List of people from Iowa
This is a list of notable people who were born in or closely associated with the American state of Iowa. People not born in Iowa are marked with §.

Location of Iowa on the U.S. map
- Dudley W. Adams, horticulturalist
- John T. Adams, former Republican committee head
- Julie Adams, actress
- Trev Alberts, football player
- Bess Streeter Aldrich, author
- James Allen, engineer
- Fran Allison, television personality
- William B. Allison, politician
- Betty Baxter Anderson, author
- Lew Anderson, actor
- Rudolph Martin Anderson, explorer
- Marc Andreessen, software engineer
- Pat Angerer, football player
- Cap Anson, baseball player
- Brynild Anundsen, publisher
- Appanoose, 19th-century Meskwaki chief
- Lloyd Appleton, Olympic freestyle wrestler
- Samuel Z. Arkoff, film producer
- Herbert W. Armstrong, religious leader
- Tom Arnold, actor
- Matthew Ashford, actor
- Winifred Asprey, mathematician
- John Vincent Atanasoff, § inventor
- Jim Aton, jazz musician, composer, singer
- Mike Ritland, Navy SEAL, Dog Trainer, Interviewer

Shannon Brown
- John Babcock, Olympic freestyle wrestler
- Michele Bachmann, politician
- Oliver Baez Bendorf, poet
- Stan Bahnsen, baseball player
- John O. Bailey, judge
- Bil Baird, puppeteer
- Betsy Baker, actress
- Nathaniel B. Baker, politician
- Alvin Baldus, politician
- Charlie Bales, soccer player
- Brad Banks, athlete
- Hal C. Banks, labor leader
- Jill Banner, actress
- Antonine Barada, folk hero
- Roger Barkley, broadcaster
- Harrison Barnes, athlete
- Bob Barr, politician
- Douglas Barr, actor, writer, and director
- David Barrett, football player
- Steve Bartkowski, football player
- Robert Bartley, editor of The Wall Street Journal
- Clint Barton, fictional character
- Theodore J. Bauer, scientist
- Lansing Hoskins Beach, Army officer
- Bennett Bean, artist
- Carl L. Becker, historian
- Bix Beiderbecke, jazz musician
- William W. Belknap
- Brian Bell, musician
- Alfred S. Bennett, Army general and U.S. Secretary of War
- Duane Benson, athlete
- Matt Bentley, professional wrestler
- Christian Beranek, writer, actor, and producer
- Leo Beranek, acoustician
- Bill Bergan, coach
- Eddie Berlin, athlete
- Dan Bern, musician
- Jennie Iowa Berry, clubwoman
- S. Torriano Berry, film producer, writer, director
- Jay Berwanger, football player
- Stanley Biber, physician
- Greg Biekert, football player
- Leo Binz, § Roman Catholic archbishop
- Joe Bisenius, athlete
- Richard Pike Bissell, author
- Nate Bjorkgren, basketball coach
- Black Hawk, § Native American chief
- Casey Blake, baseball player
- Gordon Blake, military general
- Donald G. Bloesch, theologian
- Isabel Bloom, artist
- Scott Bloomquist, auto racer
- Mike Blouin, politician
- Lisa Bluder, coach
- Mike Boddicker, baseball player
- Ike Boettger, American football player
- Bill Bogaard, politician
- Tommy Bolin, musician
- Norman Borlaug, agricultural scientist and Nobel Laureate
- Rob Borsellino, writer
- Ryan Bowen, athlete
- Thomas M. Bowen, politician
- Charles Bowers, cartoonist and comic actor
- Lara Flynn Boyle, actress
- Eleanor Hoyt Brainerd, author
- Glen Brand, Olympic freestyle wrestler
- Neville Brand, actor
- Terry Brands, Olympic freestyle wrestler, wrestling coach
- Tom Brands, Olympic freestyle wrestler, wrestling coach
- Terry E. Branstad, politician
- Aaron Brant, athlete
- Charles Wesley Brashares, Methodist bishop
- Titus Bronson, founder of Kalamazoo, Michigan
- Greg Brown, folk musician
- Mace Brown, athlete
- Shannon Brown, country music singer
- Bruce Brubaker, pianist, record producer
- Rob Bruggeman, athlete
- Bill Bryson, author
- Oliver E. Buckley, electrical engineer
- Matt Bullard, athlete
- Ambrose Burke, priest, college president
- Jerry Burke, musician
- Tim Burke, football coach
- Joseph A. A. Burnquist, politician
- Martin Burns, athlete
- Joe Burrow, Heisman Trophy winner
- Jim Burt, sportscaster
- Marion LeRoy Burton, college president
- Harlan J. Bushfield, politician
