List of journalists and media workers killed in Mexico

Mexico is one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists and among the ones with the highest levels of unsolved crimes against the press.[1] Though the exact figures of those killed are often conflicting,[2][3] press freedom organizations around the world agree through general consensus that Mexico is among the most dangerous countries on the planet to exercise journalism as a profession.[4][5][6] More than 100 media workers have been killed or disappeared since 2000, and most of these crimes remained unsolved, improperly investigated, and with few perpetrators arrested and convicted.[7][8]

Historical summary

Mexican journalist Rubén Espinosa was murdered, along with four women, in Mexico City after fleeing death threats in Veracruz.

Targeted killings of journalists in Mexico have existed since the reign of Porfirio Díaz and the Mexican Revolution in 1910.[9] When the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) ruled the presidency in the 1930s following the Revolution, the Mexican government practically monopolized the press in Mexico in order to get favorable coverage in the media.[10][11] Journalists who complied with the modus operandi were paid with government handouts and gifts; those who did not were intimidated and/or killed. Throughout the 1970s and the 1980s, Mexico was the most dangerous country for journalists in all of Latin America. However, most of the attacks against the press were carried out by upset drug traffickers and corrupt law enforcement officials because they were the ones mentioned in the press.[10]

Through the government's use of informal coercion and media blackout, the Mexican press became accustomed to limit their reports to what state officials said. Very few journalists dared to break away from this practice because the government would thereby threaten to withdraw their advertisements and prevent the state-owned paper agency of that time to sell newsprints for their publications.[10][12]

When the Mexican government began to sell off the media public enterprises in the 1980s, more autonomous and independent newspapers with diversity in their news coverages were born. During this decade, the PRI began to lose several local and state elections, and eventually lost the presidency in 2000 to the National Action Party (PAN), after they had won every presidential election since 1929. With this political transition, Mexican readers began to prefer media outlets that showed a level of integrity and autonomy.[10][13]

When former President Felipe Calderón of the PAN took office in 2006, he carried out a military-led campaign to tackle Mexico's drug trafficking organizations. Violence across Mexico spread shortly thereafter, as rival organized crime groups fought for territorial control and with the government. This rise in drug-related murders came alongside a spike of attacks against the press, with drug cartels and corrupt officials wanting to take control the flow of information that reached the news.[14] Organized crime groups traditionally attack traditional print newspapers, either by killing, disappearing, or intimidating their reporters.[15]

Award-winning Mexican journalist Javier Valdez Cárdenas was murdered on 15 May 2017

With traditional media being too intimidating to reporters, some newspapers in Mexico have self-censored and stopped writing about drug trafficking and organized crime. Others simply limit their coverage to the information found in official government press releases or police reports, while others, however, are forced to write what a drug trafficking organization orders them to publish. Journalists have to be careful when they decide to write about the drug violence in Mexico because little things can incur a reprisal; using simple words like "organized crime" are often just what they need to anger a drug trafficking organization.[16]

Criminal organizations target journalists for various reasons. Among the most common one is to silence the press in the areas they operate in, and especially when the groups are trying to establish their presence in an area. They also kill journalists as retributions for publications that may damage their business.[17][18] Cartels want the press to be silent because keeping an image that a city is safe can prevent the Mexican government from sending more federal troops to the area.[19] In addition, Mexican media outlets find themselves vulnerable to attacks when they are in an area with two or more organized crime groups. A group might threaten to kill a journalist if there is coverage of them on the media, while another group might do the same if there is not any coverage.[20]

Attacks against the press have continued under the administration of President Enrique Peña Nieto.[21] Violence has compromised the news that reaches the rest of the world. Local journalists are largely responsible for reporting what happens day-to-day in Mexico and the international media relies on them.[22]

Violence against journalists and media workers in Mexico has increased by 85% since Andrés Manuel López Obrador took power. López Obrador, who frequently attacks journalists and independent news outlets during his morning briefings, has often downplayed the threats against the press.[23]

There was a surge of killings in early 2022.[24][25]

Before the Mexican drug war

Reform War, Second Empire and Restored Republic

DateNameLocationMedia outletStatusRefs
25 December 1860Vicente Segura ArgüellesMexicoDiario de AvisosKilled[26]
1863Carlos R. CasarínMexicoLa Orquesta
Mi Sombrero
23 September 1866Donato Corzo RuizChiapasLa TijeraKilled[28]

Porfiriato and Revolution

DateNameLocationMedia outletStatusRefs
27 April 1880Santiago SierraState of MexicoLa LibertadKilled[29]
17 February 1885Luis González y GonzálezMorelia, MichoacánEl Acero
El Explorador
28 April 1887Roberto BereaMexicoN/AKilled[26]
13 May 1892Pablo OchoaMexicoEl Norte de ChihuahuaKilled[26]
2 April 1894Emilio OrdóñezPachuca, HidalgoN/AKilled[32][33]
30 July 1895Jesús Olmos y ContrerasPueblaCrisis
La Voz de la Verdad
27 January 1897José Cayetano Valadés Rocha
Pen name: (Asunción Sánchez)
Mazatlán, SinaloaLa TarántulaKilled[35][36][37]
April 1901Eusebio S. AlmonteMezcala, GuerreroEl Eco del SurKilled[9][38]
30 August 1902Vicente Rivero EchegarayTampico, TamaulipasBala RasaKilled[39]
1908Luis Díaz CoudertMexicoEl Diario de ChihuahuaKilled[26]
1 June 1911José Sabás de la MoraCuliacán, SinaloaVoz del NorteKilled[40]
11 August 1912Ignacio HerreríasTlaltizapán, MorelosEl TiempoKilled[41]
11 August 1912Humberto León StraussTlaltizapán, MorelosEl ImparcialKilled[41]
11 August 1912José Luis RiveraTlaltizapán, MorelosN/AKilled[41]
12 September 1912José Gurdiel FernándezBalancán, TabascoEl Correo de TabascoKilled[42][43]
12 September 1912Renon de la MoralBalancán, TabascoN/AKilled[44]
1913– de la TorreMexicoN/AKilled[44][A 1]
9 February 1913Mariano DuqueMexico CityEl Defensor del PuebloKilled[9][45]
22 February 1913José RumbiaTlaxcala, TlaxcalaLa Nueva RepúblicaKilled[46]
27 August 1913Solón ArgüelloMexico CityNueva EraKilled[9][47]
December 1913Víctor David DelgadoChihuahuaN/AKilled[48]
August 1914A.F. ParedesCananea, SonoraLa Voz de CananeaKilled[44]
August 1914Donancio ChávezCananea, SonoraLa VerdadKilled[44]
September 1914Manuel M. HuguesCananea, SonoraN/AKilled[44]
13 December 1914Paulino MartínezMexicoEl Chinaco
La Voz de Juárez

