Demographics of Munich

This article describes the demographics of Munich via tables and graphs.

Coat of arms

Population growth

Population growth

The population of Munich was only 24,000 in 1700, but it doubled every 30 years, and in 1852 the population exceeded 100,000, qualifying it a large city (Großstadt) by German administrative standards. By 1883, Munich had a population of 250,000; this doubled to 500,000 in 1901, making Munich the third largest city in the Deutsches Reich after Berlin and Hamburg.

The physical effects of the Second World War are clearly visible. Towards the end of the war, 90% of the historical old town had been destroyed in 73 aerial raids and half of the city was in ruins. Estimates for the impact of these raids on the population offer the figure of 6,000 dead. In total, Munich lost 34% of its population, with 279,000 people displaced through evacuation, migration, deportation, and made homeless through aerial attacks. The total population decreased from 829,000 in May 1939 to 550,000 in May 1945. The prewar population level was not regained until 1950.

Shortly before the city's 800th anniversary, on 15 December 1957, the millionth resident of Munich was born, making Munich the latest city to reach a population of one million out of 70 cities worldwide. According to the Bavarian National Office for Statistics and Data Processing, the official figure for the population of Munich was 1,259,677 in December 2005 (only principal residences and with adjustments from other national offices). As of June 2007, it stood at 1,305,525.

The following summary shows the population according to historical local data. Up to 1824 the figures are mainly estimates; after that they are census results or official statistics from the local authorities. From 1871 onward, the figures given refer to the "population present in the town (ortsanwesende Bevölkerung); from 1925 the figures are the "resident population" (Wohnbevölkerung), and from since 1987 the figures are for the "population at the place of main residence" (Bevölkerung am Ort der Hauptwohnung). Before 1871, figures are from irregular survey methods.

From 1369 to 1944

Date Inhabitants
Date Inhabitants
1. June 183071,375¹
3 December 184082.736¹
3 December 184390.055¹
3 December 184694,830¹
3 December 184996,398¹
3 December 1852106,715¹
3 December 1855132,112¹
3 December 1858137,095¹
3 December 1861148,201¹
3 December 1864167,054¹
3 December 1867170,688¹
1 December 1871169,693¹
1 December 1875193,024¹
1 December 1880230,023¹
1 December 1885261,981¹
Date Inhabitants
1 December 1890349,024¹
2 December 1895407,307¹
1 December 1900499,959¹
1 December 1905509,067¹
1 December 1910596,467¹
31 December 1913640,000 
1 December 1916594,096¹
5 December 1917595.002¹
8 October 1919630,711¹
31 December 1920666,000 
16 June 1925680,704¹
31 December 1930728,900 
16 June 1933735,388¹
31 December 1935743,653 
17 May 1939829,318¹
31 December 1940834,500 

¹ Census figures

From 1945 to 1989

Date Inhabitants
8 May 1945550,000 
31 December 1945674,154 
29 October 1946751,967¹
31 December 1947788,100 
31 December 1948801,500 
30 June 1949814,228 
30 June 1950823,892 
13 September 1950831,937¹
30 June 1951855,003 
30. June 1952873,065 
30. June 1953889,843 
30. June 1954908,572 
30 June 1955929,808 
30 June 1956957,177 
25 September 1956962,860¹
30 June 1957986,028 
30 June 19581,011,878 
Date Inhabitants
30 June 19591,033,854 
30 June 19601,055,457 
6 June 19611,085,014¹
31 December 19611,106,298 
31 December 19621,142,622 
31 December 19631,166,160 
31 December 19641,192,614 
31 December 19651,214,603 
31 December 19661,235,548 
31 December 19671,244,237 
31 December 19681,279,405 
31 December 19691,326,331 
27 May 19701,293,590¹
31 December 19701,311,978 
31 December 19711,338,432 
31 December 19721,338,924 
31 December 19731,336,576 
Date Inhabitants  
31 December 19741,323,434 
31 December 19751,314,865 
31 December 19761,314,572 
31 December 19771,313,939 
31 December 19781,296,970 
31 December 19791,299,693 
31 December 19801,298,941 
31 December 19811,291,828 
31 December 19821,287,080 
31 December 19831,283,457 
31 December 19841,267,451 
31 December 19851,266,549 
31 December 19861,274,716 
25 May 19871,185,421¹
31 December 19871,201,479 
31 December 19881,211,617 
31 December 19891,206,683 

