List of Dungeons & Dragons modules

A module in Dungeons & Dragons is an adventure published by TSR. The term is usually applied to adventures published for all Dungeons & Dragons games before 3rd Edition. For 3rd Edition and beyond new publisher Wizards of the Coast uses the term adventure. For a list of published 3rd, 4th, and 5th Edition Adventures see List of Dungeons & Dragons adventures. For description and history of Adventures/Modules see Adventure (D&D). Adventures for various campaign settings are listed in different articles, including Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, Greyhawk, Mystara, Kara-Tur, Spelljammer, Ravenloft, Al-Qadim, Dark Sun, Planescape, Birthright, and Eberron.

The modules listed here are in three separate lists of official TSR Dungeons & Dragons modules only. The coded modules (1992–1995) are listed by module code. Modules made after the code system was dropped (1993–2000) are displayed in alphabetical order. Note: There is considerable overlap caused by the transition period and early pre-advertising for some modules.

Coded modules (1978–1994)

Module codes in brackets indicate implied codes either by earlier advertising or place in a series; some of these modules did not actually have codes printed on the cover.


A—Aerie of the Slave Lords is a linked campaign of four AD&D (1st Ed.) modules created for Gen Con XIII and set in Greyhawk. They can also form an extended campaign following T and followed by G.

Aerie of the Slave Lords - 1st Ed. AD&D - Greyhawk (Oerth)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
A1 9039Slave Pits of the Undercity4–7David Cook1980 
A2 9040Secret of the Slavers Stockade4–7Harold Johnson
Tom Moldvay
A3 9041Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords4–7Allen Hammack1981 
A4 9042In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords4–7Lawrence Schick1981 
A1–4 9167Scourge of the Slave Lords7–11Various1986Revised Compilation; ranked 20th greatest adventure of all time[1]

AC—ACcessory Modules is a series of accessory items for D&D (Basic/Expert/Companion/Master), many of which included mini-adventures. They are generally associated with Mystara albeit quite generic.

ACcessory Modules - BECM D&D - Mystara/Generic
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
AC1 9100The Shady Dragon InnN/ACarl Smith1983Pre-generated Characters
AC2 9099Combat Shield and Mini-adventure:
"Treasure of the Hideous One"
4–7David Cook1984Small Module and GM screen
AC3 9121The Kidnapping of Princess Arelina2–5Garry Spiegle19843-D Cardboard Dungeon
for Basic and AD&D
AC4 9116The Book of Marvelous MagicN/AFrank Mentzer
Gary Gygax
1985Magic items
also for AD&D
AC5 9037Player Character Record SheetsN/AN/A1984Basic/Expert/Companion
AC6 9037Player Character Record SheetsN/AN/A1985as AC5 + Master
AC7 9156Master Player Screen:
The Spindle
26–36Bruce Nesmith1985GM Screen & Module
AC8 9145The Revenge of Rusak7–9David Cook19853-D Cardboard Wilderness; mislabeled AC3
AC9 9173Creature CatalogueN/AVarious1986New monsters
AC10 9211Bestiary of Dragons and GiantsMultipleN/A1987Adventures using Dragons and Giants
AC11 9220The Book of Wondrous InventionsN/AN/A1987Listing of magic items


B—Basic were designed for use with the Dungeons & Dragons Basic set. Mostly they are independent adventures, set in Mystara.

