Coal in Australia

Coal is mined in every state of Australia. The largest black coal resources occur in Queensland and New South Wales.[1] About 70% of coal mined in Australia is exported, mostly to eastern Asia,[2] and of the balance most is used in electricity generation. In 2019-20 Australia exported 390 Mt of coal (177 Mt metallurgical coal and 213 Mt thermal coal) and was the world's largest exporter of metallurgical coal and second largest exporter of thermal coal.[3] While only employing 50,000 mining jobs nationally coal provides a rich revenue stream for governments.[4]

Premier coal mine in Western Australia, 2022
Maules Creek coal mine, 2014

Open cut coal mine in the Hunter valley

Coal mining in Australia has been criticized,[5][6] due to carbon dioxide emissions during combustion. This criticism is primarily directed at thermal coal, for its connection to coal-fired power stations as a major source of carbon dioxide emissions, and the link to climate change in Australia and worldwide.[7] Coal was responsible for 30% (164 million tonnes) of Australia's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, not counting methane and export coal, in 2019.[8] Coal as a fuel was responsible for 41% (160 million tonnes) of carbon dioxide emissions in Australia in 2020.[8]

The Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, which followed the draft report in the Garnaut Climate Change Review, placed a price on carbon emissions through a reducing cap and trade emissions trading scheme and incentivised against carbon pollution temporarily, before it was revoked in 2014. Despite a target to reduce GHG emissions Australia continues to open new coal mines.[9]

In 2021, coal accounted for 64% of energy production and 32% of the Total Energy Supply (TES), with 93% of its consumption by the heat and electricity generation sector and the remaining 7% by the industrial sector.[10]

Forms of coal

Australian coal is either high-quality bituminous coal (black coal) or lower-quality lignite (brown coal).[11]

Bituminous coal is mined in Queensland and New South Wales. It is used for both domestic power generation and is exported. Mining is underground or open-cut. The coal is transported by rail to power stations or export shipping terminals.[12][13]

Lignite is mined in Victoria and South Australia,[14] and is of lower quality due to a lower thermal value largely caused by a high water content.[15] Ash content varies significantly but some Australian lignites have relatively low ash content.[16] In 2013 coal from three open cut lignite coal mines in Victoria was used for power generation.[14]


Australian Energy resources and major export ports as of 2008
Full-time employment in coal mining since 1984 (thousands of people)
Australian coal production (red) and exports (black), 1980–2012

Australian coal was first discovered in New South Wales by shipwreck survivors in August 1797, at Coalcliff, north of Wollongong. George Bass discovered coal soon afterwards in the cliffs at Newcastle off of Point Solander.[17][18] Coal exports first left Newcastle in 1799,[19] with it being mined by convicts. Shipments left for India, marking Australia's first commodity export.[20] Mining in the area was initially small scale and used in domestic heating.[21]

In Queensland, coal mining began near Ipswich in 1825.[22] The following year coal was discovered at Cape Paterson in Victoria.[23] It wasn't until the 1850s that the deposits were mined, however it wasn't enough to sustain Victorian communities.[24] Coal was discovered in Tasmania at Plunkett Point in 1833.[25] In Western Australia, the first coal deposits were discovered in 1846 at Irwin River in what is known as the Coalseam Conservation Park.[23]

By 1901 Australia was exporting several million tonnes annually.[26] By the 1900s coal had become integral to the economy as it was used in locomotives on railways and in steam mills cutting logs, and grinding wheat.[21] In New South Wales development was particularly influenced by coal during the 20th century.[27] During the 1940s Australian coal mines experienced significant strikes.[21] The 1949 Australian coal strike lasted for seven weeks. The Joint Coal Board was formed to aid in the resolution of workers' disputes. Before WWII underground mines dominated. After WWII, Australia began exporting coking coal to Japan to aid in their production of steel.[21] Exports to South Korea and Taiwan soon followed. Australia became the number one coal exporter in 1984.[28] By 1986 Australia was supplying around half of all its exports to Japan.[28] As the Bowen Basin Coalfields were developed, open-cut mines became more common.[21] From the 1980s onwards the ratio of thermal coal exported to Asia increased significantly.[21] High-grade coking coal extracted from the Illawarra region has supported a steel and steel products market with exports leaving via Port Kembla harbour.[20] An anti-coal movement is a recent historical development.[27]

Production, exports and reserves

Australian coal and coke quarterly exports ($Millions) since 1960

In 2016, Australia was the biggest net exporter of coal, with 32% of global exports (389 Mt out of 1,213 Mt total). It was the fourth-highest producer with 6.9% of global production (503 Mt out of 7,269 Mt total). 77% of production was exported (389 Mt out of 503 Mt total).[29]

At the end of 2019, Australia earned $63.9 billion from black coal.[23] The value of Australian coal exports reached $112 billion in the 2021-22 financial year.[30] This was the second time a commodity had reached $100 billion in exports for Australia, after iron ore.

