Comarques of Catalonia

The comarques of Catalonia (singular comarca, Eastern Catalan: [kuˈmarkə], Western Catalan: [koˈmaɾka]), often referred to in English as counties,[1][2][3][lower-alpha 1] are an administrative division of Catalonia. Each comarca comprises a number of municipalities, roughly equivalent to a county in the United States. Currently, Catalonia is divided into 42 comarques and Aran, considered a "unique territorial entity" and not a comarca.[4]

Each comarca has a representative county council (Catalan: consell comarcal), except for Barcelonès, which abolished it in 2019, and Aran, which instead has the Conselh Generau d'Aran.

Comarques form the second-level administrative division within Catalonia, being a subdivision of vegueries (or provinces at state level).

Comarques of Catalonia


Although today the comarques are officially defined under a Catalan parliamentary act,[5] for centuries they had existed unofficially, with citizens identifying with a particular comarca in the same way that people in other parts of the world might identify with a particular region.

In some cases, comarques consist of rural areas and many small villages centring on an important town, where the people of the region traditionally go to shop or to sell their goods. This is the case of comarques such as the Pla de l'Estany, centred on the town of Banyoles, or the Ripollès, centred on the town of Ripoll. In other cases, comarques are larger areas with many important population centres that have traditionally been considered part of the same region, as in the case of the Empordà or Vallès.

The current official division of Catalonia into comarques originates in an order of the autonomous Catalan government under the Spanish Republic in 1936. It was superseded after the 1939 victory of Francisco Franco's forces in the Spanish Civil War, but restored in 1987 by the re-established Generalitat of Catalonia. Since the definition of comarques is sometimes ambiguous, many new proposals have been made since the comarques were first officially designated as attempts to modify the official distribution with what some regions consider to be a traditional comarca. As a result, some revisions to the official division have been made, such as the additions of Moianès and Lluçanès to the map, in 2015 and 2023 respectively.

Comarques exist as a local government area, and have a representative county council. They are often known as counties in the English language, but this can be confused with the counties that were ruled by counts.

Borders of comarques generally do not cross those of the state-level provinces (Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, Tarragona), since the provinces are defined by the Spanish government, while comarques are defined by the Catalan government - notably in the case of Cerdanya which is split into two between the provinces of Lleida and Girona (most other cases involve only one or two municipalities).

Aran, which is included here, is officially not a comarca but a "unique territorial entity" with additional powers. Its current status was formalised in February 2015.[4]