Basic - Basic D&D - Mystara
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
B1 9023In Search of the Unknown1–3Mike Carr1978First printing provided for location in Greyhawk (Ratik, the Pale or Tenh), although subsequent printings did not.
B2 9034The Keep on the Borderlands1–3Gary Gygax1979Generic in terms of setting, though 1987's GAZ1, The Grand Duchy of Karameikos retroactively placed it (here named "Castellan Keep") in northeastern Karameikos in the world of Mystara; and 1999's Return to the Keep on the Borderlands retroactively placed the keep in Greyhawk. Ranked 7th greatest adventure of all time[1]
B3 9044Palace of the Silver Princess1–3Jean Wells (orange),
Tom Moldvay (green)
1981This module had an orange-covered preliminary version which was taken off the market shortly after its publication. This rare original version can be downloaded here: Official download. The module was reworked and released with a green cover.
B4 9049The Lost City1–3Tom Moldvay1982Ranked 28th greatest adventure of all time[1]
B5 9078Horror on the Hill1–3Douglas Niles1983 
B6 9086The Veiled Society1–3David Cook1984Includes cardstock minis & buildings
B7 9115Rahasia1–3Tracy Hickman,
Laura Hickman
1984 (1979, original)Acquired by TSR after being previously published. Reprints RPGA1 & 2.
B8 9106Journey to the Rock1–3Michael Malone1984 
B9 9143Castle Caldwell and Beyond1–3Harry Nuckols1985 
B1–9 9190In Search of Adventure1–3Various1987Abridged Compilation
B10 9149Night's Dark Terror2–4Jim Bambra,
Graeme Morris,
Phil Gallagher
1986B/X1 in UK
B11 9260King's Festival1Carl Sargent1989 
B12 9261Queen's Harvest1-2Carl Sargent1989Sequel to B11
BSOLO 9097Ghost of Lion Castle1–3Merle M. Rasmussen1984Solo Adventure


C—Competition[2] modules for AD&D (1st) are specially designed for competition play and come with a scoring system for player actions.

Competition - 1st Ed. AD&D - Various
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
C1 9032The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan5–7Harold Johnson,
Jeff R. Leason
1980Origins'79 tournament module set in Greyhawk. Note: The Origins version was titled "Lost Tamoachan" and does not bear the module code. Ranked 18th greatest adventure of all time[1]
C2 9038The Ghost Tower of Inverness5–7Allen Hammack1980Wintercon VIII (1979) tournament module set in Greyhawk. Note: The Wintercon version does not bear the module code. Ranked 30th greatest adventure of all time[1]
C3 9110The Lost Island of Castanamir1-4Ken Rolston1984Generic setting.
C4 9107To Find a King4–7Bob Blake1985From Gen Con XVI. Reprints RPGA3 & RPGA4.
C5 9109The Bane of Llywelyn4–7Bob Blake1985Sequel to C4. Reprints RPGA5-8.
C6 9206The Official RPGA Tournament Handbook4–8Daniel Kramarsky,
Jean & Bruce Rabe
1987Features two scenarios, "Honor Guard" and "The Long Way Home";

CA—City of Adventure for AD&D (1st) require the Lankhmar: City of Adventure supplement to play.

City of Adventure - 1st Ed. AD&D - Nehwon (Lankhmar)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
CA1 9150Swords of the Undercity8–12Carl Smith, Bruce Nesmith, Douglas Niles1986 
CA2 9170Swords of Deceit10–15Stephen Bourne, Ken Rolston, Steve Ecca, Michael Dobson1986 

CB—Conan the Barbarian modules for AD&D (1st) tie in with the Conan movies.

Conan the Barbarian - 1st Ed. AD&D - Earth (Hyborian Age)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
CB1 9123Conan Unchained!10–14David Cook1984 
CB2 9124Conan Against Darkness!10–14Ken Rolston1984 

CM—CoMpanion is for use with Dungeons & Dragons Companion Set (or Rules Cyclopedia), and were set in Mystara.