In 2021, Australia ranked second among International Energy Agency (IEA) member countries for the highest utilization of coal in both energy generation and electricity production.[31]

Major export markets for Australian coal

Coal loading facilities at Newcastle, 1901

Australia exports the largest share of coal of any nation, at 54% of the total.[32] In 2020, exports of coal accounted for 1% of national revenue, with a total value of A$55 billion.[33]

Australia is the world's leading exporter of coking coal. In 2021-2022, about 55% of its coal exports were thermal coal, with the remainder being metallurgical coal. The primary destinations for its coal exports are Asian countries, notably Japan, Korea, India, and Taiwan. Following import restrictions by the Chinese government in 2021, coal exports to China ceased, even though China had previously received 69% of Australia's exports in 2020. Currently, the main importers of Australia's metallurgical coal include India, Japan, the European Union, and Korea.[31]

Major export markets for Australian coal (2018)[34]
Country/area Million tonnes coking Million tonnes steaming Million tonnes total Rank % of exports
Korea (ROK)17.830.147.9512.4

Major coal export ports

The Port of Newcastle, New South Wales, is the world's largest and most efficient coal handling operation through its two terminals: Carrington and Kooragang. Australia has nine major coal-export ports,[35] including:

Major Australian coal export ports
Port State Million tonnes
Million tonnes
Hay Point[37]QLD82.480.4
Abbot Point[37]QLD14.412.5
Port Kembla[39]NSW13.713.3

