Sailing at the Summer Olympics

Sailing (also known as yachting until 2000) has been one of the Olympic sports since the Games of the I Olympiad, held in Athens, Greece, in 1896. Despite being scheduled in the first Olympic program, the races were canceled due to severe weather conditions. Apart from the 1904 Summer Olympics, sailing has been present in every edition of the Olympic Games.

  • For the scoring system used for sailing events during the Olympics look at: Scoring systems for Sailing at the Summer Olympics
  • A directory page to all Olympic sailors is given at: List of sailors at the Summer Olympics
  • Information about the Sailing at specific Summer Olympics or the used equipment can be found using the table below:
  • Gender – Until 1988, sailing was a gender neutral 'open' sport where male and female sailors competed together. Even in 1900, several women participated at the Olympic sailing regattas. The exception to this is the post-World War II 1948 Olympics where the IOC decided the events should only be open to male sailors.[1] In 1988, the first exclusive women's sailing event was introduced.[2] Sailing was also one of the first sports to introduce a compulsory mixed gender events in 2016 the Mixed Multihull was introduced.
  • Discipline – Most of the Olympic sailing competitions were done in what is called a fleet race format. At some Olympics, however, was also the match race format, or a mixed fleet/match race format.
  • Classes – Over time, different classes of boat featured at the Olympics. Initially, the classes were specified in tons, then later in meters, feet or generic names. For the discontinued classes, the Vintage Yachting Games were introduced in 2008.
  • Medal Tables – Great Britain leads the Olympic sailing medal ranking table.

Sailing at the Summer Olympics
IOC Discipline CodeSAL
Governing bodyWS
Events10 (men: 4; women: 4; mixed: 2)

  • Medalists


Games Year Events Best Nation
2190013 France
419084 Great Britain
519124 Norway
7192014 Norway
819243 Norway
919283 Norway
1019324 United States
1119364 Germany
1419485 United States
1519525 United States
1619565 Sweden
Games Year Events Best Nation
1719605 Denmark
1819645 United Team of Germany
1919685 United States
2019726 Australia
2119766 West Germany
2219806 Brazil
2319847 United States
2419888 France
25199210 Spain
26199610 Brazil
27200011 Great Britain
28200411 Great Britain
29200811 Great Britain
30201210 Australia
31201610 Great Britain
32202010 Great Britain

Note: Competitions were cancelled at the 1896 Olympics.


