Buffalo Public Schools

Buffalo Public Schools serves approximately 31,000[3] students in Buffalo, New York, It is located in Erie County of western New York and operates nearly 70 facilities.[4]

Buffalo Public Schools
, New York, 14202
United States
Coordinates42°53′11.73″N 78°52′45.49″W
District information
Motto"Putting children & families first to ensure high academic achievement for all."
GradesPre-K-12 and Adult education
Established1838 (1838)
SuperintendentDr. Tonja M. Williams

High School:18

Adult Ed:2
NCES District ID3605850[2]
Students and staff
Students33,299 (2019–2020)[2]
Teachers3,254.41 (FTE)[2]
Student–teacher ratio10.23[2]
Other information


The Buffalo Public School System was started in 1838, 13 years after the completion of the Erie Canal and only 6 years after the 1832 incorporation of the City of Buffalo. Buffalo was the first city in the state of New York to have a free public education system supported by local taxes. Although New York City had a free public education system prior to 1838, NYC obtained additional funding through private donations and sources.[5] Buffalo Public Schools' first Superintendent of Schools, Oliver Gray Steele (1805–1879), was a prominent and successful business man. Originally from Connecticut, Steele relocated to Buffalo in 1827. He held three different terms as Superintendent between 1838 and 1852, during which twelve new elementary facilities were built, bringing the total to 15 elementary buildings. A building for a dedicated high school was also purchased during this time. Steele is credited as being the "Father of the Public Schools of Buffalo" as his reorganization of the schools in Buffalo enabled children to have access to a free public education.[5] Over 35 people have held the position of Superintendent of Buffalo Public Schools since that time.


The Board of Education of the Buffalo City School District is the policy-making body for the Buffalo Public Schools,[6] as provided by the Constitution of New York, and is under the general supervision of the New York State Education Department.[7] The board consists of nine members elected by popular vote of District residents.


Elementary schools

Except where noted, all schools serve Grades PreK-8

  • D'Youville Porter Campus School, Front Park
  • Buffalo Elementary School of Technology, Willert Park
  • Early Childhood Center 17, Cold Springs
  • Dr. Antonia Pantoja Community School of Academic Excellence, Front Park
  • Native American Magnet School, Grant Ferry
  • Hillery Park Elementary School, Seneca
  • Frank A. Sedita Academy, Front Park
  • Harriet Ross Tubman School, Emslie
  • Bennett Park Montessori School, Willert Park
  • Bilingual Center, First Ward
  • Marva J. Daniel Futures Preparatory School, Medical Park
  • Lovejoy Discovery School, Lovejoy
  • International School, Grant Ferry
  • School 48 @ MLK, Medical Park
  • North Park Community School, North Park
  • Community School, Kingsley
  • Dr. George E. Blackman School of Excellence, #54, Parkside
  • Dr. Charles R. Drew Science Magnet, MLK Park
  • Annex 59, Polonia
  • Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction, Leroy
  • Frederick Law Olmsted School, Park Meadow
  • Roosevelt Early Childhood Center, Riverside
  • Discovery School, South Abbott
  • Houghton Academy, Kaisertown
  • Lorraine Elementary School, Abbott McKinley
  • Hamlin Park Claude & Ouida Clapp Academy, Hamlin Park
  • Herman Badillo Bilingual Academy, Columbus
  • William J. Grabiarz School of Excellence, Military
  • Highgate Heights School, Kensington
  • School 81, North Park
  • Early Childhood Center 82, Kenfield
  • Health Care Center for Children, Grider
  • Dr. Lydia T. Wright School of Excellence, Grider
  • B.U.I.L.D. Community School, MLK Park
  • Southside Elementary School, Seneca
  • West Hertel Academy, Military
  • Waterfront Elementary School, Columbus
  • Harvey Austin School, Emerson
  • Stanley Makowski Early Childhood Center, Kingsley

