Jani Golob

Jani Golob (born 18 January 1948) is a Slovenian composer, violinist, arranger and professor.

Jani Golob
Golob in 2008
Golob in 2008
Background information
Born (1948-01-18) 18 January 1948
OriginLjubljana, FPR Yugoslavia, (today Slovenia)
Years active1972–present

His music opus is often on the thin line of classic, pop and jazz. Golob has composed operas, ballets, orchestral works, chamber and vocal music,[1] as well as numerous Slovenian film scores,[2] and music for television and for advertising purposes. His most important works are probably three operas: Krpan's mare (1992), Medeja (1999) and Love Capital (2010); and others as Four Slovene Folk Songs (1979 and 2005), Concerto for violin and orchestra (1998) and ballet The Baptism at the Savica (1989). He is most recognized by his contribution in Slovenian popular music.

His internationally best-known piece of work is the unofficially named "Planica Slow Motion Theme" (1997), an instrumental piece of music played in slow motion replays annually on worldwide broadcasting of FIS Ski Jumping/Flying World Cup events from Planica, Slovenia. Especially because of this melody Golob became famous worldwide. Each year since 1997 this piece of music is played in Planica slow motion replays live to millions of people worldwide.

Other hit songs are "Prisluhni školjki/A Song In a Seashell" (1985), "Moja dežela/My Country" (1986) and "Pustite nam ta svet/Leave Us This World" (1987), popular especially in Slovenia. In 1971 he also arranged music for the song Sejem želja/Scarborough Fair with Slovenian lyrics of this original English folk ballad. He is the arranger of the most common used orchestrated version of the Slovenian national anthem "Zdravljica", used in protocol, sports and other big events.

In 1973 he acted in a film called Ljubezen na odoru (Love on the Furrows).[3]

Golob is one of very few people who has the ability of absolute pitch. That is why when he was younger they used him to write music in notes just by listening and memorizing it.


In the 1960s he founded Slovene pop band Delial, in which he played bass guitar. He studied violin with graduate education in 1971 and with musical composition in 1977 at the Ljubljana Academy of Music. At first he was mainly an arranger and later started writing his own compositions. From 1998 to 2000 he was professor of music composition and theory at the Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in Ljubljana (AGRFT).[1] From then on he has been a professor of musical composition at the Ljubljana Academy of Music. Between 2002 and 2006 he was the president of Society of Slovene Composers.

Golob's compositions are performed by the most important Slovene ensembles and orchestras and also different important European artists, such as Slovakian State Philharmony Košice and Berlin Symphony Orchestra, with their conductors George Pehlivanian, En Shao, David de Villiers, and Carl Davis.

He was a member of many international music juries at various European festivals:

  • Selector for music for the European Month of Culture EMK (1997)
  • Representative of RTV Slovenia at the EBU work group for music (Eurovision, 1992-1998)
  • Representative of RTV Slovenia at the International Music Centre in Vienna (1992-1998)
  • Member of the international jury at Festival Prix Italia in Turin (1994)
  • Member of the international jury at Festival Golden Prague in Prague (1996)
  • Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg (since 1992)

His son Rok Golob is also a Slovene composer.

Awards and prizes

He has received many Slovenian and international awards in classic and in popular music:

  • In 1977 he won the Prešeren Award of University of Ljubljana for "Concertino for big orchestra".
  • In 1978 in Bratislava he won third prize in the Grand Prix de Musique Folklorique de Radio Bratislava for "Sv. Sintilawdič".
  • In 1983 he won the Župančič Prize for "Four Slovene Folk Songs for stings".
  • In 1987 in Cannes he won the collective prize at the Prix National at the 34ème Festival du Film Publicitaire Cinema & Television Cannes for "The Guests are Coming", part of the project "Slovenia, My Country", and won the first prize for it at the festival of tourism short films in Berlin.
  • In 2000 he won the Prešeren Fund Prize for "Violin Concerto".
  • In 2012 he won the Kozina Award for lifetime achievements in music from the Society of Slovene Composers.