Constitution of 1917 to Presidency of Lázaro Cardenas

DateNameLocationMedia outletStatusRefs
9 February 1917Faustino DíazSinaloaEl Monitor SinaloenseDisappeared[35][50]
1918Lázaro Gutiérrez de LaraSaric, SonoraRevoluciónKilled[51][52]
1919Marcos Torres ColladoCunduacán, TabascoEl ChismeKilled[53][54]
1920sJuan Rafael DuránSan Pedro, CoahuilaEl Látigo
La Opinión
April 1920Francisco RangelGuadalajara, JaliscoVerbo LibreKilled[56]
12 October 1920Manuel LezcanoVillahermosa, TabascoEl RadicalKilled[57]
19 July 1921Florencio Ávila y CastilloMérida, YucatánAsociación de Periodistas de YucatánKilled[58][59]
24 May 1922Jesús Z. MorenoMexico CityEl Heraldo de MéxicoKilled[60]
1923–1924Pedro Flores GonzálezMexico CityN/AKilled[61]
23 June 1923Ángel PulidoState of MexicoEl ImplacableKilled[62]
28 July 1924José Carmen HernándezMexicoEl Colmillo
El Colmillo Público
5 February 1927Archibaldo ClarkMagdalena, SonoraEl HeraldoKilled[65]
April 1927Anacleto González FloresGuadalajara, JaliscoLa PalabraKilled[66][67]
4 October 1927Alonso CapetilloHuitzilac, MorelosN/AKilled[68]
2 October 1928Enrique WoolfolkMagdalena de Kino, SonoraLa RevistaKilled[69]
31 May 1929Luis D. KluverAgua Prieta, SonoraLa VanguardiaKilled[55][70]
13 September 1930Arturo GarcíaTuxtla Gutiérrez, ChiapasRegeneración
Chiapas Nuevo
7 February 1936Julián S. GonzálezMexico CityEl TiempoKilled[72]
20 April 1939José Trinidad Mata MoraPueblaAvanteKilled[73][74]

Presidencies of Manuel Ávila Camacho to Luis Echeverría, 1940–1976

DateNameLocationMedia outletStatusRefs
15 October 1942Eduardo GaldámezTapachula, ChiapasEl Sur de MéxicoKilled[71]
3 April 1944Ignacio F. HerreríasMexico CityNovedadesKilled[75]
19 April 1944Salvador Guerrero GonzálezTorreón, CoahuilaLa OpiniónKilled[76]
31 March 1947Vicente Villasana GonzálezCiudad Victoria, TamaulipasEl MundoKilled[77][78]
11 November 1948Fernando Sánchez BretónMexico CityLa Semana IlustradaKilled[75]
19 November 1949José María Jiménez Rubio
Pen name: (Nicanor)
Mazatlán, SinaloaEl Correo de la TardeKilled[79]
24 October 1953Raúl Parra MolinaSalina Cruz, OaxacaLa Voz de SuresteKilled[80]
July 1956Manuel Acosta MezaTijuana, Baja CaliforniaEl ImparcialKilled[81][82]
2 September 1956Fernando Márquez SánchezTijuana, Baja CaliforniaBaja CaliforniaKilled[82]
28 May 1957Manuel Sánchez HernándezTepic, NayaritLa Extra de la TardeKilled[83]
24 April 1959Jorge Salinas AragónMinatitlán, VeracruzDiario de SotaventoKilled[84][85]
26 November 1961Carlos Estrada SastréTijuana, Baja CaliforniaNoticiasKilled[82][86]
5 July 1964José González Miravalles
Pen name (Pepe Miravalles)
Acapulco, GuerreroNovedadesKilled[87]
15 April 1968Juan Muñoz FloresJojutla, MorelosAlarma
La voz de Morelos
1 January 1970Carlos DenegriMexicoExcélsiorKilled[89]
8 October 1970Ernesto Espinosa HernándezChihuahua, ChihuahuaLa JeringaKilled[90][91]
31 July 1971Vicente García MedinaEl Fuerte, SinaloaEl AvanceKilled[35][92]
1973José Asunción MéndezChihuahuaLa JeringaKilled[93]
7 July 1975Carlos López y LópezMiahuatlán, OaxacaEl Demócrata de AntequerdaKilled[94]

