The Fédération Internationale des Associations de Footballeurs Professionnels (English: International Federation of Professional Footballers), generally referred to as FIFPRO, is the worldwide representative organisation for 65,000 professional footballers.[2] FIFPRO, with its global headquarters in Hoofddorp, Netherlands, is made up of 66 national players' associations. In addition, there are four candidate members. Lionel Messi has the most ever appearances in the FIFPRO World 11 with 17 overall, followed by Cristiano Ronaldo with 15.[3]

FIFPRO World Players' Union
Formation15 December 1965 (1965-12-15)
TypeProfessional football player organisation
Region served
66 full members[1]
Official language
English, French, Spanish
David Aganzo


On 15 December 1965, representatives of the French, Scottish, English, Italian and Dutch players' associations met in Paris, with the objective of setting up an international federation for footballers. In the second half of June 1966, the first FIFPRO congress took place in London, just before the start of the 1966 FIFA World Cup. The articles of association of FIFPRO were thereby adopted and the objectives accurately laid down. FIFPRO was responsible for increasing the solidarity between professional footballers and players' associations.

It was originally laid down that a congress would be held once every four years at a minimum. The latest congress was in Uruguay in October 2022.[4]

FIFPRO has grown from a European organisation into a global network and has done much to support countries on other continents – Asia/Oceania, Africa, and North, Central and South America – in their efforts to set up players' associations.

FIFPRO tried to offer the players' associations or other interest associations the means for mutual consultation and co-operation to achieve their objectives. In addition, it wished to co-ordinate the activities of the different affiliated groups in order to promote the interests of all professional footballers. Indeed, FIFPRO likewise had in mind propagating and defending the rights of professional footballers. The emphasis was thereby laid on the freedom of the football player to be able to choose the club of his choice at the end of his contract. FIFPRO supported Belgian footballer Jean-Marc Bosman in his judicial challenge of the football transfer rules which led to the Bosman ruling in 1995.[5]

In 2013, FIFPRO launched a legal challenge against the transfer system.[6][7][8][9] Phillipe Piat, the FIFPRO president at the time, said "the transfer system fails 99% of players around the world, it fails football as an industry and it fails the world's most beloved game". According to the President of FIFPRO Division Europe Bobby Barnes, 28% of the money from a transfer fee is paid to agents,[7] and many players are not paid on time or at all.[7][8] He claims this leads to these players being "vulnerable targets of crime syndicates, who instigate match-fixing and threaten the very existence of credible football competitions".[6] Writing for the BBC, Matt Slater said "professional footballers do not enjoy the same freedoms that almost every other EU worker does",[9] and that "players look at US sport, and wonder why their career prospects are still constrained by transfer fees and compensation costs".

In recent years, FIFPRO has established itself as a leading reference in the football industry through player surveys and research into concussion,[10] mental health,[11] social media abuse,[12] player workload monitoring,[13] and more.

FIFPRO looks into securing a safe workspace for players, promoting their rights as ordinary workers. FIFPRO introduced new regulations to protect the rights of current and prospective mothers. These minimum conditions, agreed upon by FIFA and other governing bodies, offer women more job security and came into effect on 1 January 2021.[14]

In the last five years, FIFPRO has repeatedly intervened to protect and enforce the rights of players to participate in an environment free from sexual misconduct, harassment, and abuse.[15] FIFPRO is a firm advocate of ensuring that all people, including players, should be guaranteed and protected by human rights. In 2021, FIFPRO played an active role in the group evacuation of women's footballers and athletes from Afghanistan.[16]

Current board

The FIFPRO Executive Board consists of 18 members, including president David Aganzo, for the term 2021–2025. He has been president since the FIFPRO Congress in Paris in November 2021.[17] Following the statutory reforms established in February 2021, the board increased in size as well as in diversity, making space for new voices and instituting a mandatory minimum threshold of 33 percent for the least-represented gender:[18]

  • President: David Aganzo
  • Vice Presidents: Camila Garcia and Geremi
  • Board Members: Khadija Timera, Alejandro Sequeira, Carlos Gonzalez Puche, Fernando Revilla, Kathryn Gill, Izham Ismail, Caroline Jonsson, Dejan Stefanovic, Karin Sendel, Lucien Valloni, Mila Hristova, David Terrier, Maheta Molango, Stefano Sartori, Louis Everard
  • General Secretary: Jonas Baer-Hoffmann [19]


Founded on 15 December 1965, FIFPRO has 66 full members and 4 candidate members.[20][21] Upon graduation to the next level, new members sign an affiliation agreement that promotes loyalty, integrity and fairness as well as principles of good governance, including open and transparent communications, democratic processes, checks and balances, solidarity and corporate social responsibility. Notably, two of the most preeminent nations in world football, Brazil and Germany, are not members of the FIFPRO.