Selected works

Orchestral music

YearOriginal titleEnglish titleTitle continues
1977ConcertinoConcertinofor big orchestra
NokturnoNocturnefor string orchestra
1978Sveti SintilawdičSveti Sintilawdičfor chamber orchestra
1979Komorna glasbaChamber Musicfor orchestra
Štiri ljudske pesmiFour Folk Songsfor string orchestra
1980UverturaOverturefor symphony orchestra
ElegijaElegyfor flugelhorn and string orchestra
1982Koncertantna glasbaConcertante Musicfor woodwind quintet and orchestra
1984Svatbeni plesWedding Dancefor two clarinets and string orchestra
1985Mi za mirWe for Peacefor chamber orchestra (40th anniversary of UN)
1988Rezijski plesRezian Dancefor two Rezian fiddlers and string orchestra
1990Slovenska rapsodijaSlovenian Rhapsodyfor orchestra
1992KoncertConcertofor violin, cello and orchestra
1993Hommage RahmaninovuHommage Rahmaninovufor symphony orchestra
1995VariacijeVariationsfor violin, piano and orchestra
1996IntrodukcijaIntroductionfor alt saxophone and string orchestra
IntrodukcijaIntroductionfor alt saxophone and saxophone orchestra
1998KoncertConcertofor violin and orchestra
ConcertinoConcertinoza flute and string orchestra
1999Romanca in humoreskaRomance and Humoresquefor violin and string orchestra
UpanjeHopefor symphony orchestra
FanfareFanfaresfor wind orchestra
2000Concerto grossoConcerto grossofor chamber quartet and wind orchestra
NostalgijaNostalgiafor two violas and string orchestra
PassacagliaPassacagliaza violino, violo, violončelo in orkester
2000KoncertConcertinofor cello and string orchestra
2001KoncertConcertinofor cello and string orchestra
2004Allegro festivoAllegro festivofor wind orchestra
Tri epizodeThree Episodesfor horn and orchestra
2005The Night ShiftThe Night Shiftfor brass quintet and wind orchestra
Štiri slovenske ljudske pesmiFour Slovene Folk Songsfor symphony orchestra
Štiri prekmurske ljudske pesmiFour Prekmurje Folk Songsza tenor, violino in orkester
2006TemperedTemperedfor chamber ensemble and string orchestra
ZlatorogZlatorogballet suite
2007Missa in DoMissa in Dofor soloists, mixed choir, organ and orchestra
-Vöra bije, sunce mi zahajaMy Time Has Come, My Sun Has Gonefor chamber orchestra
-Cool VoicesCool Voicesfor string orchestra


YearOriginal titleEnglish titleTitle continues
1981Stara LjubljanaOld Ljubljanacantata for youth choir, recitator and chamber orchestra
1984Zreilo je žitoWheat Has Ripenedfor alto, ocarina, hammered dulcimer, percussion and string orchestra
Ne ouri ne sejajNe ouri ne sejajfor alto and string orchestra
1986Neznani materiTo the Unknown Motherfor baritone and string orchestra
1988Tisti časThat TimeSong Cycle for alto and string orchestra
1989Lovec na ljudiMan Hunterfor alto and string orchestra
1995Quo vadis, DomineQuo vadis, Dominefor tenor, mixed choir organ orchestra
2005Vaje v sloguExercises in Stylevariations on Slovenian folk song for mixed choir and chamber orchestra


YearOriginal titleEnglish titleTitle continues
1979MestoThe Cityfor mixed chorus
1980Kata, KatalenaKata, Katalenafor 12 voices
1988MestoThe Cityfor male chorus