Table of Coal Mines in Australia

Coal Mines in Australia[40]
NameAlternate NamesStateCoordinatesStatusCommoditiesGeological ProvinceGeological Age
HumeNew South Wales34.5497°S 150.2729°E / -34.5497; 150.2729FeasibilityCoal - blackSydney Basin
White Mountain (Clyde Park)Clyde ParkQueensland20.45°S 145.15°E / -20.45; 145.15FeasibilityCoal - blackGalilee Basin
CornwallBlackwood No. 4Tasmania41.55°S 148.1333°E / -41.55; 148.1333Operating MineCoal - blackTasmania Basin
ByerwenQueensland21.35°S 147.81°E / -21.35; 147.81Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
JaxQueensland20.72°S 147.87°E / -20.72; 147.87Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Dysart EastQueensland22.55°S 148.41°E / -22.55; 148.41FeasibilityCoal - blackBowen Basin
Orion DownsInderi, Meteor Downs SouthQueensland24.425°S 148.361°E / -24.425; 148.361Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
DrakeQueensland20.708°S 147.816°E / -20.708; 147.816Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
AbelNew South Wales32.8184°S 151.6211°E / -32.8184; 151.6211Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackSydney Basin
Springsure CreekQueensland24.17°S 148.41°E / -24.17; 148.41FeasibilityCoal - blackBowen Basin
Newstan LochielAwaba EastNew South Wales33.0302°S 151.5636°E / -33.0302; 151.5636Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackSydney Basin
CarmichaelGalilee (Linc Energy)Queensland22.018°S 146.322°E / -22.018; 146.322Operating MineCoal - blackGalilee Basin
Broadmeadowincludes WallanbahQueensland21.8076°S 148.1524°E / -21.8076; 148.1524Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Thagoonapart of JeebropillyQueensland27.6355°S 152.6299°E / -27.6355; 152.6299Historic MineCoal - blackClarence-Moreton BasinMesozoic
ColtonBurrum, MaryboroughQueensland25.452°S 152.702°E / -25.452; 152.702FeasibilityCoal - blackMaryborough Basin
WallarahNew South Wales33.1355°S 151.6122°E / -33.1355; 151.6122ClosedCoal - blackSydney Basin
CanyonNew South Wales33.5361°S 150.2764°E / -33.5361; 150.2764ClosedCoal - blackSydney Basin
WonthaggiVictoria38.609°S 145.589°E / -38.609; 145.589Historic MineCoal - blackGippsland Basin
Spring MountainQueensland27.6886°S 152.8632°E / -27.6886; 152.8632ClosedCoal - blackIpswich BasinMesozoic
Western No5Western Australia33.4553°S 116.2354°E / -33.4553; 116.2354Historic MineCoal - blackCollie Basin
HazelwoodVictoria38.2485°S 146.4013°E / -38.2485; 146.4013ClosedCoal - brownGippsland Basin
Eastern CreekNewlandsQueensland21.2077°S 148.0156°E / -21.2077; 148.0156Historic MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Bayswater No.2New South Wales32.3505°S 150.8914°E / -32.3505; 150.8914Historic MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Blue MountainsNew South Wales33.4869°S 150.2°E / -33.4869; 150.2Historic MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Oakleigh CollieryNew OakleighQueensland27.6134°S 152.5854°E / -27.6134; 152.5854Historic MineCoal - blackClarence-Moreton Basin
Preston ExtendedNew South Wales31.0897°S 150.1997°E / -31.0897; 150.1997Historic MineCoal - blackGunnedah Basin
Harrow CreekQueensland22.2359°S 148.1852°E / -22.2359; 148.1852Historic MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Smithfieldpart of JeebropillyQueensland27.658°S 152.5977°E / -27.658; 152.5977Historic MineCoal - blackClarence-Moreton BasinMesozoic
EwingtonEwington 1, Ewington 2Western Australia33.3624°S 116.25°E / -33.3624; 116.25Operating MineCoal - blackCollie Basin
Ravensworth EastSwamp CreekNew South Wales32.3955°S 151.0717°E / -32.3955; 151.0717Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Chicken CreekWestern Australia33.4053°S 116.3229°E / -33.4053; 116.3229ClosedCoal - blackCollie Basin
DriffieldVictoria38.2566°S 146.3368°E / -38.2566; 146.3368Historic MineCoal - brownGippsland BasinProterozoic
Loy Yang MineVictoria38.2347°S 146.564°E / -38.2347; 146.564Operating MineCoal - brownGippsland Basin
CooranbongNew South Wales33.0768°S 151.51°E / -33.0768; 151.51Historic MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Ravensworth NaramaNew South Wales32.4568°S 151.04°E / -32.4568; 151.04ClosedCoal - blackSydney Basin
Kandos No.3New South Wales32.8669°S 149.99°E / -32.8669; 149.99Historic MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
EnshamYongalaQueensland23.4545°S 148.4975°E / -23.4545; 148.4975Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
GunnedahNew South Wales31.0168°S 150.18°E / -31.0168; 150.18ClosedCoal - blackGunnedah Basin
Cardiff BoreholeNew South Wales32.932°S 151.651°E / -32.932; 151.651ClosedCoal - blackSydney Basin
South BlackwaterHumboldt, Kenmare, Kennedy, Laleham No1, Terang, TogaraQueensland23.9469°S 148.75°E / -23.9469; 148.75Historic MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
CumnockCumnock No1New South Wales32.403°S 150.9986°E / -32.403; 150.9986Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackSydney Basin
AshtonNew South Wales32.4667°S 151.0667°E / -32.4667; 151.0667Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
MoolarbenNew South Wales32.29°S 149.785°E / -32.29; 149.785Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Cook and Cook NorthLeichardt CollieryQueensland23.7092°S 148.9147°E / -23.7092; 148.9147Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
RiversideGoonyella-RiversideQueensland21.6518°S 147.9144°E / -21.6518; 147.9144ClosedCoal - blackBowen Basin
Hillalong (MDL 324)Queensland21.3676°S 148.2838°E / -21.3676; 148.2838FeasibilityCoal - blackBowen Basin
OakdaleNew South Wales34.0378°S 150.4803°E / -34.0378; 150.4803Historic MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
BulgaBeltana, Saxonvale, South BulgaNew South Wales32.6868°S 151.11°E / -32.6868; 151.11Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Leigh CreekCopley Basin (Lobe A&E), North Field (Lobe C&D), Telford Basin (Lobe B)South Australia30.4804°S 138.4166°E / -30.4804; 138.4166Historic MineCoal - blackLeigh Creek Basin
Hazelwood MineMorwell, South East Field, West FieldVictoria38.269°S 146.391°E / -38.269; 146.391Historic MineCoal - brownGippsland BasinCenozoic
DuralieGloucester, Wards RiverNew South Wales32.2914°S 151.9491°E / -32.2914; 151.9491ClosedCoal - blackGloucester Basin