Full members

Country Association name Member FIFPRO
Argentina Argentina Futbolistas Argentinos Agremiados (FAA) 2019
Australia Australia Professional Footballers Australia (PFA) 1999
Austria Austria Vereinigung der Fussballer (VdF) 2019
Belgium Belgium United Athletes (UA) 1992
Bolivia Bolivia Federación Sindical de Futbolistas Profesionales de Bolivia (FABOL) 2007
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Sindikat Profesionalnih Fudbalera u Bosni i Hercegovini (SPFBiH) 2020
Botswana Botswana Footballers Union of Botswana (FUB) 2016
Bulgaria Bulgaria Association of Bulgarian Footballers (ABF) 2008
Cameroon Cameroon Syndicat National des Footballeurs Camerounais (SYNAFOC) 2001
Chile Chile Sindicato Interempresa de Futbolistas Profesionales de Chile (SIFUP) 2005
Colombia Colombia Asociación Colombiana de Futbolistas Profesionales (ACOLFUTPRO) 2007
Democratic Republic of the Congo Congo, Democratic Republic of Union des Footballeurs du Congo (UFC) 2010
Costa Rica Costa Rica Asociacion de Jugadores Profesionales (ASOJUPRO) 2011
Croatia Croatia Hrvatska Udruga Nogometni Sindikat (HUNS) 2012
Cyprus Cyprus Pancyprian Footballers Association (PASP) 2005
Czech Republic Czechia (Czech Republic) Czech Association of Football Players (ČAFH) 2012
Denmark Denmark Spillerforeningen 1993
Egypt Egypt Egyptian Professional Footballers Association (EPFA) 2002
England England Professional Footballers' Association (PFA) 1965
Finland Finland Jalkapallon Pelaajayhdistys ry (JPY) 2001
France France Union Nationale des Footballeurs Professionnels (UNFP) 1965
Gabon Gabon Association Nationale des Footballeurs Professionnels du Gabon (ANFPG) 2017
Ghana Ghana Professional Footballers Association of Ghana (PFAG) 2013
Greece Greece Panhellenic Professional Football Players Association (PSAPP) 1977
Guatemala Guatemala Sindicato de Futbolistas Profesionales de Guatemala (SIFUPGUA) 2014
Honduras Honduras Asociación de Futbolistas de Honduras (AFHO) 2017
Hungary Hungary Hivatásos Labdarúgók Szervezete (HLSZ) 1996
Indonesia Indonesia Asosiasi Pesepakbola Profesional Indonesia (APPI) 2009
India India Football Players' Association of India (FPAI) 2009
Republic of Ireland Ireland Professional Footballers' Association of Ireland (PFAI) 1996
Israel Israel Israel Football Players Organization (IFPO) 2016
Italy Italy Associazione Italiana Calciatori (AIC) 1968
Japan Japan Japan Pro-footballers Association (JPFA) 2000
Kenya Kenya Kenya Footballers Welfare Association (KEFWA) 2018
South Korea Korea, Republic of (South Korea) Korea Pro-Footballer's Association (KPFA) 2019
Malaysia Malaysia Professional Footballers Association of Malaysia (PFAM) 2019
Malta Malta Malta Football Players Association (MFPA) 2014
Mexico Mexico Asociación Mexicana de Futbolistas (AMFpro) 2018
Montenegro Montenegro Sindikat Profesionalnih Fudbalera Crne Gore (SPFCG) 2012
Morocco Morocco Union Marocaine des Footballeurs Professionnels (UMFP) 2019
Netherlands Netherlands Vereniging van Contractspelers (VVCS) 1965
New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand Professional Footballers' Association (NZPFA) 2004
North Macedonia North Macedonia Sindikat na fudbaleri na Makedonija (SFM) 2017
Norway Norway Norske Idrettsutøveres Sentralorganisasjon (NISO) 2019 Archived 2023-08-27 at the Wayback Machine
Panama Panama Asociación de Futbolistas de Panamá (AFUTPA) 2018
Paraguay Paraguay Futbolistas Asociados del Paraguay (FAP) 2013
Peru Peru Agremiación de Futbolistas Profesionales del Perú (SAFAP) 2002
Poland Poland Polski Zwiazek Pilkarzy (PZP)
Portugal Portugal Sindicato dos Jogadores Profissionais de Futebol (SJPF) 1985
Qatar Qatar Qatar Players Association (QPA) 2018
Romania Romania Asociatia Fotbalistilor Amatori si Nonamatori (AFAN) 1998
Scotland Scotland Professional Footballers' Association Scotland (PFA Scotland) 1965
Serbia Serbia Sindikat Profesionalnih Fudbalera Nezavisnost (SPFN) 2009
Slovakia Slovakia Únia Futbalových Profesionálov (UFP) 2021
Slovenia Slovenia Sindikat Profesionalnih Igralcev Nogometa Slovenije (SPINS) 2005
South Africa South Africa South African Football Players Union (SAFPU) 2002
Spain Spain Asociación de Futbolistas Españoles (AFE) 1978
Sweden Sweden Spelarföreningen Fotboll i Sverige - Svenska Fotbollsspelare (SFS) 1990 Archived 2023-08-27 at the Wayback Machine
Switzerland Switzerland Swiss Association of Football Players (SAFP) 2002
Turkey Türkiye (Turkey) Turkish Professional Footballers Association (TPFD) 2019
Ukraine Ukraine All-Ukrainian Association of Professional Football Players (AUAPFP) 2014
United States United States of America Major League Soccer Players Association (MLS Players Association) 2006
Uruguay Uruguay Mutual Uruguaya de Futbolistas Profesionales (MUFP) 2019
Venezuela Venezuela Asociación Única de Futbolistas Profesionales de Venezuela (AUFPV) 2014
Zambia Zambia Footballers and Allied Workers Union of Zambia (FAWUZ) 2019
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Footballers Union of Zimbabwe (FUZ) 2010