Opera and ballet

YearOriginal titleEnglish titleNote
1985Urška in povodni možUrsula and the Water Spriteballet in 6 scenes
1989Krst pri SaviciThe Baptism at the Savicaballet
1992Krpanova kobilaKrpan's Mareopera buffa in 3 acts
1994Matiček se ženiMatiček's Weddingballet in 3 scenes
2004IvanaIvanadance puppet show for adults
2010Ljubezen kapitalLove Capitalopera in 3 acts

Chamber music

YearOriginal titleEnglish titleTitle continues
1977PoemaPoemafor woodwind quintet
AndanteAndantefor string quartet
RomancaRomancefor viola and piano
1978Komorna glasbaChamber Musicfor 11 instruments
BaladaBalladfor trumpet (or flugelhorn) and piano
1979CapriccioCapricciofor soprano saxophone, double bass and percussion
GlasbaMusicfor bassoon and piano
SkicaSketchfor flute and piano
1980PassacagliaPassacagliafor piano quartet
1981GroteskaGrotesquefor clarinet and piano
DialogDialoguefor violin and guitar
CapriccioCapricciofor trumpet and piano
1982Tri skladbeThree Piecesfor violin and piano
IgreGamesfor recorder, violin and cello
GlasbaMusicfor oboe (or English horn) and harp
1983Dve skladbiTwo Piecesfor cello and piano
Tri skladbeThree Piecesfor horn and piano
MelodijaMelodyfor cello and piano
GlasbaMusicfor flute and piano
GlasbaMusicfor accordion and cello
1984Trio 84' Trio 84' for violin, viola and cello
DialogDialoguefor flute and viola
Iz dnevnika padlega partizanaIz dnevnika padlega partizanafor bass, violin, viola, cello and piano
Tri pesmiThree songsfor bass, cello and piano
1985DialogiDialoguesfor two violins
SonatinaSonatinafor violin and piano
Sonata št. 1Sonata No.1for violin and piano
1986Sonata št. 2Sonata No.2for violin and piano
GozdForestfor horn and organ
Uvodna glasbaIntroduction Musicfor 4 horns
Tri pesmiThree Songsfor tenor, violin and piano
1987Godalni kvartet št. 1String Quartet No.1-
Godalni kvartet št. 2String Quartet No.2-
KoralChoralfor brass quintet and organ
Tri miniatureThree Miniaturesfor double bass and piano
Tri pesmiThree Songsfor mezzo-soprano, violin and guitar
MonologMonologuefor clarinet, percussion and tape
1988Tri variacijeThree Variationsfor cello and piano
1990ConcertinoConcertinofor guitar and string quartet
ToccataToccatafor two pianos and percussion
1991The Seventh Avenue BluesThe Seventh Avenue Bluesfor violin and piano
SonataSonatafor cello and piano
1992GlasbaMusicfor alto saxophone and piano
1993BagatelaBagatellefor recorder and piano
HumoreskaHumoresquefor clarinet and piano
IgreGamesfor two cellos and organ
Tri skladbeThree Piecesfor horn, trumpet, trombone and piano
Človek zmaguje ali zgodba neke ozdravitveMan Wins or the Story of a Curefor woodwind quintet
Dve bagateliTwo Bagatellesfor two violins, cello and organ
1994BagatelaBagatellefor trumpet and organ
BaladaBalladefor saxophone ensemble
IgreGamesfor violin, guitar and accordion
1995Godalni kvartet št. 3String Quartet No.3-
1999GlasbaMusicfor flute and piano
2000RomancaRomancefor violin and piano
2002DanubianaDanubianafor seven performers
Passacaglia in ToccataPassacaglia in Toccatafor string quartet
2003In blueIn bluefor alto saxophone, string quartet and double bass
2005GlasbaMusicfor flute and piano
2006InvokacijaInvocationfor chamber ensemble
TASF (Moderato assai Ritmico)TASF (Moderato assai Ritmico)for brass ensemble
2007SenceShadowsfor chamber orchestra
2008Koncertantne epizodeKoncertantne epizodefor violin and chamber orchestra
2008-09Slovenska fantazijaSlovenian Fantasyfor flute and piano
2009Tri bagateleThree Bagatellesfor harp and chamber orchestra
-CapriccioCapricciopercussion, soprano-saxophone and double bass

