I–V–vi–IV progression

The I–V–vi–IV progression is a common chord progression popular across several genres of music. It uses the I, V, vi, and IV chords of a musical scale. For example, in the key of C major, this progression would be C–G–Am–F.[1] Rotations include:

  • I–V–vi–IV:C–G–Am–F
  • V–vi–IV–I:G–Am–F–C
  • vi–IV–I–V:Am–F–C–G
  • IV–I–V–vi:F–C–G–Am
I–V–vi–IV chord progression in C Play.
vi–IV–I–V chord progression in C Play.

The '50s progression uses the same chords but in a different order (I–vi–IV–V), no matter the starting point.


A common ordering of the progression, "vi–IV–I–V", was dubbed the "sensitive female chord progression" by Boston Globe columnist Marc Hirsh.[2] In C major this would be Am–F–C–G, modulating the key to A minor.

\header { tagline = "" }
\score {
  \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
  \repeat volta 2 {<c' e' a'>2 <c' f' a'> <c' e' g'> <b d' g'>}
  \layout { }
\score { % "unfold" this score copy so MIDI plays the repeated section twice
  \unfoldRepeats {
    \repeat volta 2 {<c' e' a'>2 <c' f' a'> <c' e' g'> <b d' g'>}
  \midi { }

Hirsh first noticed the chord progression in the song "One of Us" by Joan Osborne,[3] and then other songs. He named the progression because he claimed it was used by many performers of the Lilith Fair in the late 1990s.[2] However, examples of the progression appeared in pop hits as early as the 1950s, such as in the Teddy Bears' "To Know Him Is to Love Him", written by Phil Spector.[4]

Dan Bennett claims the progression is also called the "pop-punk progression" because of its frequent use in pop punk.[1]

\header { tagline = "" }
\score {
  \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
  \repeat volta 2 {
    \clef "bass"
    {<c g>16 <c g> <c g> <c g> <c g> <c g> <b, fis> <b, fis> <g, d> <g, d> <g, d> <g, d> <g, d> <g, d> <gis, dis> <gis, dis> <a, e> <a, e> <a, e> <a, e> <a, e> <a, e> <g, d> <ges, des> <f, c> <f, c> <f, c> <f, c> <f c'> <f c'> <e b> <e b>}
  \layout { }
\score { % "unfold" this score copy so MIDI plays the repeated section twice
  \unfoldRepeats {
    \repeat volta 2 {<c g>16 <c g> <c g> <c g> <c g> <c g> <b, fis> <b, fis> <g, d> <g, d> <g, d> <g, d> <g, d> <g, d> <gis, dis> <gis, dis> <a, e> <a, e> <a, e> <a, e> <a, e> <a, e> <g, d> <ges, des> <f, c> <f, c> <f, c> <f, c> <f c'> <f c'> <e b> <e b>}
  \midi { }

In this ordering, the progression ends with a double plagal cadence in the key of the dominant (in the Mixolydian mode) and could also be respelled ii–bVII–IV–I, opening with a backdoor turnaround.

The chord progression is also used in the form IV–I–V–vi, as in songs such as "Umbrella" by Rihanna[5] and "Down" by Jay Sean.[6] Numerous bro-country songs followed the chord progression, as demonstrated by Greg Todd's mash-up of several bro-country songs in an early 2015 video.[7]

A 2008 medley by the comedy group the Axis of Awesome, called "Four Chords", demonstrated the ubiquity of the progression in popular music, for comic effect; for instance, as the progression is played as an ostinato, sometimes it is used as a vi–IV–I–V (i. e. the "pessimistic" inversion). It does not accurately represent the chord progressions of all the songs it depicts. It was originally written in D major (thus the progression being D major, A major, B minor, G major) and performed live in the key of E major (thus using the chords E major, B major, C♯ minor, and A major). The song was subsequently published on YouTube.[8] As of May 2020, the two most popular versions have been viewed over 100 million times combined.[9][10]

The British progressive rock band Porcupine Tree made a song called "Four Chords That Made A Million" that appears to be a satire of the broad use of this progression in contemporary commercial music.