Secondary schools

Except where noted, all schools serve Grades 9-12

List of Secondary Schools
P.S.School NameNeighborhoodPrincipalAssistant Principal(s)Description
42Occupational Training CenterDowntownTom VitaleVocational training for students with disabilities until age 21
131The Academy SchoolLeroyCasey Young-WelchJamie St. John
Bert Stevenson
Alternative education for suspended students (7-12)
156Frederick Law Olmsted SchoolKenfieldGiovanna Claudia-CottoCatherine Dulak
James Fredo
Charlie Durmaj
Gifted & talented middle/high school program (5-12)
192Buffalo Academy for Visual and Performing ArtsMasten ParkJody CovingtonRebecca Ryan
Jon Welka
Magnet school for fine and performing students (5-12)
195City Honors SchoolMedical ParkBill KresseTandy Hamilton
Angela Hannah
Carla McDow
School for high-performing students with IB program and AP classes (5-12)
196Math, Science, Technology Preparatory SchoolMedical ParkBeth BrownElizabeth DirrAnnex to PS 197 housed at School 48 (5-8)
197GriderKevin EberleSarah Cosgrove
Danielle Womack
Health Information Technology and Medical Pathways programs (9-12)
198The International Preparatory SchoolFront ParkElla DunneMarty Buchnowski
Amy Chase
Patrick Doyle
West Side community school with CTE programs in business and architecture
206South Park High SchoolTriangleMichael MorrisMolly Forero
Martin Lyonga
Katey Thomas
Tracey Travis
South Buffalo community school with CTE programs in Solar Technology and Horticulture
207Lafayette International High SchoolForestJohn StarkeyJen SpringerWest Side community school with ENL programs for immigrant and refugee students
208Riverside AcademyRiversideTeena JonesElena Collins
Carlos Wallace
Riverside community school with CTE programs in aquaculture and tourism
212Leonardo da Vinci High SchoolFront ParkGreg LodinskyLizzy CrispinStudents take classes on campus from D'Youville College
301Burgard Vocational High SchoolLeroyCharlene WatsonAndrew Drouin
Eric Johnson
Fred Sales
CTE programs in Automotive/Machine Tool Technology and Welding in partnership with Alfred State College
302Emerson School of HospitalityDowntownDebbie StokesAarin PellitieriStudents learn hospitality/culinary skills with an on-site restaurant
304Hutchinson Central Technical High SchoolColumbusGabriella MorquechoPedro Estrada
Dennis Lesniak
Greg Stefanone
Dan Zack
Technology prep school with concentrations in Biochemistry and Engineering
305McKinley Vocational High SchoolBlack RockCarmelita Burgin [interim]Josh Miller
John Pilato
Danielle Ware
Karen Kibler [interim]
CTE programs in Aquatic ecology and applied trades (Carpentry, Electricity, HVAC, Printing and Plumbing)
309East Community High SchoolMLK ParkTraci CofieldJanice Bowden
Moustafa Khalil
CTE programs in Law Enforcement and Public Safety
335Middle Early College High SchoolStarin CentralDavid PotterBill MerrimanStudents take 5 years of high school via Erie Community College
355Buffalo School of Culinary Arts & Hospitality ManagementDowntownKatie SchutaDaniel Bass
Colleen Cunningham
Annex to Emerson School of Hospitality
357Pathways AcademyMLK ParkValarie KentMaria ConradVirtual and in-person alternative education for undercredited students
363Lewis J. Bennett School of Innovative TechnologyStarin CentralCarlos AlvarezJamie Barden
Erich Wheeler
CTE programs in Computer Science and Programming
366Research Laboratory High SchoolAngela CullenChris SpenceBioinformatics/Life Science research

