
Elitloppet (literally: "The Elite Race") or Solvallas Internationella Elitlopp is an annual, invitational Group One harness event that has taken place at Solvalla Racetrack in Stockholm, Sweden, since 1952.[1] The competition is regarded as one of the most prestigious international events in trotting. The winner is decided through two qualifying rounds and a subsequent final later the same day. Both the eliminations and the final are raced over the mile.[2] The overall purse for the 2022 event was SEK11,350,000, equalling approximately US$1,073,000. In 2002 the Italian champion Varenne, (considered the strongest trotter of all time), took it in a world record time of 1:10.4 in the elimination and then bested that mark by winning the final in 1:10.2 – the fastest mile ever trotted around three turns. The fastest winning time in a final is 1:08.9, run by the Swedish Don Fanucci Zet in 2021.[3][4][5] Elitloppet was part of the European Grand Circuit and is part of that circuit's successor, the UET Masters Series.[6]

Group One International race
2010 Elitloppet finish-line
LocationSolvalla Racetrack, Stockholm,
Race typeHarness race for standardbred trotters
Race information
Distance1,609 meters (1 mile)
TrackLeft-handed 1,000 meter track (0.62 mile)
PurseSEK 11,350,000 ≈USD 1,073,000


The beginning

The first Elitloppet was run in 1952 under the name of Solvallas Jubileumslopp (approximately "Solvalla's Jubilee Race"). Winner the opening year was the German horse Permit.[7] The following year, the event changed name to Elitloppet.[8]

The doping affair in 2006

In Elitloppet 2006, French star trotter Jag de Bellouet won in a record time of 1:09,4 (km rate), with Italian Lets Go in second place. At a press conference a few weeks after the Elitloppet Day, it was announced that both horses had been disqualified due to positive doping tests. Jag de Bellouet and Lets Go tested positive for diclofenac and etacrynic acid, respectively. After the disqualifications, Swedish Conny Nobell was announced the official winner of the 2006 event. The general secretary in the Swedish Trotting Association (STC), Ulf Hörnberg, expressed that the double disqualifications was a "tragedy" for the event.[9]

The Propulsion scandal

Propulsion is a stallion that was imported from the United States 2015 to race in Sweden for trainer Daniel Redén.[10] The USTA (United States Trotting Association) sent an export certificate to Svensk Travsport (The Swedish trotting association). Prior to being imported Propulsion had been nerved and according to Swedish regulations no nerved horse is allowed to race or participate in breeding. It was indicated in the export certificate that the horse was nerved but this was never spotted by Svensk Travsport. The horse was allowed to race and won over 30 million SEK in prize money. In 2020 the horse had never won Elitloppet and participated for the fifth time. In the elimination heat he finished third. Due to his trip in the race his performance was considered very impressive.[11] In the final, Propulsion crossed the finish line first.[12] Two days after Propulsion's victory the Norwegian magazine Trav-og Galopp-nytt published an article claiming to have evidence that Propulsion was nerved and Svensk Travsport opened an investigation into the matter.[13] On 29 October 2020 Svensk Travsport announced that Propulsion was racing in violation of the rules and he was thus stripped of all his results in Sweden. No decision has been made concerning Propulsion's results in other European countries. The matter has now been handed over to STAD (Svenskt Travsports Ansvars-och Disciplinnämnd, literally "Liability and Disciplinary committee of Svensk Travsport") to determine if any sanctions should be handed out. The lawyer of Svensk Travsport, Göran Wahlman said that Daniel Redén did not intentionally violate the rules but, as the trainer, he is strictly liable.[14]

Racing conditions

The races

In 1952–1958 and in 1973, Elitloppet was decided through two heats followed by a race-off if not one and the same horse won both heats. In 1959–1961, when a longer distance was trotted, only a single race was run. Since 1962 (with the exception of 1973), a concept of two eliminations and one final has been used. The number of horses in the eliminations has varied from seven to twelve during these years, but there have always been eight trotters in the final.[3]


The distance has, with the exception of the years 1959–1961, been in the interval of 1,580–1,640 meters. In 1959, the horses ran 3,200 meters, and the two following years, the distance was approximately 2,700 meters.[3]

Starting method

During the first ten years, 1952–1961, volt start was used in Elitloppet. From 1962 and on, a motorized starting gate has been used, changing the starting method from volt start to auto start.[3]

The Elitloppet weekend

Elitloppet is traditionally raced on the last Sunday of May.[15] Solvalla stages races both Saturday and Sunday which makes up a meet, known in Sweden as "The Elitloppet weekend" (Swedish: Elitloppshelgen). The two days are generally well-visited and is considered one of Sweden's biggest sports events. In 2008, a total of over 53,000 people attended the events at Solvalla.[16]