Presidencies of José López Portillo to Ernesto Zedillo, 1976–2000

DateNameLocationMedia outletStatusRefs
31 July 1977Mario Carlos Rodríguez FalcónSinaloaN/AKilled[35][A 2]
22 August 1977José Guadalupe MendívilCuliacán, SinaloaDiario de SinaloaKilled[35][96]
16 February 1978Roberto Martínez MontenegroCuliacán, SinaloaNoreste
Diario de Culiacán
13 September 1978Álvaro Burgoa LópezOaxaca, OaxacaCritica
La Prensa
28 September 1978Patricio Pérez PintadoLoma Bonita, OaxacaEl PineroKilled[100]
1979Álvaro AlemánOaxacaEl Demócrata de AntequeraKilled[93]
1979Guillermo Gallardo AstorgaChihuahua, ChihuahuaÍndiceKilled[93][101]
13 December 1979Alberto Rodríguez TorresPachuca, HidalgoSolución
Avanzando de Hidalgo
1980Guadalupe Ochoa VillaverdeLos Mochis, SinaloaEl GráficoKilled[93]
1980Alberto José Altamirano OrtegaPoza Rica, VeracruzDiario de Poza RicaKilled[103][104]
1980Jorge Pliego RodríguezVeracruz, VeracruzEl DictamenKilled[93][101]
7 June 1980Aarón Flores HerediaLos Mochis, SinaloaEl DebateKilled[105][106][107]
1981Jorge Pérez DíazMexico CityInformexKilled[108]
21 February 1981Jorge Ortiz LagunasCuernavaca, MorelosDiario de MorelosKilled[109]
16 October 1981Xicoténcatl Ureña ZepedaApatzingán, MichoacánTribuna LibreKilled[110][108]
27 June 1982Cristóbal Sánchez ReyesAcayucan, VeracruzDiario de JalapaKilled[111]
1983Mario Centeno GómezNezahualcóyotl, State of MexicoN/AKilled[112]
1983Mario Hernández BeltránIztapalapa, Mexico CityN/AKilled[108][101]
27 February 1983Mario Centeno YáñezNaucalpan, State of MexicoPreguntaKilled[113][A 3]
20 April 1983Julián Sánchez BeltránTláhuac, Mexico CityRadio Visión ActivaKilled[115][A 4]
17 May 1983Eliseo Morán MuñozPuente de Ixtla, MorelosLa VozKilled[116]
25 December 1983Salvador Cruz CervantesCórdoba, VeracruzEl Mundo de OrizabaKilled[117][118][119]
1984Jorge Fernández GarduñoNezahualcóyotl, State of MexicoEl MercurioKilled[120][A 5]
1984Julio Hernández GarduñoCiudad Victoria, TamaulipasN/AKilled[120]
1984Francisco Saldívar ReyesReynosa, TamaulipasN/AKilled[120][108]
30 May 1984Manuel Buendía TellezgirónMexico CityExcélsiorKilled[122][123]
31 May 1984Javier Juárez VázquezMinatitlán, VeracruzPrimera PlanaKilled[124][125]
30 January 1985John Clay WalkerGuadalajara, JaliscoFreelance journalistKilled[126][127]
17 January 1985José Antonio Godoy MenaAyutla de los Libres, GuerreroEl Correo de IgualaKilled[113][A 6]
6 March 1985Emilio Santiago AlvaradoTehuacán, PueblaPortavozKilled[120][129][A 7]
25 October 1985Roberto Ornelas ReyesMazatlán, SinaloaNoroesteKilled[120][130]
1986Héctor López LópezSinaloaN/AKilled[108]
1986Pablo Nájera LópezSinaloaGaceta del AireKilled[35][118]
7 May 1986José Luis Nava LandaChilpancingo, GuerreroExpresión PopularKilled[131][132]
8 August 1986Eleuterio Cachú de la CerdaTijuana, Baja CaliforniaEl HeraldoKilled[120][133]
17 June 1986Jorge Breñas ArayaReynosa, TamaulipasEl RíoKilled[134][135]
17 July 1986C. David Cárdenas RuedaVeracruz, VeracruzNotiverKilled[120][136]
17 July 1986Norma Alicia Moreno FigueroaMatamoros, TamaulipasEl PopularKilled[137]
17 July 1986Ernesto Flores TorrijosMatamoros, TamaulipasEl PopularKilled[137]
15 August 1986Juan Manuel Félix ZuetaCuliacán, SinaloaDiario de SinaloaKilled[120][138]
7 October 1986Odilón López UriasGuamúchil, SinaloaOndaKilled[139]
5 November 1986Antonio Iván Menéndez MarcínMexico CityLe Monde diplomatiqueKilled[132]
10 December 1986Manuel Rodríguez RodríguezMexico CityEl NacionalKilled[140]
2 March 1987Martín Ortiz MorenoAcapulco, GuerreroOvaciones
Nueva Era
Killed[132][A 8]
16 October 1987Jesús Michel JacoboCuliacán, SinaloaEl Sol de SinaloaKilled[142][143]
19 October 1987Clementina Herreros AndradeMexico CityLa PrensaKilled[144][A 9]
28 December 1987Felipe González HernándezNezahualcóyotl, State of MexicoUn Minuto en la NoticiaKilled[145][A 10]
22 February 1988Manuel Burgueño OrduñoMazatlán, SinaloaDeslinde
El Sol del Pacífico
19 March 1988Damián Sergio de LunaMexico CityRevelaciónKilled[147][A 11]
20 April 1988Héctor Félix MirandaTijuana, Baja CaliforniaZetaKilled[149]
15 July 1988Ronay González ReyesComitán, ChiapasEl MundoKilled[148][150][A 12]
23 July 1988Linda Bejarano de GómezCiudad Juárez, ChihuahuaXHIJ-TVKilled[152][153][A 13]
15 October 1988Rigoberto Coria OchoaAcapulco, GuerreroEl TrópicoKilled[132]
1989Joel Herrera ZuritaMexicoEl DictamenKilled[120]
11 January 1989Ezequiel Huerta AcostaSaltillo, CoahuilaAvances PolíticosKilled[132][154]
19 January 1989Alberto Ruvalcaba TorresJaliscoNovedades de ZapopanKilled[155]
11 April 1989Humberto Gallegos SobrinoChiapasN/AKilled[156][119]
23 April 1989Armando Sánchez HerreraRío Verde, San Luis PotosíMomentoKilled[157]
May 1989Francisco Valencia GómezMichoacánN/AKilled[157]
29 June 1989Óscar TreviñoMatamoros, TamaulipasN/AKilled[158]
30 June 1989Elías Mario Medina ValenzuelaDurango, DurangoEl Norte
El Sol de Durango
October 1989Ismael León LeónNezahualcóyotl, State of MexicoInformezaKilled[157]
23 November 1989Martín Heredia SánchezHuatusco, VeracruzEl Sol del CentroDisappeared[161]
19 December 1989Rodolfo Mendoza MoralesPuebla El Heraldo de México – PueblaKilled[132]
23 December 1989Elvira Marcelo EsquivelMexico CityEl DíaKilled[162]
1990Raúl ZúñigaOaxaca, OaxacaN/AKilled[163]
19 January 1990Antonio Díaz VargasMatamoros, TamaulipasEl DiarioKilled[157][164]
10 March 1990Jaime Huitrón VegaTula, HidalgoTollanKilled[162][165]
4 May 1990Roberto Azúa CamachoReynosa, TamaulipasEl NacionalKilled[140][166]
6 June 1990Alfredo Córdova SolórzanoTapachula, ChiapasUnomásdosKilled[167]
1991Lázaro CárdenasMichoacánRadio AzulKilled[167]
1 February 1991Carlos Alberto MedinaMexicoExcélsiorKilled[168]
16 March 1991Primitivo González BecerraGuadalajara, JaliscoEl DiarioKilled[169]
6 April 1991Alejandro Campos MorenoCuernavaca, MorelosDiario de MorelosKilled[167][170]
3 July 1991Víctor Manuel OropezaCiudad Juárez, ChihuahuaDiario de JuárezKilled[171]
7 October 1991Juvencio Arenas GálvezMexico CityCuestiónKilled[172]
14 October 1991Gabriel Venegas ValenciaMexicoTelevisaKilled[173]
3 January 1992Fernando Preciado EscobarTapachula, ChiapasLa Opinión de la CostaKilled[174]
7 April 1992Nicandro López VásquezOaxacaXEKZ-AMKilled[174][175]
13 November 1992Ignacio Mendoza CastilloMexico CityLa Voz del CaribeKilled[174][176]
28 December 1992Jesús Núñez SánchezTlalnepantla, State of MexicoObjetivoKilled[174]
January 1993Carlos Aguilar GarzaNuevo Laredo, TamaulipasY PuntoKilled[177]
23 January 1993Maximiano Quirino EscobarReynosa, TamaulipasConsigna de ReynosaKilled[178]
1 February 1993Roberto Antonio Mancilla HerreraTuxtla Gutiérrez, ChiapasEs!
Cuarto Poder
5 March 1993José Herrera CañasMexico CityServicios Fotográficos PersonalesKilled[180]
15 March 1993Jessica Elizalde de LeónCiudad Juárez, ChihuahuaFM 106
Radio Centro
2 June 1993Araceli Caballero HernándezEcatepec, State of MexicoEl DíaKilled[181]
30 July 1993Gregorio Sánchez MoraVeracruzLa Voz del PuebloKilled[182]
17 March 1994José Agustín ReyesLa Paz, Baja CaliforniaCadena RASA
El Heraldo de México
6 June 1994Jorge Martín DorantesMorelosEl CruceroKilled[184]
6 July 1994Enrique Peralta TorresMorelosLa Unión de MorelosKilled[185]
11 July 1994José Luis RojasCuernavaca, MorelosLa Unión de MorelosKilled[186]
1995Cuauhtémoc Ornelas OcampoTorreón, CoahuilaAlcanceDisappeared[187][188]
5 February 1995Ruperto Armenta GerardoGuasave, SinaloaEl RegionalKilled[189]
18 June 1995Dante Espartaco CortésTijuana, Baja CaliforniaEl MexicanoKilled[190]
25 October 1996Fernando Martínez OchoaChihuahuaGovernment journalistKilled[167][191]
28 November 1996Edgar MasonHuitzilac, MorelosEconomics columnistKilled[192]
3 December 1996Fernando Balderas SánchezMexico CityCrime journalistKilled[193][194]
3 December 1996Yolanda FigueroaMexico CityCrime book writerKilled[193][194]
22 March 1997Jesús Abel Bueno LeónChilpancingo, Guerrero7 DíasKilled[195]
15 July 1997Benjamín Flores GonzálezSan Luis Río Colorado, SonoraLa PrensaKilled[196]
26 July 1997Víctor Hernández MartínezMexico CityCómoKilled[197]
16 December 1997Margarito Morales RamírezCocula, JaliscoEl Nuevo ZitlánKilled[198]
12 February 1998Luis Mario García RodríguezMexico CityLa TardeKilled[199]
7 June 1998Paco StanleyMexico CityTV AztecaKilled[200]
3 August 1998Sally-Sue HulseMexico CityTIMES – Mexico CityKilled[201]
23 October 1998Claudio Cortés GarcíaMexico CityLe Monde DiplomatiqueKilled[202][203]
29 October 1998Pedro Valle HernándezZihuatanejo, GuerreroXEUQ Radio VariedadesKilled[124][204]
15 December 1998Philip TrueJaliscoSan Antonio Express-NewsKilled[205]
15 April 1999Mario Morales PalaciosMatamoros, Tamaulipas El BravoKilled[134][206]
28 April 1999Ramiro Ramírez DuarteZacapu, MichoacánEl HeraldoKilled[124]
7 February 2000Luis Roberto Cruz MartínezReynosa, TamaulipasMulticosasKilled[207][208]
9 April 2000Pablo Pineda GaucínMatamoros, TamaulipasLa OpiniónKilled[209]
19 April 2000Hugo Sánchez EustaquioAtizapan de Zaragoza, State of MexicoLa VerdadKilled[210]
28 April 2000José Ramírez PuenteCiudad Juárez, ChihuahuaRadio NetKilled[211]
22 June 2000William Uicab SalasChetumal, Quintana RooCanal 8Killed[212]
31 October 2000Alfredo García MárquezHermosillo, SonoraEncuentroKilled[213]

