Artistic swimming at the Summer Olympics

Artistic swimming (known as synchronised swimming until 2017) has been an event at the Summer Olympics since the 1984 Games. The current Olympic program has competition in duet and team events, but in past games there was also a solo event. The United States, Canada and Japan have traditionally been the strongest nations in the sport, winning the Olympic medals from 1984 through 1996, but Russia has recently dominated, winning every event between 2000 and 2020.

Artistic swimming at the Summer Olympics
IOC Discipline CodeSWA
Governing bodyFINA
Events2 (women)
  • 1896
  • 1900
  • 1904
  • 1908
  • 1912
  • 1920
  • 1924
  • 1928
  • 1932
  • 1936
  • 1948
  • 1952
  • 1956
  • 1960
  • 1964
  • 1968
  • 1972
  • 1976
  • 1980
  • 1984
  • 1988
  • 1992
  • 1996
  • 2000

  • Medalists


Games Year Events Best nation
2319842 United States
2419882 Canada
2519922 United States
2619961 United States
2720002 Russia
2820042 Russia
2920082 Russia
3020122 Russia
3120162 Russia
3220202 ROC


Women's teamXXXXXXXX8
Women's duetXXXXXXXXXX10
Women's soloXXX-3
Total Events22212222222

Medal table

As of the conclusion of the 2020 Olympics, 9 NOCs have won Olympic medals across 19 events.[1] The Women's solo event at the 1992 Olympics saw a tie for first place, with no silver presented.

1 Russia (RUS)100010
2 United States (USA)5229
3 Canada (CAN)3418
4 ROC2002
5 China (CHN)0527
6 Japan (JPN)041014
7 Spain (ESP)0314
8 Ukraine (UKR)0022
9 France (FRA)0011
Totals (9 entries)20181957

Nations and number of national participants

 Argentina (ARG)                   222
 Aruba (ARU)                   21
 Australia (AUS)                   2229298989
 Austria (AUT)                   2222226
 Barbados (BAR)                   11
 Belarus (BLR)                   222225
 Belgium (BEL)                   212
 Brazil (BRA)                   233222298
 Bulgaria (BUL)                   21
 Canada (CAN)                   333989992810
 China (CHN)                   3389899989
 Colombia (COL)                   222
 Cuba (CUB)                   21
 Czechoslovakia (TCH)                   11
 Czech Republic (CZE)                   222225
 Dominican Republic (DOM)                   21
 Egypt (EGY)                   32298987
 Finland (FIN)                   11
 France (FRA)                   333882222210
 Germany (GER)                   21
 Great Britain (GBR)                   33329227
 Greece (GRE)                   12922287
 Hungary (HUN)                   222
 Independent Olympic Athletes (IOA)                   31
 Israel (ISR)                   222225
 Italy (ITA)                   12109922989
 Japan (JPN)                   333999999810
 Kazakhstan (KAZ)                   2222226
 Liechtenstein (LIE)                   21
 Mexico (MEX)                   333922222210
 Netherlands (NED)                   332225
 Netherlands Antilles (AHO)                   21
 New Zealand (NZL)                   222
 North Korea (PRK)                   2223
 Puerto Rico (PUR)                   21
 Russia (RUS)                   9899996
 Slovakia (SVK)                   2223
 Spain (ESP)                   3332888289
 South Africa (RSA)                   21
 South Korea (KOR)                   32224
 Soviet Union (URS)                   31
 Sweden (SWE)                   11
 Switzerland (SUI)                   333222228
 Ukraine (UKR)                   2222986
 Unified Team (EUN)                   31
 United States (USA)                   3331099922210
 Venezuela (VEN)                   11124
 West Germany (FRG)                   332
Nations                   211822824242424242249
Athletes                   50465378102104104100104104697

See also

  • List of Olympic venues in synchronized swimming


  1. "Olympic Analytics - Medals by Countries". Retrieved 2022-01-31.
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