Past winners

Horses with most wins

  • 2 - Timoko (2014, 2017)
  • 2 - Varenne (2001, 2002)
  • 2 - Copiad (1994, 1995)
  • 2 - Mack Lobell (1988, 1990)
  • 2 - Ideal du Gazeau (1980, 1982)
  • 2 - Timothy T. (1974, 1975)
  • 2 - Eileen Eden (1968, 1970)
  • 2 - Roquepine (1966, 1967)
  • 2 - Gelinotte (1956, 1957)[3]

Sires with at least two winning offspring

  • 2 - Quick Pay (The Onion, Victory Tilly)
  • 2 - Andover Hall (Nuncio, Magic Tonight)
  • 2 - Alf Palema (Gidde Palema, Torvald Palema)
  • 2 - Bulwark (Frances Bulwark, Carné)
  • 2 - Epilog (Eidelstedter, Permit)
  • 2 - Hoot Mon (Pack Hanover, Dart Hanover)
  • 2 - Kerjacques (Eleazar, Jorky)
  • 2 - Speedy Crown (Gum Ball, Moni Maker)[3]

Drivers with most wins

  • 6 - Stig H. Johansson (1984, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1997, 2000)
  • 4 - Johannes Frömming (1962, 1965, 1968, 1970)
  • 4 - Örjan Kihlström (2003,2015,2016,2021)
  • 3 - Leopold Verroken (1976, 1977, 1981)
  • 3 - Björn Goop (2006,2014,2017)[3]

Countries, number of wins

Short distance (1,600-1,609 m), auto start (1962-)

Short distance (1,580-1,640 m), volt start (1952-1958)

  • 1:16.7 (km rate) - Gelinotte (1956)[3]

Long distance (2,700-3,200 m), volt start (1959-1961)

  • 1:19.1 (km rate) - Honoré II (1960)[3]

All winners of Elitloppet

Year Horse Driver Country1 Odds of winner Winning time
1952PermitWalter Heitman  West Germany2.161:17.3
1953Frances BulwarkSören Nordin  Sweden2.251:20.6
1954CarnéOlle Persson  Sweden8.651:18.7
1955Gutemberg A.Alain Deheeger  France9.851:18.9
1956GelinotteCharlie Mills  France1.241:16.7
1957GelinotteCharlie Mills  France1.671:16.8
1958Io d'AmourGerhard Krüger  West Germany1.251:18.4o
1959JaminJean Riaud  France1.211:21.1
1960Honoré IIRaoul Simonard  France21.041:19.1
1961KracovieRoger Vercruysse  France3.341:20.3
1962EidelstedterJohannes Frömming  West Germany4.651:17.4
1963OzoRoger Massue  France1.311:16.5
1964Pack HanoverSergio Brighenti  Italy4.391:15.4
1965ElmaJohannes Frömming  United States1.421:16.5
1966RoquepineHenri Levesque  France3.241:15.3
1967RoquepineHenri Levesque  France1.381:15.1
1968Eileen EdenJohannes Frömming  Italy1.301:15.8
1969Fresh YankeeJoe O'Brien  Canada2.671:15.8
1970Eileen EdenJohannes Frömming  Italy21.121:15.5
1971Tidalium PeloJean Mary  France1.801:14.7
1972Dart HanoverBerndt Lindstedt  Sweden1.271:15.3
1973Ego BoyIngemar Olofsson  Sweden2.031:23.8
1974Timothy T.Giancarlo Baldi  Italy2.701:15.7
1975Timothy T.Giancarlo Baldi  Italy2.811:17.2
1976DimitriaLeopold Verroken  France2.471:15.8
1977EleazarLeopold Verroken  France3.551:16.0
1978Hadol du VivierJean Rene Gougeon  France2.561:14.0
1979PershingBerndt Lindstedt  Sweden1.711:13.7
1980Ideal du GazeauEugène Lefèvre  France3.051:13.8
1981JorkyLeopold Verroken  France3.651:13.2
1982Ideal du GazeauEugène Lefèvre  France2.061:13.2
1983IanthinPaul Delanoe  France4.151:13.2
1984The OnionStig H. Johansson  Sweden2.341:12.2
1985Meadow RoadTorbjörn Jansson  Sweden5.721:11.6
1986Rex RodneyKjell Håkonsen  Norway1.511:13.4
1987Utah BulwarkStig H. Johansson  Sweden6.311:12.1
1988Mack LobellJohn D. Campbell  United States1.521:11.3
1989NapoletanoStig H. Johansson  Sweden1.571:12.8
1990Mack LobellThomas Nilsson  Sweden1.591:11.0
1991Peace CorpsStig H. Johansson  Sweden1.411:12.2
1992BillyjojimbobMurray Brethour  Canada2.401:11.8
1993Sea CoveJoseph Verbeeck  Germany2.511:11.9
1994CopiadErik Berglöf  Sweden2.381:11.8
1995CopiadErik Berglöf  Sweden1.391:11.3
1996Coktail JetJean-Etienne Dubois  France4.331:11.4
1997Gum BallStig H. Johansson  Sweden4.951:12.3
1998Moni MakerWally Hennessey  United States2.201:10.6
1999Remington CrownJoseph Verbeeck  France4.101:12.6
2000Victory TillyStig H. Johansson  Sweden3.101:10.5
2001VarenneGiampaolo Minnucci  Italy1.471:10.7
2002VarenneGiampaolo Minnucci  Italy1.321:10.2
2003From AboveÖrjan Kihlström  Sweden9.441:10.1
2004Gidde PalemaÅke Svanstedt  Sweden1.341:10.0
2005SteinlagerPer Oleg Midfjeld  Norway1.861:10.0
2006Conny NobellBjörn Goop  Sweden4.181:09.9
2007L'Amiral MauzunJean-Michel Bazire  France5.291:10.0
2008Exploit CafJean-Michel Bazire  Italy1.781:09.8
2009Torvald PalemaÅke Svanstedt  Sweden4.861:10.4
2010IcelandJohnny Takter  Sweden8.921:10.5
2011BrioniJoakim Lövgren  Germany27.061:10.5
2012Commander CroweChristophe Martens  Sweden3.011:10.4
2013NaharRobert Bergh  Sweden5.481:10.1
2014TimokoBjörn Goop  France2.941:09.5
2015Magic TonightÖrjan Kihlström  Sweden4.351:10.1
2016NuncioÖrjan Kihlström  Sweden3.101:09.2
2017TimokoBjörn Goop  France30.891:09.0
2018Ringostarr TrebWilhelm Paal  Italy3.471:09.0
2019DijonRomain Derieux  France27.781:10.3
2020CokstileChristoffer Eriksson  Italy4.381:10.4
2021Don Fanucci ZetÖrjan Kihlström  Sweden3.791:08.9
2022EtonnantAnthony Barrier  France10.181:09.3