Candidate members

Country Association name Member FIFPRO
Canada Canada Professional Footballers Association Canada (PFACan)
Iceland Iceland Leikmannasamtök Íslands / Icelandic PFA (IPFA) Archived 2023-08-27 at the Wayback Machine
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Association of Professional Football Players of the Kyrgyz Republic (APFKR) 2022
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Footballers Union (UFU)


Lionel Messi
Lionel Messi has made the most appearances in the FIFPRO World 11, with 17 appearances.

FIFPRO invites all professional men's and women's footballers to compose the best men's and women's teams of the year, named the FIFPRO World 11 (also known as the FIFPRO World XI). In 2009, the world players' union joined hands with FIFA. While the format remained the same, the award name changed to the FIFA FIFPRO World 11.

Every year, FIFPRO and approximately 70 affiliated players unions distribute unique links that give players from all professional football clubs on the planet access to the digital voting platform. An initial 23-person squad then reveals the nominees. The goalkeeper, as well as the three defenders, three midfielders and three forwards who receive the most votes are then selected for the World 11. The remaining spot is assigned to the outfield player with the next highest number of votes who is not selected already. The 11-person FIFA FIFPRO World 11 is revealed at The Best FIFA Football Awards (formerly the FIFA Ballon d'Or).[22]

From 2005 until 2008, FIFPRO also asked footballers to choose the FIFPRO World Player of the Year. From 2009 on, the election for FIFPRO Player of the Year merged with the FIFA World Player of the Year, and in 2010 combined with France Football's Ballon d'Or into one award, the FIFA Ballon d'Or.[23]

In 2014, FIFPRO launched a women's football committee.[24] In February 2016, the FIFPRO Women's World 11 was launched.[25] Players of 33 different nationalities in over 20 countries participated in voting for one goalkeeper, four defenders, three midfielders and three forwards.[26] As of 2019, the FIFPRO Women's World 11 is also revealed on stage during The Best FIFA Football Awards.[27]

FIFA FIFPRO Men's World 11


Players marked bold won the FIFA World Player of the Year (2005–2009), the FIFA Ballon d'Or (2010–2015) or The Best FIFA Men's Player (2016–present) in that respective year.

Year Goalkeeper (club) Defenders (clubs) Midfielders (clubs) Forwards (clubs)
2005[28] Brazil Dida (Milan) Italy Paolo Maldini (Milan)
England John Terry (Chelsea)
Italy Alessandro Nesta (Milan)
Brazil Cafu (Milan)
France Zinedine Zidane (Real Madrid)
France Claude Makélélé (Chelsea)
England Frank Lampard (Chelsea)
Brazil Ronaldinho (Barcelona)
Cameroon Samuel Eto'o (Barcelona)
Ukraine Andriy Shevchenko (Milan)
2006[29] Italy Gianluigi Buffon (Juventus) Italy Gianluca Zambrotta (Juventus/Barcelona)
England John Terry (Chelsea)
Italy Fabio Cannavaro (Juventus/Real Madrid)
France Lilian Thuram (Juventus/Barcelona)
France Zinedine Zidane (Real Madrid)
Italy Andrea Pirlo (Milan)
Brazil Kaká (Milan)
Brazil Ronaldinho (Barcelona)
Cameroon Samuel Eto'o (Barcelona)
France Thierry Henry (Arsenal)
2007[30] Italy Gianluigi Buffon (Juventus) Italy Alessandro Nesta (Milan)
England John Terry (Chelsea)
Italy Fabio Cannavaro (Real Madrid)
Spain Carles Puyol (Barcelona)
Portugal Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester United)
England Steven Gerrard (Liverpool)
Brazil Kaká (Milan)
Brazil Ronaldinho (Barcelona)
Ivory Coast Didier Drogba (Chelsea)
Argentina Lionel Messi (Barcelona)
2008[31] Spain Iker Casillas (Real Madrid) England Rio Ferdinand (Manchester United)
England John Terry (Chelsea)
Spain Carles Puyol (Barcelona)
Spain Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid)
Brazil Kaká (Milan)
Spain Xavi (Barcelona)
England Steven Gerrard (Liverpool)
Portugal Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester United)
Spain Fernando Torres (Liverpool)
Lionel Messi (Barcelona)
2009[32] Spain Iker Casillas (Real Madrid) France Patrice Evra (Manchester United)
England John Terry (Chelsea)
Serbia Nemanja Vidić (Manchester United)
Brazil Dani Alves (Barcelona)
Spain Andrés Iniesta (Barcelona)
Spain Xavi (Barcelona)
England Steven Gerrard (Liverpool)