CoMpanion - Companion D&D - Mystara
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
CM1 9117Test of the Warlords15+Douglas Niles1984 
CM2 9118Death's Ride15–20Garry Spiegle1984 
CM3 9119Sabre River18–22Douglas Niles, Bruce Nesmith1984 
CM4 9128Earthshaker!18–20David Cook1985 
CM5 9154Mystery of the Snow Pearls15–25Anne Gray McCready1985Solo Adventure Magic Viewer System
CM6 9158Where Chaos Reigns17–19Graeme Morris1985 
CM7 9166The Tree of LifeElves 8+Bruce A. Heard1986 
CM8 9192The Endless Stair15–20Ed Greenwood1987 
CM9 9210Legacy of Blood15–19Steve Perrin, Katharine Kerr1987 


D—Drow[2] is a linked campaign of AD&D (1st Ed) modules created for Gen Con XI set in Greyhawk. They can also form an extended campaign following G, and followed by Q.

Drow - 1st Ed. AD&D - Greyhawk (Oerth)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
D1 9019Descent into the Depths of the Earth9–10+Gary Gygax1978 
D2 9020Shrine of the Kuo-Toa9Gary Gygax1978 
D1-2 9059Descent into the Depths of the Earth9–14Gary Gygax1981compilation
D3 9021Vault of the Drow10–14Gary Gygax1978 

DA—Dave Arneson is set in Blackmoor for Expert Set

Dave Arneson - Expert D&D - Blackmoor
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
DA1 9172Adventures in Blackmoor10–14Dave L. Arneson
David J. Ritchie
DA2 9175Temple of the Frog10–14Dave L. Arneson
David J. Ritchie
DA3 9191City of the Gods10–14Dave L. Arneson
David J. Ritchie
DA4 9205The Duchy of Ten10–14David J. Ritchie1987 

DDA—Dungeons & Dragons Adventure for Basic Set, set in Mystara.

Dungeons & Dragons Adventure - Basic D&D - Mystara
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
DDA1 9284Arena of Thyatis2–3John Nephew1990 
DDA2 9296Legions of Thyatis3–4John Nephew1990sequel to DDA1
DDA3 9271Eye of Traldar1–2Carl Sargent1991 
DDA4 9272Dymrak Dread1–3John Nephew1991loose sequel to DDA3

DL—Dragonlance introduced the Dragonlance campaign. They are linked series traditional modules for AD&D (1st Ed) except where noted.

Dragonlance - 1st Ed. AD&D - Dragonlance (Krynn)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
DL1 9130Dragons of Despair4–6Tracy Hickman1984Ranked 25th greatest adventure of all time[1]
DL2 9132Dragons of Flame5–7Douglas Niles1984 
DL3 9131Dragons of Hope6–8Tracy Hickman1984 
DL4 9139Dragons of Desolation6–8Tracy Hickman,
Michael Dobson
DL5 9135Dragons of MysteryN/AMichael Dobson1984Sourcebook
DL6 9140Dragons of Ice6–9Douglas Niles1985 
DL7 9136Dragons of Light7–9Jeff Grubb1985 
DL8 9141Dragons of War9–10Tracy Hickman,
Laura Hickman
DL9 9137Dragons of Deceit8–10Douglas Niles1985 
DL10 9142Dragons of Dreams8–10Tracy Hickman1985 
DL11 9144Dragons of GloryN/ADouglas Niles
Tracy Hickman
1986board wargame
DL12 9133Dragons of Faith9–10Harold Johnson,
Bruce Heard
DL13 9176Dragons of Truth10–13Tracy Hickman1986 
DL14 9180Dragons of Triumph10–14Douglas Niles1986Finale of original series
DL15 9231Mists of Krynn0–15various198812 Short Adventures
DL16 9237World of Krynn4–12Douglas Niles,
Michael Gray,
Harold Johnson
19884 Short Adventures

DLA—Dragonlance Adventure trilogy of linked adventures are set on the lost continent of Taladas in the Dragonlance world, for 2nd Edition AD&D.

Dragonlance Adventure - 2nd Ed. AD&D - Dragonlance (Krynn)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
DLA1 9275Dragon Dawn5–7Deborah Christian1990Dragonlance module
DLA2 9285Dragon Knight Rick Swan1990 
DLA3 9294Dragon's Rest8–9Rick Swan1990Requires Time of the Dragon boxed set

DLC—Dragonlance Classics collects the original Dragonlance modules, revised for 2nd Edition AD&D.

