Honor society
In the United States, an honor society is an organization that recognizes individuals who excel in various domains such as academics, leadership, and other personal achievements, not all of which are based on ranking systems. These societies acknowledge excellence among peers in diverse fields and circumstances. The Order of the Arrow, for example, is the National Honor Society of the Boy Scouts of America. While the term commonly refers to scholastic honor societies, which primarily acknowledge students who excel academically or as leaders among their peers, it also applies to other types of societies.

The origins of honor societies in the United States can be traced back to the establishment of Phi Beta Kappa in 1776 at the College of William and Mary, which began as a debating society and did not initially impose grade point average (GPA) restrictions for membership.[1] [2]
Many honor societies invite students to become members based on the scholastic rank (the top x% of a class) and/or grade point averages, either overall or for classes taken within the discipline for which the honor society provides recognition. In cases where academic achievement would not be an appropriate criterion for membership, other standards are usually required for membership (such as completion of a particular ceremony or training program). Scholastic honor societies commonly add a criterion relating to the student's character. Most honor societies are invitation-only, and membership in an honor society might be considered exclusive, i.e., a member of such an organization cannot join other honor societies representing the same field.
Many honor societies are referred to by their membership or by non-members as fraternities and sororities. Honor societies exist at the high school, collegiate/university, postgraduate, and professional levels, although university honor societies are by far the most prevalent. In the United States, the oldest academic society, Phi Beta Kappa, was founded as a social and literary fraternity in 1776. Other honor societies were established a century later, including Tau Beta Pi for engineering (1885), Sigma Xi for scientific research (1886), and Phi Kappa Phi for all disciplines (1897). Mortar Board was established in 1918 and was the first national honor society for women who were college seniors.
During the era of honor society expansion in the early 20th century, these organizations were generally supportive of cultural changes that challenged racism, classism, and sexism. Like other aspects of academia, honor society integration and diversity grew with the expansion of an increasingly multicultural and co-educational student body. There were some holdouts, but academia in general, and its honor societies as a reflection, were on the vanguard of change. Several Jewish-only organizations merged into (or absorbed) formerly Christian-exclusive societies. Title IX forced most single-sex societies to admit women, though many had already opted to embrace this change.[lower-alpha 1] Racial barriers, where they existed, were challenged and retired, with any holdouts subject to significant criticism.[3][4][5] The presence of these holdovers and the demise of those that exhibited overt racism offer an opportunity for a critical reassessment of the criteria and culture within honor societies.[6]
While changes sparked from within these societies were prevalent between the massive influx of students after World War II and before and after the adoption of Title IX, additionally, the demand for recognition of racially diverse scholars spurred the 2005 founding of the Bouchet Graduate Honor Society by Yale University and Howard University. Rather than adopting the traditional tapping to identify top students from a given academic class based on merit, a distinct aspect of this society's nomination process is its focus on self-nominations.[lower-alpha 2] A Ph.D. or Ph.D. track is required, among other qualifications.[7][8][9][10] Modern honor societies are increasingly focused on creating supportive environments that promote the academic and personal development of all scholars, especially those from traditionally underrepresented groups.[11][12] This evolution reflects a broader movement within academic institutions towards a more equitable and comprehensive recognition of student excellence.[13][14][15]
- Some professional fraternities continue to maintain single-sex housing, whereas honor societies, in almost all cases non-residential, more readily accepted a co-ed model.
- This follows the model of "recognition societies", which Baird's Manual tracked as a separate category of fraternal society but is now grouped within the larger set of honor societies.
Academic robes and regalia identifying by color the degree, school, and other distinctions, are controlled under rules of a voluntary Intercollegiate Code. In addition, various colored devices such as stoles, scarves, cords, tassels, and medallions are used to indicate membership in a student's honor society. Of these, cords and mortarboard tassels are most often used to indicate membership. Most institutions allow honor cords, tassels, and/or medallions for honor society members. Stoles are less common, but they are available for a few honor societies. Virtually all, if not all honor societies have chosen such colors and may sell these items of accessory regalia as a service or fundraiser.