I–V–VII–IV in A Play

I–V–VII–IV may be viewed as a variation of I–V–vi–IV, replacing the submediant with the subtonic. It consists of two IV chord progressions, the second a whole step lower (A–E–G–D = I–V in A and I–V in G), giving it a sort of harmonic drive. There are few keys in which one may play the progression with open chords on the guitar, so it is often portrayed with barre chords ("Lay Lady Lay"). The use of the flattened seventh may lend this progression a bluesy feel or sound, and the whole tone descent may be reminiscent of the ninth and tenth chords of the twelve bar blues (V–IV). The progression also makes possible a chromatic descent across a minor third: .


"(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman" by Carole King makes prominent use of this progression in its verses. "Lay Lady Lay"[11] uses the similar progression I–iii–VII–ii; the second and fourth chords are replaced by the relative minor while preserving the same descent. This progression is used in other songs including "Turning Japanese" (1980) by the Vapors, "Sample in a Jar" (1994) by Phish (I–iii–VII–IV), "Waterfalls" (1995) by TLC,[12] and "Don't Tell Me" (2000) by Madonna. "Cinnamon Girl" (1969) by Neil Young uses I–v–VII–IV (all in Mixolydian).[13] It opens the verse to "Brown Eyes" by Lady Gaga, is used in the chorus to "Rio" (1982) by Duran Duran and "Sugar Hiccup" (1983) by the Cocteau Twins, and is in the 2nd part of the bridge in "Sweet Jane" (1988) by the Cowboy Junkies.[14] John Maus uses a i-v-VII-iv in c minor for the verse of "Cop Killer". The progression is also used entirely with minor chords[i-v-vii-iv (g#, d#, f#, c#)] in the middle section of Chopin's etude op. 10 no. 12. However, using the same chord type (major or minor) on all four chords causes it to feel more like a sequence of descending fourths than a bona fide chord progression. I–IV–VII–IV is a similar chord progression which is arch formed (I–IV–VII–IV–I), and has been used in the chorus to "And She Was" (1985) by Talking Heads,[15] in "Let's Go Crazy" (1984) by Prince,[16] in "Like a Rock" (1986) by Bob Seger,[17] in "Steady, As She Goes" (2006) by the Raconteurs (minor tonic: i–V–VII–IV).[18]

Songs using the progression

This is a list of recorded songs containing multiple, repeated uses of the I–V–vi–IV progression.