1 Nationality of the winning horse's owner(s)

See also

  • Harness racing in Sweden
  • List of Scandinavian harness horse races


  1. "Elitloppet - Sweden, Stockholm". HorseRacing.com. The Horse Racing Channel. Archived from the original on 2013-12-28. Retrieved 2009-03-04.
  2. Kentell, Mark (2008-05-24). "'Elitlopp' most prestigious race in the World". harnesslink.com. Retrieved 2009-03-04.
  3. (in Swedish) https://www.elitloppet.se/images/pdf/Elitloppsstatistik_2021.pdf. Retrieved 2022-05-31. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  4. Jag de Bellouet won in 1:09.4 in 2006, but was later disqualified.
  5. Panne de Moteur won an elimination race in 2014 in 1:08.9.
  6. "European Grand Circuit 2009" (PDF). uet-trot.net. European Trotting Union (UET). Retrieved 2009-03-04.
  7. "Travsportens historia på 15 minuter". travsport.se (in Swedish). STC. Archived from the original on 2007-08-10. Retrieved 2009-03-04.
  8. "Utmärkt ciceron på S-företagarnas Solvallakväll". stockholmsbf.se (in Swedish). 2007-05-24. Archived from the original on 2011-10-06. Retrieved 2009-03-04.
  9. Pawlak, John (2006-06-23). "Jag de Bellouet stripped of title". harnesslink.com. Retrieved 2009-03-04.
  10. Profile of Propulsion sportapp.travsport.se (in Swedish) Retrieved 2020-11-02
  11. Mardömsförsöket: "Vilken jävla häst" aftonbladet.se (in Swedish) Retrieved 2020-11-02
  12. Propulsion vann Elitloppet - på femte försöket:"Många tårar" svt.se (in Swedish) Retrieved 2020-11-02
  13. Efter ST:s krismöte- utredning inleds aftonbladet.se (in Swedish)Retrieved 2020-11-02
  14. Svensk Travsports presskonferens om Fallet Propulsion Video of the press conference where the findings of the Propulsion investigation were announced (in Swedish)
  15. Berg, Leif (2007-05-27). "Fransk smygare vann Elitloppet". dn.se (in Swedish). Dagens Nyheter. Archived from the original on 2012-07-28. Retrieved 2009-03-04.
  16. "54 401 besökte Elitloppshelgen". newsdesk.se (in Swedish). 2008-05-26. Archived from the original on 2008-12-11. Retrieved 2009-03-04.
  17. Bonsdorf, Karsten (2008-05-25). "Exploit Caf wins the Elitlopp; Enough Talk finishes third". ustrotting.com. United States Trotting Association. Retrieved 2009-03-04.
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