SpringvaleLamberts GullyNew South Wales33.4006°S 150.1056°E / -33.4006; 150.1056Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Lake VermontVermontQueensland22.399°S 148.4385°E / -22.399; 148.4385Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
InvincibleNew South Wales33.3269°S 150.03°E / -33.3269; 150.03Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackSydney Basin
LiddellLiddell StateNew South Wales32.3916°S 150.9999°E / -32.3916; 150.9999Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Callideincludes EPC188 & Boundary HillQueensland24.3109°S 150.6222°E / -24.3109; 150.6222Operating MineCoal - blackCallide Basin
Goonyella RiversideBroadmeadow, Cleanskin, Eureka, Goonyella-Riverside, Isaac, Redhill, RiversideQueensland21.7923°S 147.962°E / -21.7923; 147.962Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
CoppabellaJohnson PitQueensland21.8446°S 148.4272°E / -21.8446; 148.4272Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
BluffQueensland23.519°S 149.0649°E / -23.519; 149.0649Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
WilpinjongNew South Wales32.332°S 149.885°E / -32.332; 149.885Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Moranbah NorthQueensland21.8713°S 147.9567°E / -21.8713; 147.9567Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Coal CliffNew South Wales34.2294°S 150.9778°E / -34.2294; 150.9778Historic MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Mount ArthurBayswater No3, Hunter Valley, Mt Arthur NorthNew South Wales32.337°S 150.8561°E / -32.337; 150.8561Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
MujaWestern Australia33.4205°S 116.3095°E / -33.4205; 116.3095ClosedCoal - blackCollie Basin
CordeauxNew South Wales34.3153°S 150.7617°E / -34.3153; 150.7617Historic MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
New OakleighOakleigh Colliery, RosewoodQueensland27.6117°S 152.5748°E / -27.6117; 152.5748ClosedCoal - blackClarence-Moreton BasinMesozoic
MangoolaAnvil Hill, Great Northern, Hunter Great NorthernNew South Wales32.2968°S 150.67°E / -32.2968; 150.67Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Maxwell (Drayton)Saddlers CreekNew South Wales32.3473°S 150.9113°E / -32.3473; 150.9113Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackSydney Basin
AngleseaAngahook, Jan JucVictoria38.3918°S 144.17°E / -38.3918; 144.17ClosedCoal - brownOtway BasinCenozoic
Wilkie CreekBraemar, Macalister, TarcoolaQueensland27.0423°S 150.9608°E / -27.0423; 150.9608ClosedCoal - blackSurat Basin
WestsideNew South Wales32.9468°S 151.57°E / -32.9468; 151.57Historic MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Baal BoneNew South Wales33.2669°S 150.05°E / -33.2669; 150.05ClosedCoal - blackSydney Basin
DuncanBlackwood Mt NicholasTasmania41.5552°S 148.1105°E / -41.5552; 148.1105Historic MineCoal - blackTasmania Basin
Mount Pleasant (MACH Energy Pty Limited)New South Wales32.2368°S 150.84°E / -32.2368; 150.84Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
RocglenBelmontNew South Wales30.7619°S 150.2718°E / -30.7619; 150.2718Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackGunnedah Basin
DauniaQueensland22.044°S 148.2885°E / -22.044; 148.2885Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Jeebropilly7 Mile, Jeebropilly North, Jeebropilly West, Smithfield, Thagoona, West MoretonQueensland27.623°S 152.6594°E / -27.623; 152.6594Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackClarence-Moreton BasinMesozoic
ManneringWyee, Wyee StateNew South Wales33.2078°S 151.5342°E / -33.2078; 151.5342Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackSydney Basin
CollinsvilleMcNaughton, WollombiQueensland20.5676°S 147.7686°E / -20.5676; 147.7686Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
CrinumQueensland23.2101°S 148.371°E / -23.2101; 148.371Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackBowen Basin
BerrimaMedway CollieryNew South Wales34.4652°S 150.2657°E / -34.4652; 150.2657ClosedCoal - blackSydney Basin
StratfordBowens Road NorthNew South Wales32.1161°S 151.9747°E / -32.1161; 151.9747ClosedCoal - blackGloucester Basin
TasmanO'DonnellNew South Wales32.8868°S 151.54°E / -32.8868; 151.54Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackSydney Basin
Mount ThorleyNew South Wales32.6374°S 151.1086°E / -32.6374; 151.1086Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Curraghincludes Curragh WestQueensland23.4662°S 148.8541°E / -23.4662; 148.8541Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
WarkworthWarkworth No.1New South Wales32.607°S 151.0902°E / -32.607; 151.0902Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Capcoal undergroundAquila, Bundoora, German Creek, Grasstrees, Oak Park, Southern CollieryQueensland22.9026°S 148.551°E / -22.9026; 148.551Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Blair AtholQueensland22.6905°S 147.527°E / -22.6905; 147.527Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
AvonNew South Wales34.4804°S 150.7056°E / -34.4804; 150.7056ClosedCoal - blackSydney Basin
GrosvenorMoranbahQueensland21.8732°S 147.9927°E / -21.8732; 147.9927Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Cullen ValleyFeldmastNew South Wales33.2693°S 150.0162°E / -33.2693; 150.0162Under DevelopmentCoal - blackSydney Basin
UlanUlan No.2, Ulan WestNew South Wales32.2469°S 149.75°E / -32.2469; 149.75Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Kogan CreekBrigalow, KoganQueensland26.8957°S 150.7726°E / -26.8957; 150.7726Operating MineCoal - blackSurat Basin
AwabaAwaba StateNew South Wales33.0264°S 151.5492°E / -33.0264; 151.5492ClosedCoal - blackSydney Basin
North CliffNew South Wales34.1956°S 150.8603°E / -34.1956; 150.8603Historic MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
UnitedNew South Wales32.5568°S 151.01°E / -32.5568; 151.01Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
WamboHomestead, Wambo Complex, WollemiNew South Wales32.5782°S 150.9981°E / -32.5782; 150.9981Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
PremierCollie Operations, PremierWestern Australia33.3917°S 116.2865°E / -33.3917; 116.2865Operating MineCoal - blackCollie Basin
TeralbaNew South Wales32.9568°S 151.6°E / -32.9568; 151.6ClosedCoal - blackSydney Basin
NattaiNew South Wales34.0642°S 150.4221°E / -34.0642; 150.4221Historic MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Newlands, Suttor, Eastern (RCM), Newlands OCEastern CreekQueensland21.2544°S 147.901°E / -21.2544; 147.901Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