Song titleArtistYearProgression Recorded Key
"10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)"[19] Matt Redman and Jonas Myrin 2012 IV–I–V–vi G major
"20 Good Reasons"[20] Thirsty Merc 2007 I–V–vi–IV D♭ major
"Africa"[21] Toto 1982 vi−IV–I–V (chorus) F♯ minor (chorus)
"Ahoy! Warera Houshou Kaizoukudan"[22]Houshou Marine2020vi−IV−V−I (chorus)G major
"Aicha"[23]Cheb Khaled1996vi–IV–I–V G minor
"Ai Se Eu Te Pego"[24]Michel Teló2011I–V–vi–IVB major
"All of Me"[25]John Legend2013vi–IV–I–VA♭ major
"All You Wanted"[26]Michelle Branch2002vi–IV–I–VA♭ minor (verse)
"All Too Well"[27] Taylor Swift 2012 I–V–vi–IV C Major
"Almost"[28] Bowling for Soup 2005 I–V–vi–IV B major
"Alone"[29] Alan Walker 2016 vi–IV–I–V G minor
"Amaranth"[30]Nightwish2007vi–IV–I–V D minor
"A New Day Has Come"[31] Celine Dion 2002 vi–IV–I–V F♯ major
"Apologize"[32]Timbaland and OneRepublic2007vi–IV–I–VC minor
"As If It's Your Last"[33]Blackpink2017IV−I−V−vi (chorus) A♭ major (chorus)
"Audience of One"[34]Rise Against2009vi–IV–I–V (chorus)D♭ major
"Awesome God"[35]Hillsong United2005IV–I–V–vi A major
"Bad Blood"[36]Taylor Swift2014IV–I–V–vi G major
"Bailando"[37]Enrique Iglesias feat. Descemer Bueno and Gente de Zona2014vi–IV–I–VE minor
"Beast of Burden"[38]The Rolling Stones1978I–V–vi–IV E major
"Bebe"[39]6ix9ine2018vi–IV–I–V A minor
"I Don't Want To Be"[40]Gavin DeGraw2003IV–I–V–vi (chorus) E♭ major
"Breakeven"[41] The Script 2008 IV–I–V–vi (chorus) B♭ major/G minor
"Bullet"[42]Hollywood Undead2011I–V–vi–IV E major
"Burn"[43]Ellie Goulding2013vi–IV–I–V (pre-chorus and chorus)B♭ minor/D♭ major
"California King Bed"[44]Rihanna2011I–V–vi–IV G major
"Caramelldansen"[45]Caramell2001 I–V–vi–IV E♭ major/G♭ major
"Check Yes Juliet (Run Baby Run)"[46]We the Kings2008vi−I−IV−V (chorus)D major
"Chiki Chiki Ban Ban"[47]Queendom2022vi−IV−I−VG major
"Clean"[48] Taylor Swift 2014 I–V–vi–IV B major
"Come Over"[49]Kenny Chesney2012vi–IV–I–V B♭ minor
"Cruise"[50]Florida Georgia Line2012I–V–vi–IV B♭ major
"Cryin'"[51]Aerosmith1993I–V–vi–IV A major (chorus)
"Daddy DJ"[52] Daddy DJ 1999 vi–IV–I–V C minor
"Dammit"[38][53]Blink-1821997I–V–vi–IV C major
"Demons" Imagine Dragons 2013 I-V-vi-IV E♭ major
"Despacito"[54] Luis Fonsi 2017 vi–IV–I–V B minor
"Don't Trust Me"[55]3OH!32008vi–IV–I–V B♭ major
"Don't You Wanna Stay"[56]Jason Aldean and Kelly Clarkson2010vi–IV–I–V G♯ minor
"Dragostea Din Tei"[57]O-Zone2003IV–I–V–vi; vi–IV–I–V A minor
"Dream Catch Me"[58]Newton Faulkner2007I–V–vi–IV D major
"Drive By"[59]Train2012vi–IV–I–V (verse)

IV–I–V–vi (chorus)