- Mike Butcher, baseball player
- Frank M. Byrne, politician
- Robert Byrne, author

Dallas Clark, §
- Samuel Calvin, geologist
- Marjorie Cameron, actress and occultist
- Branden Campbell, bassist for Neon Trees
- Donald L. Campbell, chemist
- Macdonald Carey, actor
- Chris Carney, politician
- Wallace Carothers, chemist
- Allan Carpenter, author
- Sabin Carr, athlete
- Tommy Carroll, criminal
- Johnny Carson, television personality
- Jordan Carstens, athlete
- Louise Carver, actress
- Thomas Nixon Carver, economics professor
- Frank T. Cary, businessman
- Landon Cassill, auto racer
- Carrie Chapman Catt, suffragette
- Thomas Cech, chemist and Nobel Laureate
- Matt Chatham, football player
- The Cherry Sisters, vaudevillians
- Norton P. Chipman, politician, judge
- Tom Churchill, broadcaster
- Bernard A. Clarey, admiral
- Dallas Clark, § football player
- Laurel Blair Salton Clark, astronaut
- Rush Clark, politician
- Fred Clarke, baseball Hall of Famer
- Frederick G. Clausen, architect
- Jeff Clement, athlete
- Ron Clements, director and producer
- Scott Clemmensen, athlete
- Buffalo Bill Cody, Wild West showman
- Samuel Cody, aviator
- Harris Coggeshall, athlete
- Danielle Colby, reality TV personality
- King Cole, athlete
- Ada Langworthy Collier, poet, writer
- Chris Collins, hockey player
- Max Allan Collins, mystery writer
- Stephen Collins, actor
- Nick Collison, basketball player
- John W. Colloton, healthcare executive
- Steven Colloton, federal judge
- Martin Cone, college president
- Edwin H. Conger, diplomat
- Maurice Connolly, politician
- Paul Conrad, political cartoonist
- Ed Conroy, athlete
- George Cram Cook, author
- Marv Cook, football player
- Jack Coombs, athlete
- Eric Cooper, baseball umpire
- Barclay and Edwin Coppock, followers of John Brown
- Frank Cordaro, activist
- Sarah Corpstein, beauty queen
- John M. Corse, Army general
- Ernie Courtney, athlete
- Paul Coverdell, politician
- Thomas Jefferson Cowie, admiral
- Ryan Cownie, stand-up comedian
- Shawn Crahan, musician
- Roger Craig, football player
- Joe Crail, politician
- Coe I. Crawford, politician
- Francis X. Cretzmeyer, coach
- Joel Crisman, football player
- Jim Crotty, athlete
- Julee Cruise, singer and actress
- Frank Cuhel, athlete
- Mariclare Culver, political figure
- Henry J. B. Cummings, politician
- Billy Cundiff, athlete
- Jack Cunningham, screenwriter
- Janet Dailey, author
- Bill Daily, actor
- Dick Dale, musician
- Muriel Frances Dana, actress
- Jack Daniels, politician
- Diane D'Aquila, actress
- Sarah Darling, musician
- Geof Darrow, artist
- Dana Davis, actress
- Barry Davis, Olympic freestyle wrestler
- Rebecca Fjelland Davis, author
- Stuart Davis, musician
- Laura Dawn, activist, singer-songwriter, director/producer
- Bud Day, war hero
- Walter Day, businessman
- Darren Daye, athlete
- Lee De Forest, inventor
- Jordan De Jong, athlete
- Henry Clay Dean, preacher, lawyer
- Don DeFore, actor
- W. Edwards Deming, statistician
- Don Denkinger, baseball umpire
- Dave Despain, sports journalist
- Adam Devine, actor
- Aubrey Devine, athlete
- Lester J. Dickinson, politician
- Justin Diercks, auto racer
- Charles Hall Dillon, politician, judge
- Thomas Disch, author
- James Dixon, orchestra conductor
- David M. Dobson, game creator
- Claire Dodd, actress
- Tim Dodd, YouTuber
- Grenville M. Dodge, railroad executive
- Ralph Edward Dodge, religious leader
- Angela Dohrmann, actress
- Ellen Dolan, actress
- Steve Doocy, television journalist
- Russell S. Doughten, filmmaker
- Nicholas Downs, actor
- Joel Dreessen, football player
- Kevin Dresser, collegiate wrestling head coach
- Leanna Field Driftmier, radio personality
- Bobby Driscoll, actor
- Fred Duesenberg, automobile manufacturer
- Randy Duncan, football player
- Francis John Dunn, religious leader
- Lloyd Dunn
- Samuel Grace Dunn, journalist
- Kenneth W. Durant, decorated sailor
- John Durbin, actor
- Tim Dwight, football player

Femi Emiola
