Papyrus 26

Papyrus 26 (in the Gregory-Aland numbering), designated by 𝔓26, is an early copy of the New Testament in Greek. It is a papyrus manuscript of the Epistle to the Romans, it contains only Romans 1:1-16. The manuscript paleographically has been assigned to the late 6th or early 7th century.

Papyrus 𝔓26
New Testament manuscript
NameP. Oxy. 1354
TextRomans 1 †
Dateca. 600
Now atSouthern Methodist University
CiteB. P. Grenfell & A. S. Hunt, Oxyrynchus Papyri XI, (London 1915), pp. 6-9
TypeAlexandrian text-type

The Greek text of this codex is a representative of the Alexandrian text-type. Aland placed it in Category I.[1]

It is currently housed at the Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.[1][2]


See also


  1. Aland, Kurt; Aland, Barbara (1995). The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism. Erroll F. Rhodes (trans.). Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. p. 97. ISBN 978-0-8028-4098-1.
  2. "Liste Handschriften". Münster: Institute for New Testament Textual Research. Retrieved 23 August 2011.

Further reading

  • B. P. Grenfell & A. S. Hunt, Oxyrynchus Papyri XI, (London 1915), pp. 6–9.
Grenfell and Hunt
Bernard Grenfell Arthur Hunt
Bernard Grenfell
Arthur Hunt
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