Portugal Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester United/Real Madrid)
Spain Fernando Torres (Liverpool)
Argentina Lionel Messi (Barcelona)

2010[33] Spain Iker Casillas (Real Madrid) Spain Carles Puyol (Barcelona)
Spain Gerard Piqué (Barcelona)
Brazil Lúcio (Inter Milan)
Brazil Maicon (Inter Milan)
Spain Andrés Iniesta (Barcelona)
Spain Xavi (Barcelona)
Netherlands Wesley Sneijder (Inter Milan)
Portugal Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid)
Spain David Villa (Valencia/Barcelona)
Argentina Lionel Messi (Barcelona)
2011[34] Spain Iker Casillas (Real Madrid) Spain Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid)
Spain Gerard Piqué (Barcelona)
Serbia Nemanja Vidić (Manchester United)
Brazil Dani Alves (Barcelona)
Spain Andrés Iniesta (Barcelona)
Spain Xavi (Barcelona)
Spain Xabi Alonso (Real Madrid)
Portugal Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid)
England Wayne Rooney (Manchester United)
Argentina Lionel Messi (Barcelona)
2012[35] Spain Iker Casillas (Real Madrid) Brazil Marcelo (Real Madrid)
Spain Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid)
Spain Gerard Piqué (Barcelona)
Brazil Dani Alves (Barcelona)
Spain Andrés Iniesta (Barcelona)
Spain Xavi (Barcelona)
Spain Xabi Alonso (Real Madrid)
Portugal Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid)
Colombia Radamel Falcao (Atlético Madrid)
Argentina Lionel Messi (Barcelona)
2013[36] Germany Manuel Neuer (Bayern Munich) Germany Philipp Lahm (Bayern Munich)
Spain Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid)
Brazil Thiago Silva (Paris Saint-Germain)
Brazil Dani Alves (Barcelona)
Spain Andrés Iniesta (Barcelona)
Spain Xavi (Barcelona)
France Franck Ribéry (Bayern Munich)
Portugal Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid)
Sweden Zlatan Ibrahimović (Paris Saint-Germain)
Argentina Lionel Messi (Barcelona)
2014[37] Germany Manuel Neuer (Bayern Munich) Germany Philipp Lahm (Bayern Munich)
Spain Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid)
Brazil Thiago Silva (Paris Saint-Germain)
Brazil David Luiz (Chelsea/Paris Saint-Germain)
Spain Andrés Iniesta (Barcelona)
Germany Toni Kroos (Bayern Munich/Real Madrid)
Argentina Ángel Di María (Real Madrid/Manchester United)
Portugal Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid)
Netherlands Arjen Robben (Bayern Munich)
Argentina Lionel Messi (Barcelona)
2015[38] Germany Manuel Neuer (Bayern Munich) Brazil Marcelo (Real Madrid)
Spain Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid)
Brazil Thiago Silva (Paris Saint-Germain)
Brazil Dani Alves (Barcelona)
Spain Andrés Iniesta (Barcelona)
France Paul Pogba (Juventus)
Croatia Luka Modrić (Real Madrid)
Brazil Neymar (Barcelona)
Portugal Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid)
Argentina Lionel Messi (Barcelona)
2016[39] Germany Manuel Neuer (Bayern Munich) Brazil Marcelo (Real Madrid)
Spain Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid)
Spain Gerard Piqué (Barcelona)
Brazil Dani Alves (Barcelona/Juventus)
Spain Andrés Iniesta (Barcelona)
Germany Toni Kroos (Real Madrid)
Croatia Luka Modrić (Real Madrid)
Portugal Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid)
Uruguay Luis Suárez (Barcelona)
Argentina Lionel Messi (Barcelona)
2017[40] Italy Gianluigi Buffon (Juventus) Brazil Marcelo (Real Madrid)
Spain Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid)
Italy Leonardo Bonucci (Juventus/Milan)
Brazil Dani Alves (Juventus/Paris Saint-Germain)
Spain Andrés Iniesta (Barcelona)
Germany Toni Kroos (Real Madrid)
Croatia Luka Modrić (Real Madrid)
Brazil Neymar (Barcelona/Paris Saint-Germain)
Portugal Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid)
Argentina Lionel Messi (Barcelona)
2018[41] Spain David de Gea (Manchester United) Brazil Marcelo (Real Madrid)
Spain Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid)
France Raphaël Varane (Real Madrid)
Brazil Dani Alves (Paris Saint-Germain)
Belgium Eden Hazard (Chelsea)
France N'Golo Kanté (Chelsea)
Croatia Luka Modrić (Real Madrid)
France Kylian Mbappé (Paris Saint-Germain)
Portugal Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid/Juventus)
Argentina Lionel Messi (Barcelona)
2019[42] Brazil Alisson (Liverpool) Brazil Marcelo (Real Madrid)
Spain Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid)
Netherlands Virgil van Dijk (Liverpool)
Netherlands Matthijs de Ligt (Ajax/Juventus)
Belgium Eden Hazard (Chelsea/Real Madrid)
Netherlands Frenkie de Jong (Ajax/Barcelona)
Croatia Luka Modrić (Real Madrid)
Portugal Cristiano Ronaldo (Juventus)
France Kylian Mbappé (Paris Saint-Germain)
Argentina Lionel Messi (Barcelona)
2020[43] Brazil Alisson (Liverpool) Canada Alphonso Davies (Bayern Munich)
Spain Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid)
Netherlands Virgil van Dijk (Liverpool)
England Trent Alexander-Arnold (Liverpool)
Spain Thiago (Bayern Munich/Liverpool)
Belgium Kevin De Bruyne (Manchester City)
Germany Joshua Kimmich (Bayern Munich)
Portugal Cristiano Ronaldo (Juventus)
Poland Robert Lewandowski (Bayern Munich)
Argentina Lionel Messi (Barcelona)
2021[44] Italy Gianluigi Donnarumma (Milan/Paris Saint-Germain) Austria David Alaba (Bayern Munich/Real Madrid)
Italy Leonardo Bonucci (Juventus)
Portugal Rúben Dias (Manchester City)
Italy Jorginho (Chelsea)
France N'Golo Kanté (Chelsea)
Belgium Kevin De Bruyne (Manchester City)
Portugal Cristiano Ronaldo (Juventus/Manchester United)
Norway Erling Haaland (Borussia Dortmund)
Poland Robert Lewandowski (Bayern Munich)
Argentina Lionel Messi (Barcelona/Paris Saint-Germain)
2022[45] Belgium Thibaut Courtois (Real Madrid) Portugal João Cancelo (Manchester City/Bayern Munich)
Netherlands Virgil van Dijk (Liverpool)
Morocco Achraf Hakimi (Paris Saint-Germain)
Brazil Casemiro (Real Madrid/Manchester United)
Belgium Kevin De Bruyne (Manchester City)
Croatia Luka Modrić (Real Madrid)
France Karim Benzema (Real Madrid)
Norway Erling Haaland (Borussia Dortmund/Manchester City)
France Kylian Mbappé (Paris Saint-Germain)
Argentina Lionel Messi (Paris Saint-Germain)
2023[46] Belgium Thibaut Courtois (Real Madrid) England John Stones (Manchester City)
Portugal Rúben Dias (Manchester City)
England Kyle Walker (Manchester City)
England Jude Bellingham (Borussia Dortmund/Real Madrid)
Belgium Kevin De Bruyne (Manchester City)
Portugal Bernardo Silva (Manchester City)
Brazil Vinícius Júnior (Real Madrid)
France Kylian Mbappé (Paris Saint-Germain)
Norway Erling Haaland (Manchester City)
Argentina Lionel Messi (Paris Saint-Germain/Inter Miami)

