Prometheus Award

The Prometheus Award is an award for libertarian science fiction given annually by the Libertarian Futurist Society. American author and activist L. Neil Smith established the Best Novel category for the award in 1979, but it was not awarded regularly until the newly founded Libertarian Futurist Society revived it in 1982. The Society created a Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (for classic works of libertarian and anti-authoritarian science fiction and fantasy, not necessarily novels) in 1983, and also presents occasional one-off Special Awards.

Prometheus Award
Awarded forThe best science fiction or fantasy fiction promoting individual freedom and human rights, or critiquing tyranny, slavery war and other abuses of government power.
CountryUnited States
Presented byLibertarian Futurist Society
First awarded1979
Currently held byDave Freer (Cloud Castles)

While the Best Novel category is limited to novels published in English for the first time during the previous calendar year, Hall of Fame nominees — which must have been published at least 20 years ago — may be in any narrative or dramatic form, including novels, novellas, stories, films, television series or episodes, plays, musicals, graphic novels, song lyrics, or verse.

The Best Novel winner receives a plaque with a one-ounce gold coin, and the Hall of Fame winner a plaque with a smaller gold coin.

Prometheus Blog Appreciation Series

Since 2019, LFS members have launched an Appreciation series of review-essays honoring all past winners and making clear why each work of fiction fits the distinctive focus of the award – something that was viewed as not necessarily obvious to sf/fantasy fans unfamiliar with the broad scope of libertarian thinking and analysis, which often overlaps with classical liberalism, its philosophical cousin.

Each Appreciation review-essay is published on the Prometheus Blog at and then linked next to each winning title on the past-winners list posted on the LFS website’s Prometheus Awards page.

Multiple recipients

Some authors have won the award for best novel more than once:



Five authors have won the Prometheus Hall of Fame award more than once:


Books published in a given year are eligible (although books from the last few months of the previous year are also eligible if it is felt that they have been overlooked).

  1. All members may nominate novels for the award.
  2. Members of the Best Novel Committee read all of the nominated novels (typically between 12 and 16) and vote for a slate of typically 5 finalists.
  3. Full members, Sponsors and Benefactors (higher membership levels) then vote on the finalists.

Step 2 happens in the first few months of the following year.

Step 3 happens in early summer of the following year.

The awards are given at the Annual Worldcon or NASFIC or, during and since the pandemic, presented live via Zoom and then posted on YouTube and the Videos page of the LFS website (