Presidency of Vicente Fox, 2000–2006

DateNameLocationMedia outletStatusRefs
9 February 2001Humberto Méndez RendónGómez Palacio, DurangoCanal 6 de DurangoKilled[214]
21 February 2001José Luis Ortega MataOjinaga, ChihuahuaSeminario de OjinagaKilled[215]
9 March 2001José Barbosa BejaranoCiudad Juárez, ChihuahuaAlarmaKilled[207]
27 March 2001Saúl Antonio Martínez GutiérrezMatamoros, TamaulipasEl ImparcialKilled[216]
12 January 2002Félix Alfonso Fernández GarcíaMiguel Alemán, TamaulipasNueva OpciónKilled[217]
1 February 2002Julio Samuel Morales Ferrón
Pen name: (Severo Mirón)
Tacuba, Mexico CityEl Sol de MéxicoKilled[218]
15 October 2002José Miranda VirgenVeracruzEl Sur de VeracruzKilled[219]
10 June 2003Jesús Sandalio Mejía LechugaMartínez de la Torre, VeracruzPrimera Hora
MS Noticias
15 September 2003Gregorio UrietaAcapulco, GuerreroEl SurKilled[207][220]
13 December 2003Rafael Villafuerte AguilarCiudad Altamirano, GuerreroLa RazónKilled[208][221]
11 February 2004Alberto Torres VillegasCórdoba, VeracruzEl Sol del CentroKilled[222]
21 February 2004Míriam Denise Ramos DelgadoHermosillo, SonoraNotimexKilled[223]
19 March 2004Roberto Javier Mora GarcíaNuevo Laredo, TamaulipasEl MañanaKilled[224]
22 June 2004Francisco Javier Ortiz FrancoTijuana, Baja CaliforniaZetaKilled[225]
31 August 2004Francisco Arratia SaldiernaMatamoros, TamaulipasEl Imparcial
El Regional
9 September 2004Leodegario Aguilera LucasGuerreroMundo PolíticoKilled[207]
28 November 2004Gregorio Rodríguez HernándezEscuinapa, SinaloaEl DebateKilled[227]
2 April 2005Alfredo Jiménez MotaHermosillo, SonoraEl ImparcialDisappeared[228][229]
8 April 2005Raúl Gibb GuerreroPoza Rica, VeracruzLa OpiniónKilled[230]
16 April 2005Dolores Guadalupe García EscamillaNuevo Laredo, TamaulipasStereo 91Killed[231]
17 September 2005José Reyes BrambilaGuadalajara, JaliscoVallarta MilenioKilled[232]
31 October 2005Hugo Barragán OrtizTierra Blanca, VeracruzXEJF Radio Max
La Crónica de la Cuenca
25 October 2005Julio César Martínez PérezReynosa, TamaulipasSiglo de MéxicoKilled[234][235]
6 January 2006José ValdésSabinas, Coahuila91.9 La Más BuenaKilled[236]
9 March 2006Jaime Arturo Olvera BravoLa Piedad, MichoacánLa Voz de MichoacánKilled[237]
10 March 2006Ramiro Téllez ContrerasNuevo Laredo, TamaulipasExa 95.7Killed[207][238]
26 March 2006Rosendo Pardo OzunaTuxtla Gutiérrez, ChiapasLa Voz del SuresteKilled[239]
8 July 2006Rafael Ortiz MartínezMonclova, CoahuilaZócaloDisappeared[240]
10 August 2006Enrique Perea QuintanillaChihuahua, ChihuahuaDos Caras, Una VerdadKilled[241]
27 October 2006Bradley WillSanta Lucía del Camino, OaxacaIndymediaKilled[242]
10 November 2006Misael Tamayo HernándezZihuatanejo, GuerreroEl Despertar de la CostaKilled[243]
17 November 2006José Manuel Nava SánchezMexico CityExcélsior
El Sol de México
20 November 2006José Antonio García ApacTepalcatepec, MichoacánEcos de la CuencaDisappeared[245]
21 November 2006Roberto Marcos GarcíaVeracruzAlarma
30 November 2006Alfonso Sánchez GuzmánOrizaba, VeracruzEnlace Veracruz
Televisa Veracruz
8 December 2006Raúl Marcial PérezOaxaca, OaxacaEl GráficoKilled[247]