- Morgan Earp, Wild West lawman
- Warren Earp, brother of Wyatt Earp
- Abastenia St. Leger Eberle, sculptor
- Zales Ecton, politician
- Paul Eells, sportscaster
- Mamie Eisenhower, former First Lady of the United States
- Cal Eldred, athlete
- Jane Elliott, schoolteacher and activist
- James Ellison, actor
- Eugene Burton Ely, aviator
- Paul Emerick, International rugby player, and coach
- Hope Emerson, actress
- Michael Emerson, actor
- Femi Emiola, actress
- Norman A. Erbe, politician
- Joni Ernst, United States Senator for Iowa
- Jane Espenson, TV producer and writer
- Simon Estes, opera singer
- Linda Evans, political activist
- Frank F. Everest, general
- Barton Warren Evermann, ichthyologist
- Randy Florke, writer/publisher of interior design book
- Urban Clarence "Red" Faber, baseball player
- Tom Fadden, actor
- Carole Farley, soprano singer
- Art Farmer, jazz musician
- Sharon Farrell, actress
- Terry Farrell, actress
- James Fee, photographer
- Victor Feguer, convicted murderer
- Chris Fehn, musician
- Margaret Feldner, university president
- Bob Feller, baseball player
- Mary Fels, philanthropist, suffragist, Georgist
- James Ferentz, football player
- Jeremy Ferguson, musician
- Susan Frances Nelson Ferree, journalist, activist, suffragist
- Susan Fessenden, activist, social reformer
- Al Feuerbach, track and field athlete
- Romaine Fielding, actor
- Margarita Fischer, actress
- Matt Fish, basketball player
- Freddie Fisher, musician
- Bill Fitch, basketball coach
- Joseph Fitz, naval veteran
- Bridget Flanery, actress
- John Flannagan, priest
- Jack Fleck, golfer
- Frank Jack Fletcher, admiral
- Robert Fletcher, costume designer
- Rich Folkers, baseball player
- Bradbury Foote, screenwriter
- Ben Foster, actor
- Jon Foster, musician
- Judith Ellen Foster, lawyer
- Farrah Franklin, singer
- William Frawley, actor
- John T. Frederick, scholar
- Tanna Frederick, actress
- Joan Freeman, actress
- Bruce French, actor
- George B. French, actor
- Joe Frisco, vaudeville performer
- Virgil Frye, actor, boxer
- Dan Gable, Olympic freestyle wrestler, wrestling coach
- Jetseta Gage, kidnap victim
- Robert Gallery, football player
- George Horace Gallup, founder of Gallup Poll
- Viola Garfield, anthropologist
- Jim Garrison, lawyer, judge
- David Garst, farmer, seed manufacturer
- Roswell Garst, farmer, seed manufacturer
- Michael Gartner, journalist
- Joey Gase, NASCAR driver
- Harry Gaspar, baseball player
- James Lorraine Geddes, soldier
- John Getz, actor
- Dick Gibbs, basketball player
- Edward H. Gillette, politician
- Thomas Gilman, Olympic freestyle wrestler
- Owen Gingerich, astronomer
- Annabeth Gish, actress
- Salvatore Giunta, Congressional Medal of Honor recipient
- Fred Glade, baseball player
- Susan Glaspell, playwright
- Dan Goldie, tennis player
- Johnny Gosch, kidnap victim
- Frank Gotch, professional wrestler
- Al Gould, baseball player
- Rick Graf, football player
- Fred Grandy, actor, politician
- Chuck Grassley, Iowa senator
- Paul Gray, musician
- Dick Green, baseball player
- George Greene, Supreme Court justice
- Edna Griffin, civil rights activist
- James W. Grimes, Iowa governor and senator
- Dan Grimm, football player
- Harold R. Gross, politician
- Danai Gurira, actress
- Janet Guthrie, auto racer
- Charlie Haden, musician
- Mike Haight, football player
- Leslie Hall, rapper
- Jack Halloran, composer
- Scot Halpin, musician
- Halston, fashion designer
- Adam Haluska, basketball player
- Andy Haman, professional bodybuilder
- Jack Hamilton, baseball player
- Milo Hamilton, baseball broadcaster
- Edward Hammatt, architect
- Ryan Hannam, football player
- Joel Hanrahan, baseball player
- Bob Hansen, basketball player
- James Hansen, professor
- Juanita Hansen, actress
- Niels Ebbesen Hansen, botanist
- Robert Hansen, convicted murderer
- Haldor Johan Hanson, hymn composer
- William L. Harding, former governor of Iowa
- Tom Harkin, Iowa senator
- Bob Harlan, pro football executive