Dragonlance Classics - 2nd Ed. AD&D - Dragonlance (Krynn)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
DLC1 9291Classics Vol 13–8 1990Compilation of DL1–4
DLC2 9394Classics Vol. 28–12 1993Compilation of DL6–9
(DLC3) 9453Classics Vol. 3  1994Compilation of DL10, 12–14

DL(E/Q/S/T)—Dragonlance (Epic/Quest/Saga/Tales) for 2nd Edition AD&D.

Dragonlance Epic/Quest/Saga/Tales - 2nd Ed. AD&D - Dragonlance (Krynn)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
DLE1 9243In Search of Dragons5–8Rick Swan1989Dragonlance module
DLE2 9244Dragon Magic5–9Rick Swan1989Sequel to DLE1
DLE3 9245Dragon Keep5–9Rick Swan1989Sequel to DLE2
DLQ1 9381Knight's Sword1–3Colin McComb,
Thomas M. Reid
1992Dragonlance module
DLQ2 9382Flint's Axe2–4Tim Beach1992Dragonlance module
DLS1 9314New Beginnings Mark Acres1991Dragonlance module, set in Taladas
DLS2 9319Tree Lords1–2John Terra1991Dragonlance module
DLS3 9327Oak Lords Blake Mobley1991Dragonlance module
DLS4 9334Wild Elves4–7Scott Bennie1991Dragonlance module
DLT1 9395The Land Reborn John Terra1993Dragonlance module, mini-adventures

DQ—DragonQuest is compatible with both AD&D (1st Edition) or DragonQuest RPG

DragonQuest - 1st Ed. AD&D/DragonQuest - Forgotten Realms (Toril)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
DQ1 9221The Shattered Statue5–9Jennell Jaquays[lower-alpha 1]1987 

DS(Q/E)—Dark Sun (Quest/Epic) is a set of linked modules that require Dark Sun campaign setting.

Dark Sun Quest/Epic - 2nd Ed. AD&D - Dark Sun (Athas)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
DS1 2401Freedom3David Cook1991 
DSQ1 2406Road to Urik4–7David Cook1992 
DSQ2 2410Arcane Shadows5–8Bill Slavicsek1992 
DSQ3 2412Asticlian Gambit7–10Anthony Pryor1992In the May/June 1993 edition of White Wolf (Issue #36), Berin Kinsman lamented that Asticlian Gambit did not change course from previous modules to set a lighter tone, and concluded by giving the game an average rating of 3 out of 5.[3]
DSE1 2416Dragon's Crown10–13Various1993 
DSE2 2428Black Spine10–13Walter Baas1994 

DSM—Dark Sun Mission is a set of linked modules that require the Dark Sun campaign setting.

Dark Sun Mission - 2nd Ed. AD&D - Dark Sun (Athas)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
DSM1 2417Black Flames3–6Sam Witt1993In the May–June 1993 edition of White Wolf Magazine (Issue 38), Berin Kinsman thought that the module was a "good adventure overall", with "enough original ideas, fresh plot twists, and Athasian flavor to keep things entertaining" as well as being a good introductory module for players new to the Dark Sun campaign.[4] In 2014, games historian Shannon Applecline noted that "In general, the Dark Sun adventures were quite different from the dungeon crawls that dominated D&D in the '80s. However, Black Flames showed that Dark Sun was starting to develop typical tropes of its own: a journey across the desert wilderness; a ruins crawl; and the investigation (and defense) of an oasis."[5]
DSM2 2421Merchant House of Amketch4–7L. Richard Baker III1993 
DSM3 2424Marauders of Nibenay6–8;William W. Connors1993 


EX—EXtension Series are AD&D modules designed as a "tack-on" adventure set in Greyhawk.