During the Mexican drug war

Presidency of Felipe Calderón

DateNameLocationMedia outletStatusRefs
17 January 2007Gerardo Guevara DomínguezOcampo, DurangoSiglo XXIKilled[248]
20 January 2007Rodolfo Rincón TaracenaVillahermosa, TabascoTabasco HoyKilled[249]
6 April 2007Amado Ramírez DillanesAcapulco, GuerreroRadioramaKilled[250]
16 April 2007Saúl Noé Martínez OrtegaNuevo Casas Grandes, ChihuahuaInterdiarioKilled[251]
9 May 2007Gabriel González RiveraMexico CityDenuncia ciudadanaKilled[252]
5 September 2007Óscar Rivera InzunzaCuliacán, SinaloaNoroesteKilled[253]
8 October 2007Mateo Cortés MartínezTehuantepec, OaxacaEl Imparcial del IstmoKilled[254]
8 October 2007Agustín López NolascoTehuantepec, OaxacaEl Imparcial del IstmoKilled[255]
8 October 2007Flor Vásquez LópezTehuantepec, OaxacaEl Imparcial del IstmoKilled[256]
3 December 2007Gastón Alonso Acosta ToscanoAguas Prieta, SonoraNoticias de la FronteraKilled[257]
8 December 2007Gerardo Israel García PimentelUruapan, MichoacánLa Opinión de MichoacánKilled[258]
8 December 2007Juan Pablo SolísTuxpan, MichoacánRadio ZitácuaroKilled[259][260]
7 January 2008Claudia Rodríguez LleraState of MexicoRevista Cinemagazine
Radio Mix Ecatepec
5 February 2008Francisco Ortiz MonroyCamargo, TamaulipasDiario de MéxicoKilled[261]
7 February 2008Bonifacio Cruz SantiagoNezahualcóyotl, State of MexicoEl RealKilled[262]
7 February 2008Alfonso Cruz CruzNezahualcóyotl, State of MexicoEl RealKilled[262]
12 February 2008Mauricio Estrada ZamoraApatzingán, MichoacánLa Opinión de ApatzingánDisappeared[263]
7 April 2008Teresa Bautista MerinoPutla de Guerrero, OaxacaRadio CopalaKilled[264]
7 April 2008Felicitas Martínez SánchezPutla de Guerrero, OaxacaRadio CopalaKilled[265]
25 June 2008Candelario Pérez PérezCiudad Juárez, ChihuahuaFreelance journalistKilled[266]
24 September 2008Alejandro Zenón Fonseca EstradaVillahermosa, TabascoExa FMKilled[267]
10 October 2008Francisco Javier SalasTijuana, Baja CaliforniaEl MexicanoKilled[268]
10 October 2008David García MonroyChihuahua, ChihuahuaLa Jornada
El Diario de Chihuahua
10 October 2008Miguel Angel Villagómez ValleLázaro Cárdenas, MichoacánLa Noticia de MichoacánKilled[270]
13 November 2008Armando Rodríguez CarreónCiudad Juárez, ChihuahuaEl Diario de JuárezKilled[271]
14 December 2008Raúl Martínez LópezPoza Rica, VeracruzNoreste de Poza RicaKilled[219]
13 February 2009Jean Paul Ibarra RamírezIguala, GuerreroEl CorreoKilled[272]
24 February 2009Luis Daniel Méndez HernándezHuayacocotla, VeracruzLa PoderosaKilled[273]
27 February 2009Juan Carlos Hernández MundoTaxco, GuerreroEl Quijote
Ultimátum de Taxco
3 May 2009Carlos Ortega SamperSanta María El Oro, DurangoEl Tiempo de DurangoKilled[275]
26 May 2009Eliseo Barrón HernándezGómez Palacio, DurangoLa Opinión – MilenioKilled[276]
12 July 2009Martín Javier Miranda AvilésZitácuaro, MichoacánQuadratín
14 July 2009Ernesto Montañez ValdiviaCiudad Juárez, ChihuahuaEnfoque del Sol de ChihuahuaKilled[278]
28 July 2009Juan Daniel Martínez GilAcapulco, GuerreroRadiorama AcapulcoKilled[279]
21 September 2009Jaime Omar Gándara SanmartínChihuahua, ChihuahuaFreelance photographerKilled[280]
23 September 2009Norberto Miranda MadridCasas Grandes, ChihuahuaRadio VisiónKilled[281]
10 October 2009Gerardo Esparza MataDurango, DurangoLocal government reporterKilled[282]
11 October 2009Fabián Ramírez LópezMazatlán, SinaloaLa Magia 97.1Killed[283]
2 November 2009José Vladimir Antuna GarcíaDurango, DurangoEl Tiempo de DurangoKilled[284]
11 November 2009María Esther Aguilar CansimbeZamora, MichoacánDiario de Zamora
Cambio de Michoacán
24 November 2009José Emilio Galindo RoblesCiudad Guzmán, JaliscoRadio Universidad de GuadalajaraKilled[207]
23 December 2009José Alberto Velázquez LópezTulum, Quintana RooExpresiones de TulumKilled[287]
16 January 2010José Luis RomeroLos Mochis, SinaloaLínea DirectaKilled[288]
8 January 2010Valentín Valdés EspinosaSaltillo, CoahuilaZócalo de SaltilloKilled[289]
29 January 2010Jorge Ochoa MartínezAyutla de los Libres, GuerreroEl Sol de la CostaKilled[290]
March 2010Miguel Ángel Domínguez ZamoraReynosa, TamaulipasEl Mañana de ReynosaDisappeared[291]
March 2010Pedro ArgüelloReynosa, TamaulipasLa Tarde
El Mañana de Reynosa
March 2010David SilvaReynosa, TamaulipasLa Tarde
El Mañana de Reynosa
2 March 2010Jorge Rábago ValdezReynosa, TamaulipasLa PrensaKilled[292]
12 March 2010Evaristo Pacheco SolísChilpancingo, GuerreroVisión InformativaKilled[293]
6 April 2010Ramón Ángeles ZalpaMichoacánCambio de MichoacánDisappeared[294]
10 April 2010Enrique Villicaña PalomaresMorelia, MichoacánLa Voz de MichoacánKilled[295]
20 April 2010Evaristo Ortega ZárateColipa, VeracruzEspacioDisappeared[296]