- James Harlan, politician
- Graham Harman, professor
- Hill Harper, actor
- Frank Hatton, politician
- Tim Hauff, jazz musician
- Eva Lund Haugen, author
- James H. Hawley, Idaho politician
- Merle Hay, World War I soldier
- Frank Hayes, unionist
- Peter Hedges, writer
- Alan J. Heeger, Nobel Prize laureate in chemistry
- Jeremy Hellickson, baseball player
- Stephen P. Hempstead, former governor of Iowa
- John Hench, associate of Walt Disney
- David B. Henderson, politician, Speaker of the House
- Dorothy Hennessey, nun, activist
- Gwen Hennessey, nun, activist
- John Hennessy, religious leader
- Chad Hennings, football player
- William Peters Hepburn, Civil War officer, politician
- Francis J. Herron, Civil War general
- Daniel Hess, inventor
- Phil Hester, comic book artist
- James C. Hickman, actuary
- David Anthony Higgins, actor
- Steve Higgins, writer, comedian, actor, and announcer on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
- Harriet Hilliard, actress
- David C. Hilmers, astronaut
- A. J. Hinch, baseball player, manager
- Kirk Hinrich, basketball player
- Herbert E. Hitchcock, South Dakota politician
- J.B.E. Hittle, decorated intelligence officer, author and writer
- Tami Hoag, novelist
- Terry Hoage, football player
- Thomas M. Hoenig, financier
- Bill Hoffer, baseball player
- Fred Hoiberg, basketball player, coach
- Judd Holdren, actor
- Ducky Holmes, baseball player
- Lizzie Holmes, educator, anarchist
- Elmer G. Homrighausen, theologian
- Herbert Hoover, 31st President of the United States
- Lou Henry Hoover, First Lady
- Harry Hopkins, presidential adviser
- Frank O. Horton, politician
- Austin Howard, football player
- Walter Howey, journalist
- Jerome Clarke Hunsaker, zeppelin authority
- Mary Beth Hurt, actress
- Toby Huss, actor
- Dick Hutcherson, auto racer
- Libbie Hyman, zoologist
- Jim Inhofe, politician
- Inkpaduta, Native American chief
- Arnold J. Isbell, aviator
- Jacob Jaacks, basketball player
- Fred Jackman, cinematographer
- Selmer Jackson, actor
- Kip Janvrin, athlete
- N. K. Jemisin, science fiction/fantasy author
- Frank Jenks, actor
- Dan Jennings, baseball player
- Roger Jepsen, politician
- Jake Johannsen, comedian
- Donald Johanos, symphony conductor
- Bryce Johnson, actor
- Dorothy M. Johnson, author
- Edwin S. Johnson, politician
- Georgann Johnson, actress
- Lulu Johnson, historian
- Nicholas Johnson, FCC commissioner
- Royal C. Johnson, politician
- Shawn Johnson, gymnast
- Zach Johnson, golfer
- Peter Jok, § basketball player
- Craig Jones, musician
- George Wallace Jones
- Gordon Jones, actor
- James Jones, football player
- Lolo Jones, athlete
- Kathryn Joosten, actress
- Joey Jordison, musician
- Duane Josephson, baseball player
- Patty Judge, politician
- Jerry Junkins, CEO of Texas Instruments

Danielle Kahle
- Nate Kaeding, football placekicker
- Danielle Kahle, figure skater
- Jacqui Kalin (born 1989), American-Israeli professional basketball player
- Aaron Kampman, football player
- MacKinlay Kantor, journalist, author
- Gail Karp, cantor
- Bradley Kasal, decorated U.S. Marine
- John A. Kasson, politician
- Hazel Keener, actress
- James M. Kelly, astronaut
- Percy R. Kelly, judge
- Keokuk, Sauk chief
- John H. Kemble, professor
- Charles Reuben Keyes, archaeologist
- Charles Rollin Keyes, geologist
- Hugh Kidder, decorated U.S. Marine
- Kerry Killinger, banker
- Angela Jia Kim, classical pianist
- Mitch King, football player
- Rebecca Ann King, 1974 Miss America
- Steve King, politician
- Dallas Kinney, journalist
- Nile Kinnick, football player
- James T. Kirk, fictional character
- Samuel J. Kirkwood, § governor, senator, U.S. Secretary of the Interior
- Philip J. Klass, UFO researcher
- Stephen Kline, artist
- Bradford Knapp, university president
- Corina Knoll, journalist
- Ruth Kobart, performer
- Matt Koch, baseball player
- Bonnie Koloc, singer
- Jon Koncak, basketball player
- Ted Kooser, poet
- Dan Koppen, football player
- Kyle Korver, basketball player