Prometheus Award winners and finalists

  *   Winners   +   No winner selected

List of winners and finalists for the Prometheus Award
Year Author Novel Publisher Ref.
1979 F. Paul Wilson*Wheels Within WheelsDoubleday [1]
1979 Poul AndersonThe AvatarBerkley Books [1]
1979 James P. HoganThe Genesis MachineDel Rey Books [1]
1982 L. Neil Smith*The Probability BroachDel Rey Books [2]
1982 J. Neil SchulmanAlongside NightCrown Publishers [2]
1982 F. Paul WilsonAn Enemy of the StateDoubleday [2]
1982 Norman SpinradSongs from the StarsSimon & Schuster [2]
1982 Samuel R. DelanyTales of NevèrÿonBantam Books [2]
1982 Kay Nolte SmithThe WatcherAce Books [2]
1983 James P. Hogan*Voyage from YesteryearDel Rey Books [3]
1983 Ann MaxwellFire DancerNew American Library [3]
1983 Robert A. HeinleinFridayHolt, Rinehart and Winston [3]
1983 Julian MayThe Many-Colored LandHoughton Mifflin [3]
1983 Larry Niven and Jerry PournelleOath of FealtyPhantasia Press [3]
1984 J. Neil Schulman*The Rainbow CadenzaSimon & Schuster [4]
1984 Erika HolzerDouble CrossingPutnam [4]
1984 L. Neil SmithThe Nagasaki VectorDel Rey Books [4]
1984 Poul AndersonOrion Shall RisePhantasia Press [4]
1984 Marion Zimmer Bradley and Jacqueline LichtenbergThendara HouseDAW Books [4]
1985 (no award)+ [5]
1985 Gordon R. DicksonThe Final EncyclopediaTor Books [5]
1985 G. Harry StineMannaAnalog Science Fiction and Fact [5]
1985 Vernor VingeThe Peace WarAnalog Science Fiction and Fact [5]
1985 L. Neil SmithTom Paine MaruDel Rey Books [5]
1985 F. Paul WilsonThe TombBerkley Books [5]
1986 Victor Milán*The Cybernetic SamuraiArbor House [6]
1986 Kay Nolte SmithElegy for a SopranoSevern House [6]
1986 L. Neil SmithThe Gallatin DivergenceDel Rey Books [6]
1986 Glen CookA Matter of TimeAce Books [6]
1986 Philip K. DickRadio Free AlbemuthArbor House [6]
1987 Vernor Vinge*Marooned in RealtimeAnalog Science Fiction and Fact [7]
1987 Melinda M. SnodgrassCircuitBerkley Books [7]
1987 L. Neil SmithThe Crystal EmpireTor Books [7]
1987 Joan SlonczewskiA Door into OceanArbor House [7]
1987 Margaret AtwoodThe Handmaid's TaleMcClelland & Stewart [7]
1988 Victor Koman*The Jehovah ContractFranklin Watts [8]
1988 Melinda M. SnodgrassCircuit BreakerBerkley Books [8]
1988 Thomas T. ThomasFirst CitizenBaen Books [8]
1988 David BrinThe Uplift WarPhantasia Press [8]
1988 Gordon R. DicksonWay of the PilgrimAce Books [8]
1989 Brad Linaweaver*Moon of IceArbor House [9]
1989 Marc StieglerDavid's SlingBaen Books [9]
1989 Lois McMaster BujoldFalling FreeAnalog Science Fiction and Fact [9]
1989 Melinda M. SnodgrassFinal CircuitAce Books [9]
1989 Robert A. HeinleinTo Sail Beyond the SunsetAce Books [9]
1990 Victor Koman*Solomon's KnifeFranklin Watts [10]
1990 Poul AndersonThe Boat of a Million YearsTor Books [10]
1990 L. Neil SmithHenry MartynTor Books [10]
1990 Barry B. LongyearInfinity HoldQuestar [10]
1990 James P. HoganThe Mirror MazeBantam Spectra [10]
1991 Michael F. Flynn*In the Country of the BlindBaen Books [11]
1991 Victor MilánThe Cybernetic ShogunWilliam Morrow and Company [11]
1991 F. Paul WilsonThe TeryBaen Books [11]
1991 S. M. StirlingUnder the YokeBaen Books [11]
1991 Alan Moore and David LloydV for VendettaWarner Books [11]
1992 Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle and Michael F. Flynn*Fallen AngelsBaen Books [12]
1992 Diane CareyDistant DrumsDomain [12]
1992 Joel RosenbergD'ShaiAce Books [12]
1992 James P. HoganThe Infinity GambitBantam Books [12]
1992 Thomas T. ThomasME: A Novel of Self-DiscoveryBaen Books [12]
1992 Charles PlattThe Silicon ManBantam Spectra [12]
1992 Peter DavidStar Trek#57: The RiftPocket Books [12]
1992 Kay Nolte SmithA Tale of the WindVillard [12]
1993 James P. Hogan*The Multiplex ManBantam Spectra [13]
1993 Orson Scott CardThe Memory of EarthTor Books [13]
1993 Neal StephensonSnow CrashBantam Spectra [13]
1993 John VarleySteel BeachAce Books [13]
1993 Robert L. ForwardTimemasterTor Books [13]
1993 Rex Denver BoroughA Woman's PlaceAmerican West Books [13]
1994 L. Neil Smith*PallasTor Books [14]
1994 Nancy KressBeggars in SpainAvoNova/William Morrow [14]
1994 M. J. EnghRainbow ManTor Books [14]