EXtension Series - 1st Ed. AD&D - Greyhawk (Oerth)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
EX1 9072Dungeonland9–12Gary Gygax1983Official download
EX2 9073The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror9–12Gary Gygax1983Official download


G—Giants[2] is a linked campaign of AD&D (1st Ed) module(s) created for Origins '78 set in Greyhawk. They can also form an extended campaign following A, and followed by D.

Giants - 1st Ed. AD&D - Greyhawk (Oerth)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
G1 9016Steading of the Hill Giant Chief8+Gary Gygax1978 
G2 9017Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl8+Gary Gygax1978 
G3 9018Hall of the Fire Giant King8+Gary Gygax1978 
G1-2-3 9058Against the Giants8–12Gary Gygax1981 
GDQ1–7 9179Queen of the Spiders8–14Gary Gygax1986Supermodule combining G1–G3, D1–D3, and Q1; Ranked greatest adventure of all time[1]

GA—General Adventure for 2nd Edition AD&D, not specific to any campaign setting.

General Adventure - 2nd Ed. AD&D - Generic
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
GA1 9422The Murky Deep5–8Norman B. Ritchie1993 
GA2 9424Swamplight7–9Jean Rabe1993 
GA3 9428Tales of Enchantment5–8Jim Musser1993 

GAZ—GAZetteer The GAZ series described countries in the Known World of Mystara, using the D&D Basic and Expert Set rules, although beginning with GAZ07, rules for adapting to AD&D are provided. However the 15th product in this Mystara Gazetteer series, Dawn of the Emperors: Thyatis and Alphatia, was instead sold as a boxed set without an official GAZ-module code.

GAZetteer - BECM D&D - Mystara
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
GAZ1 9193The Grand Duchy of Karameikos-Aaron Allston1987 
GAZ2 9194The Emirates of Ylaruam-Ken Rolston1987 
GAZ3 9208The Principalities of Glantri-Bruce Heard1987 
GAZ4 9215The Kingdom of Ierendi-Anne Gray McCready1987 
GAZ5 9223The Elves of Alfheim-Steve Perrin1988 
GAZ6 9227The Dwarves of Rockhome-Aaron Allston1988 
GAZ7 9230The Northern Reaches-Ken Rolston1988 
GAZ8 9232The Five Shires-Ed Greenwood1988 
GAZ9 9236The Minrothad Guilds-Deborah Christian
Kim Eastland
GAZ10 9241The Orcs of Thar-Bruce Heard1988Includes Orc Wars boardgame
GAZ11 9250The Republic of Darokin-Scott Haring1989 
GAZ12 9246The Golden Khan of Ethengar-Jim Bambra1989 
GAZ13 9287The Shadow Elves-Carl Sargent
Gary Thomas
GAZ14 9306The Atruaghin Clans-William W. Connors1991 
  1037Dawn of the Emperors: Thyatis and Alphatia-Aaron Allston1989Sold as a boxed set without an official module code


H—The Bloodstone Pass Saga is a linked campaign series that focuses on using Battlesystem battles in Forgotten Realms AD&D adventures.

The Bloodstone Pass Saga - 1st Ed. AD&D - Forgotten Realms (Toril)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
H1 9122Bloodstone Pass13–17Douglas Niles
Michael Dobson
1985Battlesystem required
H2 9168The Mines of Bloodstone16–18Michael Dobson
Douglas Niles
H3 9200The Bloodstone Wars17–20Michael Dobson
Douglas Niles
1987Battlesystem recommended
H4 9228The Throne of Bloodstone18–100Douglas Niles
Michael Dobson

HHQ—Head to Head Quest modules for 2nd Edition AD&D are designed for one Player and a DM

Head to Head Quest - 2nd Ed. AD&D - Generic
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
HHQ1 9330Fighter's Challenge2–4John Terra1992 
HHQ2 9359Wizard's Challenge2–5Tim Beach1992 
HHQ3 9420Thief's Challenge2–4Troy Christensen1993 
HHQ4 9429Cleric's Challenge2–4L. Richard Baker III1993 
(HHQ5) 9427Fighter's Challenge II4–6Drew Bittner1994 
(HHQ6) 9454Wizard's Challenge II4–6Kevin Melka1994 
(HHQ7) 9478Thief's Challenge II: Beacon Point4–6Terry Amthor1995 
(HHQ8) 9483Cleric's Challenge II4–6Paul Culotta1995 

HW—Hollow World set in Mystara.