- Joseph Kosinski, commercial director
- Mitch Krebs, television journalist
- Gary Kroeger, actor
- Josh Kroeger, baseball player
- Matt Kroul, football player
- Ashton Kutcher, actor

Fleet Admiral
William D. Leahy
William D. Leahy
- Jerry Lacy, actor
- Perry Lafferty, television producer
- Doug La Follette, politician
- Raef LaFrentz, basketball player
- Roswell Lamson, Civil War officer
- Ann Landers, advice columnist
- The Lane Sisters, singers, actresses
- Harry Langdon, comedian
- Frank Lanning, actor
- Jeff Larish, baseball player
- Patty Larkin, singer
- Robert Larsen, founder and director of Des Moines Metro Opera and professor emeritus of music at Simpson College
- Alan Larson (born 1949), diplomat and ambassador
- Mauricio Lasansky, graphic artist
- Tomas Lasansky, visual artist
- Joe Laws, basketball player
- Elmer Layden, football player, coach
- Jim Leach, politician
- Cloris Leachman, actress
- Frederick Leadbetter, financier
- William Daniel Leahy, naval officer
- William P. Leahy, university president
- Frances Lee, actress
- Gerald Leeman, Olympic freestyle wrestler
- Laura Leighton, actress
- Josh Lenz, football player
- Aldo Leopold, environmentalist
- Amy Leslie, opera singer
- Alexander Levi, religious leader
- Jack Lewis, screenwriter
- John Lewis, labor leader
- Jon Lieber, baseball player
- Thurlow Lieurance, composer
- Joe Lillard, athlete
- Edward Lindberg, athlete
- Everett Franklin Lindquist, educator
- Everett Lindsay, football player
- Margaret Lindsay, actress
- Ron Livingston, actor
- Bob Locker, baseball player
- Al Lohman, radio personality
- Babe London, comedian
- Chuck Long, football player, coach
- Nia Long, § actress
- Mathias Loras, religious leader
- Tyler Lorenzen, football player
- Kevin Love, auto racer
- Phyllis Love, actress
- Herschel C. Loveless, governor
- Robert Lucas, politician
- Larry Lujack, radio personality
- Tiny Lund, auto racer
- Mike Lynch, cartoonist
- Raymond J. Lynch, judge
- Emmett Lynn, actor
- Sue Lyon, actress

Brandon Myers
- Larry Mac Duff, football coach
- Archer MacMackin, film director
- Hanford MacNider, diplomat, U.S. Army general
- Cletus Madsen, religious leader
- Joe Magrane, baseball player
- Maryann Mahaffey, politician
- Ryan Mahaffey, football player
- Mahaska, Native American chief
- Dennis Mahony, 19th-century journalist
- Anna Malle, § adult film actress
- Jessie Wilson Manning, writer, lecturer
- Arabella Mansfield, lawyer
- Stuart Margolin, actor
- Beth Marion, actress
- Glenn Martin, aviator
- Bernard Masterson, athlete
- Jerry Mathers, actor
- James Matheson, composer
- David Maxwell, university president
- Elsa Maxwell, columnist
- Marilyn Maxwell, actress
- Jesse May, poker professional
- Wiley Mayne, politician
- F. L. Maytag, founder of Maytag corporation
- Rita McBride, sculptor
- C. W. McCall, singer and politician
- Dan McCarney, football coach
- The McCaughey septuplets
- Tim McClelland, baseball umpire
- Al McCoy, announcer
- Greg McDermott, basketball coach
- William John McGee, geologist
- George McGill, politician
- Charles McGraw, actor
- Keli McGregor, baseball executive
- Pat McLaughlin, singer
- Sean McLaughlin, meteorologist
- William H. McMaster, former governor of South Dakota
- Cal McVey, baseball player
- Stu Mead, painter
- Carl Meinberg, priest
- John Melcher, former senator of Montana
- Michael Joseph Melloy, judge
- Denis Menke, baseball player
- Sebastian Menke, priest
- William Menster, priest
- Iris Meredith, actress
- Frank Merriam, former governor of California
- Russel Merrill, aviator
- Samuel Merrill, former governor of Iowa
- Nancy Metcalf, volleyball player
- Bernard F. Meyer, missionary
- Loren Meyer, basketball player
- Julia Michaels, singer-songwriter
- Brandon Middleton, football player
- Pat Miletich, MMA fighter, member of the UFC Hall of Fame
- Hugh Millen, football player
- Glenn Miller, musician, bandleader, World War II officer
- Samuel Freeman Miller, Supreme Court justice