1964 Summer Olympic Games competitor medal awarded to Irish yachtsman Eddie Kelliher
  • 1896: A regatta of sailing boats was on the program for 31 March 1896 (1896-03-31) in Athens. However this event had to be given up since there were no boats available from Greece and no foreign entries.
  • 1900: Two venues were used to host the 1900 Sailing events. One in Meulan 20 May 1900 (1900-05-20) till 27 May 1900 (1900-05-27) for the inshore races on the river Seine. And one in Le Havre 1 August 1900 (1900-08-01) till 5 August 1900 (1900-08-05) for the Offshore races on the English Channel. In Meulan six classes were used over several days. About 55 boats and a little less than 150 sailors are documented, included the first female gold medalist Hélène de Pourtalès. In Le Havre two classes were used for the offshore event. About 10 boats made the competition. Crewmembers were not documented, just the owners and/or helmsmen.
  • 1904: Sailing was not a part of the Olympic program.
  • 1908: At the 1907 The Hague Conference of the IOC Ryde at the Isle of Wight was appointed to host the sailing regattas, for all classes, of the games of the IVth Olympiad. However, when there were only two British entries for the 12 Metre matches, and both yachts were located at the Firth of Clyde, the decision was made to use Hunters Quay as a second venue. In 1906 international meetings were organized to solve the problem of the differences in the performance of the different yachts. Finally in Paris, October 1907 the first International Rule was ratified. During the meeting in 1907 the IOC made the decision to use the International Rule classes for the Olympic regattas (6, 7, 8 and 12 Metre).
  • 1912: When Sweden was assigned to host the 1912 Olympic Games two cities wanted to be the venue for the sailing program. Gothenburg and Stockholm. Gothenburg claimed that it was a much shorter passage for the overseas entries (about 525 nautical miles (972 km) less) than it was to Stockholm. Stockholm however got the sailing program because of then all Olympic events should be in the same vicinity. As specific location Nynäshamn, about 60 kilometres (37 mi) from Stockholm was chosen. Also the decision was made to use the International Rule classes again for the Olympic regattas (6, 8, 10 and 12 Metre).
  • 1920: When Antwerp was assigned to host the 1920 Olympic Games, Ostend was appointed for the sailing contests. Ostend – "The Queen of the Belgian sea-side resorts" – offers fair condition for sailing on the North Sea. Although there are tidal conditions the current is reasonable predictable. Local knowledge does not have too much influence on the races. The wind conditions are also good for sailing. In the case of the 1920 Summer Olympic regatta's the prevailing breeze did not show. Most races had to be sailed under light air conditions. The competition was open for a total of sixteen classes. Two classes had a "No show".
  • 1924: After the massive number of classes used four years earlier only three classes were selected for the 1924 Olympics. Again there was a one design class. The two other classes were construction classes of the International Metre type. Two locations were used: Meulan was the venue for the Olympic regatta's in the French National Monotype. The host club for the 1924 Olympic Sailing at Meulan was the Cercle de la Voile de Paris. The race conditions at Meulan during the Olympic regatta were not ideal. The light breeze during the first elimination series could hardly make the sailing interesting. Le Havre was the venue for the Olympic regattas for the 6 and 8 Metre. The host club for the 1924 Olympic Sailing at Le Havre was the Société des Régates du Havre. Due to the Easterly winds the courses at Le Havre were mostly reaches. Sailing a windward leg was not really tested. This however was more or less custom for that era. Furthermore, this was the first Olympic regatta were just one competing team per class per country was allowed.
  • 1928: Like in the 1924 Olympics only three classes were chosen. There was the revival of the 12' Dinghy from the 1920 Olympics and again the proven 6 and 8 Metre classes. This Olympic sailing regatta can be considered as the first Olympic regatta with a high quality of racing since there were: Well selected classes that represented sailing; Sufficient competitors per class and good and fair sailing conditions. The only disadvantage was the daily passing of the Oranje Locks.

Olympic Classes & Events

Over the years the classes used in the Olympic Sailing Program were replaced from time to time. This table shows this development:

ClassDiscGender96[3]00[4]04[5]081216[6]202428323640[7]44[8]4852566064687276808488929600040812162024Sailed Events
Boats of the Royal NavyFleetMale(●) 0
0-½ tonFleetOpenx2 2
½-1 tonFleetOpenx2 2
1-2 tonFleetOpenx2 2
2-3 tonFleetOpenx2 2
3-10 tonFleetOpenx2 2
10-20 tonFleetOpen 1
20+ tonFleetOpen 1
Open classFleetOpen 1
6 Metre (1907 Rule)FleetOpen 10
6 Metre (1919 Rule)FleetOpen
6 Metre (1933 Rule)FleetOpen(●)
6 Metre (1933 Rule)FleetMale
6.5 MetreFleetOpen 1
7 MetreFleetOpen 2
8 Metre (1907 Rule)FleetOpen 8
8 Metre (1919 Rule)FleetOpen
8 Metre (1933 Rule)FleetOpen
8.5 MetreFleetOpen(●) 0
9 MetreFleetOpen(●) 0
10 Metre (1907 Rule)FleetOpen 3
10 Metre (1919 Rule)FleetOpen
12 Metre (1907 Rule)FleetOpen 4
12 Metre (1919 Rule)FleetOpen
15 Metre (1907 Rule)FleetOpen(●) 0
12 foot dinghyFleetOpen(●) 2
18 foot dinghyFleetOpen 1
30m2 classFleetOpen 1
40m2 classFleetOpen 1
French National Monotype 1924FleetOpen 1
SnowbirdFleetOpen 1
StarFleetOpen(●) 18
O-JolleFleetOpen 1
DragonFleetOpen 7
SwallowFleetMale 1
FireflyFleetMale 1
FinnFleetOpen 18
5,5 MetreFleetOpen 5
Sharpie 12m2FleetOpen 1
Flying DutchmanFleetOpen 9
SolingFleetOpen 8
TempestFleetOpen 2
TornadoFleetOpen 9
470FleetOpen 22
WindgliderFleetOpen 1
Division IIFleetOpen 1
LechnerFleetMale 2
EuropeFleetFemale 4
MistralFleetOpen 6
ILCA 7 (Laser)FleetOpen 8
ILCA 6 (Laser Radial)FleetFemale 5
49erFleetOpen 7
49er FXFleetFemale 3
YnglingFleetFemale 2
RS:XFleetMale 8
Elliott 6mMatchFemale 1
Nacra 17FleetMixed 3
iQFoilFleetMale 2
Formula KiteFleetMale 2
3344(3)55555566678101011111110101010 205
Class96[3]00[4]04[5]081216[6]202428323640[7]44[8]4852566064687276808488929600040812162024Sailed Events