Appearances by player

Rank Player Apps Years Club(s)
1 Argentina Lionel Messi 17 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Barcelona, Paris Saint-Germain, Inter Miami
2 Portugal Cristiano Ronaldo 15 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Manchester United, Real Madrid, Juventus
3 Spain Sergio Ramos 11 2008, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Real Madrid
4 Spain Andrés Iniesta 9 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Barcelona
5 Brazil Dani Alves 8 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Barcelona, Juventus, Paris Saint-Germain
6 Spain Xavi 6 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Barcelona
Croatia Luka Modrić 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022 Real Madrid
Brazil Marcelo 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Real Madrid
9 England John Terry 5 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Chelsea
Spain Iker Casillas 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Real Madrid
11 Spain Gerard Piqué 4 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016 Barcelona
Germany Manuel Neuer 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Bayern Munich
France Kylian Mbappé 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023 Paris Saint-Germain
Belgium Kevin De Bruyne 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Manchester City
15 Brazil Ronaldinho 3 2005, 2006, 2007 Barcelona
Brazil Kaká 2006, 2007, 2008 Milan
Italy Gianluigi Buffon 2006, 2007, 2017 Juventus
England Steven Gerrard 2007, 2008, 2009 Liverpool
Spain Carles Puyol 2007, 2008, 2010 Barcelona
Brazil Thiago Silva 2013, 2014, 2015 Paris Saint-Germain
Germany Toni Kroos 2014, 2016, 2017 Bayern Munich, Real Madrid
Netherlands Virgil van Dijk 2019, 2020, 2022 Liverpool
Norway Erling Haaland 2021, 2022, 2023 Manchester City
24 Poland Robert Lewandowski 2 2020, 2021 Bayern Munich

Appearances by club

Players in italics have made appearances with multiple clubs, and appearances are separated accordingly.

