Red beret

The red beret is a military beret worn by many military police, paramilitary, commando, and police forces and should not be confused with the maroon beret worn by airborne troops all around the world.

Military police

A member of the British Royal Military Police wearing a red beret near the Berlin Wall in 1984.

Red berets are worn by the military police of many NATO and Commonwealth of Nations militaries.

Commando forces

Malaysian Maritime STAR commandos with scarlet red coloured beret.
  • Special Forces Command (Cambodia) – The Royal Cambodian Special Commando Force
  • Angolan Armed Forces Commandos – guerrilla and counter-guerrilla special operations force
  • Kopassus – Indonesian Army Special Forces Commandos
  • KOPASKA – Indonesian Special Naval Frogmen Command
  • SPETSNAZ - Russian Special Frogmen, Mechanized, and Stormtrooper Infantry
  • Mozambique Special Forces (Commandos) – guerrilla and counter-guerrilla special operations force
  • Portuguese Army Commandos – guerrilla and counter-guerrilla special operations force
  • Special Brigade – Serbian Special Forces
  • Lebanese Commando Regiment – Lebanese special forces regiment tasked with multiple roles
  • Special Task and Rescue – Malaysian coast guard counter-terrorist special operations force
  • Commando Parachute Group – French Commando Parachute Regiment
  • Sri Lanka Army Commando Regiment – One of two Special Operations Forces of the Sri Lanka Army.
  • 43rd Airborne Regiment – Airborne infantry regiment of the commando type of the Army of the Czech Republic
  • 601st Special Forces Group – The most elite unit of the Czech army
  • Commandos - Commando unit of the Singapore Army

Paramilitary forces

Other military units

U.S. Air Force Combat Controller red beret
A U.S. Air Force Special Tactics Officer participating in a unit ceremony wearing his red beret

The following military units wear red berets:

The following military units formerly wore red berets:

  • The 1st and 2nd Canadian Infantry Battalions of the 27th Canadian Infantry Brigade in West Germany
  • The Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment of Canada,
  • The Vietnamese Airborne Division (Mũ Đỏ Nhảy Dù) of the Republic of Vietnam
  • 40. Fallschirmjägerbataillon Willi Sänger of the former German Democratic Republic's Nationale Volksarmee.
  • The 4th Guards Brigade (Croatia) (called "The Spiders", 'Pauci')

Police forces


The red beret was worn as a distinguishing device by Carlist Guías de Navarra (Navarre Guides) soldiers in the First Carlist War, encouraged by their commander Tomás de Zumalacárregui. Regular Carlists wore a black beret. The red beret became widespread amongst the Carlists in the Second Carlist War, it later became an emblem of Carlists in general, often with a yellow pom pom or tassel.[3] See also the Requetés, (Spanish:Hunting callers) a type of volunteer unit during the Spanish Civil War.

The red beret was also worn by the Chapelgorris (Spanish:Red caps) who fought against the Carlists in the First Carlist War.


  • Guardian Angels, international volunteer organization
  • Cadets in the California Cadet Corps who have completed survival training are authorized to wear a red beret with a flash representing their brigade.
  • Boy Scouts of America
  • Cadets in the Young Army Cadets National Movement Russia
  • ORB, a group within Doctor Steel's Army of Toy Soldiers fan club
  • Soldier of Fortune magazine uses a red beret as their logo.
  • The Economic Freedom Fighters, a South African political party, have adopted the red beret as one of their symbols.
  • People Power, Our Power Political Pressure Group in Uganda led by Bobi Wine

Native American Veteran Organizations

  • The American Indian Movement, Native American Indians whom were former U.S. military veterans, have adopted the use of the red beret as one of their Native warrior society symbols back in 1970. The Red Beret is also in use by Native American warrior societies and tribal government police, Law Enforcement and by members and veterans of Native American organizations such as the TIMB Taino Indian Movement of Boriken (Puerto Rico).


  • The Red Beret (1953)
  • The Devil's Brigade (1968)
  • The Red Berets (1968)
  • The Wild Geese (1978)
  • Taps (film) (1981) – worn by B Company, Valley Forge Military Academy and College treated as B Company of Bunker Hill Military Academy, led by Tom Cruise as Cadet Captain David Shawn in the film.

Comic books


See also


  1. Military Police requests rights to process traffic violators (in Estonian)
  2. Time (magazine)
  3. p.32 MacClancy, Jeremy The Decline of Carlism University of Nevada Press, 2000
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