Hollow World - BECM D&D - Mystara
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
HWA1 9303Nightwail6–8Allen Varney1990Blood Brethren trilogy
HWA2 9310Nightrage7–9Allen Varney1990Blood Brethren trilogy
HWA3 9311Nightstorm8–10Allen Varney1991Blood Brethren trilogy
HWQ1 9378The Milenian Scepter6–8Anthony Herring1992 
HWR1 9332Sons of AzcaJohn Nephew1991Hollow World Accessory
HWR2 9339Kingdom of NithiaBlake Mobley, Newton Ewell1991Hollow World Accessory
HWR3 9384The Milenian EmpireAnthony Herring1992Hollow World Accessory


I—Intermediate, for AD&D, mostly separate adventures though some sequels do exist within the series.

Intermediate - 1st Ed. AD&D - Various/Generic
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
I1 9046Dwellers of the Forbidden City4–7David Cook1981Set in Greyhawk; Ranked 13th greatest adventure of all time[1]
I2 9055Tomb of the Lizard King5–7Mark Acres1982 
I3 9052Pharaoh5–7Tracy & Laura Hickman1982Desert of Desolation part 1. Originally published by Tracy & Laura Hickman in 1980.
I4 9053Oasis of the White Palm6–8Philip Meyers
Tracy Hickman
1983Desert of Desolation part 2
I5 9054Lost Tomb of Martek7–9Tracy Hickman1983Desert of Desolation part 3
I3–5 9199Desert of Desolation5–10Various1987Revised Compilation. Ranked 6th greatest adventure of all time[1]
I6 9075Ravenloft5–7Tracy & Laura Hickman1983Ranked 2nd greatest adventure of all time. First module set in Ravenloft.[1]
I7 9152Baltron's Beacon4–8Philip Meyers1985 
I8 9169Ravager of Time8–10Graeme Morris & Jim Bambra1986UK
I9 9178Day of Al'Akbar8–10Allen Hammack1986 
I10 9181Ravenloft II: The House on Gryphon Hill8–10Tracy & Laura Hickman1986Sequel to I6.
Official download
I11 9187Needle8–10Frank Mentzer1987[Official download: text, cover, PC art, art part 1, art part 2[6]
I12 9201Egg of the Phoenix5–9Frank Mentzer and Jennell Jaquays[lower-alpha 1]1987Abbreviated compilation of R1–R4
I13 9202Adventure Pack I Deborah Christian (ed.)1987 
I14 9226Swords of the Iron Legion1–15+Skip Williams (ed.)1988Battlesystem required

IM—Immortal, for use with D&D Immortals Set. Set in Mystara.

Immortal - Immortals D&D - Mystara
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
IM1 9171The Immortal StormNoviceFrank Mentzer1986 
IM2 9189The Wrath of OlympusTemporalRobert J. Blake1987 
IM3 9207The Best of IntentionsTemporalKen Rolston1987 


L—Lendore Isles was Lenard Lakofka's campaign that was made part of Greyhawk. It was originally planned to be a series of five linked modules, but only three were ever published.