List of comarques

CapitalNumber of
Density Region (vegueria)Province(s)
Alt Camp1987Valls2344,578538.282.8 Camp de TarragonaTarragona
Alt Empordà1987Figueres68140,2141,357.4103.3 Comarques GironinesGirona
Alt Penedès1987Vilafranca del Penedès27106,262592.7179.3 PenedèsBarcelona
Alt Urgell1987La Seu d'Urgell1920,8781,447.514.4 Alt PirineuLleida
Alta Ribagorça1988El Pont de Suert33,873426.89.1 Alt PirineuLleida
Anoia1987Igualada33117,842866.3136.0 Penedès, Central CataloniaBarcelona
Aran1987Vielha e Mijaran99,993633.515.8 AranLleida
Bages1987Manresa30175,527[lower-alpha 2]1,092.2[lower-alpha 2]160.7 Central CataloniaBarcelona
Baix Camp1987Reus28190,249697.3272.8 Camp de TarragonaTarragona
Baix Ebre1987Tortosa1480,6371002.680.4 Terres de l'EbreTarragona
Baix Empordà1987La Bisbal d'Empordà36132,886701.8189.4 Comarques GironinesGirona
Baix Llobregat1987Sant Feliu de Llobregat30806,249486.21,658.3 BarcelonaBarcelona
Baix Penedès1987El Vendrell14100,262296.4338.3 PenedèsTarragona
Barcelonès1987Barcelona52,227,238145.815,276.0 BarcelonaBarcelona
Berguedà1987Berga3140,0391,185.333.8 Central CataloniaBarcelona, Lleida
Cerdanya1987Puigcerdà1718,063546.633.0 Alt PirineuGirona, Lleida
Conca de Barberà1987Montblanc2220,723650.231.9 Camp de TarragonaTarragona
Garraf1987Vilanova i la Geltrú6145,886185.1788.1 PenedèsBarcelona
Garrigues1987Les Borges Blanques2419,762797.724.8 PonentLleida
Garrotxa1987Olot2156,036734.576.3 Comarques GironinesGirona
Gironès1987Girona28185,085575.6321.6 Comarques GironinesGirona
Lluçanès2023Prats de Lluçanèsn/an/an/an/a Central CataloniaBarcelona
Maresme1987Mataró30437,919398.61,098.6 BarcelonaBarcelona
Moianès2015Moià1013,056337.938.6 Central CataloniaBarcelona
Montsià1987Amposta1269,613735.594.6 Terres de l'EbreTarragona
Noguera1987Balaguer3039,3761,784.122.1 PonentLleida
Osona1987Vic50154,559[lower-alpha 2]1,245.1[lower-alpha 2]124.1 Central CataloniaBarcelona, Girona
Pallars Jussà1987Tremp1413,5301,343.210.1 Alt PirineuLleida
Pallars Sobirà1987Sort157,2201,378.05.2 Alt PirineuLleida
Pla de l'Estany1988Banyoles1131,554262.8120.1 Comarques GironinesGirona
Pla d'Urgell1988Mollerussa1637,128305.2121.7 PonentLleida
Priorat1987Falset239,550498.719.1 Camp de TarragonaTarragona
Ribera d'Ebre1987Móra d'Ebre1422,925827.127.7 Terres de l'EbreTarragona
Ripollès1987Ripoll1925,700956.626.9 Comarques GironinesGirona
Segarra1987Cervera2122,713722.831.4 PonentLleida
Segrià1987Lleida38209,7681,396.4150.2 PonentLleida
Selva1987Santa Coloma de Farners26170,249994.9171.1 Comarques GironinesGirona, Barcelona
Solsonès1987Solsona1513,4971001.113.5 Central CataloniaLleida
Tarragonès1987Tarragona22250,306319.2784.2 Camp de TarragonaTarragona
Terra Alta1987Gandesa1212,119743.016.3 Terres de l'EbreTarragona
Urgell1987Tàrrega2036,526579.663.0 PonentLleida
Vallès Occidental1987Sabadell, Terrassa23899,532583.11,542.7 BarcelonaBarcelona
Vallès Oriental1987Granollers39399,781[lower-alpha 2]734.5[lower-alpha 2]544.3 BarcelonaBarcelona
• Total: 439487,518,90332,108.0[7][lower-alpha 3]234.2

Comarca revisions

Revisions to the comarques took place in 1988 (creation of Pla d'Estany, Pla d'Urgell, and Alta Ribagorça),[8] 1990 (various adjustments),[9] and May 2015 (creation of Moianès).[10] The Catalan government's "Report on the revision of Catalonia's territorial organisation model" (the Roca Report), published in 2000, recommends many more changes to comarques, which have not yet been adopted except for the 2015 creation of Moianès.[11] The other proposed new comarques are: Vall de Camprodon (capital at Camprodon), Selva Marítima (capital at Blanes), Alta Segarra (capital at Calaf), Segre Mitjà (capital at Ponts), and Baix Llobregat Nord (capital at Martorell).

In a non-binding referendum in July 2015, a majority of municipalities of the Lluçanès region of Osona voted to join a proposed new comarca of that name. It was finally added to the list of Comarques on the 3rd of May 2023. [12]

