
In Greek mythology, Phorbas (/ˈfɔːrbəs/; Ancient Greek: Φόρβας Phórbās, gen. Φόρβαντος Phórbantos means 'giving pasture'), or Phorbaceus /fɔːrˈbˌʃ(j)s/, may refer to:

  • Phorbas, son of Lapithes and Orsinome, and a brother of Periphas.[1]
  • Phorbas, son of Triopas and Hiscilla, daughter of Myrmidon.[2]
  • Phorbas, king of Argos, father of a different Triopas who succeeded him as king. Triopas was the brother of Arestor[3]
  • Phorbas, a shepherd of King Laius, who found the infant Oedipus on the hillside and ensured his survival to fulfill his destiny.[4] A number of sculptures, ranging from the 14th to the 19th century, memorialize Phorbas' rescue of Oedipus. He might be the same as Phorbas, attendant of Antigone.[5]
  • Phorbas, listed as a king or archon of Athens[6]
  • Phorbas of Lesbos, father of Diomede[7][8]
  • Phorbas of Troy, who was favored and made rich by Hermes. He had a son Ilioneus, who was killed by Peneleos.[9][10]
  • Phorbas, son of Metion of Syene, who fought on Phineus' side against Perseus[11]
  • Phorbas of Acarnania, son of Poseidon, who went to Eleusis together with Eumolpus to fight against Erechtheus, and was killed by the opponent[12][13][14][15]
  • Phorbas, one of the twelve younger Panes[16]
  • Phorbas, son of Helios and father of Ambracia (eponym of the city of Ambracia). Ambracia could also have been daughter of Augeas, granddaughter of Phorbas of Thessaly.[17]
  • Phorbas, who is called father of Tiresias by the Cretans[18]
  • Phorbas, charioteer of Theseus[19]
  • Phorbas, father of Dexithea who, according to one version, was the mother of Romulus and Remus by Aeneas[20]
The child Œdipus brought back to life by the shepherd Phorbas, who took him off the tree. Sculpture by Charles Dupaty.

See also

  • Phorbus (mythology)


  1. Apollodorus, 2.5.5
  2. Diodorus Siculus, 5.58.5
  3. "Arestor", Wikipedia, 2022-12-27, retrieved 2023-05-07
  4. Seneca the Younger, Oedipus 840 ff.
  5. Statius, Thebaid 7.253
  6. Pausanias, 6.19.13
  7. Homer, Iliad 9.665
  8. Dictys Cretensis, 2.16
  9. Homer, Iliad 14.489 ff.
  10. Virgil, Aeneid 5.842
  11. Ovid, Metamorphoses 5.74
  12. Suda, s.v. Phorbanteion
  13. Eustathius on Homer, p. 1156
  14. Scholia on Homer, Iliad 18.483 ff.
  15. Scholia on Euripides, Phoenician Women 854
  16. Nonnus, 14.94 ff.
  17. Stephanus of Byzantium, s.v. Ambrakia, Dexamenai
  18. Ptolemy Hephaestion, New History 1
  19. Hesychius of Alexandria, s.v. Phorbas
  20. Plutarch, Romulus 2.2


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