PoitrelMavis Downs, Wotoga and Morambah, includes WinchesterQueensland22.0412°S 148.2344°E / -22.0412; 148.2344Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
CullenswoodTasmania41.6178°S 148.1523°E / -41.6178; 148.1523Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackTasmania Basin
Foxleighincludes Foxleigh EastQueensland22.9978°S 148.8039°E / -22.9978; 148.8039Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
BengallaNew South Wales32.2715°S 150.846°E / -32.2715; 150.846Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
RollestonQueensland24.4441°S 148.4106°E / -24.4441; 148.4106Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
West Wallsendincludes Lachlan proposalNew South Wales32.9479°S 151.6048°E / -32.9479; 151.6048ClosedCoal - blackSydney Basin
MinyangoQueensland23.6326°S 148.9147°E / -23.6326; 148.9147FeasibilityCoal - blackBowen Basin
YarrabeeYarrabee NorthQueensland23.3177°S 149.0264°E / -23.3177; 149.0264Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
AirlyAirly MountainNew South Wales33.0978°S 150.0148°E / -33.0978; 150.0148Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
DawsonDawson Complex, MouraQueensland24.6168°S 150.0592°E / -24.6168; 150.0592Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Mount OwenGlendell, Ravensworth EastNew South Wales32.3868°S 151.1°E / -32.3868; 151.1Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
DartbrookKayugaNew South Wales32.183°S 150.8402°E / -32.183; 150.8402Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackSydney Basin
PhillipsonCorner Gate, Ingomar, Lake Phillipson, PenrhynSouth Australia29.3971°S 134.5°E / -29.3971; 134.5FeasibilityCoal - blackArckaringa Basin
MunmorahNew South Wales33.2068°S 151.52°E / -33.2068; 151.52ClosedCoal - blackSydney Basin
MetropolitanNew South Wales34.1849°S 150.9966°E / -34.1849; 150.9966Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Isaac PlainsQueensland21.992°S 148.108°E / -21.992; 148.108Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
MandalongCooranbong Extension, Mandalong SouthNew South Wales33.1268°S 151.45°E / -33.1268; 151.45Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Canyon MineWhitehavenNew South Wales30.7338°S 150.1698°E / -30.7338; 150.1698ClosedCoal - blackGunnedah Basin
Russell Vale (NRE 1)Balgownie No1, Bellambi West, Bellpac No1, Gibsons, Russell Vale, South BulliNew South Wales34.3468°S 150.87°E / -34.3468; 150.87Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
BlackwaterStewarton, Tannyfoil, Taurus, WilpeenaQueensland23.6856°S 148.8074°E / -23.6856; 148.8074Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
MoorvaleQueensland21.9955°S 148.3536°E / -21.9955; 148.3536Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
KestrelGordonstone, Kestrel West, Ti TreeQueensland23.242°S 148.3703°E / -23.242; 148.3703Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
ClermontQueensland22.6892°S 147.6308°E / -22.6892; 147.6308Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
BaralabaDawson ValleyQueensland24.1649°S 149.8032°E / -24.1649; 149.8032Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Hunter Valley OperationsCarrington, Chestnut, Howick, Hunter Valley No 1 & No 2, Lemington, RiverviewNew South Wales32.5104°S 150.992°E / -32.5104; 150.992Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
MyunaNew South Wales33.0601°S 151.5687°E / -33.0601; 151.5687Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Jellinbah EastQueensland23.4069°S 148.9506°E / -23.4069; 148.9506Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
CharbonNew South Wales32.8964°S 149.9777°E / -32.8964; 149.9777Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackSydney Basin
TowerNew South Wales34.1669°S 150.72°E / -34.1669; 150.72ClosedCoal - blackSydney Basin
Peak DownsCaval Ridge, Isaac RiverQueensland22.2199°S 148.1731°E / -22.2199; 148.1731Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Angus PlaceNew South Wales33.3492°S 150.199°E / -33.3492; 150.199Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackSydney Basin
NewstanNewstan Extension, Newstan LochielNew South Wales32.9758°S 151.5769°E / -32.9758; 151.5769Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackSydney Basin
BrimstoneBrimstone No1 and No2New South Wales33.9967°S 150.4556°E / -33.9967; 150.4556ClosedCoal - blackSydney Basin
BloomfieldNew South Wales32.7922°S 151.567°E / -32.7922; 151.567Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Maules CreekNew South Wales30.5451°S 150.1542°E / -30.5451; 150.1542Operating MineCoal - blackGunnedah Basin
MuswellbrookSandy CreekNew South Wales32.245°S 150.9414°E / -32.245; 150.9414Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
MillenniumWest PoitrelQueensland22.025°S 148.213°E / -22.025; 148.213Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Integra (Glennies Creek)New South Wales32.4688°S 151.135°E / -32.4688; 151.135Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
South Walker CreekKemmis-WalkerQueensland21.7709°S 148.4427°E / -21.7709; 148.4427Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
MinervaAthenaQueensland23.9214°S 148.0471°E / -23.9214; 148.0471ClosedCoal - blackBowen Basin
BurtonBurton Downs, Kerlong, PlumtreeQueensland21.5886°S 148.1726°E / -21.5886; 148.1726Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackBowen Basin
SarajiQueensland22.3694°S 148.2911°E / -22.3694; 148.2911Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Ravensworth UGNardell Colliery, Newpac CollieryNew South Wales32.4366°S 151.0375°E / -32.4366; 151.0375Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackSydney Basin
Rixs CreekNew South Wales32.5268°S 151.13°E / -32.5268; 151.13Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
MiddlemountQueensland22.8481°S 148.6316°E / -22.8481; 148.6316Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
MaddingleyVictoria37.7043°S 144.4402°E / -37.7043; 144.4402Operating MineCoal - brownOtway BasinCenozoic
DendrobiumNew South Wales34.3769°S 150.76°E / -34.3769; 150.76Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Ironbark No.1 (prev. Ellensfield)Ironbark No. 1Queensland21.762°S 148.254°E / -21.762; 148.254Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Ravensworth NorthNew South Wales32.44°S 150.997°E / -32.44; 150.997Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Great GretaNew South Wales32.5275°S 151.4197°E / -32.5275; 151.4197ClosedCoal - blackSydney Basin