C♯ minor
"Face Down"[60]The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus2006vi–IV–I–VG minor
"Faded"[61]Alan Walker2015vi–IV–I–V E♭ minor
"Feeling This"[38][62]Blink-1822003I–V–vi–IV E major
"Flashlight"[63] Jessie J 2015 I–V–vi–IV F major
"For the First Time"[64]The Script2010I–V–vi–IV A major
"Forever Young"[65]Alphaville1984I–V–vi–IV C major
"Fuckin' Perfect"[66][67]P!nk2010I–V–vi–IV G major
"Ghost"[68]Justin Bieber2021vi–IV–I–VD major
"Girls Chase Boys"[69]Ingrid Michaelson2014I−IV−vi−VA♭ major
"Girls Like You"[70] Maroon 5 2018 I–V–vi–IV C major
"Give Me Everything"[71]Pitbull feat. Ne-Yo, Afrojack, and Nayer2011vi–IV–I–V E♭ major
"Glad You Exist"[72]Dan + Shay2021I–V–vi–IV B major
"Glycerine"[73]Bush1995I–V–vi–IV F major
"Hair"[74]Lady Gaga2011I–V–vi–IV F major
"Hall of Fame"[75]The Script feat. will.i.am2012vi–IV–I–V G minor
"My Happy Ending"[76]Avril Lavigne2004vi–IV–I–V B minor
"Happy Ending"[77]Mika2007I–V–vi–IV D♭ major
"Heart Attack"[78]Demi Lovato2013IV–I–V–vi; vi–IV–I–V F minor
"Hello"[79] Adele 2015 vi–I–V–IV (verse)
vi–IV–I–V (chorus)
F minor
"Hey Brother"[80]Avicii2013vi–IV–I–V G minor
"Hide and Seek"[81] Imogen Heap2005I–V–vi–IV A major
"High" Lighthouse Family1997I–V–vi–IV B♭ major
"Home"[82]Phillip Phillips2012IV–I–V–vi; vi–IV–I–V C major
"Hwaa"[83](G)I-dle2021vi−IV−I−V F♯ minor
"If I Were a Boy"[84]Beyoncé2008vi–IV–I–V G♭ major
"I Just Had Sex"[85]The Lonely Island feat. Akon2011vi–IV–I–V D♯ minor
"I Love You"[86]EXID2018IV–I–V–vi (chorus)C major
"I'm Goin' Down[87]Bruce Springsteen1985I–V–vi–IV B♭ major
"I'm Not Famous"[88] AJR 2016 V–vi–IV–I F major
"I'm Yours"[89] Jason Mraz 2008 I–V–vi–IV B major
"In My Head"[90]Jason Derulo2009vi–IV–I–V C minor
"International Love"[91]Pitbull feat. Chris Brown2011vi–IV–I–V C minor
"In This River"[92]Black Label Society2005vi–IV–I–V E minor
"I Was Here"[93]Beyoncé2011vi–IV–I–V E minor
"Jantung Hatiku"[94]Ita Purnamasari2023I–V–vi–IVF♯ major
"Just a Dream"[95]Nelly2010vi–IV–I–V E♭ minor
"Just the Way I'm Feeling"[96] Feeder 2003 V-vi-IV-I (chorus) D major
"Kids"[97] OneRepublic 2016 V–vi–IV–I D major
"Lemonade"[98]Alexandra Stan2011vi–IV–I–V F♯ minor
"Let It Be"[99]The Beatles1970I–V–vi–IVC major
"Little Talks"[100]Of Monsters and Men2011vi–IV–I–V B♭ minor
"Love"[101]Lana Del Rey2017I–V–vi–IV (intro, verse, and chorus)B♭ major
"Love Me"[102]Justin Bieber2009vi–IV–I–V C minor
"Love the Way You Lie"[103]Eminem feat. Rihanna2010vi–IV–I–V G minor
"Marilyn Monroe"[104]Nicki Minaj2012vi–IV–I–V E minor
"Mimpi Yang Sempurna"[105]Peterpan2008vi−IV−I−VG major
"My Name Is Jonas"[106]Weezer1994I–V–vi–IV B major
"Nobody's Perfect"[107]Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus)2007vi–IV–I–V C minor
"No One"[108]Alicia Keys2007I–V–vi–IV E major
"No Woman, No Cry"[109]Bob Marley1973I–V–vi–IV D♭ major
"Not Afraid"[110]Eminem2010vi–IV–I–V C minor
"Nothing"[111]The Script2010I–V–vi–IV (chorus) D major
"Numb"[112] Linkin Park 2003 vi–IV–I–V F♯ minor
"One Day"[113]Matisyahu2008I–V–vi–IV C major
"One Last Breath"[114]Creed2002I–V–vi–IV D major
"One of Us"[3][115]Joan Osborne1995vi–IV–I–V F♯ minor
"On the Floor"[116] Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull 2011 vi–IV–I–V E♭ minor
"Only my railgun"[117] fripSide 2009 vi–IV–V–I B major
"Otherside"[118]Red Hot Chili Peppers2000vi–IV–I–V A minor
"Out of the Woods"[119]Taylor Swift2014I–V–vi–IV A minor
"Peace of Mind"[120]Boston1976vi–IV–I–V C♯ minor
"Pieces"[121]Sum 412005vi–IV–I–V D minor
"Poker Face"[122] Lady Gaga 2008 vi–IV–I–V G♯ minor
"Pork and Beans"[123]Weezer2008I–V–vi–IV G♭ major
"Prison Bound"[124] Social Distortion 1988 I–V–vi–IV F♯ major