1994 Charles PlattThe Silicon ManBantam Spectra [14]
1994 Amy ThomsonVirtual GirlAce Books [14]
1995 Poul Anderson*The Stars Are Also FireTor Books [15]
1995 Dean KoontzDark Rivers of the HeartCharnel House [15]
1995 Richard FulmerDeadly Care (novel)Vantage Press [15]
1995 F. Paul WilsonThe SelectHeadline [15]
1995 A. A. AttanasioSolisHodder & Stoughton [15]
1996 Ken MacLeod*The Star FractionLegend Books [16]
1996 Victor MilánCLD: Collective Landing DetachmentAvoNova [16]
1996 Eric Frank Russell and Alan Dean FosterDesign for Great-DayTor Books [16]
1996 Neal StephensonThe Diamond AgeBantam Spectra [16]
1996 Ursula K. Le GuinFour Ways to ForgivenessHarper Prism [16]
1997 Victor Koman*Kings of the High [17]
1997 Michael F. FlynnFirestarTor Books [17]
1997 James P. HoganPaths to OtherwhereBaen Books [17]
1997 Brad LinaweaverSliders: the NovelBoulevard Books [17]
1997 Steven GouldWildsideTor Books [17]
1998 Ken MacLeod*The Stone CanalLegend Books [18]
1998 L. Neil SmithBretta MartynTor Books [18]
1998 C. J. CherryhFinity's EndWarner Books [18]
1998 Poul AndersonThe Fleet of StarsTor Books [18]
1998 Bart KoskoNanotimeAvon Books [18]
1999 John Varley*The Golden GlobeAce Books [19]
1999 F. Paul Wilson and Matthew CostelloMasqueAspect/Warner Books [19]
1999 Ben BovaMoonwarHodder & Stoughton [19]
1999 Michael F. FlynnRogue StarTor Books [19]
1999 Don L. TiggreY2K: The Millennium BugXlibris [19]
2000 Vernor Vinge*A Deepness in the SkyTor Books [20]
2000 Ken MacLeodThe Cassini DivisionOrbit Books [20]
2000 James P. HoganCradle of SaturnBaen Books [20]
2000 Neal StephensonCryptonomiconAvon Books [20]
2000 Gregory BenfordThe Martian RaceAspect/Warner Books [20]
2001 L. Neil Smith*The Forge of the EldersBaen Books [21]
2001 Steve WhiteEagle Against the StarsBaen Books [21]
2001 Michael F. FlynnLodestarTor Books [21]
2001 Ken MacLeodThe Sky RoadOrbit Books [21]
2001 Terry PratchettThe TruthHarperCollins [21]
2002 Donald Kingsbury*Psychohistorical CrisisTor Books [22]
2002 L. Neil SmithThe American ZoneTor Books [22]
2002 Karen MichalsonEnemy GloryTor Books [22]
2002 Michael F. FlynnFalling StarsTor Books [22]
2002 F. Paul WilsonHostsTor Books [22]
2003 Terry Pratchett*Night WatchDoubleday [23]
2003 Ken MacLeodDark LightOrbit Books [23]
2003 J. Neil SchulmanEscape from [23]
2003 F. Paul WilsonThe Haunted AirTor Books [23]
2003 Greg EganSchild's LadderGollancz [23]
2004 F. Paul Wilson*SimsTor Books [24]
2004 J. K. RowlingHarry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixBloomsbury Publishing [24]
2004 Terry GoodkindNaked EmpireTor Books [24]
2004 Paul LevinsonThe Pixel EyeTor Books [24]
2004 Chris MoriartySpin StateBantam Spectra [24]
2005 Neal Stephenson*The System of the WorldWilliam Morrow [25]
2005 Brad Linaweaver and J. Kent HastingsAnarquiaSense of Wonder Press [25]
2005 Elizabeth MoonMarque and ReprisalDel Rey Books [25]
2005 Ken MacLeodNewton's Wake: A Space OperaOrbit Books [25]
2005 Michael CrichtonState of FearHarperCollins [25]
2006 Ken MacLeod*Learning the WorldOrbit Books [26]
2006 Walter Mosley47Little, Brown [26]
2006 Vin SuprynowiczThe Black Arrow: A Tale of the ResistanceMountain Media [26]
2006 Terry GoodkindChainfireTor Books [26]
2006 Charles StrossThe Hidden FamilyTor Books [26]
2006 Claire Wolfe and Aaron S. ZelmanRebelFire: Out of the Gray ZoneRebelfire Press [26]
2007 Charles Stross*GlasshouseAce Books [27]
2007 Orson Scott CardEmpireTor Books [27]
2007 John ScalziThe Ghost BrigadesTor Books [27]
2007 F. Paul WilsonHarbingersTor Books [27]
2007 Vernor VingeRainbows EndTor Books [27]
2008 Harry Turtledove*The GladiatorTor Books [28]
2008 Jo Walton*Ha'pennyTor Books [28]
2008 Ken MacLeodThe Execution ChannelOrbit Books [28]
2008 Larry Niven and Edward M. LernerFleet of WorldsTor Books [28]
2008 Tobias S. BuckellRagamuffinTor Books [28]
2009 Cory Doctorow*Little BrotherTor Books [29]
2009 Jo WaltonHalf a CrownTor Books [29]
2009 Michael F. FlynnThe January DancerTor Books [29]
2009 Iain M. BanksMatterOrbit Books [29]
2009 Harry TurtledoveOpening AtlantisRoc Books [29]
2009 Charles StrossSaturn's ChildrenAce Books [29]