- Robert Millikan, physicist
- Jason Momoa, § actor
- Ted Monachino, football coach
- Michelle Monaghan, actress
- Jordan Monroe, model
- Constance Moore, actress
- Frank A. Moore, judge
- Hap Moran, football player
- Peggy Moran, actress
- Karen Morley, actress
- Carol Morris, Miss Universe 1956
- Mike Morris, football player
- Phil Morris, actor
- Allie Morrison, Olympic freestyle wrestler
- Honoré Willsie Morrow, author, editor
- Karen Morrow, actress
- John Mosher, jazz musician and composer
- Michael Mosley, actor
- Dow Mossman, writer
- John Mott, YMCA leader, Nobel Prize winner
- Marvin Mottet, priest
- Kate Mulgrew, actress
- Richard L. Murphy, former Iowa senator
- Charles Murray, political scientist
- Brandon Myers, football player
- Virginia A. Myers, inventor
- Nancy Naeve, television journalist
- Conrad Nagel, actor
- Neapope, Sauk leader
- Sharon Needles, drag performer
- Brad Nelson, baseball player
- George Nelson, NASA astronaut
- Harriet Nelson, actress, television personality
- Larry Nemmers, football official
- Carman A. Newcomb, politician
- Jim Nicholson, politician
- Bruce Nissen, professor
- Ken Nordine, voice-over artist
- Lance Norris, actor
- Bill Northey, politician
- Robert Noyce, inventor
- Michael Nunn, boxer
- Nick Nurse, basketball head coach
- Randi Oakes, actress, fashion model
- Dick Oatts, musician
- Wes Obermueller, baseball player
- Patrick O'Bryant, basketball player
- Brian O'Connor, § baseball coach
- Dennis O'Keefe, actor
- Gerald Francis O'Keefe, religious leader
- Bob Oldis, baseball player, coach, scout
- George Olmsted, military officer
- Eric Christian Olsen, actor
- Zoe Ann Olsen-Jensen, Olympic diver
- James Bradley Orman, former governor of Colorado
- Kay A. Orr, former governor of Nebraska
- Kyle Orton, football player
- Charles Osborne, "hiccup" man
- Vivienne Osborne, actress
- Beverley Owen, actress

Ed Podolak
- Stephen Paddock, mass murderer
- Daniel David Palmer, chiropractic medicine pioneer
- Francis W. Palmer, publisher
- Rose Marie Pangborn, scientist
- Oran Pape, law enforcement officer
- Ralph Parcaut, professional wrestler
- Sara Paretsky, novelist
- Charles Fox Parham, evangelist
- Anthony Parker, basketball player
- Clair Cameron Patterson, geochemist
- Neva Patterson, actress
- Allen E. Paulson, thoroughbred breeder
- Bryce Paup, football player
- Claude Payton, actor
- Maria Pearson, Dakota activist
- Sally Pederson, former lieutenant governor
- Paul Peek, politician
- Mary Beth Peil, actress
- Nat Pendleton, athlete, actor
- Arthur D. Pennington, baseball player
- Tom Pepper, computer programmer
- Don Perkins, football player
- Edwin Perkins, inventor
- Roger Perry, actor
- Pete Peterson, combat pilot, ambassador
- Roger Peterson, pilot
- Joseph M. Petrick, screenwriter
- Lori Petty, actress
- James Philbrook, actor
- John Robinson Pierce, engineer
- Mark Pinter, actor
- Chris Pirillo, video host, blogger
- Ed Podolak, football player
- Carl Pohlad, financier, Minnesota Twins owner
- George Pomutz, Civil War general
- Maddie Poppe, musician and winner of American Idol season 16
- Scott Pose, baseball player
- Dante Powell, stand-up comedian
- Gordon Prange, historian
- Beatrice Prentice, actress
- Hiram Price, railroad president, politician
- Richard Proenneke, naturalist
- Stanley Prusiner, neurologist, biochemist
- Tom Purtzer, golfer
- Quashquame, Sauk chief
- John Herbert Quick, author
- Howard 'Howdy' Quicksell, musician
- Linnea Quigley, actress

Frances Rafferty

David Reed
- David Rabe, playwright
- Frances Rafferty, actress
- Max Rafferty, writer, politician
- John F. Rague, architect
- Randy Rahe, basketball coach
- Josh Rand, musician
- Robert D. Ray, governor of Iowa (1969–1983) who served several consecutive terms
- Harry Reasoner, television journalist
- David Reed, football player
- Donna Reed, actress
- Dani Reeves, Miss Iowa 2007
- George Reeves, actor
- Allen Reisner, football player
- George C. Remey, Civil War admiral
