Lewis Carroll Shelf Award

The Lewis Carroll Shelf Award was an American literary award conferred on several books annually by the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Education annually from 1958 to 1979. Award-winning books were deemed to "belong on the same shelf" as Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll, having enough of the qualities of his work.

Seventeen books were named in 1958, including only two from the 1950s. Seven were named in 1979, all except two from the 1970s. Although short, the last class was also diverse, with one wordless picture book, The Snowman (1978) by Raymond Briggs, and one fictionalized biography, The Road from Home (1979) by David Kherdian, about his mother's childhood during the Armenian genocide and its aftermath.

The selection process included nominations by trade paperback editors, who were permitted to name one book annually from their trade catalogs. The Component Analysis Selector Tool rated tradebooks on authenticity, universality, insight, symbol systems–craftsmanship, impact, genre comparison, field setting of reader and test of time. The purpose was to identify and promote outstanding thoughts among the mediocre communications available in an open society.[1]

The list was established by Dr. David C. Davis with the assistance of Professor Lola Pierstorff, Director Instructional Materials Center, University of Wisconsin, and Madeline Allen Davis, WHA Wisconsin Public Radio. Awards were announced and presented at the annual Wisconsin Book Conference, which featured speakers such as Dr. Seuss, William Steig, Helga Sandburg, Arna Bontemps, Nat Hentoff, Paul Engle, Jean George, Ed Emberley, Charlemae Rollins, Watts poet Jimmy Sherman, Maurice Sendak, Holling C. Holling, Pamela Travers, Ann Nolan Clark, Louise Lemp, Frank Luther, and Ramon Coffman (Uncle Ray).[2][3]


‡ illustrated by the author
‡ illustrated by the author
‡ illustrated by the author

† The British Library Association in 1955 gave illustrator Jones special commendation for its annual Carnegie Medal and established the companion Kate Greenaway Medal for children's book illustration.

‡ illustrated by the author
‡ illustrated by the author
‡ illustrated by the author
‡ illustrated by the author
  • Robert Louis Stevenson, A Child's Garden of Verses; originally Penny Whistles (1885)
  • James Ramsey Ullman, Banner in the Sky (1954)
  • Agnes Clifford Smith, An Edge of the Forest (1959)
  • Peter Burchard, Jed, The Story of a Yankee Soldier and a Southern Boy (1960)
  • Marcia Brown, Once a Mouse: A Fable Cut in Wood from Ancient India (1961) ‡
‡ illustrated by the author
  • L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900); illus. W. W. Denslow
  • Rose Dobbs, No Room: An old story (1944), illus. Fritz Eichenberg
  • Ruth Stiles Gannett, My Father's Dragon (1948) ‡
  • Margot Benary-Isbert, The Ark (1953); originally German, Die Arche Noah (1948)
  • Stephen Dunning, Edward Lueders, and Hugh Smith, eds., Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle... and other Modern Verse (1966) – anthology of modern poetry
  • William Mayne, Earthfasts (1966)
  • Barbara Emberley, Drummer Hoff (1967), illustrated by Ed Emberley who won the Caldecott Medal for that work
  • E. L. Konigsburg, From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (1967) ‡
  • George Mendoza, The Hunter I Might Have Been (1968), photographs by DeWayne Dalrymple
  • Brinton Turkle, The Fiddler of High Lonesome (1968) ‡
  • Jane Yolen, The Emperor and the Kite (1968), illustrated by Ed Young who won the Caldecott Medal for that work
‡ illustrated by the author
  • Hardie Gramatky, Little Toot (1939) ‡
  • Maureen Daly, Seventeenth Summer (1942)
  • Lucy M. Boston, The Children of Green Knowe (1954)
  • Sid Fleischman, McBroom Tells the Truth (1966), illus. Kurt Werth
  • Edmund Carpenter, ed., The Story of Comock the Eskimo as told to Robert Flaherty (1968), with Eskimo sketches
  • Weyman Jones, Edge of Two Worlds (1968), illus. J. C. Kocsis
  • Mehlli Gobhai, Usha the Mouse Maiden (1969) ‡ – Indian folk tale retold
  • Glen Rounds, Wild Horses of the Red Desert (1969) ‡
‡ illustrated by the author
‡ illustrated by the author
‡ illustrated by the author
  • Hope Newell, The Little Old Woman Who Used Her Head (1935), illus. Margaret Ruse
  • Virginia Kahl, The Duchess Bakes a Cake (1955) ‡
  • Nina Kosterina, The Diary of Nina Kosterina (1968); originally Russian (1964)
  • Julia Cunningham, Dorp Dead (1965), illus. James J. Spanfeller
  • James D. Forman, Ceremony of Innocence (1970)
  • Jan Adkins, The Art and Industry of Sand Castles: Being an Illustrated Guide ... (1971) ‡
  • William Pène du Bois, Bear Circus (1971) ‡
  • Virginia Hamilton, The Planet of Junior Brown (1971)
  • Russell Hoban, Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas (1971), illustrated by Lillian Hoban
  • Alexander Key, The Forgotten Door (1971)
  • Robert C. O'Brien, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (1971), illus. Zena Bernstein
  • Jay Williams, The Hawkstone (1971)
  • Julius Lester, Long Journey Home: Stories from Black History (1972) – anthology
  • Yuri Suhl, Simon Boom Gives a Wedding (1972), illus. Margot Zemach
‡ illustrated by the author
  • Edward Ardizzone, Little Tim and the Brave Sea Captain (1936) ‡
  • Astrid Lindgren, Pippi Longstocking (US 1950), illus. Louis S. Glanzman; originally Swedish, Pippi Långstrump (1945), illus. Ingrid Nyman – first in a series
  • Anne Holm, I Am David (1969), first US title, North to Freedom (1965); originally Danish, David (1963)
  • Deborah Crawford, Four Women in a Violent Time (1970)
  • Jean Russell Larson, Jack Tar (1970), illus. Mercer Mayer
  • Marilyn Harris, The Runaway's Diary (1971)
  • Charlotte Baker, Cockleburr Quarters (1972)
  • Nancy Ekholm Burkert, illustrator, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: A Fairy Tale by the Brothers Grimm (1972); translated from the German Schneewittchen (1812)
  • Julius Lester, The Knee High Man and Other Tales (1972), illus. Ralph Pinto – anthology
  • Gerald McDermott, Anansi the Spider: A Tale from the Ashanti (1972) ‡
  • Jane Yolen, The Girl Who Loved the Wind (1972), illus. Ed Young
  • Lynd Ward, illustrator, The Silver Pony: A Story in Pictures (1973) – no text
No award[12]
  • Babbis Friis-Baastad, Don't Take Teddy (1967); originally Norwegian, Ikke ta Bamse (1964)
  • Glen Rounds, The Day the Circus Came to Lone Tree (1973) ‡
  • Harve Zemach, Duffy and the Devil (1973), illus. Margot Zemach
  • Virginia Hamilton, M. C. Higgins, the Great (1974)
  • Norma Fox Mazer, Saturday, the Twelfth of October (1975)
‡ illustrated by the author
  • Felice Holman, Slake's Limbo (1974)
  • Nancy Willard, Sailing to Cythera and other Anatole Stories (1974), illus. David McPhail
  • William Steig, Abel's Island (1976) ‡
‡ illustrated by the author
‡ illustrated by the author
‡ illustrated by the author