¹ Census figures

From 1990

Date Inhabitants  
31 December 19901,229,026 
31 December 19911,229,052 
31 December 19921,256,638 
31 December 19931,255,623 
31 December 19941,244,676 
31 December 19951,236,370 
31 December 19961,225,809 
31 December 19971,205,923 
31 December 19981,188,897 
31 December 19991,194,560 
Date Inhabitants  
31 December 20001,210,223 
31 December 20011,227,958 
31 December 20021,234,692 
31 December 20031,247,873 
31 December 20041,249,176 
31 December 20051,259,677 
31 December 20061,294,608 
31 December 20071.311.573 
31 December 20081.326.807 
31 December 20091.330.440 
Date Inhabitants  
31 December 20101.353.186 
9 May 20111.348.335¹
31 December 20111.364.920 
31 December 20121.388.308 
31 December 20131.407.836 
31 December 20141.429.584 
31 December 20151.450.381 
30 June 20161.452.826 

¹ Census figures

Source: Bavarian Regional Authority for Statistics and Data Handling (Bayerisches Landesamt für Statistik und Datenverarbeitung).

Population forecast

The Bertelsmann Foundation provides data for population and population growth for 2,959 municipalities in Germany (January 2006 publication). In Munich, the population is forecast to rise by 7.8% between 2003 and 2020 (96,988 persons).

Projected population growth 2003–2020 for Munich (principal residences):

Date Inhabitants
31 December 20101,314,947
31 December 20151,340,514
31 December 20201,344,861

Source: Bertelsmann Foundation

In the city administration's 2002 planning forecast, a 2% rise of the legally resident population (principal and secondary residences) between 2001 and 2015 is predicted. For immigration, a 7.2% rise is predicted and for stagnation, a decrease of 1.7%. Absolute population trend 2001–2015 – Forecast for Munich (principal and secondary residences):

Year Planning
31 December 20011,404,0001,404.0001,404,000
31 December 20051,421,0001,447.0001,405,000
31 December 20101,421,0001,486.0001,386,000
31 December 20151,432,0001,505.0001,380,000

Source: Munich Statistical Office (Statistisches Amt der Landeshauptstadt München).

Population structure

In December 2005, the proportion of foreigners was 23.3% or 300,129 persons in absolute figures. The largest groups of these are Turks (43.309), Croatians (24,866), Serbians (24,439), Greeks (22,486), Austrians (21,411) and Italians (20,847). 37% of foreigners in Munich come from countries within the European Union.

Population As of 31 December 2005
Legitimate Population1,436,725
of which male707,047
Inhabitants with principal residence1,288,307
of which male623,920
Inhabitants with secondary residence148,418
of which male83,127
Germans with principal residence988,178
of which male466,400
Foreigners with principal residence300,129
of which male157,520
Foreigner proportion in %23.3

Source: Munich Statistical Office (Statistisches Amt der Landeshauptstadt München).

Age distribution

Population pyramid – age distribution in 2010

The following shows the age distribution from 31 December 2005 (principal residences).

Age from – to Inhabitant Count Proportion in %
over 65225,28917.5

Source: Munich Statistical Office (Statistisches Amt der Landeshauptstadt München).


The following number of inhabitants refer to principal residences as of 31 December 2006.

Name Area in km2 Inhabitant Count Inhabitants per km2
Berg am Laim6.3139,0096,182
Milbertshofen-Am Hart13.3766,9925,011

Source: Munich Statistical Office (Statistisches Amt der Landeshauptstadt München).[1] (in German)

Foreign communities

There are very sizable Balkan and Turkish communities in the city. Of the foreign nationals in Munich, about 37% come from the European Union. The most common foreign nationals in Munich are:

Data for the year 2021:[2]

  • Croats (38.859)
  • Turks (37.614)
  • Italians (28.137)
  • Greeks (25.897)
  • Bosnians (22.512)
  • Austrians (20.118)
  • Romanians (17.932)
  • Poles (17.839)
  • Serbs (14.484)
  • Bulgarians (13.646)

Bavarian State Office for Statistics

See also


  • Kaiserliches Statistisches Amt (Hrsg.): Statistisches Jahrbuch für das Deutsche Reich, 1880–1918 (in German)
  • Statistisches Reichsamt (Hrsg.): Statistisches Jahrbuch für das Deutsche Reich, 1919–1941/42 (in German)
  • Deutscher Städtetag (Hrsg.): Statistisches Jahrbuch Deutscher Gemeinden , 1890 ff. (in German)
  • Statistisches Bundesamt (Hrsg.): Statistisches Jahrbuch für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1952 ff. (in German)

Data sources

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