Southernmost settlements

Southernmost settlements are cities, towns, weather stations or permanent military bases which are farther south than latitude 45°S. They are closely related to the Southern Ocean or either the Roaring Forties or Furious Fifties. Antarctic bases are excluded due to not having a permanent population.

Location of Punta Arenas, Ushuaia and Puerto Williams in the southern tip of South America.

Unlike the northern hemisphere, where a large number of major cities including London, Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Vienna, Prague and Budapest are all located north of the 45°N parallel, the only permanently populated areas south of the 45°S parallel are the small and sparsely populated regions of southern Patagonia in South America, the Falkland Islands, and the southernmost tip of New Zealand.

Southernmost city

The southernmost city in the world is mainly a slogan used for tourism purposes to attract visitors to a city as well as the tourists headed for Antarctica. Ciudad (city) is not a legal designation in Chile and Argentina, except for the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Currently, three places use this slogan: Ushuaia in Argentina as well as Punta Arenas and Puerto Williams[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] in Chile, with the last being the absolute southernmost town by latitude (see table below). There are several more settlements further south but none are considered to be large enough to be classified as a 'city'. The three contending cities are from north to south:

  • Punta Arenas (53°10′S 70°56′W, population: 123,403), literally in Spanish: "Sandy Point", is the oldest and largest city in Southern Patagonia, at the Strait of Magellan and the capital of the Magallanes and Antártica Chilena Region. It is the largest of the three contenders with around 130,000 permanent residents[9] and it is called the southernmost city by some media outlets. The basis of its claim to be the southernmost city rests on it being larger than Ushuaia, Río Grande, and Puerto Williams, all of which are farther south.
  • Ushuaia (54°48′S 68°18′W, population: 82,615), the capital of the Argentine province of Tierra del Fuego, is more commonly regarded as the southernmost city in the world due to its sufficiently large population, its infrastructure, and its accepted classification as a city.[10][11][12] Ushuaia is located in a wide bay on the southern coast of the island of Tierra del Fuego, on the northern shore of the Beagle Channel; hence, it is further north than Puerto Williams.

Settlements of more than 1,000 inhabitants south of 45°S

Line across the Earth
45th parallel south

This is a list of all settlements south of the 45th parallel south with over 1,000 permanent inhabitants.

RankSettlement nameCountryPopulationLatitude/longitudeKöppen climate classification
1Puerto WilliamsChile1,868[17]54°56′S 67°37′WCfc
2UshuaiaArgentina82,615[18]54°48′S 68°18′WET
3TolhuinArgentina9,879[18]54°32′S 67°12′WET
4Río GrandeArgentina98,017[18]53°47′S 67°42′WCfc/Dfc
5PorvenirChile4,80753°17′S 70°22′WCfc
6Punta ArenasChile123,403[17]53°10′S 70°56′WCfc
7Puerto NatalesChile19,11651°44′S 72°31′WCsb
8StanleyFalkland Islands2,11551°41′S 57°51′WCfc
9Veintiocho de NoviembreArgentina4,68651°39′S 69°13′WCfc
10Río GallegosArgentina110,43551°38′S 69°13′WBSk
11Río TurbioArgentina6,65051°31′S 72°17′WCfc
11El CalafateArgentina6,41050°19′S 72°17′WBSk
12Puerto Santa CruzArgentina3,39750°01′S 68°31′WBSk
13Comandante Luis PiedrabuenaArgentina4,17549°50′S 68°54′WBSk
14Gobernador GregoresArgentina2,51949°48′S 68°37′WBWk
15Puerto San JuliánArgentina6,14349°18′S 67°43′WBSk
16Puerto DeseadoArgentina10,23747°45′S 65°55′WBSk
17CochraneChile2,21747°15′S 72°34′WCfb
18Pico TruncadoArgentina14,98546°47′S 67°58′WBWk
19BluffNew Zealand1,84046°36′S 168°20′ECfb
20Perito MorenoArgentina3,58846°36′S 70°55′WBSk
21Las HerasArgentina10,68846°33′S 68°57′WBWk
22Los AntiguosArgentina2,04746°32′S 71°37′WBSk
23Chile ChicoChile3,04246°32′S 71°43′WCsb
24Caleta OliviaArgentina36,07746°26′S 67°32′WBSk
25InvercargillNew Zealand51,00046°25′S 168°18′ECfb
26RivertonNew Zealand1,64046°21′S 168°01′ECfb
27BalcluthaNew Zealand4,34046°14′S 169°45′ECfb
28FairfaxNew Zealand1,91146°12′S 168°2′ECfb
29MatauraNew Zealand1,74046°11′S 168°52′ECfb
30WintonNew Zealand2,46046°08′S 168°20′ECfb
31MiltonNew Zealand2,24046°07′S 169°58′ECfb
32GoreNew Zealand8,24046°05′S 168°56′ECfb
33Rada TillyArgentina6,20845°55′S 67°33′WBSk
34Comodoro RivadaviaArgentina182,63145°52′S 67°30′WBSk
35DunedinNew Zealand106,20045°52′S 170°30′ECfb
36Río MayoArgentina2,93945°40′S 70°16′WBSk
37SarmientoArgentina8,02845°35′S 69°05′WBSk
38WaikouaitiNew Zealand1,26045°35′S 170°40′ECfb
39CoihaiqueChile50,04145°34′S 72°04′WCfb
40Puerto ChacabucoChile1,24345°29′S 72°50′WCfb
41Te AnauNew Zealand3,06045°25′S 167°43′ECfb
42Puerto AisenChile16,93645°24′S 72°41′WCfb
43AlexandraNew Zealand6,12045°14′S 169°22′EBSk
44ClydeNew Zealand1,26045°11′S 169°19′ECfb
45OamaruNew Zealand14,00045°05′S 170°58′ECfb
46CromwellNew Zealand7,16045°04′S 169°20′ECfb
47QueenstownNew Zealand29,00045°01′S 168°39′ECfb
48Alto Río SenguerArgentina1,45445°01′S 70°49′WCsc/Dsc