Defunct schools

List of Defunct Schools
P.S.School NameNeighborhoodLow GradeHigh GradeYear ClosedBuilding Status
1School 1LakeviewK81976Demolished
2School 2DowntownK81961Demolished
4Harbor Heights Elementary SchoolFirst WardK82002Houses The Academy School
5School 5KaisertownK81955Demolished
7School 7BabcockK81950Demolished
8Follow Through Urban Learning Lab SchoolMasten ParkK82004Vacant
9School 9Schiller ParkK81980Demolished
10School 10DowntownK81955Demolished
11Poplar AcademySchiller ParkK42009Buffalo Academy of Science Middle School
12Harriet Ross Tubman Early Childhood CenterWillert ParkK42005House Office of Special Education
13School 13DowntownK122003Private Apartments/Office Space
14School 14DowntownK81930sDemolished
15School 15DowntownK81965Demolished
16School 16BryantK81976Private Apartments
20School 20Black RockK81935Demolished
21School 21North ParkK81980Demolished
22School 22Central ParkK81980Private Apartments
23School 23Genesee MoselleK81980Demolished
24School 24Broadway-FillmoreK82002Redeveloped as apartments[8]
25School 25BabcockK81949Demolished
26School 26BabcockK81982Demolished
28Triangle AcademyTriangleK81949Houses BPS' Center for Innovation, Technology and Training
29School 29South ParkK81980Vacant
30School 30Elmwood VillageK81976Demolished
34School 34First WardK81976Demolished
35School 35South EllicottK81933Demolished
36Days Park Early Childhood CenterAllentownPreK42009Houses Elmwood Village Charter School
39Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Multicultural InstituteMedical ParkPreK82016Houses School 48 and MST Prep Annex
40School 40BabcockPreK62006Houses Buffalo Academy of Science Elementary School
41School 41JohnsonPreK81976Demolished
42School 42Black RockPreK81979Community Center/Apartments
44Lincoln AcademyLovejoyK82005Vacant
47School 47Willert ParkPreK81978Demolished
48School 48Masten ParkK81979Demolished
49School 49Front ParkK81980Community Services building
50School 50EmslieSpecialEducation1975Demolished
51Black Rock AcademyBlack RockPreK82005Vacant
52School 52ForestK81980Demolished
55School 55Broadway-FillmoreK81955Demolished
56School 56AlbrightPreK82007Under reconstruction (apartments & office space) [9]
57Broadway Village Elementary SchoolBroadway-FillmorePreK62003Under reconstruction (Lt. Matt Urban Center) [10]
58School 58Broadway-FillmoreK81961Demolished
59School 59MLK ParkK81976Demolished
60School 60RiversidePreK42002Serves as low-income aparts
62School 62MLK ParkK81980Houses Crucial Human Services
63School 63LaSallePreK82007Houses The Lofts at University Heights [11]
70Indian Park AcademyCazenovia ParkK82002Houses Western New York Maritime Charter Middle School
71WEB Early Childhood CenterSchiller ParkPreK42007Houses King Center Charter School
73School 73ColumbusK81970Demolished
75School 75EmslieK81979Vacant
77School 77Front ParkPreK42006Senior housing and West Side community center[12]
78School 78LaSallePreK82008Vacant
79School 79MilitaryK81976Northwest Community Center
83School 83University HeightsK41976Houses Anderson Gallery for University at Buffalo
85School 85KensingtonK41976Houses Charter School for Inquiry
86St. Lawrence AcademyStarin CentralPreK42004Houses BPS' Adult Learning Program
87School 87Willert Park5122007Houses Office of Curriculum & Instruction
88School 88North ParkK41979North Buffalo Community Center
93School 93Masten ParkK41970's Community Action Organization
96Campus West SchoolBlack RockPreK82011Used by Buffalo State College
142Fulton Academic ComplexPerryK81982Houses Schofield Adult Day Healthcare Center
171WEB Middle SchoolSchiller Park582006Houses Buffalo Public Schools Commissionary
192Buffalo Traditional SchoolMasten Park5122005Houses Buffalo Academy for Visual & Performing Arts
200Bennett High SchoolStarin Central9122017Houses Bennett Campus
202Grover Cleveland High SchoolFront Park9122011Houses The International Preparatory School
203Kensington High SchoolKenfield9122003Houses Frederick Law Olmsted High School
204Lafayette High SchoolForest9122018Houses Lafayette Community School Campus
205Riverside Institute of TechnologyRiverside9122019Houses Riverside Academy
302Emerson Vocational High SchoolEmerson9122002Houses Harvey Austin School
306Seneca Vocational High SchoolGrider9122003Houses Math Science Technology Campus
307East High SchoolMLK Park9122018Houses East Community School Campus
307Buffalo Vocational Technical CenterMLK Park9122003Houses East Campus


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