Cameby Downs50259, 50260, 50269, ML50258Queensland26.5786°S 150.2872°E / -26.5786; 150.2872Operating MineCoal - blackSurat BasinMesozoic
Ivanhoe NorthIvanhoe No2New South Wales33.3569°S 150.01°E / -33.3569; 150.01Historic MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
West CliffNew South Wales34.2175°S 150.8244°E / -34.2175; 150.8244ClosedCoal - blackSydney Basin
GregoryGregory-CrinumQueensland23.1722°S 148.3563°E / -23.1722; 148.3563Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Bloodwood CreekUnderground Coal GasificationQueensland27.15°S 150.78°E / -27.15; 150.78ClosedCoal - blackSurat Basin
MaxwellCL229, CL395, Drayton South, EL5460, ML1531, Mount Arthur South, Saddlers CreekNew South Wales32.4268°S 150.83°E / -32.4268; 150.83Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
TahmoorBargo, Tahmoor NorthNew South Wales34.2508°S 150.5795°E / -34.2508; 150.5795Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Curragh NorthPiscesQueensland23.3799°S 148.8738°E / -23.3799; 148.8738Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Saraji SouthNorwich ParkQueensland22.6158°S 148.4294°E / -22.6158; 148.4294Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackBowen Basin
GlendellNew South Wales32.4512°S 151.0776°E / -32.4512; 151.0776Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
DonaldsonAbelNew South Wales32.793°S 151.5765°E / -32.793; 151.5765Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackSydney Basin
StanhopeMerrywoodTasmania41.7735°S 147.96°E / -41.7735; 147.96Historic MineCoal - blackTasmania Basin
BoggabriNew South Wales30.5904°S 150.1633°E / -30.5904; 150.1633Operating MineCoal - blackGunnedah Basin
Wongawilli Colliery (NRE)Elouera, NeboNew South Wales34.4749°S 150.7357°E / -34.4749; 150.7357Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackSydney Basin
Hail CreekQueensland21.5054°S 148.4068°E / -21.5054; 148.4068Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Oaky CreekIncludes Alliance, Oaky No1, Oaky NorthQueensland23.0416°S 148.4932°E / -23.0416; 148.4932Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Chain ValleyNew South Wales33.1631°S 151.55°E / -33.1631; 151.55Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
CommodoreMillmerranQueensland27.9303°S 151.2791°E / -27.9303; 151.2791Operating MineCoal - blackClarence-Moreton Basin
New AclandAcland, Glen Roslyn, Manningvale East, Manningvale West, SabineQueensland27.2696°S 151.7078°E / -27.2696; 151.7078Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackClarence-Moreton Basin
North Goonyella - EaglefieldQueensland21.6476°S 147.9766°E / -21.6476; 147.9766Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackBowen Basin
YallournEast Field, Maryvale Field, Yallourn East, Yallourn TownshipVictoria38.1951°S 146.3604°E / -38.1951; 146.3604Operating MineCoal - brownGippsland BasinCenozoic
Clarenceincludes Blue MountainsNew South Wales33.4565°S 150.2439°E / -33.4565; 150.2439Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
AustarBellbird, Pelton-Ellalong, SouthlandNew South Wales32.8669°S 151.3046°E / -32.8669; 151.3046ClosedCoal - blackSydney Basin
SonomaCowsQueensland20.62°S 147.86°E / -20.62; 147.86Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Eagle DownsPeak Downs EastQueensland22.1928°S 148.1905°E / -22.1928; 148.1905FeasibilityCoal - blackBowen Basin
NarrabriNarabri South, Narrabri NorthNew South Wales30.52°S 149.85°E / -30.52; 149.85Operating MineCoal - blackGunnedah Basin
SunnysideNew South Wales30.99°S 150.09°E / -30.99; 150.09Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackGunnedah Basin
Carborough DownsBroadlea NorthQueensland21.9502°S 148.2094°E / -21.9502; 148.2094Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
Western MainNew South Wales33.3769°S 150.05°E / -33.3769; 150.05Historic MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Avondale NREAvondaleNew South Wales34.508°S 150.774°E / -34.508; 150.774Historic MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Pine DaleNew South Wales33.297°S 150.065°E / -33.297; 150.065Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackSydney Basin
TarrawongaEast BoggabriNew South Wales30.638°S 150.163°E / -30.638; 150.163Operating MineCoal - blackGunnedah Basin
Werris CreekNew South Wales31.407°S 150.6395°E / -31.407; 150.6395Operating MineCoal - blackGunnedah Basin
South BulliNew South Wales34.3497°S 150.8892°E / -34.3497; 150.8892Historic MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
BurgowanQueensland25.3119°S 152.5649°E / -25.3119; 152.5649Historic MineCoal - blackMaryborough Basin
MooneeNew South Wales33.1397°S 151.6317°E / -33.1397; 151.6317ClosedCoal - blackSydney Basin
FingalDuncanTasmania41.6396°S 148.0155°E / -41.6396; 148.0155Historic MineCoal - blackTasmania Basin
New Wallsend No2GretleyNew South Wales32.9164°S 151.6783°E / -32.9164; 151.6783Historic MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
WashpoolQueensland23.474°S 148.763°E / -23.474; 148.763FeasibilityCoal - blackBowen Basin
New HillQueensland27.6202°S 152.8321°E / -27.6202; 152.8321Historic MineCoal - blackIpswich Basin
Tarong (Meandu)TarongQueensland26.8135°S 151.9115°E / -26.8135; 151.9115Operating MineCoal - blackTarong Basin
EndeavourNewvale No2New South Wales33.2272°S 151.5622°E / -33.2272; 151.5622Historic MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
Enhance PlaceNew South Wales33.3673°S 150.066°E / -33.3673; 150.066ClosedCoal - blackSydney Basin
Capcoal - AquilaQueensland22.9041°S 148.5499°E / -22.9041; 148.5499Care And MaintenanceCoal - blackBowen Basin
WollombiQueensland21.2544°S 147.901°E / -21.2544; 147.901Operating MineCoal - blackBowen Basin
GloucesterNew South Wales32.1177°S 151.9736°E / -32.1177; 151.9736Operating MineCoal - blackGloucester Basin
SwanbankQueensland27.6552°S 152.821°E / -27.6552; 152.821ClosedCoal - blackIpswich BasinMesozoic
AppinAppin (Bulli seam)and Dendrobium (Wongawilli seam) minesNew South Wales34.1606°S 150.8634°E / -34.1606; 150.8634Operating MineCoal - blackSydney Basin
WiltonQueensland23.323°S 148.551°E / -23.323; 148.551FeasibilityCoal - blackBowen Basin
FairhillQueensland23.323°S 148.551°E / -23.323; 148.551FeasibilityCoal - blackBowen Basin

