County administrative boards of Sweden

A county administrative board (Swedish: länsstyrelse) is a Swedish Government Agency in each of the counties of Sweden, led by a vice-regal governor (Swedish: landshövding) appointed by the government for a term of six years. The lists of gubernatorial officeholders, in most cases, stretches back to 1634 when the counties were created by Chancellor Axel Oxenstierna.

The main responsibilities of the county administrative board is to coordinate the development of the county in line with goals set in national politics. In each county there is also a County Council which is a policy-making assembly elected by the residents of the county.

The capital of a county is in Swedish called residensstad ("residence city") because it is the seat of residence of the governor.

County County administrative board Capital Governor
1.BlekingeBlekinge BoardKarlskronaUlrica Messing (list)
2.DalarnaDalarna BoardFalunHelena Höij (list)
3.GotlandGotland BoardVisbyAnders Flanking (list)
4.GävleborgGävleborg BoardGävlePer Bill (list)
5.HallandHalland BoardHalmstadBrittis Benzler (list)
6.JämtlandJämtland BoardÖstersundMarita Ljung (list)
7.JönköpingJönköping BoardJönköpingHelena Jonsson (list)
8.KalmarKalmar BoardKalmarAllan Widman (list)
9.KronobergKronoberg BoardVäxjöMaria Arnholm (list)
10.NorrbottenNorrbotten BoardLuleåLotta Finstorp (list)
11.SkåneSkåne BoardMalmöAnneli Hulthén (list)
12.StockholmStockholm BoardStockholmAnna Kinberg Batra (list)
13.SödermanlandSödermanland BoardNyköpingBeatrice Ask (list)
14.UppsalaUppsala BoardUppsalaStefan Attefall (list)
15.VärmlandVärmland BoardKarlstadGeorg Andrén (list)
16.VästerbottenVästerbotten BoardUmeåHelene Hellmark Knutsson (list)
17.VästernorrlandVästernorrland BoardHärnösandBerit Högman (list)
18.VästmanlandVästmanland BoardVästeråsJohan Sterte (list)
19.Västra GötalandVästra Götaland BoardGothenburgSten Tolgfors (list)
20.ÖrebroÖrebro BoardÖrebroLena Rådström Baastad (list)
21.ÖstergötlandÖstergötland BoardLinköpingCarl Fredrik Graf (list)

See also

  • Governor of Stockholm
  • List of Swedish Governors-General
  • Provincial Governors of Finland
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