Political faction

A political faction is a group of people with a common political purpose, especially a subgroup of a political party that has interests or opinions different from the rest of the political party.[1][2] Intragroup conflict between factions can lead to schism of the political party into two political parties. The Ley de Lemas electoral system allows the voters to indicate on the ballot their preference for political factions within a political party. Political factions can represent voting blocs. Political factions require a weaker party discipline. Research indicates that factions can play an important role in moving their host party along the ideological spectrum.[3]

George Washington's Farewell Address

The first president of the United States, George Washington, warned of political factions in his famous farewell address from 1796. He warned of political parties generally, as according to Washington, political party loyalty when prioritized over duty to the nation and commitment to principles, was considered to be a major threat to the survival of a democratic constitutional republic:[4][5]

Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight), the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it [the formation and loyalty to partisan interests, over loyalty to principles or one's country].[5][4]

By country


  • Factions in the Australian Labor Party
  • Factions in the Liberal Party of Australia


  • Factions in the Socialist Party (France)


  • Factions in the Communist Refoundation Party
  • Factions in the Democratic Party (Italy)
  • Factions in Forza Italia
  • Factions in The People of Freedom



  • Factions of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party

United Kingdom

United States

See also


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