Major coal mining companies

Kestrel coal mine, 2007

The largest coal producers in Australia are BHP, Glencore, Yancoal, Peabody, Anglo American and Whitehaven Coal.[41] As at June 2023, coal companies in Australia were making windfall profits due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[42] However, international sanctions against Russia and the energy transition in Europe are also forcing Russia to direct its coal exports eastward, creating more competition with Australian exports in the long term.[43]

Future planned coal mining

Several new coal mines are planned for development in Australia. This includes Olive Downs mine, to be operated by Pembroke Resources, near Coppabella, Queensland.[44] In 2021, the federal government agreed to loan the project A$175 million to begin the first stages of its development.[45] In April 2022, the construction of the mine commenced. Production is expected to begin in 2023.[46]

Divestment from coal

Coal production per person was the highest in the world in 2022

Australia's coal policy is aligning with legislative targets to reach net zero emissions by 2050 and reduce emissions by 43% by 2030. There's no fixed schedule for phasing out coal electricity plants or coal mining activities. Coal-fired generators must give a three-and-a-half-year notice before shutting down.[31]

Several mines have announced plans to wind-down operations in coal within set timeframes, alongside planned closures of coal power plants in Australia. This includes Werris Creek (2025).[47]

In 2016, Glencore announced that Tahmoor Colliery would be closed by 2019.[48] However, Glencore later sold the mine to SIMEC in 2018,[49][50] who still operate it.