17 April 2010María Isabella CorderoChihuahua, ChihuahuaTelevisa ChihuahuaKilled[297]
10 May 2010Gamaliel López CandanosaMonterrey, Nuevo LeónTV Azteca MonterreyDisappeared[298][299]
10 May 2010Gerardo Paredes PérezMonterrey, Nuevo LeónTV Azteca MonterreyDisappeared[298][299]
23 June 2010Miguel Ángel Bueno MéndezHuixquilucan, State of MexicoDiario Nuestro DistritoKilled[300]
28 June 2010Juan Francisco Rodríguez RíosCoyuca de Benítez, GuerreroEl Sol de AcapulcoKilled[301]
28 June 2010María Elvira Hernández GaleanaCoyuca de Benítez, GuerreroNueva LíneaKilled[302]
6 July 2010Hugo Alfredo Olivera CartasApatzingán, MichoacánQuadratín
La Voz de Michoacán
10 July 2010Marco Aurelio Martínez TijerinaMontemorelos, Nuevo LeónXEDD Radio La TremendaKilled[304]
10 July 2010Guillermo Alcaraz TrejoChihuahua, ChihuahuaState government journalistKilled[304]
7 September 2010Marcelo Tenorio OcampoCampecheN/AKilled[207]
16 September 2010Luis Carlos Santiago OrozcoCiudad Juárez, ChihuahuaEl Diario de JuárezKilled[305]
27 September 2010Rafael Armando MuroCiudad Juárez, ChihuahuaChihuahuapost.comKilled[306]
30 September 2010Juan Francisco García MárquezCiudad Juárez, ChihuahuaDiario PMKilled[307]
4 October 2010José Juan Núñez SarabiaSantiago Papasquiaro, DurangoN/AKilled[308]
28 October 2010Selene Hernández LeónToluca, State of MexicoNuestro TiempoKilled[309]
5 November 2010Carlos Alberto Guajardo RomeroMatamoros, TamaulipasExpreso MatamorosKilled[310]
9 February 2011Rodolfo Ochoa MorenoTorreón, CoahuilaGrupo Multimedios LagunaKilled[311]
25 March 2011Luis Emmanuel Ruiz CarrilloGuadalupe, Nuevo LeónLa PrensaKilled[312]
25 March 2011José Luis Cerda MeléndezGuadalupe, Nuevo LeónTelevisa MonterreyKilled[313]
31 May 2011Noel López OlguínChinameca, VeracruzLa Verdad de JáltipanKilled[314]
7 June 2011Marco Antonio López OrtizAcapulco, GuerreroNovedades AcapulcoDisappeared[315]
14 June 2011Pablo Ruelas BarrazaHuatabampo, SonoraDiario del Yaqui
El Regional de Sonora
20 June 2011Miguel Ángel López VelascoVeracruzNotiverKilled[317]
20 June 2011Misael López SolanaVeracruzNotiverKilled[318]
3 July 2011Ángel Castillo CoronaOcuilan, State of MexicoPuntual
Diario de México
26 July 2011Yolanda Ordaz de la CruzVeracruz, VeracruzNotiverKilled[320]
1 September 2011Ana María Marcela Yarce ViverosIztapalapa, Mexico CityContralíneaKilled[321]
1 September 2011Rocío González TrápagaIztapalapa, Mexico CityTelevisa Mexico CityKilled[321]
20 September 2011Manuel Gabriel Fonseca HernándezAcayucán, VeracruzEl MañaneroDisappeared[322]
24 September 2011María Elizabeth Macías CastroNuevo Laredo, TamaulipasPrimera HoraKilled[323]
25 August 2011Humberto Millán SalazarCuliacán, SinaloaA Discusión
Radio Fórmula Culiacán
3 December 2011Hugo César Muruato FloresChihuahua, ChihuahuaLa Caliente 90.9Killed[325]
7 January 2012Raúl Régulo Quirino GarzaCadereyta, Nuevo LeónLa Última PalabraKilled[326]
20 April 2012Héctor Javier Salinas AguirreChihuahua, Chihuahua920 Radio NoticiasKilled[327][328]
20 April 2012Javier Moya MuñozChihuahua, Chihuahua920 Radio NoticiasKilled[327]
28 April 2012Regina Martínez PérezXalapa, VeracruzProcesoKilled[329]
3 May 2012Gabriel Huge CórdovaBoca del Río, VeracruzNotiverKilled[330]
3 May 2012Guillermo Luna VarelaBoca del Río, VeracruzVeracruznewsKilled[330]
3 May 2012Esteban RodríguezBoca del Río, VeracruzDiario AZKilled[331]
3 May 2012Ana Irasema Becerra JiménezBoca del Río, VeracruzEl DictamenKilled[332]
13 May 2012René Orta SalgadoCuernavaca, MorelosEl Sol de CuernavacaKilled[333]
18 May 2012Marco Antonio Ávila GarcíaEmpalme, SonoraDiario Sonora de la Tarde
El Regional de Ciudad Obregón
21 May 2012Zane PlemmonsNuevo Laredo, TamaulipasFreelance journalistDisappeared[335][336]
14 June 2012Víctor Manuel Báez ChinoXalapa, VeracruzMilenio XalapaKilled[337][338]
23 June 2012Federico Manuel García ContrerasTanquián de Escobedo, San Luis PotosíPunto Crítico
Voces de Mediodía
30 June 2012Armando MontañoMexico CityThe Associated PressKilled[340]
25 July 2012Miguel Morales EstradaPoza Rica, VeracruzDiario de Poza RicaDisappeared[341]
19 August 2012Ernesto Araujo CanoChihuahua, ChihuahuaEl Heraldo de ChihuahuaKilled[342][343]
20 August 2012José Antonio Aguilar MotaEcuandureo, MichoacánFreelance photographerKilled[344]
20 August 2012Arturo Barajas LópezEcuandureo, MichoacánDiario de ZamoraKilled[344]
15 October 2012Ramón Abel López AguilarTijuana, Baja CaliforniaTijuana InformativoKilled[345]
26 October 2012Adela Jazmín Alcaraz LópezSan Luis Potosí, San Luis PotosíCanal 12 RíoverdeDisappeared[346]
14 November 2012Adrián Silva MorenoTehuacán, PueblaFreelance journalistKilled[347]
27 November 2012Sergio Landa RosalesJosé Cardel, VeracruzEl Diario de CardelDisappeared[348]