Gender Criteria: Open events have no gender requirements where as mixed events require male and female competitors
Events Notes: Events in "()" Brackets were scheduled but did not take place and therefore not included in the totals

Boat types

Boat type960004[5]081216202428323640444852566064687276808488929600040812162024Sailed Events
Dinghy / Centreboard 26
Skiff (dinghy type) 5
Keelboats 21
Yachts / Sail cruisers 11
Multihull (dinghy-sized) 10
Sailboard (windsurfing) 11
Kiteboard (kitesurfing) 1
One-Design / Monotype?? 24
Construction class
Development class
?? 14

Race types

Race type960004[5]081216202428323640444852566064687276808488929600040812162024Editions
Fleet 30
Match●W 1
Combined FRQ+MR 3
Relay 0

Olympic sailing venues

Pictures will be replaced by more relevant photos.

EditionYearHostCitySailing venueOpeningClosingViewClasses
I1896 Greece (GRE)AthensPiraeus1-APR1-APRCancelled
II 1900  France (FRA) ParisMeulan20-MAY27-MAYAll, except ...
Le Havre1-AUG5-AUG10–20 ton
III1904 United States (USA)St. Louis Not programmed
IV 1908  Great Britain (GBR) LondonRyde27-JUL29-JUL6 Metre
7 Metre
8 Metre
Hunter's Quay11-AUG12-AUG12 Metre
V1912 Sweden (SWE)StockholmNynäshamn19-JUL22-JULAll
VI1916 Germany (GER)Berlin Probably not programmed
VII 1920  Belgium (BEL) AntwerpOstend7-JUL10-JULAll, except...
The NetherlandsSEPSEPFinals 12 foot dinghy
VIII 1924  France (FRA) ParisMeulan10-JUL13-JULFrench National Monotype 1924
Le Havre21-JUL26-JUL6 Metre
8 Metre
IX 1928  Netherlands (NED) AmsterdamDurgerdam 2-AUG 9-AUGAll
X1932 United States (USA)Los AngelesPort of Los Angeles5-AUG[9]12-AUGAll
XI1936 Germany (GER)BerlinKiel4-AUG16-AUGAll
XII 1940 Japan (JPN)TokyoYokohama harbour21-SEP6-OCTAll
 Finland (FIN)Helsinki Program not madeCancelled
XIII1944 Olympics suspended
XIV1948 Great Britain (GBR)LondonTorquay4-AUG12-AUGAll
XV1952 Finland (FIN)HelsinkiHarmaja20-JUL28-JULAll
XVI1956 Australia (AUS)MelbournePort Phillip Bay26-NOV5-DECAll
XVII1960 Italy (ITA)RomeNaples29-AUG7-SEPAll
XVIII1964 Japan (JPN)TokyoEnoshima12-OCT23-OCTAll
XIX1968 Mexico (MEX)Mexico CityAcapulco13-OCT25-OCTAll
XX1972 West Germany (FRG)MunichKiel29-AUG8-SEPAll
XXI1976 Canada (CAN)MontrealKingston, Ontario18-JUL31-JULAll
XXII1980 Soviet Union (URS)MoscowTallinn, Soviet-occupied Estonia21-JUL29-JULAll
XXIII1984 United States (USA)Los AngelesLong Beach, California31-JUL8-AUGAll
XXIV1988 South Korea (KOR)SeoulBusan20-SEP27-SEPAll
XXV1992 Spain (ESP)BarcelonaBarcelona27-JUL4-AUGAll
XXVI1996 United States (USA)AtlantaSavannah, Georgia22-JUL2-AUGAll
XXVII2000 Australia (AUS)SydneySydney17-SEP30-SEPAll
XXVIII2004 Greece (GRE)AthensAthens14-AUG28-AUGAll
XXIX2008 China (CHN)BeijingQingdao9-AUG21-AUGAll
XXX2012 Great Britain (GBR)LondonWeymouth and Portland28-JUL11-AUGAll
XXXI2016 Brazil (BRA)Rio de JaneiroRio de Janeiro8-AUG18-AUGAll
XXXII2020 Japan (JPN)TokyoEnoshima25-July 20214-AUG 2021All[10]