Works for solo instruments

YearOriginal titleEnglish titleTitle continues
1978SonatinaSonatinafor violin solo
1979ValseValsefor piano
EtudaEtudefor percussion
1981PreludijPreludefor accordion
1983ImprovizacijaImprovisationfor double bass solo
1984Dve romanciTwo Romancesfor violoncello solo
1987Slovenska rapsodijaSlovene Rhapsodyfor guitar
2005Tri etudeThree Etudesfor guitar
2007Tri skladbeThree Piecesfor piano


Film scores

Year Original title English title
1983 Dih
1984 Leta odločitve The Years of Decision
Veselo gostivanje
1985 Poletje v školjki A Summer in a Sea-Shell
1986 Heretik Heretic
1987 Čisto pravi gusar A Real Pirate
1988 Poletje v školjki II A Summer in a Sea-Shell II
Odpadnik The Maverick
1989 Coprnica Zofka Sophie the Witch
Nekdo drug Someone Else
1999 Patriot
2005 Predmestje Suburbs
2008 Videvanje Van Gogha Seeing Van Gogh
2010 Črni bratje Black Brothers

TV music

YearOriginal titleEnglish titleNote
1982Živeti, živetiDesire for Lifeshort documentary
ZmagaVictoryshort documentary
Slike iz leta 1941short documentary
1983Putovanje plavog loncaTrip of a Blue Potshort animated
1984Strici so mi povedaliTV series
Kasačdocumentary short
Kugychildren's TV series
Gorenčev vragchildren's TV series
1986Primož TrubarTV series
Slovenija, moja deželaSlovenia, My landfor ad Gostje prihajajo
1987DopustHolidayTV film
1988Bronasti vijakBronze ScrewTV series
1991Ljubezen po kranjskoLove, Kranj StyleTV film
1992Portret Jožeta GaletaPortrait of Jože Galedocumentary short
1996Domače obrti na Slovenskem - KrovciHandcrafts in Slovenia - RoofersTV documentary short
Domače obrti na Slovenskem - Kamnarji in kamnosekiHandcrafts in Slovenia - Stonecutters and StonemasonsTV documentary short
Domače obrti na Slovenskem - PuškarjiHandcrafts in Slovenia - GunmakersTV documentary short
1997Planicaslow motion music (ski flying)
Pesem od LudomorcaThe Ballad of the Butchermanshort film
2006Sejalci svetlobeTV film
Sejalci besedTV film
En dan resniceOne Day of Truthfiction short
2011Slovenci in 1. svetovna vojnaSlovenia and World War Idocumentary (in production)

Hit singles

Year Original English Performed by
1971 "Sejem želja" Scarabough Fair Delial
1985 "Prisluhni školjki" "Song to a Seashell" Black & White
1986 "Moja dežela" "My Country" Oto Pestner ft. Strune
1987 "Pustite nam ta svet" "Leave Us This World" Vlado Kreslin ft. RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra
1997 "Planica Slow Motion Music" "Planica Slow Motion Music" Jani Golob


  • Jani Golob - skladatelj, 1988 (LP)
  • Glasba iz filma Poletje v školjki I. in II., 1986 (cassette)
  • Sklicujem zborovanje, šansoni, 1987 (cassette)
  • Pusti pevcu peti, Prešernove pesmi, 1991 (cassette)
  • Pevca pesem sladka, Prešernove pesmi, 1991 (cassette)
  • Škofjeloški pasijon, 1992 (double cassette)
  • Jani Golob - skladatelj, 1994 (CD)
  • Lepa Vida, glasba iz predstave, 1995 (CD)


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