2010 Dani and Eytan Kollin*The Unincorporated ManTor Books [30]
2010 Orson Scott CardHidden EmpireTor Books [30]
2010 Harry TurtledoveLiberating AtlantisRoc Books [30]
2010 Cory DoctorowMakersTor Books [30]
2010 Harry TurtledoveThe United States of AtlantisRoc Books [30]
2011 Sarah A. Hoyt*Darkship ThievesBaen Books [31]
2011 L. Neil SmithCeresPhoenix Pick [31]
2011 Cory DoctorowFor the WinTor Books [31]
2011 Kevin MacArdryThe Last Trumpet ProjectLulu [31]
2011 John RingoLive Free or DieBaen Books [31]
2012 Ernest Cline*Ready Player OneRandom House [32]
2012 Delia Sherman*The Freedom MazeBig Mouth House [32]
2012 Vernor VingeThe Children of the SkyTor Books [32]
2012 Thomas L. James and Carl C. CarlssonIn the Shadow of AresAmazon Kindle [32]
2012 Ken MacLeodThe Restoration GameOrbit Books [32]
2012 Terry PratchettSnuffDoubleday [32]
2013 Cory Doctorow*Pirate CinemaTor Books [33]
2013 Tobias S. BuckellArctic RisingTor Books [33]
2013 Dani and Eytan KollinThe Unincorporated FutureTor Books [33]
2013 Sarah A. HoytDarkship RenegadesBaen Books [33]
2013 Daniel SuarezKill DecisionDutton [33]
2014 Cory Doctorow*HomelandTor Books [34]
2014 Ramez Naam*NexusAngry Robot [34]
2014 Sarah A. HoytA Few Good MenBaen Books [34]
2014 Ramez NaamCruxAngry Robot [34]
2014 Marcus SakeyBrillianceThomas & Mercer [34]
2015 Daniel Suarez*InfluxDutton [35]
2015 Cixin LiuThe Three-Body ProblemTor Books [35]
2015 Terry PratchettRaising SteamDoubleday [35]
2015 Marcus SakeyA Better WorldThomas & Mercer [35]
2016 Neal Stephenson*SevenevesWilliam Morrow and Company [36]
2016 Pierce BrownGolden SonDel Rey Books [36]
2016 Ramez NaamApexAngry Robot [36]
2016 Jo WaltonThe Just CityTor Books [36]
2016 Gene WolfeA Borrowed ManTor Books [36]
2017 Johanna Sinisalo*The Core of the SunGrove Press [37]
2017 Ken MacLeodThe Corporation Wars: DissidenceOrbit Books [37]
2017 Ken MacLeodThe Corporation Wars: InsurgenceOrbit Books [37]
2017 Lionel ShriverThe Mandibles: A Family, 2029–2047HarperCollins [37]
2017 L. Neil SmithBlade of p’NaPhoenix Pick [37]
2018 Travis J I Corcoran*The Powers of the EarthMorlock Publishing [38]
2018 Doug Casey and John HuntDrug Lord: High GroundHigh Ground Books [38]
2018 Karl K. GallagherTorchship, Torchship Pilot and Torchship CaptainKelt Haven Press [38]
2018 Sarah A. HoytDarkship RevengeBaen Books [38]
2018 Ken MacLeodThe Corporation Wars: EmergenceOrbit Books [38]
2018 Andy WeirArtemisCrown Books [38]
2019 Travis J I CorcoranCauses of SeparationMorlock Publishing [39]
2019 Helen DaleKingdom of the WickedLigature Pty Limited [39]
2019 Malka OlderState TectonicsTor Books [39]
2019 J. Neil SchulmanThe Fractal ManSteve Heller Publishing [39]
2019 Martha WellsThe Murderbot DiariesTor Books [39]
2020 C. J. Cherryh and Jane S. FancherAlliance RisingDAW [40]
2020 Margaret AtwoodThe TestamentsRandom House: Nan A. Talese [40]
2020 Patrick EdwardsRuin's WakeTitan Books [40]
2020 Ian McDonaldLuna: Moon RisingTor Books [40]
2020 Marc StieglerOde to DefianceLMBPN Publishing [40]
2021 Barry B. LongyearThe HookEnchanteds [41]
2021 Mackey ChandlerWho Can Own the Stars?Amazon Kindle [41]
2021 Karl K. GallagherStorm between the StarsKelt Haven Press [41]
2021 Marc StieglerBraintrust: RequiemLMBPN Publishing [41]
2021 Dennis E. TaylorHeaven’s RiverAmazon [41]
2022 Wil McCarthyRich Man's SkyBaen Books [42]
2022 Karl K. GallagherBetween Home and RuinKelt Haven Press [42]
2022 Karl K. GallagherSeize What's Held DearKelt Haven Press [42]
2022 Kazuo IshiguroKlara and the SunFaber and Faber [42]
2022 Lionel ShriverShould We Stay or Should We GoHarperCollins [42]
2023 Dave FreerCloud CastlesMagic Isle Press [43]
2023 C.J. CareyWidowlandQuercus [43]
2023 Karl K. GallagherCaptain Trader Helmsman SpyKelt Haven Press [43]
2023 "Dr. Insensitive Jerk" Gordon HankaA Beast Cannot FeignAmazon [43]
2023 John Van StrySummer’s EndBaen Books [43]
2024 Daniel SuarezCritical MassDutton [44]
2024 Howard Andrew JonesLord of a Shattered LandBaen Books [44]
2024 Karl K. GallagherSwim Among the PeopleKelt Haven Press [44]
2024 "Dr. Insensitive Jerk" Gordon HankaGod's GirlfriendAmazon [44]
2024 Devon EriksenSummer’s EndDevon Eriksen LLC [44]

