Chinese compound surname

A Chinese compound surname is a Chinese surname using more than one character. Many of these compound surnames derive from Zhou dynasty Chinese noble and official titles, professions, place names and other areas, to serve a purpose. Some are originally from various tribes that lived in ancient China, while others were created by joining two one-character family names. Only a few of these names (e.g. Ouyang [歐陽/欧阳], Shangguan [上官], Sima [司馬/司马], Zhuge [諸葛/诸葛], Situ [司徒], Xiahou [夏侯], Huangfu [皇甫], and Huyan [呼延]) can still be found quite commonly in modern times with Ouyang, Shangguan, Sima and Situ appearing most frequently. Many clans eventually took on a single-character surname for various reasons. Lists below are arranged alphabetically by their Mandarin pinyin spellings.

Native Chinese compound surnames

Chinese charactersMeaning or originMandarin
VietnameseKoreanJapaneseNotable people
百里Hundred liBǎilǐBaak3 Lei5Bách LýBaengni; Baengri
HyakuriBaili Xi
淳于An ancient Chinese kingdomChúnyúSeon4 Jyu1Thuần VuSun-u
Jun'uChunyu Qiong
第五The fifthDìwǔDai6 Ng5Đệ NgũJe-o
DaigoDiwu Qi
東方 (东方)"East", descendants of Fuxi clan according to legendDōngfāngDung1 Fong1Đông PhươngDongbang
TōhōDongfang Shuo
東閣 (东阁)"Eastern Pavilion"DōnggéDung1 Gok3Đông CácDonggak
東郭 (东郭)"Eastern Wall"DōngguōDung1 Gwok3Đông QuáchDonggwak
東門 (东门)"East Gate", place of residence, from Zhou dynastyDōngménDung1 Mun4Đông MônDongmun
端木DuānmùDyun1 Muk6Tuan-bo̍k Đoan MộcDanmok
TanbokuDuanmu Ci
San Duanmu
公孫 (公孙)"Dukes' descendants", an address of the noble descendants in the Spring and Autumn periodGōngsūnGung1 Syun1Kong-sun Công TônGongson
KōsonGongsun Zan, Gongsun Long
公羊Branch of GongsunGōngyángGung1 Joeng4Kong-iông Công DươngGong-yang
KōyōGongyang Gao
公冶Branch of Ji, from courtesy name of Jiye (季冶) of Lu in the Eastern Zhou dynastyGōngyěGung1 Je5Công DãGong-ya
KōyaGongye Chang
公西GōngxīGung1 Sai1Công TâyGongseo
KōsaiGongxi Chi
毌丘Place nameGuànqiūKwun3 Jau1Quán KhâuGwan-gu
KankyūGuanqiu Jian
穀梁 (谷梁)Sorghum grains (?)GǔliángGuk1 Loeng4Cốc LươngGongnyang; Gongryang
皇甫Branch of Zi (子), from 皇父, the courtesy name of Huangfu Chongshi (皇父充石) of the Duchy of Song in the Eastern Zhou dynastyHuángfǔWong4 Pou2Hông-húHoàng PhủHwangbo
KōfuHuangfu Song,
Huangfu Ran
黄斯HuangsiHoàng Tư
蘭向(兰向)LanxiangLan Hướng
令狐Place nameLínghúLing6 Wu4Lîng-hô·Lệnh HồYeongho; Ryeongho
ReikoLinghu Chu
甪里Place nameLùlǐLuk6 Lei5Lộ LýNongni; Rongri
閭丘 (闾丘)Place nameLǘqiūLeoi4 Jau1Lư KhâuYeogu; Ryeogu
RyokyūLuqiu Luwei
