List of public sector organisations in New Zealand
Public sector organisations in New Zealand comprise the state sector organisations plus those of local government.
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Within the state sector lies the state services, and within this lies the core public service.[1]
Legally, the Legislative Branch non-public service departments (the Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives[2] and the Parliamentary Service[3]), Executive Branch non-public service departments, and the public service departments are all part of "the Crown".[4]
State sector
Offices of Parliament
- Office of the Controller and Auditor-General (Tumuaki o te Mana Arotake)
- Audit New Zealand
- Office of the Ombudsmen (Nga Kaitiaki Mana Tangata)
- Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (Te Kaitiaki Taiao a Te Whare Pāremata Aotearoa)
Public service departments
The public service in New Zealand technically consists solely of the departments listed below.
- Crown Law Office (Te Tari Ture o te Karauna)
- Department of Conservation (Te Papa Atawhai)
- Department of Corrections (Ara Poutama Aotearoa)
- Department of Internal Affairs (Te Tari Taiwhenua)
- Archives New Zealand (Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga)
- Births, Deaths and Marriages (Whānautanga, Matenga, Mārenatanga)
- Censorship Compliance Unit
- Local Government Commission (Mana Kāwanatanga ā Rohe)
- New Zealand Lottery Grants Board (Te Puna Tahua)
- National Library of New Zealand (Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa)
- Office for the Community & Voluntary Sector
- New Zealand Passports Office (Nga Uruwhenua)
- New Zealand Citizenship Office (Te Raraunga)
- New Zealand Gazette Office (Te Kahiti o Aotearoa)
- Translation Service, The (Te Pūtahi Whakawhiti Reo)
- Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (Te Tari o te Pirimia me te Komiti Matua)
- Cabinet Office
- National Assessments Bureau
- Honours Secretariat
- National Emergency Management Agency
- Education Review Office (Te Tari Arotake Matauranga)
- Government Communications Security Bureau (Te Tira Tiaki)
- National Cyber Security Centre
- Inland Revenue Department (Te Tari Taake)
- Land Information New Zealand (Toitu te Whenua)
- Crown Property Management
- New Zealand Geospatial Office
- Overseas Investment Office
- Ministry for Culture and Heritage (Te Manatū Taonga)
- Ministry for Pacific Peoples (Te Manatū mō ngā iwi o te Moana-nui-ā-Kiwa)
- Ministry for Primary Industries (Manatū Ahu Matua)
- Ministry for the Environment (Manatū Mō Te Taiao)
- Ministry for Women (Manatū Wāhine)
- Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (Hīkina Whakatutuki)
- Companies Office, which also manages registers for motor-vehicle traders, financial-service providers, societies and trusts and personal-property securities.
- Consumer Affairs, formerly the Ministry of Consumer Affairs
- Electricity Authority (NZ) (Te Mana Hiko)
- Electrical Workers Registration Board
- Immigration New Zealand (Te Ratonga Manene)
- Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand
- Insolvency and Trustee Service
- Natural Hazards Research Platform (NHRP)[5]
- New Zealand Cycle Trail (Ngā Haerenga)
- New Zealand Petroleum & Minerals
- New Zealand Space Agency
- Occupational Safety and Health (Te Ratonga Oranga)
- Pike River Recovery Agency
- Radio Spectrum Management
- Social Housing Unit
- Ministry of Defence (Manatū Kaupapa Waonga)
- Ministry of Education (Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Te Manatū Aorere)
- New Zealand Agency for International Development – NZAID (Nga Hoe Tuputupu-mai-tawhiti)
- Ministry of Health (Manatū Hauora)
- Medsafe (New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority)
- National Radiation Laboratory
- New Zealand Health Information Service
- National Health Committee
- HealthPAC
- Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga)
- Ministry of Justice (Tāhū o te Ture)