- Walter E. Reno, World War II naval officer
- Kevin Rhomberg, baseball player
- Alfred C. Richmond, admiral
- Doug Riesenberg, football player
- William H. Riker, political scientist
- Bill Riley Sr., entertainer
- Chad Rinehart, football player
- The Ringling brothers, circus moguls
- Clifford Roberts, chairman of Masters golf tournament
- James B. A. Robertson, judge, Governor of Oklahoma
- Billy Robinson, aviator
- Shawna Robinson, auto racer
- Reggie Roby, football player
- Otto Frederick Rohwedder, inventor
- Seth Rollins, WWE professional wrestler
- Christine Romans, television journalist
- James Root, musician
- Jim Root, musician
- Raymond Roseliep, poet
- Sage Rosenfels, football player
- Joseph Rosenfield, lawyer
- Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Civil War general, governor of Texas
- Brandon Routh, actor
- Coleen Rowley, FBI agent, politician
- J. Craig Ruby, basketball coach
- Nate Ruess, singer
- Alexander Rummler, painter
- Nicholas J. Rusch, Civil War officer, politician
- Arthur Russell, musician
- Charles Edward Russell, journalist
- Lillian Russell, actress
- Paul Rust, comedian
- George Ryan, former governor of Illinois

Brian Smith

George Stone
- George Saling, athlete
- Mark Salter, political speechwriter
- Josh Samman, mixed martial artist
- Ezekiel S. Sampson, Civil War officer, politician
- Cael Sanderson, § Olympic freestyle wrestler, wrestling coach
- Tyler Sash, football player
- Sauganash, fur trader
- A. J. Schable, football player
- Daniel Schaefer, politician
- Peter Schickele, parodist
- Ron Schipper, football coach
- Aloysius Schmitt, Navy chaplain
- Ernest B. Schoedsack, filmmaker
- Robert H. Schuller, religious leader
- Aloysius Schulte, college president
- Dick Schultz, NCAA and US Olympic Committee executive
- Jean Seberg, actress
- Brad Seely, football coach
- Edward Robert Sellstrom, pilot
- Phil Shafer, auto racer
- William Shannahan, priest
- Harrison Sheckler, pianist
- Kenny Shedd, football player
- Kate Shelley, railroad official
- Gene Sherman, sportscaster
- Randy Shilts, journalist
- Paul Shorey, scholar
- Loren Shriver, astronaut
- Lee Paul Sieg, university president
- Hal Skelly, actor
- Bill Smith, § Olympic freestyle wrestler
- Brian Smith, photographer
- Gerald W. Smith, author
- Hiram Y. Smith, politician
- Jerry Smith, golfer
- Mary Louise Smith, politician
- Neal Smith, politician
- Riley Smith, actor
- Virginia Smith, politician
- Warren Allen Smith, gay rights advocate
- Clement Smyth, religious leader
- William Smyth, politician
- Neta Snook, aviator
- Jamie Solinger, Miss Teen USA
- Harvey Sollberger, composer
- Phyllis Somerville, actress
- Hartzell Spence, military journalist
- Tracie Spencer, singer
- Kirk Speraw, basketball coach
- Darren Sproles, football player
- Josh Stamer, football player
- Edwin O. Stanard, politician
- Denise Stapley, Survivor champion, therapist
- Bradley Steffens, author
- William G. Steiner, child advocate
- Mark Steines, television personality
- Keith H. Steinkraus, food scientist
- Frank Steunenberg, Idaho governor
- Bill Stewart, jazz musician
- George F. Stewart, food scientist
- Kiah Stokes, basketball player
- George Stone (1876–1945), Major League Baseball left fielder; 1906 American League batting champion
- Ramo Stott, auto racer
- Terry Stotts, basketball coach
- George L. Stout, art historian, "Monuments Man"
- Russell Stover, candy manufacturer
- Alvin Straight, lawn-mower rider
- Chris Street, basketball player
- Jeff Streeter, auto racer
- Stephen Stucker, actor
- Bob Stull, football player
- Scott Swisher, legislator
- The Sullivan Brothers, combat veterans
- Billy Sunday, baseball player, evangelist
- Roderick Dhu Sutherland, politician
- Al Swearengen, Wild West saloonkeeper
- Ryan Sweeney, baseball player
- Quinn Sypniewski, football player
- Brett Szabo, basketball player
- Joseph Taggart, politician
- Taimah, Native American chief
- Michael Talbott, actor
- Kevin Tapani, baseball player