In 2018, Rio Tinto completed its exit from coal mining with the sale of the Kestrel coal mine.[51]

BHP planned to sell the Mount Arthur mine in 2022, but failed to attract a viable offer and decided to continue operations there until financial year 2030.[52]

In August 2022, BHP completed its sale of the BHP Mitsui Coal to Stanmore Resources.[53]

Banks such as Westpac have introduced restrictions on lending for new thermal coal mines, including a limit of 6,300 kilocalories per kilogram for new projects.[54] By 2021, Australia' big four banks were committed to leaving thermal coal by 2030, pledging alignment with the Paris Climate Agreement.[55] In 2021, ANZ concluded that the Port of Newcastle could become a stranded asset. ANZ took the opportunity to divest when the port was refinancing.[56]

Environmental impacts

September 2019 climate strike in Tumbarumba, Australia

Both underground and open-cut mines generate significant environmental impacts, including modified topography, soil erosion, water pollution, air pollution and acid water drainage.[57] The coal industry claims that extensive rehabilitation of areas mined helps to ensure that land capability, after coal mining, meets agreed and appropriate standards.[58][59] It is estimated that air pollution from coal-fired power stations in Australia is responsible for 785 premature deaths each year.[60]

Coal is the principal fossil fuel used in power generation not only in Australia but in many other countries. Links between coal mining, coal burning, and climate change are being discussed widely in Australia.[61][62]

On 27 November 2006 the Land and Environment Court of New South Wales judge Justice Nicola Pain made the decision to set aside the Director-General's acceptance of the Environmental Assessment for the Anvil Hill coal mine,[63] on the grounds that it did not include a comprehensive greenhouse gas assessment, even though the proposed mining of coal was for export. However, on 7 June 2007 the planning minister for NSW Frank Sartor reversed this decision and approved the mine, attaching a list of 80 conditions to the mines operation including conservation offsets.[64]

An international climate think tank produced a report that concluded Australia's coal mines are emitting twice as much methane as national estimates, finding a massive under-reporting of methane emissions in Australia.[65] As part of the nation's commitment to the Paris Agreement Australia must reduce its emissions by 26–28% in 2030 compared to 2005. According to the International Energy Agency, no new coal projects or gas projects can be approved if the world is to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.[66]

Protests against coal

One of the first protests against coal development occurred to the south of Sydney in the early 1970s. Clutha Development wanted to build a new coal loading facility at Coalcliff.[67] Coal was to be stored in heaps along the coast. Local activist, Judy Gjedsted, organised protests which successfully ended the proposal.[67]

In November 2021, anti-coal protestors led by Blockade Australia disrupted activity at the world’s largest coal terminal, the Port of Newcastle, by abseilling from equipment and obstructing railway tracks. The protests lasted for 10 days and 17 people were arrested.[68][69] Coordinated action by Blockade Australia in June 2023 saw ports in Newcastle, Brisbane and Melbourne targeted.[70] In April 2023, about 50 people caused a train loaded with coal to come to a halt at Newcastle.[71] Some of the protestors then climbed on top of a carriage loaded with coal, remaining there for almost three hours.[71]

The Carmichael mine run by Adani Group, planned since 2012 and opened in 2021, drew national and international opposition, both from climate activists and traditional owners.[72][73] In August 2019, the government extinguished 1,385 hectares of Wangan and Jaggalingou native title in order to grant Adani title to the land.[74] Protestor activity at the mine has included 40 people blocking the entrance of the mine, with two chaining themselves to a drum of reinforced concrete.[75]

In November 2023, one of the largest protests against coal and fossil fuels in Australia took place in Newcastle. A 30-hour blockade consisting of kayaks, surfboards and pontoons across a shipping channel blocked coal exports from the port.[76] The occupation was organised by Rising Tide. More than 100 people were arrested after staying longer than an agreed deadline.[77]

Environmental regulation of coal mining

A haul truck moves overburden at Carmichael coal mine, 2022

The Australian commonwealth government is responsible for making policy on off-shore exploration of coal and resources, while the governments of the states and territories are responsible for policy on onshore exploration.[78]

Commonwealth law

The main Commonwealth environmental laws potentially applicable to coal mining are the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and the Clean Energy Act 2011. The EPBC Act is triggered if a proposed action is likely to have a significant impact on a matter of national environmental significance, for example federally listed threatened species and groundwater impacts.[79]

In September 2022, the Australian Parliament passed the Climate Change Bill. It includes the national targets of cutting emissions by at least 43% by 2030 (compared with 2005) and reaching net zero by 2050.[80] The bill is largely symbolic, it doesn't stipulate how the country will get to its targets.

New South Wales

Relevant laws are mining law, land use planning law, biodiversity law and water law.

Pollution law

Coal mining requires a pollution control ('environment protection') licence under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (NSW) if it exceeds the following thresholds set out in Schedule 1 of the Act: if it is mining, processing or handling of coal (including tailings and chitter) at underground mines or open cut mines and (a) it has a capacity to produce more than 500 tonnes of coal per day, or (b) it has disturbed, is disturbing or will disturb a total surface area of more than 4 hectares of land by: (i) clearing or excavating, or (ii) constructing dams, ponds, drains, roads, railways or conveyors, or (iii) storing or depositing overburden or coal (including tailings and chitter).[81]


In March 2020, the Queensland Resources Council introduced safety protocols to promote the health of coal mine workers amidst the international spread of COVID-19. These included improvements to social distancing of workers, disallowing visitors from the public to enter the sites and checking the temperature of workers at mine site entries.[82]

See also


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