List of tallest buildings in Italy

This lists ranks the tallest completed and topped out buildings in Italy that stand at least 100 m (330 ft) tall, based on standard height measurement. This includes spires and architectural details but does not include antenna masts. Only habitable building are ranked which excludes radio masts and towers, observation towers, steeples, chimneys and other tall architectural structures.

Tallest skyscrapers in Italy


Even though it is well known for famous ancient structures, Italy curiously played a key role as precursor in the construction of the first modern skyscrapers in Europe. The history of skyscrapers in Italy began with the completion of Torrione INA in Brescia. The tower is 57 m (187 ft) high and was completed in 1932.[1] Torre Piacentini (63 m) in Genoa was the tallest high rise building in Europe from 1940 to 1952 as well as the first one whose roof reached and exceeded the height of 100 metres.[2] After 1952, Italy lost the record in Europe but it continued to have the tallest buildings in the European Union until 1966, with three different skyscrapers: Torre Breda (117 m), Grattacielo di Cesenatico (118 m) and Pirelli Tower (127 m).

Italy's first business district, the Centro Direzionale, opened in 1962 in Milan. Today, there are 5 business districts in Italy. The construction of high rise buildings was interrupted in the 1970s and 1980s, and restarted from 1990 onwards, mainly in Naples and Milan, but also in Rome, Brescia, Genoa and Turin. Nevertheless, only Milan and Naples have developed a skyline of high-rise buildings and skyscrapers in their city centres.

Tallest completed and topped out buildings

This list includes the +100 m tallest completed and topped out buildings in the country. Official heights include spires but exclude communications masts and antennae.

RankPhotoNameCityHeight (m)Height (ft)FloorsYear builtNotes
1Torre UnicreditMilan231758352011Roof: 146 m + Spire: 85 m. Tallest building in Italy by architectural height.
2Allianz TowerMilan209.2686502015Roof: 209 m + Mast: 259 m.[3] - Italy's tallest building by roof height and by highest usable floor.
3Piedmont Region HeadquartersTurin20968642 + 2 underground2015Tallest building in Turin and in Piedmont region.
4Generali TowerMilan191.5[4]628452016
5Libeskind TowerMilan175574342020
6Torre Intesa SanpaoloTurin167.25548.7392013
7Palazzo LombardiaMilan161.3528432010
8Torre SolariaMilan143469372013Tallest residential building in Italy.[5]
9Torre DiamanteMilan140459302012Tallest steel building in Italy.[6]
10Torre Telecom ItaliaNaples129423331995Tallest building in Naples and in Southern Italy.
11Torre PontinaLatina128419372010Roof: 128 m + Mast: 23 m. Tallest building in the region of Lazio.
12Unipol TowerBologna127417332012Tallest building in Bologna and in Emilia Romagna region
13Pirelli TowerMilan127417311960Renovated in 2005.
14 Unipol Tower Milan 125 410 23 2023
15Torre Enel 1Naples122400331990
16Torre Enel 2Naples122400331990
17Torre Gioia 22Milan120403262021
18Torre EuroskyRome120394352012Roof: 120 m + Mast: 35 m. Tallest building in the city of Rome.
19Torre EuroparcoRome120394352012
20Condominio Marinella IICesenatico118387351958Renovated in 2009.
21Torre SaverioNaples118387341990
22Torre FrancescoNaples118387341990
23Torre BredaMilan116.25384301954Renovated in 2009.
24Torre del Consiglio Regionale CampaniaNaples115377291992
25Torri del Tribunale di Napoli ANaples112,5361291991
26Bosco Verticale - Torre EMilan111.15364242014
27Crystal PalaceBrescia110361271990
28MatitoneGenoa109358261992Tallest building in Genoa and in Liguria region
29Torre LittoriaTurin109358211934Roof: 87 m + Spire: 22 m.
30Torre PiacentiniGenoa108354311940
31Torre VelascaMilan106348261958In renovation.[7]
32Torre San VincenzoGenoa105344271968
33Galfa TowerMilan103358281959Renovated in 2019
34World Trade CenterGenoa102335251992
35Grattacielo di RiminiRimini100328271960
36Torre Unicredit BMilan100328232011[8]
37Torre Garibaldi AMilan100328251994Renovated in 2010.[9]
38Torre Garibaldi BMilan100328251992Renovated in 2010.[9]
39Ambassador's Palace HotelNaples10032833
40Torre Comparto 2Genoa100328232014[10]

Timeline of tallest buildings

PhotoNameCityHeight (m)Height (ft)FloorsYears as tallest
Unicredit Tower Milan 231 758 35 2011–present
Palazzo Lombardia Milan 161 528 43 2010-2011
Torre Telecom Italia Naples 129 423 33 1995-2010
Pirelli Tower Milan 127 417 31 1960-1995
Condominio Marinella II Cesenatico 118 387 35 1958-1960
Torre Breda Milan 117 384 30 1954-1958
Torre Piacentini Genoa 108 354 31 1940-1954
Torre Littoria Turin 87 285 19 1934-1940
Torrione INA Brescia 57 187 15 1932-1934

Buildings under construction

Rank Name City Height (m) Height (ft) Floors Completion
1 a2a Tower/ Torre Faro Milan 144 472 28 2025
2 CityWave (west) Milan 111 364 19 2024
3 Gioia 20 east Milan 104 341 20 2024
4 Thetris Milan 100 328 20 2024

Approved or proposed buildings

Rank Name City Height (m) Height (ft) Floors Status
1 Porta Susa 2nd Tower Turin 150 492 38 In project
2 Palazzo Sistema Milan 122,5 402 26 Approved
3 Torre Valtellina Milan 117 384 25 Proposed
4 Torre Botanica Milan 110 361 25 Proposed
5 Towers of the new Mestre station Venice 100 328 25 Proposed

See also

  • List of tallest buildings in Europe
  • List of tallest structures in Italy
  • List of tallest buildings in Rome
  • List of tallest buildings in Naples
  • List of tallest buildings in Bologna
  • List of tallest buildings in Milan
  • List of tallest buildings in Genoa


  1. Franco Robecchi; Gian Paolo Treccani (1993). Piazza della Vittoria (in Italian). Brescia: Grafo.
  2. "Terrazza Martini Tower, Genoa". Retrieved 31 December 2011.
  3. "Milano Tre Torri – Nuova punta per l'antenna della torre Allianz". Retrieved 22 April 2022.
  4. Generali Tower - The Skyscraper Center
  5. "...EDIFICIO RESIDENZIALE PIU' ALTO D'ITALIA... - Recensioni su Torre Solaria, Milano". Tripadvisor (in Italian). Retrieved 2022-05-16.
  6. "La Torre diamante di Milano -". Archived from the original on 2015-05-18. Retrieved 2012-07-15.
  7. Operazione Velasca: Ligresti mette in vendita la Torre disegnata da Banfi, Belgioioso, Peressutti e Rogers - Il Sole 24 ORE
  8. "Home".
  9. "Risanamento conservativo delle Torri Garibaldi". Archived from the original on 2013-10-12. Retrieved 2012-07-15.
  10. "Comparto 2 Genoa". Retrieved 2 June 2017.
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