Medal table

This list includes Olympic medals in years up to and including 2020.[11]

Overall Medal Total by Nation
1 Great Britain (GBR)31211264
2 United States (USA)19231961
3 Norway (NOR)1711432
4 France (FRA)15142049
5 Denmark (DEN)139931
6 Australia (AUS)138829
7 Spain (ESP)135321
8 Sweden (SWE)10141337
9 New Zealand (NZL)98623
10 Netherlands (NED)89926
11 Brazil (BRA)83819
12 Soviet Union (URS)45312
13 Italy (ITA)43815
14 Germany (GER)35715
15 Austria (AUT)3418
16 China (CHN)3328
17 Greece (GRE)3238
18 Belgium (BEL)2439
19 Finland (FIN)22711
20 West Germany (FRG)2237
21 East Germany (GDR)2226
22 Mixed team (ZZX)2002
23 Argentina (ARG)14510
24 Ukraine (UKR)1225
25 Switzerland (SUI)1214
26 Croatia (CRO)1203
27 Poland (POL)1135
28 United Team of Germany (EUA)1113
29 Israel (ISR)1023
30 Bahamas (BAH)1012
31 Hong Kong (HKG)1001
32 Canada (CAN)0369
33 Portugal (POR)0224
34 Slovenia (SLO)0213
35 Ireland (IRL)0202
36 Hungary (HUN)0112
 Japan (JPN)0112
 Russia (RUS)0112
39 Cuba (CUB)0101
 Cyprus (CYP)0101
 Czech Republic (CZE)0101
 Lithuania (LTU)0101
 Netherlands Antilles (AHO)0101
 Virgin Islands (ISV)0101
45 Estonia (EST)0022
46 Russian Empire (RU1)0011
Totals (46 entries)195187180562


This table is based upon the names of the sailors who are documented in the Official Olympic Reports.

The last column shows the total number of competitors sent from each country.