- Crime Prevention Unit
- Office of Treaty Settlements (Te Kāhui Whakatau)
- Te Puni Kōkiri—Ministry for Māori Development
- Ministry of Social Development (Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora)
- Ministry of Youth Development (Te Manatū Whakahiato Taiohi)
- Work and Income (Te Hiranga Tangata)
- Studylink (Hoto Akoranga)
- Heartland Services (Ngā Ratonga ki te Manawa o te Whenua)
- The Office for Seniors (Te Tari Kaumātua)
- The Office of the Superu (Social Policy Evaluation and Research Unit)
- Ministry of Transport (Te Manatū Waka)
- New Zealand Customs Service (Te Mana Arai o Aotearoa)
- New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (Te Pā Whakamarumaru)
- Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children
- Pike River Recovery Agency (Te Kāhui Whakamana Rua Tekau mā Iwa)
- Public Service Commission (Te Kawa Mataaho)
- Serious Fraud Office (Te Tari Hara Taware)
- Statistics New Zealand (Tatauranga Aotearoa)
- Te Tumu Paeroa (Office of the Maori Trustee)
- The Treasury (Te Tai Õhanga)
- New Zealand Debt Management
- New Zealand Export Credit
Departmental agencies
- Cancer Control Agency (Te Aho o Te Kahu)
- Independent Children's Monitor (Aroturuki Tamariki)
- National Emergency Management Agency (e Rākau Whakamarumaru)
- Ministry for Ethnic Communities (Te Tari Mātāwaka)
- replaces the Office of Ethnic Communities (previously Ethnic Affairs) that was part of Internal Affairs[6]
- Office for Māori Crown Relations–Te Arawhiti
- Social Wellbeing Agency (Toi Hau Tāngata)
- Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People
Interdepartmental executive boards
- Border Executive Board
- Family Violence Executive Board
- Strategic Planning Reform Board
State services organisations outside the core public service
- New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) (Te Ope Kaatua o Aotearoa)
- New Zealand Cadet Forces (Te Taua Tauira o Aotearoa)
- Air Training Corps
- New Zealand Cadet Corps
- Sea Cadet Corps
- NZDF armed forces
- New Zealand Army (Ngāti Tumatauenga)
- Regular Force
- Territorial Force
- Army Reserve
- Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN) (Te Taua Moana o Aotearoa)
- Royal New Zealand Naval Reserve
- Royal New Zealand Naval Volunteer Reserve (RNZNVR)
- Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) (Te Tauaarangi o Aotearoa)
- Air Force Reserve
- Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF)
- Territorial Air Force (TAF)
- New Zealand Army (Ngāti Tumatauenga)
- Veterans' Affairs New Zealand (Te Tira Ahu Ika a Whiro) (semi-autonomous body)
- New Zealand Cadet Forces (Te Taua Tauira o Aotearoa)
- Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives (Te Tari o te Manahautū o te Whare Māngai)
- Reporting Services (Hansard)
- Parliamentary Counsel Office (New Zealand) (Te Tari Tohutohu Paremata)
- Parliamentary Service[7][3] (includes the Parliamentary Library)
- Parliamentary Service Commission
- Visitor Services
- New Zealand Police (Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa)
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
- Reserve Bank of New Zealand (Te Pūtea Matua)
Crown entities
Crown agents
- Accident Compensation Corporation (Te Kaporeihana Āwhina Hunga Whara)
- Callaghan Innovation
- Civil Aviation Authority (Te Mana Rererangi Tūmatanui o Aotearoa)
- Aviation Security Service
- Earthquake Commission (Kōmihana Rūwhenua)
- Education New Zealand (Manapou ki te Ao)
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (Te Tare Tiaki Pūngao)
- Environmental Protection Authority (Te Mana Rauhī Taiao)
- Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Whakaratonga Iwi)
- Health New Zealand (Te Whatu Ora)
- Health Quality and Safety Commission (Te Tāhū Hauora Health)
- Health Research Council of New Zealand
- Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities
- Maritime New Zealand (Nō te rere moana Aotearoa)
- New Zealand Antarctic Institute
- New Zealand Blood Service (Te Ratonga Toto o Aotearoa)