Hall of Fame Award inductees

Special Award recipients

See also


  1. "The Locus Index to SF Awards: 1979 Prometheus Awards". Locus. Archived from the original on 2012-10-16. Retrieved 2014-01-09.
  2. "The Locus Index to SF Awards: 1982 Prometheus Awards". Locus. Archived from the original on 2012-10-16. Retrieved 2014-01-09.
  3. "The Locus Index to SF Awards: 1983 Prometheus Awards". Locus. Retrieved 2014-01-09.
  4. "The Locus Index to SF Awards: 1984 Prometheus Awards". Locus. Archived from the original on 2012-10-16. Retrieved 2014-01-09.
  5. "The Locus Index to SF Awards: 1985 Prometheus Awards". Locus. Archived from the original on 2012-10-16. Retrieved 2014-01-09.
  6. "The Locus Index to SF Awards: 1986 Prometheus Awards". Locus. Archived from the original on 2014-10-13. Retrieved 2014-01-09.
  7. "The Locus Index to SF Awards: 1987 Prometheus Awards". Locus. Archived from the original on 2012-10-16. Retrieved 2014-01-09.
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  10. "The Locus Index to SF Awards: 1990 Prometheus Awards". Locus. Archived from the original on 2012-10-16. Retrieved 2014-01-09.
  11. "The Locus Index to SF Awards: 1991 Prometheus Awards". Locus. Archived from the original on 2012-10-16. Retrieved 2014-01-09.
  12. "The Locus Index to SF Awards: 1992 Prometheus Awards". Locus. Archived from the original on 2012-07-17. Retrieved 2014-01-09.
  13. "The Locus Index to SF Awards: 1993 Prometheus Awards". Locus. Archived from the original on 2012-10-16. Retrieved 2014-01-09.
  14. "The Locus Index to SF Awards: 1994 Prometheus Awards". Locus. Archived from the original on 2012-10-16. Retrieved 2014-01-09.
  15. "The Locus Index to SF Awards: 1995 Prometheus Awards". Locus. Archived from the original on 2012-10-16. Retrieved 2014-01-09.
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  17. "The Locus Index to SF Awards: 1997 Prometheus Awards". Locus. Archived from the original on 2012-10-16. Retrieved 2014-02-06.
  18. "The Locus Index to SF Awards: 1998 Prometheus Awards". Locus. Archived from the original on 2012-10-16. Retrieved 2014-02-06.
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  22. "The Locus Index to SF Awards: 2002 Prometheus Awards". Locus. Archived from the original on 2012-10-16. Retrieved 2014-02-06.
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  45. "Locus Online News » Special Prometheus Award for Freefall". Locus. 30 May 2017. Retrieved 2017-05-31.
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