Presidency of Enrique Peña Nieto

DateNameLocationMedia outletStatusRefs
22 December 2012David Araujo ArévaloAcapulco, GuerreroNovedades de AcapulcoKilled[349][350]
4 March 2013Jaime Guadalupe González DomínguezOjinaga,[351]
11 March 2013Víctor Javier CamposAgua Prieta, SonoraEl Diario de JuárezKilled[352]
15 March 2013Juan José GarcíaJiménez, ChihuahuaTelevisa ChihuahuaKilled[353]
15 April 2013Alonso de la Colina SordoPuebla, PueblaTV Azteca PueblaKilled[354]
24 April 2013Daniel Alejandro Martínez BazaldúaSaltillo, CoahuilaVanguardiaKilled[355]
30 April 2013Gerardo José Padilla BlanquetSaltillo, CoahuilaRadio Grande de CoahuilaDisappeared[356]
2 May 2013Rosa María Ríos CamposMorelia, MichoacánFormer TV presenterKilled[357]
24 June 2013Mario Ricardo Chávez JorgeReynosa, TamaulipasEl CiudadanoKilled[358]
17 July 2013Alberto López BelloOaxaca, OaxacaEl ImparcialKilled[359]
5 November 2013Alberto Angulo GerardoAngostura, SinaloaTelevisa HermosilloKilled[360]
23 January 2014Miguel Ángel Guzmán GarduñoChilpancingo, GuerreroVérticeKilled[361]
5 February 2014Gregorio Jiménez de la CruzCoatzacoalcos, VeracruzNotisur
Liberal del Sur
16 February 2014Omar Reyes FabiánMiahuatlán de Porfirio Díaz, OaxacaTiempoKilled[363]
28 February 2014Benjamín Galván GómezTamaulipasÚltima Hora
Primera Hora
2 June 2014Jorge Torres PalaciosAcapulco, GuerreroEl Dictamen de GuerreroKilled[366]
21 July 2014Julián Bacasegua CastroGuasave, SinaloaN/ADisappeared[367]
30 July 2014Nolberto Herrera RodríguezGuadalupe, ZacatecasCanal 9Killed[368]
12 August 2014Octavio Rojas HernándezCosolapa, OaxacaEl Buen TonoKilled[369]
21 August 2014Marlén Valdez GarcíaBenito Juárez, Nuevo LeónLa Última PalabraKilled[370][371]
27 August 2014Adrián Gaona BelmonteReynosa, TamaulipasLa Comadrita 97.3 FM RadioKilled[371][372]
3 September 2014Víctor Pérez PérezCiudad Juárez, ChihuahuaSucesosKilled[373]
12 October 2014Octavio Atilano Román TiradoMazatlán, SinaloaABC RadioKilled[374]
16 October 2014María del Rosario Fuentes RubioReynosa, TamaulipasValor por TamaulipasKilled[375][376]
22 October 2014Jesús Antonio Gamboa UríasLos Mochis, SinaloaNueva PrensaKilled[377]
3 December 2014Mario Alberto Crespo AyónMazatlán, SinaloaUno TVDisappeared[378]
2 January 2015Moisés Sánchez CerezoMedellín de Bravo, VeracruzLa UniónKilled[379]
4 January 2015Jazmín Martínez SánchezIxtlán del Río, NayaritTelevisa TepicKilled[380]
5 January 2015Jesús Tapia RodríguezParras de la Fuente, CoahuilaParras TVKilled[381]
6 April 2015 Jose Gutierrez Zamora Morales Orizaba, Veracruz MCLN Disappeared
14 April 2015Abel Manuel Bautista RaymundoSantiago Juxtlahuaca, OaxacaRadio Spacio 96.1 FMKilled[382]
4 May 2015Armando Saldaña MoralesCosolapa, OaxacaRadio Max
Ke Buena
18 June 2015Ismael Díaz LópezTeapa, TabascoEl Criollo
Tabasco Hoy
26 June 2015Gerardo Nieto ÁlvarezComonfort, GuanajuatoEl TábanoKilled[385]
2 July 2015Filadelfo Sánchez SarmientoMiahuatlán, OaxacaLa Favorita 103.3 FMKilled[386]
2 July 2015Juan Mendoza DelgadoMedellín de Bravo, VeracruzEl Dictamen
Escribiendo la Verdad
9 July 2015Édgar Hernández GarcíaSanta María Huatulco, OaxacaOaxaca Foro PolíticoKilled[388]
1 August 2015Rubén Espinosa BecerrilMexico CityProcesoKilled[389]
4 August 2015Adrián Martínez LópezJalpa de Méndez, TabascoGlamour Arte FotográficoKilled[390]
6 August 2015Juan Manuel Calderón GarcíaSan Blas, NayaritLa Caliente 107.3 FMKilled[391]
13 August 2015Juan Heriberto Santos CabreraOrizaba, VeracruzTelevisaKilled[392]
22 August 2015Eduardo Herrera SáenzPiedras Negras, CoahuilaTelevisaKilled[393]
22 September 2015David Alonso Correa RangelCiudad Hidalgo, MichoacánFreelance photographerKilled[394]
23 September 2015José Joaquín Pérez MoralesVillahermosa, TabascoDiario PresenteKilled[395]
23 September 2015Aurelio Hernández HerreraVillahermosa, TabascoDiario PresenteKilled[395]
28 December 2015América Maribel Alva LarrazoloCiudad Juárez, ChihuahuaN/AKilled[396]
21 January 2016Marcos Hernández BautistaSan Andrés Huaxpaltepec, OaxacaImagen de Oaxaca
Diario Noticias Voz
22 January 2016Reynel Martínez CerquedaSantiago Laollaga, OaxacaManantialKilled[398]
9 February 2016Anabel Flores SalazarTehuacán, PueblaEl Sol de OrizabaKilled[399]
20 February 2016 Moisés Félix Dagdug Lützow Tabasco Grupo VX Killed [400]
25 April 2016 Francisco Pacheco Beltrán Taxco, Guerrero El Sol de Acapulco Killed [401]
14 May 2016 Manuel Santiago Torres González Poza Rica, Veracruz TV Azteca, Killed [401]
19 June 2016 Elidio Ramos Zárate Oaxaca El Sur Killed [400]
20 June 2016 Zamira Esther Bautista Tamaulipas El Mercurio and La Verdad Killed [400]
26 June 2016 Salvador García Olmos Huajuapan de León, Oaxaca Tu Un Ñuu Savi Killed [402]
20 July 2016 Pedro Tamayo Rosas Tierra Blanca, Veracruz Al Calor Politico and Piñero de la Cuenca Killed [403]
12 September 2016 Agustín Pavia Huajuapan de León, Oaxaca Tu Un Ñuu Savi Killed [402]
14 September 2016 Aurelio Cabrera Campos Huauchinango, Mexico City El Gráfico de la Sierra Killed [402]
10 December 2016 Jesús Adrián Rodríguez Samaniego Chihuahua, Chihuahua N/A Killed [404]
22 February 2017 Carlos Alberto García Martínez Tecomán, Colima Radiorama Colima Killed [405]
2 March 2017 Cecilio Pineda Birto Ciudad Altamirano, Guerrero La Voz de Tierra Caliente Killed [406]
19 March 2017 Ricardo Monlui Cabrera Yanga, Veracruz El Sol de Córdoba Killed [407]
24 March 2017 Miroslava Breach Velducea Chihuahua, Chihuahua Norte
La Jornada
Killed [408]
14 April 2017 Maximino Rodríguez Palacios La Paz, Baja California Sur Colectivo Pericú Killed [409]
17 April 2017 Juan José Roldán Calpulalpan, Tlaxcala Síntesis de Tlaxcala Killed [410][411][A 14]
1 May 2017 Filiberto Álvarez Landeros Tlaquiltenango, Morelos XHART-FM "La Señal" Killed [412]
15 May 2017 Javier Valdez Cárdenas Culiacán, Sinaloa Ríodoce Killed [413][414]
15 May 2017 Héctor Jonathan Rodríguez Córdoba Autlán de Navarro, Jalisco El Costeño Killed [415]
18 May 2017 Salvador Adame Pardo Múgica, Michoacán Canal 6 TV Disappeared [416]
10 July 2017 Edwin Rivera Paz Acayucan, Veracruz Hable Killed [417]
31 July 2017 Luciano Rivera Rosarito, Baja California CNR TV Killed [418]
3 August 2017 Rosario Ramos Flores Centro, Tabasco Portada Disappeared [419]
22 August 2017 Cándido Ríos Vásquez Hueyapan de Ocampo, Veracruz El Diario de Acayucan Killed [420]
6 October 2017 Édgar Daniel Esqueda Castro San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí Vox Populi
Metrópoli San Luis
Killed [421][422]
19 December 2017 Gumaro Pérez Aguilando Veracruz La Voz del Sur Killed [423]
13 January 2018 Carlos Domínguez Rodríguez Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas Noreste Digital

Horizonte de Matamoros

Killed [424][425][426]
21 March 2018 Leobardo Vázquez Atzin Gutiérrez Zamora, Veracruz Noreste
La Opinión de Poza Rica
Enlace Gutiérrez Zamora
Killed [427]
15 May 2018 Juan Carlos Huerta Villahermosa, Tabasco Sin Reservas
Notinueve, XHTVL-TDT
Killed [428][429]
29 May 2018 Hector Gonzalez Antonio Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas Excélsior Killed [430]
30 June 2018 José Guadalupe Chan Dzib Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo N/A Killed [431]
21 September 2018 Mario Gómez Yajalón, Chiapas El Heraldo de Chiapas Killed [432]
24 October 2018 Gabriel Soriano Acapulco, Guerrero Radio y Televisión de Guerrero Killed [433]