DateFrom comarcaTo comarcaMunicipalities
1988GironèsPla de l'EstanyBanyoles, Camós, Cornellà del Terri, Crespià, Esponellà, Fontcoberta, Palol de Revardit, Porqueres, Sant Miquel de Campmajor, Serinyà, Vilademuls
1988UrgellPla d'UrgellBarbens, Castellnou de Seana, Ivars d'Urgell, Vilanova de Bellpuig, Vila-sana
1988SegriàPla d'UrgellBell-lloc d'Urgell, Fondarella, Golmés, Miralcamp, Mollerussa, El Palau d'Anglesola, Sidamon
1988NogueraPla d'UrgellBellvís, Linyola, El Poal
1988GarriguesPla d'UrgellTorregrossa
1988Pallars JussàAlta RibagorçaBarruera (La Vall de Boí), El Pont de Suert, Vilaller
1990NogueraSegriàAlfarràs, La Portella
1990PrioratBaix CampArbolí
1990TarragonèsBaix PenedèsBonastre
1990Vallès OccidentalVallès OrientalCaldes de Montbui
1990GarrafAlt PenedèsCastellet i la Gornal, Olesa de Bonesvalls
1990BarcelonèsBaix LlobregatEsplugues de Llobregat, Sant Just Desvern
1990TarragonèsAlt CampEls Garidells
1990Alt CampBaix PenedèsMasllorenç
1990AnoiaSolsonèsLa Molsosa
1990RipollèsOsonaMontesquiu, Santa Maria de Besora, Sant Quirze de Besora, Vidrà
1990UrgellSegarraMontornès de Segarra
1990Baix EbreMontsiàSant Jaume d'Enveja
1990SegarraConca de BarberàVallfogona de Riucorb
1994-Vallès OccidentalBadia del Vallès
2015BagesMoianèsCalders, L'Estany, Moià, Monistrol de Calders, Santa Maria d'Oló
2015Vallès OrientalMoianèsCastellcir, Castellterçol, Granera, Sant Quirze Safaja
2023SegarraSolsonèsTorà, Biosca
2023 Osona Lluçanès Alpens, Lluçà, Olost, Oristà, Perafita, Prats de Lluçanès, Sant Martí d'Albars, Sobremunt
2023 Bages Lluçanès Sant Feliu Sasserra
2023 Lluçanès Bages Sant Feliu Sasserra

Northern Catalan comarques

There are six comarques which are often referred to as the historical comarques of Catalonia, because their present-day territory was a part of the former Principality of Catalonia, but nowadays they lie in Northern Catalonia, administered by France.

Alta CerdanyaFont-romeu
CapcirEls Angles
ConflentPrada de Conflent

See also


  1. Not to be confused with the historical Catalan counties.
  2. Adjusted following creation of Moianès
  3. The total of the figures above is 32,107.1. The difference may be due to rounding.


  1. "Idescat. Statistical Yearbook of Catalonia. County councils. Councillors. Counties". Retrieved 2023-11-27.
  2. "Festivals in southern Terres de l'Ebre counties form new group to increase visibility". 2023-05-06. Retrieved 2023-11-27.
  3. "Coronavirus: Spain puts 200,000 people in Catalonia back into lockdown as cases rise". Sky News. Retrieved 2023-11-27.
  4. "LLEI 1/2015, del 5 de febrer, del règim especial d'Aran" [Administration of Aran Act] (PDF) (in Catalan). Generalitat of Catalonia. 2015-02-13. Retrieved 2015-11-19.
  5. "The comarcal organisation of Catalonia (Act 6/1987)" (in Spanish). Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado. 1987. pp. 12192–12201. Retrieved 11 June 2022.
  6. "El municipi en xifres". Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya. Retrieved 2015-05-25.
  7. "Indicadors geogràfics. Superfície, densitat i entitats de població: Catalunya". Statistical Institute of Catalonia. Retrieved 2015-11-25.
  8. "Llei 5/1988, de 28 de març, de creació de les comarques del Pla de l'Estany, del Pla d'Urgell i de l'Alta Ribagorça" (in Catalan). Generalitat de Catalunya. 1988-03-28. Retrieved 2015-05-25.
  9. "Llei 3/1990, de 8 de gener, de modificació de la divisió comarcal de Catalunya" (in Catalan). Generalitat de Catalunya. 2015-05-25. Retrieved 2015-05-25.
  10. "El Parlament aprova la llei de creació del Moianès amb els vots en contra de Ciutadans i l'abstenció del PP". La Vanguardia (in Catalan). 2015-04-15. Retrieved 2015-04-15.
  11. Miquel Roca i Junyent; et al. (December 2000). "Informe sobre la revisió del Model d'organització territorial de Catalunya" (PDF) (in Catalan). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-08-29.
  12. "La llei del Lluçanès fa un pas endavant al Parlament de Catalunya". (in Catalan). Retrieved 2023-05-17.
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