 Netherlands Antilles (AHO)  12216
 Algeria (ALG)  325
 Andorra (AND)  235
 Angola (ANG)  3328
 Antigua and Barbuda (ANT)  11511110
 Argentina (ARG)  6511181469669481171011111081311194
 Aruba (ARU)  134
 American Samoa (ASA)  224
 Australia (AUS)  13610131111131213131316181817131111223
 Austria (AUT)  1153173312951081365711888134
 Bahamas (BAH)  73118681322354
 Barbados (BAR)  24521115
 Belgium (BEL)  31496312413134315344334497
 Bermuda (BER)  3944763274352261
 Burma (BIR)  235
 Belarus (BLR)  641422221
 Botswana (BOT)  11
 Brazil (BRA)  1762555108121216171412141291513195
 Bahrain (BRN)  415
 Bulgaria (BUL)  5121211
 British West Indies (BWI)  22
 Cambodia (CAM)  33
 Canada (CAN)  11315117111111101013151716911141199215
 Cayman Islands (CAY)  22371116
 Ceylon (CEY)  11
 Chile (CHI)  15311113925
 China (CHN)  45354418981373
 Colombia (COL)  21216
 Cook Islands (COK)  11125
 Croatia (CRO)  334410128448
 Cuba (CUB)  3232232219
 Cyprus (CYP)  1522323422430
 Czech Republic (CZE)  1224443121
 Denmark (DEN)  345713749911118981416111214613118213
 Djibouti (DJI)  1124
 Dominican Republic (DOM)  112
 Ecuador (ECU)  11
 Egypt (EGY)  11125
 El Salvador (ESA)  3115
 Spain (ESP)  4614111187878161716171816141415209
 Estonia (EST)  514441255233
 Fiji (FIJ)  145461122
 Finland (FIN)  27111214143953787558810491185184
 France (FRA) 451 33391331417971139111011131713121818161514723
 Great Britain (GBR) 73 4166831413141111911131213151716161818161515404
 Georgia (GEO)  22
 Germany (GER) 12 6119
 Germany (GER)  1414
 Germany (GER)  1414
 United Team of Germany (EUA)  8111130
 East Germany (GDR)  811612946
 West Germany (FRG)  111312131564
 Germany (GER)  1515171712121210110
 Greece (GRE)  431846664789141118121178147
 Guatemala (GUA)  2111121211
 Guam (GUM)  22318
 Hong Kong (HKG)  454144722222342
 Hungary (HUN)  61514517381267335481
 Independent Olympic Athletes (IOA)  11
 India (IND)  2322221418
 Indonesia (INA)  332111112
 Ireland (IRL)  511648621551049686390
 Iceland (ISL)  22116
 Israel (ISR)  22545566776560
 Virgin Islands (ISV)  38696722112148
 Italy (ITA)  81211415141111108101261115131618181811139274
 British Virgin Islands (IVB)  513110
 Jamaica (JAM)  35322217
 Japan (JPN)  31611358137101010991115131
 Kenya (KEN)  314
 Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)  11
 South Korea (KOR)  1103554444444
 Latvia (LAT)  1222119
 Saint Lucia (LCA)  11125
 Lebanon (LIB)  33
 Lithuania (LTU)  211132212
 Luxembourg (LUX)  11
 Morocco (MAR)  112
 Malaysia (MAS)  111112411
 Mexico (MEX)  2111163643243333468
 Malta (MLT)  311221111
 Montenegro (MNE)  1113
 Monaco (MON)  112332113
 Mozambique (MOZ)  33
 Mauritius (MRI)  11
 Netherlands (NED) 9 841238896665912812141291412111110218
 Norway (NOR)  518599101413126991113677148989668276
 New Zealand (NZL)  4333981113171618129151210163
 Oman (OMA)  11
 Pakistan (PAK)  62210
 Paraguay (PAR)  112
 Peru (PER)  11112511
 Philippines (PHI)  3313312420
 Papua New Guinea (PNG)  1124
 Poland (POL)  1631111224699111179102
 Portugal (POR)  16399511686233899781355136
 Puerto Rico (PUR)  1659634323244
 Qatar (QAT)  112
 Rhodesia (RHO)  235
 Romania (ROM)  527
 South Africa (RSA)  113145311521323348
 Russian Empire (RU1)  1717
 Soviet Union (URS)  141011111113121215109
 Unified Team (EUN)  1414
 Russia (RUS)  66
 Russia (RUS)  1212131010764
 Samoa (SAM)  11
 Senegal (SEN)  11
 Seychelles (SEY)  123113112
 Singapore (SGP)  531224316210443
 Slovenia (SLO)  3557643336
 San Marino (SMR)  1113
 Sri Lanka (SRI)  213
 Switzerland (SUI) 9 11613111179106899105889696171
 Slovakia (SVK)  41117
 Sweden (SWE)  1341114117151514711118131210131515151710111479329
 Czechoslovakia (TCH)  111339
 Thailand (THA)  224432112131234338
 Chinese Taipei (TPE)  123111110
 Trinidad and Tobago (TTO)  2211118
 Tunisia (TUN)  1114411
 Turkey (TUR)  313222545656852
 United Arab Emirates (UAE)  11
 Ukraine (UKR)  12111064346
 Uruguay (URU)  14131353212124336
 United States (USA) 16 112214161912101111131213151716181818161513326
 Venezuela (VEN)  23421111322123
 Yugoslavia (YUG)  1332313117
 Zimbabwe (ZIM)  3115
 Mixed team (ZZX) 9 9
Sailors – Male5776311010173127581662162281402872232473152501532963303603583082612612372571756177
Sailors – Female2200120302000000024382100941391391431231751052
Sailors – First Games
Countries7566192211262329284740404240236060687869616263666439 Mean
New countries73301051823711552331451112102313130
Events Held1344143344555555666781010111111101010195 Gold Medals
Average class size103.361.710.313.75.814.81518.614.227.621.824.625.1721.1713.8324.4326.7527.131.224.8224.3624.7327.327.42519 Mean
Average team size1.354. Mean
  • Early Olympic do not have complete data so some assumption on crew sizes and gender have been made to give a better indication of the number of people involved.

