Regions of Tajikistan

Administratively, Tajikistan is divided into:

A clickable map of Tajikistan exhibiting its four provinces.
A clickable map of Tajikistan exhibiting its four provinces.

List of regions

No.NameRussianTajikISOCapitalArea (km2)Pop. (2000)Pop. (2010)[1]Pop. (2019)[2]
1Sughd RegionСогдийская область
Sogdijskaya oblast
Вилояти Суғд
Viloyati Sughd
TJ-SUKhujand 25,4001,871,9792,233,5502,658,400
2Districts under Republic SubordinationРайоны республиканского подчинения
Rajoni respublikanskovo podchineniya
Ноҳияҳои тобеи ҷумҳурӣ
Nohiyahoi tobei jumhurī
TJ-RADushanbe 28,6001,337,4791,722,9082,120,000
3Khatlon RegionХатлонская область
Khatlonskaya oblast'
Вилояти Хатлон
Viloyati Khatlon
TJ-KTBokhtar 24,8002,150,1362,677,2513,274,900
4Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region[lower-alpha 1]Горно-Бадахшанская автономная область
Gorno-Badakhshanskaya avtonomnaya oblast'
Вилояти Мухтори Кӯҳистони Бадахшон
Viloyati Mukhtori Kūhistoni Badakhshon
TJ-GBKhorugh 64,200206,004205,949226,900
TJ-DUDushanbe 124.6561,895724,844846,400
  1. The direct translation from Tajik is Kuhistoni Badakhshon Autonoumous Region, but the name translated from Russian is more commonly used in English.

Administrative divisions

Each region is divided into districts (Tajik: ноҳия, nohiya or Russian: район, rayon), which are further subdivided into municipal units: either as urban municipalities called either as cities (Tajik: шаҳр, romanized: şahr, "cities") or towns (Tajik: шаҳрак, romanized: şahrak, "towns"), or as rural municipalities called jamoats (Tajik: ҷамоати деҳот, romanized: jamoati dehot, "village communes"), which in turn are further subdivided into villages/settlements (Tajik: деҳа or қишлоқ, romanized: deha or qyshloq, "villages/hamlets").

As of 2020, Tajikistan has a total of 47 (not including 4 districts of the capital city Dushanbe) districts; prior to 2017 it had about 58.

TypeNative nameLevelNumber[3]
Jamoats 3368

See also


  1. "Changes in the number and distribution of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan between the censuses of 2000 and 2010" (PDF) (in Russian). Tajstat. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-01-04. Retrieved 12 September 2014.
  2. "Tajikistan: Provinces and Major Cities". City Population. Retrieved 1 February 2020.
  3. "Population of the Republic of Tajikistan as of 1 January 2020" (PDF) (in Russian). Statistics office of Tajikistan. p. 13. Retrieved 2 October 2020.
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