- Lawrie Tatum, U.S. "Indian Agent"
- Corey Taylor, musician
- Morgan Taylor, athlete
- Richard R. Taylor, Surgeon-General of the U.S. Army
- Robin Lord Taylor, actor
- Sara Taylor, political public-relations professional
- Ashley Tesoro, actress, singer
- Kenneth W. Thompson, academic
- Sada Thompson, actress
- William Thompson, politician
- William George Thompson, politician
- Mick Thomson, musician
- Adam Timmerman, football player
- Matt Tobin, football player
- John Tomkins, criminal
- Alice Bellvadore Sams Turner, physician, writer
- James Ulmer, journalist
- Jarrod Uthoff, basketball player
- Sarah Utterback, actress
- James Van Allen, scientist
- Mike Van Arsdale, MMA fighter, wrestler
- Dennis Van Roekel, labor leader
- Carl Van Vechten, writer, photographer
- Kyle Vanden Bosch, athlete
- Bob Vander Plaats, politician, activist
- Julian Vandervelde, athlete
- William Vandever, politician
- Oswald Veblen, mathematician
- Ross Verba, athlete
- Michelle Vieth, actress
- Zach Villa, actor, singer
- Phil Vischer, animator
- Krista Voda, sportscaster
- Nedra Volz, actress

Keaton Winn
- Michael Wacha (born 1991), baseball player for the San Diego Padres
- John Henry Waddell, painter and sculptor
- Hynden Walch, actress
- Nellie Walker, sculptor
- Joseph Frazier Wall, historian
- Henry A. Wallace, politician and presidential candidate
- Marcia Wallace, actress
- Will Walling, actor
- Adam Walsh, football player and coach
- Chile Walsh, football player, coach, and executive
- Mark Walter, financier, chairman of Los Angeles Dodgers
- Rick Wanamaker, track and field athlete and basketball player
- Brian Wansink, scientist and professor
- Dedric Ward, football player, coach
- Everett Warner, painter and printmaker
- Kurt Warner (born 1971), football quarterback in the NFL
- Fitz Henry Warren, politician, Civil War general
- Kiersten Warren, actress
- Pierre Watkin, actor
- Watseka (c. 1810–1878), Native Iowan
- James F. Watson, judge
- Tony Watson (born 1985), pitcher in MLB
- John Wayne, actor
- James B. Weaver, politician
- Randy Weaver, survivalist involved in Ruby Ridge incident
- Irving Weber, businessman
- Joseph Welch, attorney
- Elmarie Wendel, actress
- Susan Werner, singer-songwriter
- Emily West, singer-songwriter
- Brooks Wheelan, actor, comedian
- Matthew Whitaker, district attorney
- John White, labor leader, president of the United Mine Workers
- Jim Whitesell, college basketball coach
- Peggy Whitson, astronaut, scientist
- Casey Wiegmann, football player in the NFL
- Doreen Wilber, archer
- Tom Wilkinson, football player
- Andy Williams, singer
- Gregory Alan Williams, actor, author
- Roy Lee Williams, labor leader
- William Appleman Williams, historian
- William Williamson, politician
- Meredith Willson, composer
- James Falconer Wilson, politician
- JoAnn Wilson, murdered wife of Canadian politician
- Mortimer Wilson, composer
- Sid Wilson, disc jockey
- Wally Wingert, actor
- Keaton Winn (born 1998), pitcher for the San Francisco Giants
- Charles E. Winter, politician
- Sidney G. Winter (born 1935), economist
- Johannes B. Wist, journalist, editor
- William P. Wolf, politician
- Elijah Wood (born 1981), actor
- Grant Wood, painter
- Joey Woody, athlete
- Hank Worden, actor
- Carleton H. Wright, U.S. Navy admiral
- Frank Wykoff, Olympic champion athlete
- Marshal Yanda, athlete
- Harry E. Yarnell, U.S. Navy admiral
- David Yost, actor and producer
- Ed Yost, inventor
- Jessie Young, radio host[1]
- Nancy Youngblut, actor
- Luke Zeller, basketball player
- Maurice Zimm, writer for screen and radio
- Larry Zox, painter and printmaker
See also
- List of Iowa Hawkeyes football honorees
- List of Iowa State University people
- List of Iowa suffragists
- Birkby, Evelyn (1991). "Jessie Young". Neighboring on the Air : Cooking with the KMA Radio Homemakers. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press. pp. 38–53. ISBN 0-87745-316-0.
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