南宮 (南宫)Southern PalaceNángōngNaam4 Gung1Nam CungNamgung
NankyūNangong Kuo (Western Zhou)
歐陽 (欧阳)South of Mt. Ou YuŌuyángAu1Joeng4Au-iôngÂu DươngGu-yang
ŌyōJimmy O. Yang
上官High official (place name)ShàngguānSoeng6 Gun1Siōng-koanThượng QuanSanggwan
ShōkanEmpress Shangguan, Shangguan Wan'er, Shangguan Yunxiang
申屠ShēntúSan1 Tou4Thân ĐồSindo
ShintoShentu Jian
司馬 (司马)"Master of the Horse" or "Marshall", one of the Three Excellencies from the Han dynastySīmǎSi1 Maa5Su-máTư MãSama
ShibaSima Qian, emperors of the Jin dynasty
司徒"Minister over the Masses", one of the Three Excellencies from the Han dynastySītúSi1 Tou4 (SooHoo in Toisan)Su-tô· Tư ĐồSado
ShitoSzeto Wah, Sitoh Yih Pin
司空"Minister of Works", one of the Three Excellencies from the Han dynastySīkōngSi1 Hung1Tư KhôngSagong
ShikūSikong Ting
司寇"Minister of Justice"SīkòuSi1 Kau3Tư KhấuSagu
太史"Grand Historian", an imperial official titleTàishǐTaai3 Si2Thái SửTaesa
TaishiTaishi Ci
澹臺 (澹台)TántáiTaam4 Toi4Đam ĐàiDamdae
TantaiTantai Mieming
聞人 (闻人)"famous person", descendants of Shaozheng Mao (少正卯)WénrénMan4 Jan4Văn NhânMun-in
巫馬 (巫马)"Horse"WūmǎNg5 Maa5Vu MãUma
GobaWuma Shi
夏侯"Marquess Xia", from noble title granted to the descendants of Yu the Great by Duke of Lu in the Spring and Autumn periodXiàhóuHaa6 Hau6Hā-hô͘Hạ HầuHahu
KakōXiahou Ying,
Xiahou Dun
鮮于 (鲜于)XiānyúSin1 Jyu1Tiên VuSeon-u
Sen'uXianyu Zhongtong
西門 (西门)"West Gate", place of residence, from Marquessate of Zheng in the Spring and Autumn periodXīménSai1 Mun4Tây MônSeomun
SaimonXimen Bao
軒轅 (轩辕)The (personal) name of the Yellow EmperorXuānyuánHin1 Jyun4Hian-oàn Hiên ViênHeon-won
Ken'enYellow Emperor
楊子 (杨子)A branch of 楊 (Yang)YángzǐJoeng4 Zi2Dương TửYangja
樂正 (乐正)Minister of musicYuèzhèngNgok6 Zing3Nhạc ChínhAkjeong
鍾離 (钟离)A country in ChunqiuZhōnglíZung1 Lei4Chung LyJongni; Jongri
ShōriZhongli Mu
Zhongli Mo
諸葛 (诸葛)A branch of 葛 (Ge)ZhūgěZyu1 Got3Chu-katGia Cát
(Chư Cát)
ShokatsuJegal Je-min
Zhuge Liang
祝融God of FireZhùróngZuk1 Jung4Chúc DungChug-yung
ShukuyūLady Zhurong
子車 (子车)ZǐjūZi2 Geoi1Tử XaJageo
左人Left-handed manZuǒrénZo2 Jan4Tả NhânJwa-in

Double-barrelled surnames

Double-barrelled surname (雙姓) occurs sometimes when both families of a marriage wish to pass down their surnames, or when a child wishes to commemorate both the biological and foster parents. This is often distinguished from compound surnames (複姓), which cannot be split into two single-character surnames. A doubled-barrelled surname is also distinguished from a married name (冠夫姓), as married names are not passed down to the next generations.