"Read All About It, Pt. III"[125]Emeli Sandé2012vi–IV–I–VB minor
"Real World"[126]Matchbox Twenty1998I–V–vi–IV (verse)B♭ major
"Replay"[127]Iyaz2009vi–IV–I–V F♯ minor
"Rewrite the Stars"[128]Zac Efron and Zendaya2018vi–IV–I–VB♭ major
"Rise"[129]McClain Sisters2012vi–IV–I–V B minor
"River Flows in You"[130]Yiruma2001vi–IV–I–V A major
"Rockstars"[131]Malik Harris2022I–V–vi–IV G major
"Roly-Poly"[132]T-ARA2011vi–IV–I–V A minor
"San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)"[133]Scott McKenzie1967vi–IV–I–VE minor
"Save Tonight"[134]Eagle Eye Cherry1997vi–IV–I–V C major
"Say Something"[135]A Great Big World2013vi–IV–I–V B minor
"Scar"[136]Missy Higgins2004I–V–vi–IV C major
"Semakin Ku Kejar Semakin Kau Jauh"[137]Five Minutes2009vi−IV−I−V (chorus)A major
"Since You Been Gone"[138] Russ Ballard 1976 I–V–vi–IV G major
"Six Degrees of Separation"[139]The Script2012vi–IV–I–V C♯ minor
"Snow (Hey Oh)"[140]Red Hot Chili Peppers2006vi–IV–I–V B major/G♯ minor
"Someone like You"[141]Adele2011I–V–vi–IV A major
"Someone to You"[142]Banners2017I–V–vi–IV D major
"Someone You Loved"[143]Lewis Capaldi2018I–V–vi–IV D♭ major
"Soul To Squeeze"[144]Red Hot Chili Peppers1993I–V–vi–IV F major
"Sparks Fly"[145]Taylor Swift2011vi–IV–I–V D minor
"Stand"[146]Rascal Flatts2007vi–IV–I–V A minor
"Stereo Hearts"[147]Gym Class Heroes2011vi–IV–I–V F♯ minor
"Stick Season"[148] Noah Kahan 2022 I–V–vi–IV A major
"Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)"[149]Kelly Clarkson2012vi–IV–I–V A minor
"Take On Me"[150] Aha 1984 I–V–vi–IV A major
"Take You Down"[151]Illenium2018vi–IV–I–V B major
"Tangled Up in Me"[152]Skye Sweetnam2004I–V–vi–IV C major
"The Days"[153]Avicii2014IV–I–V–vi (chorus)C major
"The Edge of Glory"[154]Lady Gaga2011I–V–vi–IV A major
"The Kids Aren't Alright"[155]The Offspring1999vi–IV–I–V B♭ minor
"The Rock Show"[156]Blink-1822001vi–IV–I–V (bridge) A major/F♯ minor
"The Spectre"[157]Alan Walker2017vi–IV–I–V C♯ minor
"(There's Gotta Be) More to Life"[158]Stacie Orrico2003vi–IV–I–V F minor
"To Know Him Is to Love Him"[4] The Teddy Bears 1958 I–V–vi–IV D major
"Try"[159]P!nk2012IV–I–V–vi; vi–IV–I–V D major/B minor
"Tuesday's Gone"[160]Lynyrd Skynyrd1973I–V–vi–IV A major
"Up"[161] Olly Murs featuring Demi Lovato 2014 IV−I−V−vi (chorus) A major
"Wagon Wheel"[162]Old Crow Medicine Show and Bob Dylan2004I–V–vi–IV A major
"Wannabe"[163]Itzy2020IV–I–V–vi F♯ minor/A major
"Wannabe"[164]Spice Girls1996V−vi−IV−IB major
"We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together"[165]Taylor Swift2012IV–I–V–vi G major
"We Found Love"[166]Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris2011vi–IV–I–V F♯ major
"What About Now"[167]Lonestar2000I–V–vi–IV E major
"Whatever It Takes"[168] Imagine Dragons 2017 IV–I–V–vi (chorus) B♭ minor
"What Would I Change It To"[169]Avicii & AlunaGeorge2017I–V–vi–IV B major
"What's My Age Again?"[170]Blink-1821999IV–I–V–vi; I–V–vi–IV F♯ major
"When Can I See You Again?"[171]Owl City2012I–V–vi–IV D major
"When I Come Around"[172]Green Day1993I–V–vi–IV G♭ major
"Wherever You Will Go"[173]The Calling2001I–V–vi–IV D major
"Where'd You Go"[174]Fort Minor feat. Holly Brook and Jonah Matranga2006I–V–vi–IVE major
"Whistle"[175]Flo Rida2012vi–IV–I–V A minor
"Who You Are"[176]Jessie J2011vi–IV–I–V F♯ minor
"Willst du"[177]Alligatoah2013vi–IV–I–VG♯ minor
"With Me"[178]Sum 412007I–V–vi–IV (intro and verse)E major
"Young Volcanoes"[179]Fall Out Boy2013vi–IV–I–V (verse)B minor
"You Found Me"[180]The Fray2008vi–IV–I–V (chorus)G♯ minor
"You'll Think Of Me"[181]Keith Urban2004I–V–vi–IV; vi–IV–I–V A major/F♯ minor
"You're Not Sorry"[182]Taylor Swift2008vi–IV–I–V E♭ minor
"Zombie"[183]The Cranberries1994vi–IV–I–VE minor