Multiple gold medalists

Brazilians Torben Grael and Robert Scheidt and Briton Ben Ainslie are the only Olympic sailors with five Olympic medals. The most successful sailor is Ainslie with four gold medals and one silver, one of only four athletes to win four consecutive gold medals in individual events, along with Danish sailor Paul Elvstrøm.

Position Sailor Country Period Gold Silver Bronze Total Classes
1Ben Ainslie Great Britain (GBR)1996–20124105ILCA 7 (Laser)/Finn
2Paul Elvstrøm Denmark (DEN)1948–19604004Firefly/Finn
3Jochen Schümann Germany (GER)1976–20003104Finn/Soling
Valentin Mankin Soviet Union (URS)1968–19803104Finn/Tempest/Star
5Robert Scheidt Brazil (BRA)1996–20122215ILCA 7 (Laser)/Star
6Torben Grael Brazil (BRA)1984–20042125Soling/Star
7Hannah Mills Great Britain (GBR)2012–20202103470
Iain Percy Great Britain (GBR)2000–20122103Finn/Star
Magnus Konow Norway (NOR)1912–1936210312 Metre/8 Metre/6 Metre
Mark Reynolds United States (USA)1988–20002103Star
Mathew Belcher Australia (AUS)2012–20202103470
Rodney Pattisson Great Britain (GBR)1968–19762103Flying Dutchman
13Tore Holm Sweden (SWE)1920–1948202440m2 class/8 Metre/6 Metre
14Marcelo Ferreira Brazil (BRA)1996–20042013
15Algernon Maudslay Great Britain (GBR)19002002
Bernd Jäkel Germany (GER)2002
Dorian van Rijsselberghe Netherlands (NED)2012–20162002
Erik Hansen Denmark (DEN)1976–19802002Soling
Frédéric Blanchy Mixed team (ZZX)
 France (FRA)
John Gretton Great Britain (GBR)19002002
Giles Scott Great Britain (GBR)2016–20202002Finn
Håkon Barfod Norway (NOR)2002
Herman Whiton United States (USA)1948–19522002
Jacques Le Lavasseur Mixed team (ZZX)
 France (FRA)
Kahena Kunze Brazil (BRA)2016–2020200249er FX
Linton Hope Great Britain (GBR)19002002
Luis Doreste Blanco Spain (ESP)2002
Malcolm Page Australia (AUS)2008–20122002470
Martine Grael Brazil (BRA)2016–2020200249er FX
Nicolas Hénard France (FRA)2002
Poul Richard Høj Jensen Denmark (DEN)2002
Roman Hagara Austria (AUT)2002
Sarah Ayton Great Britain (GBR)2004–20082002Yngling
Sarah Webb Great Britain (GBR)2004–20082002Yngling
Shirley Robertson Great Britain (GBR)1992–20042002Europe/Yngling
Sigve Lie Norway (NOR)1948–19522002Dragon
Theresa Zabell Spain (ESP)1992–19962002
Thor Thorvaldsen Norway (NOR)1992–19962002
William Exshaw Mixed team (ZZX)
 Great Britain (GBR)
Valdemar Bandolowski Denmark (DEN)1976–19802002

See also


  1. "70 years ago this week: The story of singlehanded sailing at the London 1948 Olympics". Retrieved 2020-02-27.
  2. "2012 London Olympic Sailing Competition". Archived from the original on 2013-05-06.
  3. It is unclear in what classes the races were scheduled.
  4. In 1900 two races were held in the ½-ton, 1-2 Ton and 2-3 Ton classes. After each race, trophies were handed out, in addition to the ultimate winners receiving their Olympic medals.
  5. Sailing was not included in the 1904 Olympic program.
  6. It is not known in what classes the races were scheduled.
  7. Program Tokio announced.
  8. No program created.
  9. This is the first time all Olympic events took place in one periode.
  10. "Sailing - Olympic Schedule & Results | Tokyo 2020".
  11. "Olympic Analytics – Medals by Countries". Retrieved 2022-01-31.
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