Rank Club Apps Player(s) (apps)
1 Spain Real Madrid 57 Ramos (11), C. Ronaldo (10), Modrić (6), Marcelo (6), Casillas (5), Kroos (3), Zidane (2), Cannavaro (2), Alonso (2), Courtois (2), Di María (1), Varane (1), Hazard (1), Alaba (1), Benzema (1), Casemiro (1), Vinícius Júnior (1), Bellingham (1)
2 Spain Barcelona 55 Messi (15), Iniesta (9), Xavi (6), Dani Alves (6), Piqué (4), Puyol (3), Ronaldinho (3), Eto'o (2), Neymar (2), Thuram (1), Villa (1), Zambrotta (1), Suárez (1), De Jong (1)
3 France Paris Saint-Germain 17 Mbappé (4), Thiago Silva (3), Messi (3), Dani Alves (2) Ibrahimović (1), David Luiz (1), Neymar (1), Donnarumma (1), Hakimi (1)
4 Italy Juventus 16 C. Ronaldo (4), Buffon (3), Dani Alves (2), Bonucci (2), Cannavaro (1), Thuram (1), Zambrotta (1), Pogba (1), De Ligt
Germany Bayern Munich Neuer (4), Lahm (2), Lewandowski (2), Ribéry (1), Robben (1), Kroos (1), Kimmich (1), Thiago (1), Davies (1), Alaba (1), Cancelo (1)
6 England Chelsea 14 Terry (5), Hazard (2), Kanté (2), Drogba (1), Lampard (1), Makélélé (1), David Luiz (1), Jorginho (1)
7 England Liverpool 12 Gerrard (3), Van Dijk (3),Torres (2), Becker (2), Alexander-Arnold (1), Thiago (1)
Italy Milan Kaká (3), Nesta (2), Cafu (1), Dida (1), Maldini (1), Pirlo (1), Shevchenko (1), Bonucci (1), Donnarumma (1)
England Manchester United C. Ronaldo (4), Vidić (2), Ferdinand (1), Evra (1), Rooney (1), Di María (1), De Gea (1), Casemiro (1)
England Manchester City De Bruyne (4), Dias (2), Haaland (2), Cancelo (1), Silva (1), Stones (1), Walker (1)
11 Italy Inter Milan 3 Lúcio (1), Maicon (1), Sneijder (1)
Germany Borussia Dortmund Haaland (2), Bellingham (1)
13 Netherlands Ajax 2 De Jong (1), De Ligt (1)
14 England Arsenal 1 Henry (1)
Spain Valencia Villa (1)
Spain Atlético Madrid Falcao (1)
United States Inter Miami Messi (1)

Appearances by nationality

Rank Nation Apps Player(s) (apps)
1 Spain Spain 45 Ramos (11), Iniesta (9), Xavi (6), Casillas (5), Piqué (4), Puyol (3), Alonso (2), Torres (2), Villa (1), De Gea (1), Thiago (1)
2 Brazil Brazil 34 Dani Alves (8), Marcelo (6), Kaká (3), Ronaldinho (3), Thiago Silva (3), Neymar (2), Alisson (2), Cafu (1), David Luiz (1), Dida (1), Lúcio (1), Maicon (1), Casemiro (1), Vinícius Júnior (1)
3 Portugal Portugal 19 C. Ronaldo (15), Dias (2), Cancelo (1), Silva (1)
4 Argentina Argentina 18 Messi (17), Di María (1)
5 France France 16 Mbappé (4), Zidane (2), Kanté (2), Evra (1), Henry (1), Makélélé (1), Pogba (1), Ribéry (1), Thuram (1), Benzema (1), Varane (1)
6 England England 15 Terry (5), Gerrard (3), Alexander-Arnold (1), Bellingham (1), Ferdinand (1), Lampard (1), Rooney (1), Stones (1), Walker (1)
7 Italy Italy 14 Buffon (3), Nesta (2), Cannavaro (2), Bonucci (2), Maldini (1), Pirlo (1), Zambrotta (1), Donnarumma (1), Jorginho (1)
8 Germany Germany 10 Neuer (4), Kroos (3), Lahm (2), Kimmich (1)
9 Belgium Belgium 8 De Bruyne (4), Courtois (2), Hazard (2)
10 Netherlands Netherlands 7 Van Dijk (3), Robben (1), Sneijder (1), De Ligt (1), De Jong (1)
11 Croatia Croatia 6 Modrić (6)
12 Norway Norway 3 Haaland (3)
13 Cameroon Cameroon 2 Eto'o (2)
Poland Poland Lewandowski (2)
Serbia Serbia Vidić (2)
16 Canada Canada 1 Davies (1)
Colombia Colombia Falcao (1)
Ivory Coast Ivory Coast Drogba (1)
Morocco Morocco Hakimi (1)
Sweden Sweden Ibrahimović (1)
Ukraine Ukraine Shevchenko (1)
Uruguay Uruguay Suárez (1)
Austria Austria Alaba (1)

Regional appearances

Rank Region Apps Nation(s) (apps)
1 Europe 150 Spain (45), Portugal (19), France (16), England (15), Italy (14), Germany (10), Belgium (8), Netherlands (7), Croatia (6), Norway (3), Serbia (2), Poland (2), Sweden (1), Ukraine (1), Austria (1)
2 South America 54 Brazil (34), Argentina (18), Colombia (1), Uruguay (1)
3 Africa 4 Cameroon (2), Ivory Coast (1), Morocco (1)
4 North America 1 Canada (1)


Players marked bold won the FIFA World Player of the Year (2001–2015) or The Best FIFA Women's Player (2016–present) in that respective year.