Umbrella organizations
The Honor Society Caucus and Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS) are two voluntary associations for national collegiate and post-graduate honor societies.[16] ACHS formed in 1925 to establish and maintain desirable standards for honor societies.[16] Later, four prestigious founding members of ACHS established the Honor Society Caucus, expressing that the ACHS had diluted and lost sight of the mission of its founding members.[17][18] While ACHS membership is a certification that the member societies meet these standards, not all legitimate honor societies apply for membership in ACHS.[19][16]
Scholastic honor societies
Notable national and international honor societies based in or at schools include the following:
General collegiate scholastic honor societies
These societies are open to all academic disciplines, though they may have other affinity requirements.
- Alpha Chi, ΑΧ (all academic fields), colors: Emerald green and Sapphire blue
- Alpha Kappa Mu, ΑΚΜ (all academic fields)
- Alpha Lambda Delta, ΑΛΔ (freshman scholarship)
- Alpha Sigma Lambda, ΑΣΛ (non-traditional students), colors: Burgundy and Gold
- Alpha Sigma Nu, ΑΣΝ (Scholarship, Loyalty and Service at Jesuit institutions of higher education), colors: Maroon and Gold
- Bouchet Graduate Honor Society (Doctoral, Post-Doctoral, Faculty)
- Chi Alpha Sigma, ΧΑΣ (college student-athletes)
- Delta Alpha Pi, ΔΑΠ (students with disabilities)
- Delta Epsilon Sigma, ΔΕΣ (all academic fields at traditionally Catholic colleges and universities)
- Delta Epsilon Tau, ΔΕΤ (Distance Education Accrediting Commission institutions)[20]
- Epsilon Tau Pi, ΕΤΠ (General scholarship, Eagle Scouts)
- Golden Key International Honour Society (academics), colors: Blue and Gold
- Mortar Board (Scholars chosen for Leadership united to Serve)
- National Society of Collegiate Scholars, NSCS (scholarship/leadership/service), colors: Purple and Gold
- Phi Eta Sigma, ΦΗΣ (freshman scholarship)
- Phi Kappa Phi, ΦΚΦ (all academic fields)
- Phi Sigma Pi, ΦΣΠ (all academic fields), colors: Purple and Gold
- Phi Tau Phi, ΦΤΦ (all academic fields), colors: Blue and Gold
- Tau Sigma, ΤΣ (transfer students)
- Lambda Sigma, ΛΣ (student leadership, scholarship, and service), colors: Blue and Gold
- Order of Omega (fraternities and sororities), colors: Blue and Gold
- Sigma Alpha Lambda, ΣΑΛ (all academic fields)
These societies recognize leadership, with a scholarship component; multi-disciplinary.
- Mortar Board (leadership), colors: Gold and Silver
- National Residence Hall Honorary, NRHH (Residence hall leadership/service)
- Omicron Delta Kappa, ΟΔΚ (leadership and academic; juniors, seniors, graduate students, alumni, faculty and staff, honorary)
- Sigma Alpha Lambda, ΣΑΛ (leadership)
These are collegiate-based honor societies for students in the armed forces. Other non-collegiate honor societies serve military branches and are often listed as professional fraternities.
- Arnold Air Society (United States Air Force cadets)
- Pershing Rifles (United States armed forces)
- SALUTE Veterans National Honor Society (veterans)[21]
- Scabbard and Blade (ROTC cadets and midshipmen)
Liberal arts
These societies are open to the traditional liberal arts disciplines and may be department-specific. Some are grouped by discipline subheading.