- New Zealand Qualifications Authority (Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa)
- Tourism New Zealand
- New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (Te Taurapa Tūhono)
- New Zealand Walking Access Commission (Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa)
- Pharmac (Te Pātaka Whaioranga)
- Real Estate Agents Authority (Te Mana Papawhenua)
- Social Workers Registration Board
- Sport New Zealand (Ihi Aotearoa)
- Taumata Arowai - the Water Services Regulator
- Tertiary Education Commission (Te Amorangi Mātauranga Matua)
- Careers New Zealand
- Waka Kotahi – NZ Transport Agency
- WorkSafe New Zealand (Mahi Haumaru Aotearoa)
Autonomous crown entities
- Accreditation Council
- Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa (Creative New Zealand)
- Broadcasting Commission (New Zealand on Air) (Irirangi Te Motu)
- Government Superannuation Fund Authority
- Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation (Te Kaiatiaki Tahua Penihana Kaumātua o Aotearoa)
- Heritage New Zealand (Pouhere Taonga)
- Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
- New Zealand Artificial Limb Board (Peke Waihanga)
- New Zealand Film Commission (Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga)
- New Zealand Infrastructure Commission (Te Waihanga)
- New Zealand Lotteries Commission
- New Zealand Symphony Orchestra (Te Tira Pūoro o Aotearoa)
- Public Trust
- Retirement Commission (Te Ara Ahunga Ora)
- Te Māngai Pāho (Maori Broadcasting Funding Agency)
- Te Taura Whiri I Te Reo Māori (Māori Language Commission)
Independent crown entities
- Broadcasting Standards Authority (Te Mana Whanonga Kaipāho)
- Children and Young People's Commission (Mana Mokopuna)
- Climate Change Commission (He Pou a Rangi)
- Commerce Commission (Te Konihana Tauhokohoko)
- Criminal Cases Review Commission (Te Kāhui Tātari Ture)
- Drug Free Sport New Zealand
- Electoral Commission (Te Kaitiaki Take Kōwhiri)
- Electricity Authority (Te Komihana Hiko)
- External Reporting Board (Te Kāwai Ārahi Pūrongo Mōwaho)
- Financial Markets Authority (Te Mana Tātai Hokohoko)
- Health and Disability Commissioner (Te Toihau Hauora, Hauātanga)
- Human Rights Commission (Te Kāhui Tika Tangata)
- Independent Police Conduct Authority (Mana Whanonga Pirimana Motuhake)
- Law Commission (Te Aka Matua o te Ture)
- Mental Health Commission (Te Hiringa Mahara)
- Office of Film and Literature Classification (Te Mana Whakaatu)
- Privacy Commissioner (Te Mana Mātāpono Matapu)
- Productivity Commission (Te Kōmihana Whai Hua o Aotearoa)
- Takeovers Panel (Te Pae Whitimana)
- Transport Accident Investigation Commission (Te Kōmihana Tirotiro Aituā Waka)
Crown entity companies
- New Zealand Fast Forward Fund Limited
- New Zealand Venture Investment Fund Limited
- Radio New Zealand Limited (Te Reo Irirangi o Aotearoa)
- Television New Zealand Limited (TVNZ) (Te Reo Tātaki o Aotearoa)
Crown Research Institutes (CRIs)
(with principal campuses)
- AgResearch (New Zealand Pastoral Agriculture Research Institute Limited) (Ruakura, Hamilton) (Āta mātai, mātai whetū)
- ESR (Institute of Environmental Science and Research Limited) (Porirua) (He Pūtaiao, He Tāngata)
- Scion (New Zealand Forest Research Institute Limited) (Rotorua)
- GNS Science (formerly Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited) (Lower Hutt) (Te Pū Ao)
- Landcare Research (Landcare Research New Zealand Limited) (Lincoln) (Manaaki Whenua)
- NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited) (Auckland) (Taihoro Nukurangi)
- Plant & Food Research (New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited) (Auckland) (Rangahau Ahumāra Kai)
School boards of trustees
Tertiary education institutions
State-owned tertiary institutions consist of universities, colleges of education (teachers colleges), polytechnics (institutes of technology) and wānanga. In addition there are numerous non-state-owned private training establishments.