Year Goalkeeper (club) Defenders (clubs) Midfielders (clubs) Forwards (clubs)
2015[47] United States Hope Solo (Seattle Reign)
2016[48] United States Hope Solo (Seattle Reign)
2017[49] Sweden Hedvig Lindahl (Chelsea)
2019[50] Netherlands Sari van Veenendaal (Arsenal/Atlético Madrid)
2020[51] Chile Christiane Endler (Paris Saint-Germain)
2021[52] Chile Christiane Endler (Paris Saint-Germain/Lyon)
2022[53] Chile Christiane Endler (Lyon)
2023[54] England Mary Earps (Manchester United)

Appearances by player

Wendie Renard has the most appearances on the FIFPro Women's World11 with seven.
Rank Player Apps Years Club(s)
1 France Wendie Renard 7 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Lyon
2 United States Alex Morgan 6 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023 Lyon, Orlando Pride, Tottenham Hotspur, San Diego Wave
England Lucy Bronze 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Manchester City, Lyon, Barcelona
4 Brazil Marta 4 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021 Rosengård, Orlando Pride
5 Sweden Nilla Fischer 3 2016, 2017, 2019 VfL Wolfsburg, Linköpings
United States Carli Lloyd 2015, 2016, 2021 Houston Dash, NJ/NY Gotham FC
Chile Christiane Endler 2020, 2021, 2022 Paris Saint-Germain, Lyon
8 France Eugénie Le Sommer 2 2015, 2016 Lyon
United States Hope Solo 2015, 2016 Seattle Reign
Germany Dzsenifer Marozsán 2016, 2017 Frankfurt, Lyon
United States Julie Ertz 2015, 2019 Chicago Red Stars
France Amandine Henry 2015, 2019 Lyon
Denmark Pernille Harder 2017, 2020 VfL Wolfsburg, Chelsea
United States Megan Rapinoe 2019, 2020 Seattle Reign/OL Reign
Italy Barbara Bonansea 2020, 2021 Juventus
England Millie Bright 2020, 2021 Chelsea
Netherlands Vivianne Miedema 2020, 2021 Arsenal
Australia Sam Kerr 2022, 2023 Chelsea
England Keira Walsh 2022, 2023 Manchester City, Barcelona

Appearances by club

Players in italics have made appearances with multiple clubs, and appearances are separated accordingly.

Rank Club Apps Player(s) (apps)
1 France Lyon 23 Renard (7), Bronze (3), Endler (3), Le Sommer (2), Henry (2), Marozsán (2), Hegerberg (1), Morgan (1), Abily (1), Cascarino (1)
2 United States Orlando Pride 9 Morgan (5), Marta (3), Krieger (1)
3 Spain Barcelona 8 Bronze (2), Walsh (2), Martens (1), Bonmatí (1), León (1), Putellas (1)
England Chelsea Bright (2), Kerr (2), Lindahl (1), Harder (1), Eriksson (1), James (1)
5 England Arsenal 6 Miedema (2), Van Veenendaal (1), Mead (1), Williamson (1), Russo (1)
England Manchester City Bronze (4), Greenwood (1), Walsh (1)[lower-alpha 1]
Germany VfL Wolfsburg Fischer (3), Harder (2), Oberdorf (1)
8 England Manchester United 4 Earps (1), Heath (1), Russo (1), Toone (1)
United States Seattle Reign/OL Reign Solo (2), Rapinoe (2)
France Paris Saint-Germain Endler (2), Mittag (1), Paredes (1)
11 United States Houston Dash 3 Lloyd (2), Klingenberg (1)
Sweden Rosengård Mittag (1), Marta (1), Martens (1)
United States San Diego Wave FC Morgan (3)
14 Spain Atlético Madrid 2 Van Veenendaal (1), Banini (1)
United States Chicago Red Stars Ertz (2)
Germany Frankfurt Šašić (1), Marozsán (1)
Italy Juventus Bonansea (2)
United States Utah Royals O'Hara (1), Boquete (1)
19 Germany Bayern Munich 1 Maier (1)
Spain Levante Banini (1)
Sweden Linköpings Fischer (1)
United States NJ/NY Gotham FC Lloyd (1)
Japan Okayama Yunogo Belle Miyama (1)
United States Portland Thorns Heath (1)
Spain Real Madrid Carmona (1)
England Tottenham Hotspur Morgan (1)
United States Washington Spirit Lavelle (1)
United States West Virginia Mountaineers Buchanan (1)

Appearances by nationality

Rank Nation Apps Player(s) (apps)
1 United States United States 20 Morgan (6), Lloyd (3), Solo (2), Ertz (2), Rapinoe (2), Klingenberg (1), Krieger (1), O'Hara (1), Lavelle (1), Heath (1)
2 England England 17 Bronze (6), Bright (2), Walsh (2), Earps (1), Greenwood (1), James (1), Mead (1), Russo (1), Toone (1), Williamson (1)
3 France France 13 Renard (7), Le Sommer (2), Henry (2), Abily (1), Cascarino (1)
4 Germany Germany 6 Marozsán (2), Maier (1), Mittag (1), Šašić (1), Oberdorf (1)
Spain Spain Boquete (1), Bonmatí (1), Carmona (1), León (1), Paredes (1), Putellas (1)
6 Sweden Sweden 5 Fischer (3), Lindahl (1), Eriksson (1)
7 Brazil Brazil 4 Marta (4)
Netherlands Netherlands Miedema (2), Martens (1), Van Veenendaal (1)
9 Chile Chile 3 Endler (3)
10 Australia Australia 2 Kerr (2)
Denmark Denmark Harder (2)
Italy Italy Bonansea (2)
13 Argentina Argentina 1 Banini (1)
Canada Canada Buchanan (1)
Japan Japan Miyama (1)
Norway Norway Hegerberg (1)