Southernmost settlements outside Antarctica

This list of settlements excludes research stations in Antarctica and its surrounding islands.

# Location Country Settlement
Latitude Population Population as of Köppen climate classification
1Estación Naval
Islas Diego Ramirez
ChileNaval station56°30′ S42017ET
2Estación Meteorológica
de Cabo de Hornos
ChileWeather station55°59′ S4[19]2008ET
3Puerto ToroChileHamlet55°05′ S36[20]2002ET
4Caleta WulaiaChileHamlet55°02′ S ? ?ET
5Caleta EugeniaChileHamlet54°56′ S ? ? ?
6Puerto WilliamsChileTown54°56′ S1,868[17]2002Cfc
7Puerto NavarinoChileVillage54°55′ S ? ?Cfc
8Puerto AlmanzaArgentinaVillage54°52′ S200 ?Cfc
9UshuaiaArgentinaCity54°48′ S82,615[18]2010Cfc
10TolhuinArgentinaTown54°31′ S9,879[18] ?Cfc
11Macquarie Island StationAustraliaScientific research station54°30′ S20 to 40 ?ET
12GrytvikenSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsHamlet54°19′ Sup to 18 ?ET
13Río GrandeArgentinaCity53°45′ S98,017[18]2010Cfc/Dfc
14PorvenirChileTown53°17′ S5,465 ?Cfc
15Punta ArenasChileCity53°17′ S123,403[17]2002Cfc
  • The former Argentine base Corbeta Uruguay (59°28′ S) in South Sandwich Islands was the southernmost settlement outside Antarctica from 1976–1982.

Settlements on the Antarctic continent

There are many research stations in Antarctica, both permanent and summer only. Many of the stations are staffed all year. McMurdo Station is the largest with an average population of 1200.

A total of 30 countries (as of October 2006), all signatory to the Antarctic Treaty, operate seasonal (summer) or year-round research stations on the continent and on its surrounding islands. In addition to these permanent stations, approximately 30 field camps are established each austral summer to support specific one off projects.[21]

The full list is available at: Research stations in Antarctica.

See also


  1. "Ushuaia ya no será la ciudad más austral del mundo". 30 June 1998. Retrieved 1 November 2014.
  2. "Puerto Williams: ubicada entre Tierra del Fuego por el norte y el Cabo de Hornos por el sur , por lo tanto es la cuidad mas Austral del país y del mundo". Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2012-06-16.
  3. Archived 2013-04-22 at the Wayback Machine, retrieved 9 April 2012
  4. Puerto Williams espera una gran temporada de centolla, retrieved 9 April 2012
  5. Escritorio Estudiantes Archived 2009-02-28 at the Wayback Machine, retrieved 9 April 2012
  6. dibam, retrieved 9 April 2012
  7. Times Online
  8. Website Puerto Williams, the southernmost town in the world
  9. Interactive map, INE Census 2002, Chile. (Click on XII Region and then on Punta Arenas)
  10. Boston Globe 2008
  11. "Tierra del Fuego, Argentina". Encarta. Archived from the original on 2008-12-06. Retrieved 2008-09-11.
  12. "Ushuaia". Britannica. Retrieved 2009-05-23.
  13. WillySol. "Puerto Williams - Chile". Retrieved 1 November 2014.
  14. "Una localidad chilena le roba a Ushuaia la etiqueta de ciudad más austral del mundo". 29 May 2019.
  15. "Por qué Ushuaia perdió el título de "la ciudad más austral del mundo"". 30 May 2019.
  16. "Argentinos admiten derrota: Reconocen a Puerto Williams como la ciudad más austral del mundo". 30 May 2019.
  17. "Ciudades, pueblos, aldeas y caseríos 2019" (pdf) (in Spanish). Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (Chile). March 2019. p. 132. Retrieved October 17, 2023.
  18. "Censo Nacional de Población, Hogares y Viviendas 2022. Resultados provisionales" (pdf). Censo 2022. República Argentina (in Spanish). Buenos Aires: Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INDEC). January 2023. p. 32. Retrieved 2023-10-17.
  19. "Vida al fin del mundo: Una familia chilena haciendo soberanía en Cabo de Hornos". Emol. Retrieved 1 November 2014.
  20. "DEMOGRAFÍA". Retrieved 1 November 2014.
  21. 4.0 Antarctica – Past and Present


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