Classification theorem

In mathematics, a classification theorem answers the classification problem "What are the objects of a given type, up to some equivalence?". It gives a non-redundant enumeration: each object is equivalent to exactly one class.

A few issues related to classification are the following.

  • The equivalence problem is "given two objects, determine if they are equivalent".
  • A complete set of invariants, together with which invariants are realizable, solves the classification problem, and is often a step in solving it.
  • A computable complete set of invariants (together with which invariants are realizable) solves both the classification problem and the equivalence problem.
  • A canonical form solves the classification problem, and is more data: it not only classifies every class, but provides a distinguished (canonical) element of each class.

There exist many classification theorems in mathematics, as described below.



Linear algebra


Complex analysis

  • Classification of Fatou components

Mathematical physics

  • Classification of electromagnetic fields
  • Petrov classification – Classification used in differential geometry and general relativity
  • Segre classification – Algebraic classification of rank two symmetric tensors
  • Wigner's classification – Classification of irreducible representations of the Poincaré group

See also

  • Representation theorem – Proof that every structure with certain properties is isomorphic to another structure
  • Comparison theorem
  • List of manifolds

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