(and amalgamated colleges of education, with principal campus only)
- AUT University (Te Wananga Aronui o Tāmaki Makau Rau) (Auckland)
- Lincoln University (Te Whare Wanaka o Aoraki) (Lincoln)
- Massey University (Te Kunenga ki Purehuroa) (Palmerston North)
- Palmerston North College of Education
- University of Auckland (Waipapa Taumata Rau) (Auckland)
- Auckland College of Education (Te Kura Akoranga o Tamaki Makaurau)
- University of Canterbury (Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha) (Christchurch)
- Christchurch College of Education (Te Whare Whai Mātauraka Ki Ōtautahi)
- University of Otago (Te Whare Wānanga o Otāgo) (Dunedin)
- University of Otago College of Education (Te Kura Akau Taitoka)
- University of Waikato (Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato) (Hamilton)
- Hamilton Teachers' Training College
- Victoria University of Wellington (Te Herenga Waka) (Wellington)
- Wellington College of Education (Te Whānau o Ako Pai ki te Upoko o te Ika)
Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics
(with principal campus only)
- Crown entity subsidiaries of Te Pūkenga (the New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology) (NZIST)[8]
- Ara Institute of Canterbury Previously CPIT (ICS NZ) (Christchurch)
- Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT) (Taradale) (Te Whare Takiura o Kahungungu)
- Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT) (South Auckland) (Te Whare Takiura o Manukau)
- Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT) (Nelson) (Te Whare Wānanga o Te Tauihu o Te Waka a Māui)
- NorthTec, formerly Northland Polytechnic (Whangarei) (Tai Tokerau Wānanga)
- Otago Polytechnic (Dunedin) (Te Kura Matatini ki Otago)
- The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand (Lower Hutt) (Kuratini Tuwhera)
- Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) (Invercargill) (Te Whare Wānanga o Murihiku)
- Tai Poutini Polytechnic (Greymouth)
- Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology (Rotorua, Tauranga)
- Unitec Institute of Technology (Auckland) (Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka)
- UCOL (Universal College of Learning) (Palmerston North) (Te Pae Mātauranga ki te Ao)
- Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec) (Hamilton)
- Wellington Institute of Technology (WelTec) (Lower Hutt) (Te Whare Wānanga o te Awakairangi)
- Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki (New Plymouth) (Te Kura Matatini o Taranaki)
- Whitireia Community Polytechnic (WCP) (Porirua) (Te Kura Matatini o Whitireia)
(with principal campus only)
The following wānanga are those who have been granted Crown entity status; there are many that have not.
- Te Wānanga o Aotearoa (TWOA) (Te Awamutu)
- Te Wānanga o Raukawa (TWOR) (Ōtaki)
- Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi (Whakatāne)
Independent statutory entities
- Te Aka Whai Ora (Māori Health Authority)
- Te Mātāwai
Public Finance Act Schedule 4 Organisations
- Agricultural and Marketing Research and Development Trust
- Asia New Zealand Foundation
- Fish and Game Councils
- Auckland and Waikato
- Central South Island
- Eastern
- Hawke's Bay
- Nelson Marlborough
- North Canterbury
- Northland
- Otago
- Southland
- Taranaki
- Wellington
- West Coast
- Leadership Development Centre Trust
- Māori Trustee
- National Pacific Radio Trust
- New Zealand Fast Forward Limited
- New Zealand Fish and Game Council
- New Zealand Game Bird Habitat Trust Board
- New Zealand Government Property Corporation
- New Zealand Lottery Grants Board
- Ngāi Tahu Ancillary Claims Trust
- Pacific Co-operation Foundation
- Pacific Island Business Development Trust
- Research and Education Advanced Network New Zealand Limited
- Reserve Boards (24)
- Road Safety Trust
- Sentencing Council
State-owned enterprises
The state enterprises are listed in Schedule 1 of the State-owned Enterprises Act.[9]
- Airways Corporation of New Zealand Limited
- Animal Control Products Limited
- AsureQuality Limited (Kaitiaki Kai)
- Electricity Corporation of New Zealand Limited
- KiwiRail Holdings Limited
- Kordia (formerly BCL)
- Landcorp Farming Limited
- Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited (Te Ratonga Tirorangi)
- New Zealand Post Limited
- New Zealand Railways Corporation
- Quotable Value Ltd (QV)
- Transpower New Zealand Limited
Local government
Local government in New Zealand consists of city councils, district councils and regional councils. These are all also known as "local authorities". City councils and district councils are collectively known as territorial authorities.[10] Local authorities may set up various council-controlled organisations for specific purposes.