See also


  1. Bennett, Dan (2008). The Total Rock Bassist, p. 63. ISBN 978-0739052693
  2. Hirsh, Marc. "Striking a Chord", The Boston Globe, December 31, 2008.
  3. Rundown 3/4: "Sensitive Female Chord Progression", Here and Now, March 4, 2009, wbur.org.
  4. "TO KNOW HIM IS TO LOVE HIM Chords – The Teddy Bears | E-Chords". e-chords.com. Retrieved 2016-01-08.
  5. "Unsupported Browser or Operating System". Musicnotes.com. 15 June 2007. Retrieved 2013-10-20.(subscription required) Gbmaj7, Db(add2)/Ab, Fm7, Bbm9.
  6. "Down", MusicNotes.com. (subscription required)
  7. Mansfield, Brian. "Six songs, same tune? Mashup shows country music's similarities". USA Today.
  8. Lynskey, Dorian (2010-12-17). "Don't Stop Believin': the power ballad that refused to die". The Guardian. p. 3 (Film & music). Retrieved 2011-02-19.
  9. "4 Four Chord Song". YouTube. 2009-12-10. Retrieved 2017-12-27.
  10. "4 Chords". YouTube. 2011-07-20. Archived from the original on 2021-12-15. Retrieved 2017-12-27.
  11. Toft, Robert (2010). Hits and Misses, p.58. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781441116857
  12. Hurwitz, Tobias; ed. (2006). The Total Rock Guitarist, p.39. Alfred Music. ISBN 9780739038505
  13. Serna, Desi (2013). Fretboard Theory Volume II, p.20. Desi Serna. ISBN 9780615818979
  14. Lloyd, Peter (2014). The Secret Life of Chords, p.97. Australian eBook. ISBN 9781925029765.
  15. Everett, Walter (2008). Expression in Pop-Rock Music, p.115. Routledge. ISBN 9780415979597.
  16. Till, Rupert (2010). Pop Cult: Religion and Popular Music, p.61. A&C Black. ISBN 9780826432360.
  17. Rodman, Ronald Wayne (2010). Tuning in: American Narrative Television Music, p.218. Oxford. ISBN 9780195340242.
  18. Rooksby, Rikky (2007). Arranging Songs: How to Put the Parts Together, p.163. Hal Leonard. ISBN 9780879308964.
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  20. "20 Good Reasons", Ultimate-Guitar.com
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  26. "All You Wanted by Michelle Branch – Digital Sheet Music". MusicNotes.com. 26 March 2002.
  27. Gateway, Music (2019-08-22). "Mastering the Chords for All Too Well". Music Gateway. Retrieved 2024-02-28.
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  31. "20 A New Day Has Come", DrSheetMusic.com
  32. "Apologize Chords by OneRepublic", Ultimate-Guitar.com.
  33. Blackpink – As If Its Your Last 마지막처럼 (Chords), retrieved 2022-03-14
  34. "Audience Of One Chords by Rise Against", Ultimate-Guitar.com.
  35. Awesome God Chords by Hillsong United, retrieved 2023-09-02
  36. "Bad Blood", ultimate-guitar.com.
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  38. Bennett, Dan (2008). The Total Rock Bassist, p.63. Alfred. ISBN 0-7390-5269-1.
  39. "6Ix9Ine - Bebe (Chords)".
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  43. Burn Chords by Ellie Goulding, Ultimate-Guitar.com
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  56. "Don't You Wanna Stay", MusicNotes.com. (subscription required)
  57. "Dragostea Din Tei", Ultimate-Guitar.com
  58. "Dream Catch Me", Ultimate-Guitar.com
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Further reading

  • Scott, Richard J. (2003). Chord Progressions for Songwriters. iUniverse. pp. 216–218. ISBN 0-595-26384-4.
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