Regional appearances

Rank Region Apps Nation(s) (apps)
1 Europe 56 England (17), France (13), Germany (6), Spain (6), Sweden (5), Netherlands (4), Denmark (2), Italy (2), Norway (1)
2 North America 21 United States (20), Canada (1)
3 South America 8 Brazil (4), Chile (3), Argentina (1)
4 Asia 3 Australia (2), Japan (1)

FIFPRO World Player of the Year (2005–2008)

Year Player Club Ref.
2005Brazil RonaldinhoSpain Barcelona[56]
2006Brazil RonaldinhoSpain Barcelona[57]
2007Brazil KakáItaly Milan[58]
2008Portugal Cristiano RonaldoEngland Manchester United[59]

FIFPRO granted this award from 2005 to 2008; in 2009 it merged with the FIFA World Player of the Year, which was succeeded by the FIFA Ballon d'Or in 2010 and later The Best FIFA Men's Player in 2016.[23]

FIFPRO Young Player of the Year (2005–2008)

Year Player Club Ref.
2005England Wayne RooneyEngland Manchester United[56]
2006Argentina Lionel MessiSpain Barcelona[57]
2007Argentina Lionel MessiSpain Barcelona[58]
2008Argentina Lionel MessiSpain Barcelona[60]

FIFPRO granted this award from 2005 to 2008, after which it was discontinued. (Players born after 1985)

Social impact awards

FIFPRO Merit Awards

In 2008 FIFPRO established its Merit Award, to recognise professional footballers who have made a significant contribution to a charitable cause and are socially engaged. It honours players who use their platform to take action to improve the lives of people in need.[61] The award is worth US$25,000 (as of 2018).[62] Winners of the FIPRO Merit Award include:[63]

  • 2008 – Ibrahim Kargbo (Sierra Leone), ambassador of the Care Foundation in Sierra Leone
  • 2009 – Shabani Nonda (DR Congo), for his foundation that organised annual football tournaments for 350 poor children in Kinshasa, and for his payment of school supplies and school fees, and for organising a Match for Peace (featuring other DR Congo players) to raise funds for victims of violence
  • 2010 – Steven Bryce and Reynaldo Parks (Costa Rica), for their project to help children and young people in deprived neighbourhoods
  • 2011 – Peres Center for Peace (Israel), for its Twinned Peace Sport Schools project, which annually engages thousands of children from Israel and the Palestinian Authority, and promotes peace between Israelis and Palestinians
  • 2012 – Japan Pro-Footballers Association (JPFA[64]), for their charity work for the victims of the 2011 Japanese tsunami
  • 2013 – Stiliyan Petrov (Bulgaria), for his leukaemia foundation
  • 2014 – Héctor Santibanez, for a football school for children with Down syndrome
  • 2015 – Kei Kamara and Michael Lahoud (Sierra Leone), for Schools for Salone, a charity that builds schools
  • 2016 – Haley Carter (USA), for raising support for the Afghan women's team
  • 2017 – Mihai Nesu (Romania), for building a recovery centre for disabled children
  • 2018 – Awer Mabil (Australia), for his charity Barefoot to Boots, providing essentials and football equipment for children in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya[62]
  • 2019 – Johanna Omolo (Kenya), for his foundation that supplies poor children with essentials in Dandora, Kenya

In 2020 the format changed, and four awards were given:[65]

  • Player Activism: a player who advocates for a cause to bring about political or social change
  • Player Impact: a player who acts to create a positive impact in others' lives
  • Player Voice: players who use their platform to raise their voice (and sometimes others) to create awareness or help bring about change with regard to an issue within the football industry
  • FIFPRO Hero: a player who has done something extraordinary and special, needing acknowledgement by FIFPRO.
  • Player Activism: Javiera Moreno, for fighting sexual abuse in women's football
  • Player Impact: Marcus Rashford, for organising free school meals for disadvantaged children in the UK
  • Player Voice: Cyprus Women's National Team, for advocacy for equality in Cypriot football
  • FIFPRO Hero: Aidana Otorbaeva, for organising volunteers to help in hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic

In 2022, FIFPRO introduced the Union Impact Award, to recognise outstanding work done by unions on the ground to support players.[61]

See also


  1. FIFPro listed Walsh's 2023 appearance only for Barcelona, while FIFA listed her for both Manchester City and Barcelona. She played two official matches for Manchester City within the eligible voting period.[55] This appearance is not included in Manchester City's statistics.


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