Regional councils
City and district councils
Historic organisations
- New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation
- New Zealand Forest Service
- HortResearch and Crop and Food were merged in 2008 to form Plant & Food Research
- Department of Island Territories
- Department of Labour
- Department of Lands and Survey
- Land Transport New Zealand (merged into the NZ Transport Agency) (Ikiiki Whenua Aotearoa)
- Department of Industries and Commerce
- Marine Department
- Mines Department
- Transfund New Zealand (Arataki Aotearoa) (merged into Land Transport New Zealand)
- Traffic Safety Service (absorbed into New Zealand Police)
- New Zealand Post Office (corporatised in 1987 as New Zealand Post, PostBank and Telecom)
- State Hydro Department, became New Zealand Electricity Department, then NZE, then ECNZ
- New Zealand Railways Department (corporatised in 1981 as a state-owned enterprise, the New Zealand Railways Corporation, including the infrastructure, which is now trading as KiwiRail)
- Ministry of Research, Science and Technology (MoRST) (Te Manatū Pūtaiao)
- Ministry of Works (formerly the Department of Public Works)
- Department of Social Welfare (restructured in 1999)
- Income Support Service became Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ) (Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora)
- Children, Young Persons and their Families Agency became Child Youth and Family Service (Te Tari Awhina i te Tamaiti, te Rangatahi, tae atu ki te Whānau)
- the remainder of core services became part of the Ministry of Social Policy.
- New Zealand Wildlife Service (a division of Internal Affairs)
- Solid Energy New Zealand Limited (Went into administration and assets sold in 2015)[11]
- Terralink NZ Limited
- Learning Media Limited (Te Pou Taki Kōrero)
- IRL (Industrial Research Limited) Web page (Te Taihu Pūtaiao) (Now part of Callaghan Innovation)
- Institute For Social Research and Development Limited (Wellington). Disestablished in 1995 after failing to achieve financial viability.
See also
- Centre for Strategic Studies New Zealand
- New Zealand Cabinet (Te Rūnanga o te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa)
- Institute of Public Administration New Zealand
- State Services Commission Archived 14 October 2008 at the Wayback Machine
- Office of the Clerk of the House of representatives Act 1988 (Retrieved 25 January 2015)
- the Parliamentary Service Act 2000 (Retrieved 25 January 2015)
- State Services Commission Archived 22 May 2010 at the Wayback Machine
- "NHRP – Natural Hazards Research Platform". Retrieved 10 March 2015.
NHRP – Natural Hazards Research Platform [:] A multi-party research platform funded by MBIE dedicated to increasing New Zealand's resilience to Natural Hazards via high quality collaborative research.
- "History of the Ministry for Ethnic Communities" (PDF). Ministry for Ethnic Communities. Retrieved 1 July 2021.
- "Parliamentary Service". New Zealand Parliament. Retrieved 7 August 2019.
- "New Zealand's central government organisations". Public Service Commission. 8 August 2022. Archived from the original on 9 August 2022. Retrieved 11 August 2022.
- "Schedule 1 – State enterprises". State-Owned Enterprises Act 1986. Parliamentary Counsel Office.
- "Local Government Sector". Local Government New Zealand. Archived from the original on 24 October 2009.
- "Solid Energy announces voluntary administration ahead of sale". Stuff.
External links
- Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission list of organisations of the State sector
- State-Owned Enterprises Act 1986 at the site (as consolidated and amended)
- Bilingual titles of public and private sector organisations at the Māori Language Commission Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori site