010 May 18951897-02-011 February 1897[a]
John Moulder WilsonBrigadier generalWilson, John MoulderJohn Moulder Wilson1897-02-011 February 18971901-04-3030 April 1901[a]
Henry Martyn RobertBrigadier generalRobert, Henry MartynHenry Martyn Robert1901-04-3030 April 19011901-05-022 May 1901[a]
John W. BarlowBrigadier generalBarlow, John W.John W. Barlow1901-05-022 May 19011901-05-033 May 1901[a]
George Lewis Gillespie Jr.Brigadier generalGillespie, George Lewis Jr.George Lewis Gillespie Jr.1901-05-033 May 19011904-01-2323 January 1904[a]
Alexander MackenzieBrigadier generalMackenzie, AlexanderAlexander Mackenzie1904-01-2323 January 19041908-05-2525 May 1908[a]
William Louis MarshallBrigadier generalMarshall, William LouisWilliam Louis Marshall1908-07-022 July 19081910-06-1111 June 1910[a]
William Herbert BixbyBrigadier generalBixby, William HerbertWilliam Herbert Bixby1910-06-1212 June 19101913-08-1111 August 1913[a]
William Trent RossellBrigadier generalRossell, William TrentWilliam Trent Rossell1913-08-1212 August 19131913-10-1111 October 1913[a]
Dan Christie KingmanBrigadier generalKingman, Dan ChristieDan Christie Kingman1913-10-1212 October 19131916-03-066 March 1916[a]
William Murray BlackMajor generalBlack, William MurrayWilliam Murray Black1916-03-077 March 19161919-10-3131 October 1919[a]
Lansing Hoskins BeachMajor generalBeach, Lansing HoskinsLansing Hoskins Beach1920-02-1010 February 19201924-06-1818 June 1924[a]
Harry TaylorMajor generalTaylor, HarryHarry Taylor1924-06-1919 June 19241926-06-2626 June 1926[a]
Edgar JadwinMajor generalJadwin, EdgarEdgar Jadwin1926-06-2727 June 19261929-08-077 August 1929[a]
Lytle BrownMajor generalBrown, LytleLytle Brown1929-10-011 October 19291933-10-011 October 1933[a]
Edward Murphy MarkhamMajor generalMarkham, Edward MurphyEdward Murphy Markham1933-10-011 October 19331937-10-1818 October 1937[a]
Julian Larcombe SchleyMajor generalSchley, Julian LarcombeJulian Larcombe Schley1937-10-1818 October 19371941-10-011 October 1941[a]
Eugene ReyboldLieutenant generalReybold, EugeneEugene Reybold1941-10-011 October 19411945-09-3030 September 1945[a]
Raymond A. Wheeler Lieutenant generalWheeler, Raymond AlbertRaymond Albert Wheeler1945-10-044 October 19451949-02-2828 February 1949[a]
Lewis A. PickLieutenant generalPick, Lewis A.Lewis A. Pick1949-03-011 March 19491953-01-2626 January 1953[a]
Samuel D. Sturgis Jr.Lieutenant generalSturgis, Samuel D. Jr.Samuel D. Sturgis Jr.1953-03-1717 March 19531956-09-3030 September 1956[a]
Emerson C. ItschnerLieutenant generalItschner, Emerson C.Emerson C. Itschner1956-10-011 October 19561961-03-2727 March 1961[a]
Walter K. Wilson Jr.Lieutenant generalWilson, Walter K. Jr.Walter K. Wilson Jr.1961-05-1919 May 19611965-07-011 July 1965[a]
William F. CassidyLieutenant generalCassidy, William F.William F. Cassidy1965-07-011 July 19651969-07-3131 July 1969[a]
Frederick J. ClarkeLieutenant generalClarke, Frederick J.Frederick J. Clarke1969-08-011 August 19691973-07-3131 July 1973[a]
William C. Gribble Jr.Lieutenant generalGribble, William C. Jr.William C. Gribble Jr.1973-08-011 August 19731976-06-3030 June 1976[a]
John W. MorrisLieutenant generalMorris, John W.John W. Morris1976-07-011 July 19761980-09-3030 September 1980[a]
Joseph K. BrattonLieutenant generalBratton, Joseph K.Joseph K. Bratton1980-10-011 October 19801984-09-1414 September 1984[a]
Elvin R. Heiberg IIILieutenant generalHeiberg, Elvin R. IIIElvin R. Heiberg III1984-09-1414 September 19841988-05-3131 May 1988[a]
Henry J. HatchLieutenant generalHatch, Henry J.Henry J. Hatch1988-06-1717 June 19881992-06-044 June 1992[a]
Arthur E. WilliamsLieutenant generalWilliams, Arthur E.Arthur E. Williams1992-08-2424 August 19921996-06-3030 June 1996[a]
Joe Nathan BallardLieutenant generalBallard, Joe NathanJoe Nathan Ballard1996-10-011 October 19962000-08-022 August 2000[a]
Robert B. FlowersLieutenant generalFlowers, Robert B.Robert B. Flowers2000-10-2323 October 20002004-07-011 July 2004[a]
Carl A. StrockLieutenant generalStrock, Carl A.Carl A. Strock2004-07-011 July 20042007-05-1717 May 2007[a]
Robert L. Van Antwerp Jr.Lieutenant generalVan Antwerp, Robert L. Jr.Robert L. Van Antwerp Jr.2007-05-1717 May 2007year-00-0017 June 2011[a]
Merdith W.B. (Bo) TempleMajor generalTemple, Merdith W.BMerdith W.B. Temple2011-06-1717 June 2011year-00-0022 May 2012[a][1]
Thomas P. BostickLieutenant generalBostick, Thomas P.Thomas P. Bostick2012-05-2222 May 20122016-05-1919 May 2016[a]
Todd T. SemoniteLieutenant generalSemonite, Todd T.Todd T. Semonite2016-05-1919 May 20162020-09-1010 September 2020[a]
Scott A. SpellmonLieutenant generalSpellmon, Scott A.Scott A. Spellmon2020-09-1010 September 2020year-00-00present[2]

See also

  • Corps Castle
  • Gold Castles


^ a: Office of History. "Commanders of the Corps of Engineers". United States Army Corps of Engineers. Retrieved 28 November 2009.

Inline citations
  1. "Acting Chief of Engineers". U.S. Army Office of the Chief of Engineers. 20 July 2011. Archived from the original on 28 September 2011. Retrieved 24 August 2011.
  2. "Lieutenant General Scott A. Spellmon". United States Army Corps of Engineers. 10 September 2020. Retrieved 16 September 2020.
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