Chinese CharactersMandarin
VietnameseKoreanJapaneseNotable People
范姜FànjiāngHoān-khiongPhạm KhươngFan Chiang Tai-chi
陸費 (陆费)Lùfèi (Lùbì)Luk6 Fai3Lục PhíYugbi; Ryugbi
RikuhiLufei Kui
葉劉 (叶刘)YèliúIa̍p-lâuDiệp Lưu
張簡 (张简)ZhāngjiǎnTiuⁿ-kánTrương GiảnLouis Ozawa Changchien
張廖 (张廖)ZhāngliàoTiuⁿ-liāuTrương Liêu

Non-Han surnames

Peoples other than Han have resided in China and have their names transliterated into Chinese. A large number of these non-Han surnames contain more than one Chinese character.

Chinese CharactersMeaning/OriginOriginMandarin
VietnameseKoreanJapaneseNotable People
阿史那Wolf (cf. Asena)Possibly TurkicĀshǐnàAa3 Si2 Naa5A Sử NaAsana
AshinaEmpress Ashina
(Aisin Gioro)
Oi3 San1 Gok3 Lo4Ài-sin-kak-lô Ái Tân Giác LaAesin-gangna; Aesin-gangra
AishinkakuraQing rulers
But6 Ji4 Zi2 Gan1Bột Nhi Chỉ Cân
(Bát Nhĩ Tế Cát Đặc)
BotsujishikinGenghis Khan
獨孤 (独孤)XianbeiDúgūDuk6 Gu1Độc CôDokgo
Dokko/DokukoDugu Qieluo
爾朱 (尔朱)XiongnuErzhuJi5 Zyu1Nhĩ ChuIju
JishuErzhu Rong,
Erzhu Zhao
賀蘭 (贺兰)Helan MountainsXianbeiHèlánHo6 Laan4Hạ LanHaran
GaranPrincess Dowager Helan
赫連 (赫连)XiongnuHèliánHaak1 Lin4Hách LiênHyeongnyeon; Hyeongryeon
KakurenHelian Bobo
賀若 (贺若)XianbeiHèruòHo6 Joek6Hạ NhượcHa-yak
KajakuHeruo Bi
赫舍里Water springManchuHèsheliHaak1 Se2 Lei5Hách Xá LýHyeoksari
KakushariHešeri Sonin, Empress Xiaochengren, Songgotu
万俟XianbeiMòqíMak6 Kei4Mặc KỳMansa
BokujiMoqi Chounu
慕容XianbeiMùróngMou6 Jung4Bō·-iông Mộ DungMo-yong
BoyūMurong Huang
納蘭 (纳兰)Variant of 叶赫那拉 (Yehenala)ManchuNàlánNaap6 Laan4Nạp LanNamnan; Namran
NōranNalan Xingde
呼延XiongnuHūyánFu1 Jin4Hô DiênHo-yeon
KoenEmpress Huyan,
Huyan Zan
沙吒GöktürkShāzhāSaa1 Zaa1Sa TraSata
SataShazha Zhongyi
拓跋XianbeiTuòbáTok3 Bat6Thác BạtTakbal
TakubatsuEmperors of Northern Wei, formerly surname of Tangut rulers, Western Xia
完顏 (完颜)JurchenWányánJyun4 Ngaan4Hoàn NhanWan-an
KanganWanyan Aguda
耶律KhitanYēlǜYe4 Leut6Da Luật
(Gia Luật)
Yaritsu/JaritsuEmperors of Liao dynasty,
Yelü Chucai
尉遲 (尉迟)XianbeiYùchíWat1 Ci4Uất Trì
(Úy Trì)
Utchi/UtsuchiYuchi Jingde,
Yuchi Jiong
宇文XianbeiYǔwénJyu5 Man4Vũ VănUmun
UbunYuwen Tai, emperors of Northern Zhou
長孫 (长孙)[1]XianbeiZhǎngsūnZoeng2 Syun1Trưởng TônJangson
ChōsonZhangsun Wuji, Empress Zhangsun (wife of Emperor Taizong of Tang)

See also


  1. 遠東簡明漢英辭典 (in Chinese). 遠東圖書公司. 編審委員會. 1997. p. 861. ISBN 9789576123467.
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