Presidency of Andrés Manuel López Obrador

DateNameLocationMedia outletStatusRefs
1 December 2018 Jesús Alejandro Márquez Jiménez Tepic, Nayarit Crítica Killed [434]
6 December 2018 Diego García Corona Ecatepec de Morelos, State of Mexico Weekly Morelos Killed [435]
20 January 2019 Rafael Murúa Manríquez Santa Rosalía, Baja California Sur Radiokashana FM Killed [436]
9 February 2019 Jesús Ramos Rodríguez Emiliano Zapata Municipality, Tabasco Nuestra Región Hoy, XHEMZ-FM Killed [437]
16 February 2019 Reynaldo López Hermosillo, Sonora N/A Killed [438]
20 February 2019 Samir Flores Soberanes Huexca, Morelos Radio Amiltzinko Killed [439]
15 March 2019 Santiago Barroso San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora San Luis Hoy – Red 653, XHEMW-FM Killed [440]
20 March 2019 Omar Iván Camacho Salvador Alvarado Municipality, Sinaloa Noticieros Altavoz – Grupo Chávez Radio Killed [441]
2 May 2019 Telésforo Santiago Enríquez El Cafetal, San Agustín Loxicha, Oaxaca Estéreo Cafetal Killed [442]
18 May 2019 Francisco Romero Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo Quintana Roo Hoy Killed [443]
12 June 2019 Norma Sarabia Garduza Huimanguillo, Tabasco Tabasco Hoy Killed [444]
30 July 2019 Rogelio Barragán Zacatepec de Hidalgo, Morelos Guerrero al instante Killed [445]
2 August 2019 Édgar Alberto Nava López Zihuatanejo de Azueta, Guerrero The Truth of Zihuatanejo Killed [446]
2 August 2019 Jorge Celestino Ruiz Vázquez La Bocanita, Actopan, Veracruz Graphic of Xalapa Killed [447]
9 January 2020 Fidel Ávila Gómez Huetamo, Michoacán XHKN-FM Killed [448]
20 February 2020 Aracely Alcocer Carmona Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua La Poderosa Killed [449]
11 March 2020 Mireya Ulloa Valencia Poza Rica, Veracruz La Opinión Killed [450]
11 April 2020 Víctor Fernando Álvarez Chávez Acapulco, Guerrero Punto x Punto Noticias Killed [451]
30 March 2020 María Elena Ferral Hernández Papantla, Veracruz Diario de Xalapa Killed [452]
17 May 2020 Jorge Armenta Ávalos Ciudad Obregón, Sonora El Tiempo Killed [453]
11 June 2020 José Luis Castillo Trejo Ciudad Obregón, Sonora Máxima prioridad Killed [454]
3 August 2020 Pablo Morrugares Parraguirre Iguala, Guerrero P.M Noticias Guerrero web site Killed [455]
22 August 2020 Juan Nelcio Espinoza Menera Coahuila Valedor TV Killed while in police custody [456]
9 September 2020 Julio Valdivia Tezonapa, Veracruz El Mundo de Veracruz Killed [457]
29 October 2020 Arturo Alba Medina Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua Multimedios Ciudad Juárez Killed [458]
2 November 2020 Jesús Alfonso Piñuelas Montes Cajeme, Sonora Independent camera operator Killed [459]
9 November 2020 Israel Vázquez Salamanca, Guanajuato El Salmantino (digital platform) Killed (shot) [460]
14 November 2020 Carlos Zataráin Mazatlán, Sinaloa Noroeste Kidnapped [461]
17 June 2021 Gustavo Sánchez Morro Mazatán, Oaxaca Noticias Minuto a Minuto Killed (shot) [462]
19 July 2021 Abraham Mendoza Morelia, Michoacn Killed (shot) [463][464]
22 July 2021 Ricardo López Jiménez Guaymas, Sonora Infoguaymas Killed (shot) [465]
19 August 2021 Jacinto Romero Flores Ixtaczoquitlán, Veracruz Ori Stereo Killed (shot) [466]
28 October 2021 Fredy López Arévalo San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas XERA "Radio Uno" Killed (shot) [467]
31 October 2021 Alfredo Cardoso Echeverría Acapulco, Oaxaca Las Dos Costas Killed (shot) [468]
12 January 2022 José Luis Gamboa Veracruz Semanario Zeta Killed (stabbed) [469]
17 January 2022 Margarito Martínez Esquivel Tijuana, Baja California Inforegio Killed (shot) [470]
23 January 2022 Lourdes Maldonado López Tijuana, Baja California Primer Sistema de Noticias Killed (shot) [471]
31 January 2022 Roberto Toledo Zitácuaro, Michoacán Monitor Michoacano Killed (shot) [472]
10 February 2022 Heber López Vásquez Salina Cruz, Oaxaca Noticias Web Killed (shot) [473][474][475][476]
24 February 2022 Jorge Luis Camero Zazueta Empalme, Sonora El Informativo Killed (shot) [477]
4 March 2022 Juan Carlos Muñiz Fresnillo, Zacatecas Testigo Minero Killed (shot) [478]
16 March 2022 Armando Linares Zitácuaro, Michoacán Monitor Michoacano Killed (shot) [479]
5 May 2022 Luis Enrique Ramírez Culiacán, Sinaloa El Debate Killed [480]
9 May 2022 Sheila Johana García Olivera Cosoleacaque, Veracruz El Veraz Killed (shot) [481][482]
9 May 2022 Yessenia Mollinedo Falconi Cosoleacaque, Veracruz El Veraz Killed (shot) [483][482]
29 June 2022 Antonio de la Cruz Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas Expreso Killed (shot) [484]
4 August 2022 Ernesto Mendez San Luis de la Paz, Guanajuato Tu Voz Killed (shot) [485]
2-16 August 2022 Juan Arjón López San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora A Qué Le Temes Killed [486][A 15]
22 August 2022 Fredid Román Chilpancingo, Guerrero La Realidad, Vértice de Chilpancingo Killed (shot) [487]
08 July 2023 Luis Martín Sánchez Íñiguez Tepic, Nayarit La Jornada Killed [488]

See also

  • Political murder
  • Index of Mexico-related articles
  • List of journalists killed in Guatemala
  • List of journalists killed in Honduras
  • List of journalists killed in Venezuela
  • List of politicians killed in the Mexican drug war
  • Human rights in Mexico



  1. There was a journalist killed in 1913 but only his surname is known.[44]
  2. Other sources identify him as Martín Falcón Rodríguez or as Mario Falcón Rodríguez.[93][95]
  3. It is unclear if Mario Centeno Yáñez was a journalist; other sources state he carried a journalist identity card without being one.[114]
  4. It is unclear if Julián Sánchez Beltrán was a journalist; other sources state he carried a journalist identity card without being one.[114]
  5. It is unclear if Jorge Fernández Garduño (also known as Jorge Hernández Garduño) was a journalist; other sources state he carried a journalist identity card without being one.[114] Another source says he was killed in Querétaro.[121]
  6. It is unclear if José Antonio Godoy Mena (also known as Jesús Godoy Mena) was a journalist; other sources state he was a businessman instead.[128]
  7. It is unclear if Emilio Santiago Alvarado was a journalist; other sources state he was a spokesman for the newspaper.[128]
  8. Another source identifies him as Mario Ortiz Moreno.[141]
  9. She was also identified as Mafalda Clementina Herros Andrade.[101]
  10. It is unclear if Felipe González Hernández (also known as Felipe González Herrera) was a journalist; other sources state he carried a journalist identity card without being one.[114]
  11. Another source identifies him as Sergio Luis de Luna Daniel.[148]
  12. He was also identified as Ronay Jiménez Gómez or as Ramón González Gómez.[151]
  13. She was also identified as Herlinda Bejarano de Gómez.[148]
  14. Another source stated he left his journalism profession five years before his death.[411]
  15. It is unknown when he was killed. His last article was on 2 August, was publicly reported missing on 9 August and his corpse was found on 16 August.


  1. Lauría 2010, p. 3.
  2. "Mexico probes journalist Regina Martinez's death". BBC News. 29 April 2012. Archived from the original on 11 April 2013. Retrieved 24 July 2013.
  3. Dearman, Eleanor (14 April 2016). "Number of murdered journalists in Mexico hard to pin down". Retrieved 15 April 2016.
  4. "Deadly Trends for Journalists in 2011; 103 Killed". International Press Institute. 4 January 2012. Archived from the original on 29 January 2013. Retrieved 24 July 2013.
  5. "Mexico". Reporters Without Borders. Archived from the original on 28 January 2013. Retrieved 24 July 2013.
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