Iron sulfide

Iron sulfide or Iron sulphide can refer to range of chemical compounds composed of iron and sulfur.


By increasing order of stability:

  • Iron(II) sulfide, FeS
  • Greigite, Fe3S4 (cubic)
  • Pyrrhotite, Fe1−xS (where x = 0 to 0.2) (monoclinic or hexagonal)
  • Troilite, FeS, the endmember of pyrrhotite (hexagonal)
  • Mackinawite, Fe1+xS (where x = 0 to 0.1) (tetragonal)
  • Marcasite, orthorhombic FeS2
  • Pyrite, cubic FeS2 (fool's gold)
  • Arsenopyrite (mispickel), FeAsS, or Fe(As-S), Fe(III) mixed arseno-sulfide (monoclinic)



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