Unified list of Indigenous minority peoples of the North, Siberia, and the Far East of Russia
The indigenous minority peoples of the North, Siberia, and the Far East of Russia (Russian: коренные малочисленные народы Севера, Сибири и Дальнего Востока, romanized: korennye malochislennye narody Severa, Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka) is a Russian census classification of local indigenous peoples, assigned to groups with fewer than 50,000 members, living in the Russian Far North, Siberia or Russian Far East.[1] They are frequently referred as indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North or indigenous peoples of the North.
Today, 40 indigenous peoples are officially recognised by Russia as indigenous small-numbered peoples and are listed in the Unified Register of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples (Единый перечень коренных, малочисленных народов Российской Федерации). This register includes 46 Indigenous peoples. Six of these peoples do not live in either the Extreme North or territories equated to it, so that the total number of recognised Indigenous peoples of the North is 40.[2] The Komi-Izhemtsy or Izvatas, a subgroup of the Komi peoples, are seeking recognition from the Russian government as a distinct Indigenous people of the North.
The Far North is the part of Russia which lies mainly beyond the Arctic Circle. However, this is the smaller part of the total territories inhabited by Indigenous peoples. These territories extend southward as far as to Vladivostok. Approximately 261,763 people are altogether part of this classification.
List of indigenous peoples of the North
The Unified Register lists the following peoples:
See also
- Demographics of Siberia
- Indigenous peoples of Siberia
- List of minor indigenous peoples of Russia
- Ainu in Russia
- Archived 2012-09-12 at archive.today (in Russian)
- Official is attached to: Decree of the Russian Government Nr 255 "On the Unified Register of Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples of the Russian Federation", 24 March 2000 (Постановление Правительства РФ от 24 марта 2000 г. N 255 "О Едином перечне коренных малочисленных народов Российской Федерации (in Russian)) http://base.garant.ru/181870.htm