- Alpha Iota Sigma, ΑΙΣ (interdisciplinary studies)[22]
- Alpha Kappa Delta, ΑΚΔ (sociology), color: Teal
- Alpha Upsilon Alpha, ΑΥΑ (reading and language arts)
- Chi Sigma Iota, ΧΣΙ (counseling)
- Delta Epsilon Chi, ΔΕΧ (divinity)[23]
- Eta Sigma Phi, ΗΣΦ (classics)
- Kappa Omicron Nu, ΚΟΝ (human sciences), colors: Burgundy and Cream
- Lambda Alpha, ΛΑ (anthropology) Red, White and Black
- Lambda Iota Tau, ΛΙΤ (literature)
- Phi Alpha, ΦΑ (social work), colors: Blue and Gold
- Phi Alpha Theta, ΦΑΘ (history)
- Phi Beta Kappa, ΦΒΚ (undergraduate arts and sciences), colors: Pink and Sky blue
- Phi Sigma Tau, ΦΣΤ (philosophy)
- Phi Upsilon Omicron, ΦΥΟ (Family and consumer science), colors: Violet, Gold and Cream
- Pi Alpha Alpha, ΠΑΑ (public administration), colors: Blue and Gold
- Pi Gamma Mu, ΠΓΜ (social sciences)
- Pi Sigma Alpha, ΠΣΑ (political science)
- Psi Chi, ΨΧ (psychology), colors: Navy blue and Platinum
- Sigma Iota Rho, ΣΙΡ (international relations)
- Sigma Tau Delta, ΣΤΔ (English)
- Theta Alpha Kappa, ΘΑΚ, (Religious Studies/Theology/Philosophy)
- Theta Chi Beta, ΘΧΒ (religious studies)
- Alpha Iota Delta, ΑΙΔ (decision sciences)
- Alpha Mu Alpha, ΑΜΑ (marketing),[24] color: Red
- Beta Alpha Psi, ΒΑΨ (accounting and finance)
- Beta Gamma Sigma, ΒΓΣ (AACSB accredited business programs), colors: Gold and Yale Blue
- Delta Mu Delta, ΔΜΔ (ACBSP accredited business programs)
- Eta Sigma Delta, ΗΣΔ (International Hospitality Management Honor Society, ICHRIE)[25]
- Mu Kappa Tau, ΜΚΤ (marketing), colors: Blue and Gold
- Nu Lambda Mu, ΝΛΜ (nonprofit management)[26]
- Omega Rho, ΩΡ (operations research, management science)
- Omicron Delta Epsilon, ΟΔΕ (economics), colors: Blue and Gold
- Sigma Beta Delta, ΣΒΔ (business, management and administration)
- Sigma Nu Tau, ΣΝΤ (entrepreneurship)[27]
- Kappa Delta Pi, ΚΔΠ (education), colors: Jade Green and Violet
- Pi Lambda Theta, ΠΛΘ (education), colors: Blue and Gold
- Pi Omega Pi, ΠΩΠ (business education)
- Phi Beta Delta, ΦΒΔ (international education)
- Eta Sigma Gamma, ΗΣΓ (health education)[28]
Fine arts
- Alpha Psi Omega, ΑΨΩ (theatre), colors: Blue and Gold
- Chi Tau Epsilon, ΧΤΕ (dance)[29][30]
- Delta Phi Delta, ΔΦΔ (art)
- Kappa Pi, ΚΠ (art)
- Kappa Kappa Psi, ΚΚΨ (music - band), colors: Blue and Gold
- Mu Beta Psi, ΜΒΨ (music)
- Pi Kappa Lambda, ΠΚΛ (music)
- Pi Nu Epsilon, ΠΝΕ (music)
- Tau Beta Sigma, ΤΒΣ (music - band), colors: Blue and Gold
- Theta Alpha Phi, ΘΑΦ (theatre)
Journalism and communications
- Kappa Tau Alpha, ΚΤΑ (journalism/mass communication), colors: Light blue and Gold
- Lambda Pi Eta, ΛΠΗ (communication)
- Society for Collegiate Journalists, (SCJ) (journalism)
- Alpha Mu Gamma, ΑΜΓ (foreign languages), color: Gold
- Delta Phi Alpha, ΔΦΑ - (German), colors: Black, Red and Gold
- Pi Delta Phi, ΠΔΦ (French), colors: Blue, White and Red
- Sigma Delta Pi, ΣΔΠ (Spanish and Portuguese), colors: Red and Gold
- Phi Sigma Iota, ΦΣΙ (modern foreign languages, Classics, linguistics, philology, comparative literature, bilingual education, second language acquisition), colors: Purple and White
- The Order of Barristers (law)
- Order of the Coif (law)
- Phi Delta Phi, ΦΔΦ, (law), colors: Garnet and Pearl blue
- Alpha Phi Sigma, ΑΦΣ, (Criminal Justice, law)
- Lambda Epsilon Chi, ΛΕΧ, (Paralegal)
These societies are open to students in the STEM disciplines and may be department-specific. Some are grouped by discipline subheader.
- Beta Beta Beta, ΒΒΒ (biology), colors: Blood red and Leaf green
- Beta Kappa Chi, ΒΚΧ (natural sciences/mathematics), colors: Blue and Gold
- Chi Beta Phi, ΧΒΦ (science and mathematics)
- Chi Epsilon Pi, ΧΕΠ (meteorology)
- Gamma Theta Upsilon, ΓΘΥ (geography)
- Gamma Sigma Epsilon, ΓΣΕ (chemistry)
- Iota Sigma Pi, ΙΣΠ (chemistry and related fields, women's)
- Phi Lambda Upsilon, ΦΛΥ (chemistry)
- Phi Sigma, ΦΣ (biological sciences)
- Phi Tau Sigma, ΦΤΣ (Food Science and Technology)
- Pi Epsilon, ΠΕ (environmental sciences)
- Sigma Gamma Epsilon, ΣΓΕ (geology/Earth sciences), colors: Gold, Blue, and Silver
- Sigma Lambda Chi, ΣΛΧ (construction management technology)
- Sigma Pi Sigma, ΣΠΣ (physics, astronomy), colors: Forest Green and Ivory
- Sigma Xi, ΣΞ (Research in Science and Engineering), colors: Blue and Gold
- Sigma Zeta, ΣΖ (natural sciences/mathematics/computer science), colors: Blue and Gold
- Delta Tau Alpha, ΔΤΑ, (Honor Society of Agriculture)[31]
- Gamma Sigma Delta, ΓΣΔ, (Honor Society of Agriculture)[32] colors: Sand and Forest Green
- Pi Alpha Xi, ΠΑΞ (horticulture), colors: Nile green and Cerulean blue
- Xi Sigma Pi, ΞΣΠ (forestry), colors: Green and Gray
- Sigma Lambda Alpha, ΣΛΑ (landscape architecture), colors: Gold and Green
- Tau Sigma Delta, ΤΣΔ (architecture), colors: White and Gold
Within the larger group of STEM disciplines, these societies serve engineering disciplines.
- Alpha Epsilon, ΑΕ (agricultural/food/biological engineering)
- Alpha Eta Mu Beta, ΑΗΜΒ (biomedical engineering)
- Alpha Nu Sigma, ΑΝΣ (nuclear engineering)[33]
- Alpha Pi Mu, ΑΠΜ (industrial engineering)
- Alpha Sigma Mu, ΑΣΜ (metallurgy/materials engineering)
- Chi Epsilon, ΧΕ (civil engineering), colors: Purple and White
- Eta Kappa Nu, ΗΚΝ (electrical engineering, computer engineering), colors: Navy blue and Scarlet
- Omega Chi Epsilon, ΩΧΕ (chemical engineering), colors: Maroon and White
- Phi Alpha Epsilon, ΦΑΕ (architectural engineering)
- Pi Epsilon Tau, ΠΕΤ (petroleum engineering and related fields)[34] colors: Gold and Black
- Pi Tau Sigma, ΠΤΣ (mechanical engineering), colors: Teal and Maroon
- Rho Beta Epsilon, ΡΒΕ (robotics), colors: Crimson, Gold, and Black[35]
- Sigma Gamma Tau, ΣΓΤ (aerospace engineering)
- Tau Alpha Pi, ΤΑΠ (engineering technology)
- Tau Beta Pi, ΤΒΠ (engineering, all types), colors: Brown and White
- Upsilon Pi Epsilon, ΥΠΕ (computer science/computer engineering)
Health sciences
This section includes all healthcare-related fields, including veterinary science.
- Alpha Epsilon Delta, ΑΕΔ (pre-medical), colors: Red and Violet
- Alpha Eta, ΑΗ (allied health professions)[36]
- Alpha Omega Alpha, ΑΩΑ (medical students and physicians), Forest Green, Gold and White
- Beta Sigma Kappa, ΒΣΚ (Optometry)[37]
- Delta Omega, ΔΩ (public health)
- Iota Tau Alpha, ΙΤΑ (Athletic Training)[38]
- Nu Rho Psi, ΝΡΨ (Neuroscience)
- Omicron Kappa Upsilon, ΟΚΥ (Dentistry)
- Phi Zeta, ΦΖ (veterinary medicine)
- Pi Delta, ΠΔ (podiatry)[39]
- Pi Theta Epsilon, ΠΘΕ (occupational therapy)
- Rho Chi, ΡΧ (pharmacy), colors: Purple and White
- Sigma Theta Tau, ΣΘΤ (nursing), colors: Orchid and White
- Sigma Phi Alpha, ΣΦΑ (dental hygiene)[40]
- Sigma Phi Omega, ΣΦΩ, (Gerontology)[41]
- Sigma Sigma Phi, ΣΣΦ (osteopathic medicine) or (medicine)
- Tau Upsilon Alpha, ΤΥΑ (human services)[42]
- Upsilon Phi Delta, ΥΦΔ (health administration)
Information technology
- Beta Phi Mu, ΒΦΜ (library science/information science/information technology)
- Epsilon Pi Tau, ΕΠΤ (technology)
- Order of the Sword & Shield, ΟΣΣ (homeland security, intelligence, emergency management, and all protective studies)[43]
- Upsilon Pi Epsilon, ΥΠΕ (computer information systems, computer science)
- Kappa Mu Epsilon, ΚΜΕ (mathematics)
- Mu Sigma Rho, ΜΣΡ (statistics)
- Pi Mu Epsilon, ΠΜΕ (mathematics)
Local honor societies
Some universities have their own independent, open honor societies, which are not affiliated with any national or international organization. Such organizations typically recognize students who have succeeded academically irrespective of their field of study. These include:
- Aquinas Honor Society at University of St. Thomas
- Burning Spear Society at Florida State University
- Cap and Skull at Rutgers University
- Cannon and Castle at Yale University
- FHC Society at The College of William & Mary
- Florida Blue Key at University of Florida
- Friar Society at the University of Texas at Austin[44]
- Iron Arrow Honor Society at the University of Miami[45]
- LSV at the University of Missouri
- Ku Klux Klan Honor Society (defunct) at University of Wisconsin and University of Illinois
- Matteo Ricci Society at Fordham University[46]
- Owl and Key at the University of Utah
- Phalanx Honor Society at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, also at Clarkson University. Separate groups?[47]
- Quill and Dagger at Cornell University
- QEBH at the University of Missouri
- Raven Society at the University of Virginia
- Society of Innocents at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln[48]
- Skull and Bones at the Pennsylvania State University[49]
- Skull and Dagger at University of Southern California[50]
- Sphinx Head at Cornell University
- Dean William Tate Society at the University of Georgia[51]
- Texnikoi Engineering Honorary at Ohio State University
Certificate, vocational, technical, and workforce education
- Alpha Beta Kappa, ΑΒΚ
- National Technical Honor Society
Two-year colleges and community colleges
- Alpha Beta Gamma, ΑΒΓ (business at two-year colleges)
- Alpha Gamma Sigma, ΑΓΣ (California community colleges)
- Delta Psi Omega, ΔΨΩ (theatre), colors: Blue and Gold
- Epsilon Phi Delta, ΕΦΔ (German at two-year colleges)
- Kappa Beta Delta, ΚΒΔ (business at Community Colleges)
- Mu Alpha Theta, ΜΑΘ (mathematics, high school and two-year colleges), colors: Blue and Gold
- Phi Rho Pi, ΦΡΠ (forensics at two-year colleges)
- Phi Theta Kappa, ΦΘΚ (All academic fields at community and junior colleges), colors: Blue and Gold
- Psi Beta, ΨΒ (psychology at two-year colleges), colors: Blue and Gold
- Sigma Kappa Delta, ΣΚΔ (English at community and junior colleges)
- Sigma Zeta, ΣΖ (natural sciences/mathematics/computer science - Associate membership available for community and junior colleges), colors: Blue and Gold
- La Sociedad Honoraria de la Lengua Española (Spanish at two-year colleges)
Secondary school societies
Commonly referred to as high school societies.
- California Scholarship Federation, colors: Blue and Gold
- Cum Laude Society, colors: Blue and Gold
- National Beta Club
- National Honor Society (high school), colors: Blue and Gold
- National Junior Honor Society (middle school), colors: Blue and Gold
- Computer Science Honor Society (computer science)
- German National Honor Society-Delta Epsilon Phi (Deutsche Ehrenverbindung) (German)
- International Thespian Society (theatre), colors: Blue and Gold
- Mu Alpha Theta, ΜΑΘ (mathematics), colors: Blue and Gold
- National Art Honor Society (visual arts)
- National English Honor Society (English)
- National Honor Society for Dance Arts (dance)
- National Junior Classical League (Latin and Greek)
- National Speech and Debate Association (public speaking), colors: Red and Silver
- National Technical Honor Society (vocational education)
- Quill and Scroll (journalism), colors: Blue and Gold
- Rho Kappa, ΡΚ (social studies)
- Science National Honor Society (science)
- Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica) (Spanish and Portuguese)
- Société Honoraire de Français (French)
- Technology Student Association (STEM), colors: Red blue White
- Tri-M Music Honor Society, MMM (music), colors: Pink
Non-scholastic honor societies
Boy Scouts
- Order of the Arrow, National BSA Honor Society
- Tribe of Mic-O-Say, Heart of America Council and Pony Express Council
- Firecrafter, Crossroads of America Council
See also
- Professional fraternities and sororities
- Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS)
- Honor Society Caucus
- Honor Cords
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- "A College and Klan Traditions". Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved April 19, 2024.
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- "Home". salute.colostate.edu.
- "Alpha Iota Sigma". Alpha Iota Sigma. Retrieved 2024-04-25.
- "Honor Society". Association for Biblical Higher Education. 24 September 2014. Retrieved 2021-03-10.
- "Alpha Mu Alpha". www.ama.org. Archived from the original on 2015-04-23. Retrieved 2015-04-10.
- "Home - International CHRIE". www.chrie.org. Archived from the original on 2016-10-15. Retrieved 2018-03-05.
- "Nu Lambda Mu". Nonprofit Academic Centers Council.
- "Home". sigmanutau.org.
- "Eta Sigma Gamma". Retrieved 2023-02-03.
- "Home". chitauepsilon.dance.
- "Chi Tau Epsilon Dance Honor Society | ULM University of Louisiana at Monroe". www.ulm.edu. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
- "National Delta Tau Alpha". Archived from the original on 2014-02-19. Retrieved 2014-02-19.
- "Gamma Sigma Delta – The Honor Society of Agriculture". www.gammasigmadelta.org. Archived from the original on 2014-02-24. Retrieved 2014-02-19.
- Alpha Nu Sigma's web page Archived 2016-12-07 at the Wayback Machine notes the Society was established in 1979. Reference accessed 28 Nov 2016.
- "About PET". Pi Epsilon Tau at UT. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
- "Rho Beta Epsilon – The Robotics Engineering Honor Society". Retrieved 2023-02-03.
- "Home". alphaeta.net.
- "Home". betasigmakappa.net.
- "Iota Tau Alpha: The Athletic Training Honor Society". NATA. 2016-04-08. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
- "Pi Delta National Honor Society | Kent State University". www.kent.edu. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
- "Sigma Phi Alpha - National Dental Hygiene Honor Society". sigma-phi-alpha.org. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
- "Sigma Phi Omega - Gerontology Honor Society". Sigma Phi Omega. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
- "TUA Home". www.nationalhumanservices.org. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
- "Order of the Sword & Shield". Order of the Sword & Shield National Honor Society. Archived from the original on 2015-10-21. Retrieved 2015-10-17.
- Friar Society website Archived 2009-03-27 at the Wayback Machine Friar Society Website
- "Miami magazine - Arrow Heads". 2009-11-20. Archived from the original on 2009-11-20. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
- Fordham. "The Matteo Ricci Society". www.fordham.edu. Archived from the original on 2008-04-20. Retrieved 2008-01-16.
- Phalanx and White Key Society website Archived 2010-07-10 at the Wayback Machine Accessed 2010-07-04.
- U of Nebraska student organization list Archived 2014-05-17 at the Wayback Machine, accessed 15 May 2014.
- "Skull and Bones Senior HAT Society". Skull and Bones Senior HAT Society. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
- "Home". Skull & Dagger Society. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
- "Tate Society | Home". tatesociety.uga.edu. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
External links