  1. Wofford, Azile (1962). Book selection for school libraries. H. W. Wilson Co. p. 282.
  2. Award List. "Lewis Carroll Shelf Award Winners", Lewis Carroll Shelf Award Collection, Living Arts Corporation, Loveland, Colorado.
      Carlson, Laura, and Sean Creighton and Sheila Cunningham, eds. (1996). Literary laurels: a reader's guide to award-winning children's books. Hillyard. ISBN 978-0-9647361-1-5. pp. 25–34.
  3. Miller, Marilyn Lea (2003). Pioneers and leaders in library services to youth. Westport CT: Libraries Unlimited. p. 26. ISBN 978-1-59158-028-7.
  4. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings: the folk-lore of the old .... LC Online Catalog. Library of Congress (lccn.loc.gov). Retrieved 2012-10-06.
  5. The Man Who Was Don Quixote by Rafaello Busoni. Kirkus Reviews. No date (contemporary to the reviewed book, published October 8, 1958). Retrieved 2012-10-06.
  6. "Jean Merrill Papers". De Grummond Children's Literature Collection; The University of Southern Mississippi (lib.usm.edu/legacy/degrum). May 16, 2002. Retrieved 2008-07-31.
  7. Formats and Editions of The art of ancient Egypt. WorldCat (worldcat.org). Retrieved 2012-10-06.
  8. Annuza, A Girl of Romania by Hertha Seuberlich. Kirkus Reviews. No date (contemporary to the reviewed book, published October 10, 1962). Retrieved 2012-10-06.
  9. Bond of the fire: production material. WorldCat. Retrieved 2015-11-06. Catalog record from one participating library.
  10. Bond of the fire (first edition). LC Online Catalog. Library of Congress (lccn.loc.gov). Retrieved 2012-10-13.
  11. To Be A Slave (30th anniversary edition, 1998). WorldCat. Retrieved 2012-10-07. Catalog record from one participating library.
  12. Jones, Dolores Blythe (1994). Children's Literature Awards and Winners: A Directory of Prizes, Authors and Illustrators, 3rd ed. Detroit: Neal-Schuman in association with Gale Research Co. ISBN 978-0-8103-0171-9.
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