Lendore Isles - 1st Ed. AD&D - Greyhawk
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
L1 9045The Secret of Bone Hill2–4Lenard Lakofka1981Official download: text, cover, maps, art[6]
L2 9057The Assassin's Knot2–5Lenard Lakofka1983Ranked 29th greatest adventure of all time[1]
L3 9844Deep Dwarven Delve3–6Lenard Lakofka1999Meant to be published in the 1980s but canceled, finally printed as part of TSR Silver Anniversary boxed set
L4 Devilspawn3–5Lenard Lakofka2010Official download
L4C The Lendore Isle Companion1-5Lenard Lakofka2010Companion to running adventures in the Lendore Isles. Official download
L5A The Kroten Campaign GuideLenard Lakofka2014Describes the area where L5 takes place. Official download
L5B The Kroten AdventuresLenard Lakofka2014Details five adventures in the Kroten area. Official download
L5C The Kroten Campaign CompanionLenard Lakofka2014Optional new material for the game: new rules, armor, cleric abilities, magic items, etc. Official download
L5[D] Map PackLenard Lakofka2014Maps for the city of Kroten and the surrounding area. Official download

LN(A/Q/R)—Lankhmar/Nehwon (Adventure/Quest/Reference) independent adventures for use with Lankhmar City of Adventure box set.

Lankhmar/Nehwon - 1st Ed. AD&D - Nehwon (Lankhmar)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
LNA1 9276Thieves of Lankhmar Nigel Findley1990 
LNA2 9305Nehwon7–12Blake Mobley1990 
LNA3 9318Prince of Lankhmar10–14Dale "Slade" Henson1991 
LNQ1 9371Slayers of Lankhmar8–11Slade Henson1992 
LNR1 9295Wonders of Lankhmar Dale "Slade" Henson1990Short Adventures
LNR2 9329Tales of Lankhmar3–10Anthony Pryor1991Short Adventures
includes sequel to CA2


M—Master for use with the Master Dungeons & Dragons rules, set in Mystara.

Master - Master D&D - Mystara
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
M1 9159Into the Maelstrom25–30Bruce Heard, Beatrice Heard1985 
M2 9148Vengeance of Alphaks28–32Skip Williams1986 Sequel to module M1
M3 9174Twilight Calling30–35Tom Moldvay1986 
M4 9204Five Coins for a Kingdom28–32Allen Varney1987 
M5 9214Talons of Night20–25Jennell Jaquays[lower-alpha 1]1987Sequel to module M2

MSOLO: solo modules set in Mystara by default.

Mystara Solo - Basic/Expert D&D - Mystara
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
M1 (MSOLO1) 9067Blizzard PassThieves 1–3David Cook1983solo, invisible ink, Basic Set, Reviewed[7]
M2 (MSOLO2) 9060Maze of the Riddling Minotaur1–10Jeff Grubb1983solo, invisible ink, Expert Set

MV—Magic Viewer: solo adventure for 1st Edition AD&D.

Magic Viewer - 1st Ed. AD&D - Generic
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
MV1 9104Midnight on Dagger AlleyIntroMerle M. Rasmussen1984solo  



Novice - 1st Ed. AD&D - Various/Generic
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
N1 9063Against the Cult of the Reptile God1–3Douglas Niles1982Set in Greyhawk; ranked 19th greatest adventure of all time[1]
N2 9084The Forest Oracle2–4Carl Smith1984 
N3 9163Destiny of Kings1–4 Stephen Bourne1986Has a typo on the module booklet cover: it states that the adventure is for 5-10 characters levels 4-8, when in fact, the module is for 4-6 characters of levels 1-4.[8] In 1998 the module was re-released for 2nd Edition AD&D.
N4 9185Treasure Hunt0–1Aaron Allston1986FR module (retroactive)
N5 9212Under Illefarn0–3Steve Perrin1987First labelled FR module


O—One on one (one player one master) set in Mystara.

One on One - Expert D&D - Mystara
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
O1 9050The Gem and the StaffThief 8John and Laurie Van De Graaf1983 
O2 9108Blade of VengeanceElf 7Jim Bambra1984UK

OA—Oriental Adventures was originally its own campaign setting (see Oriental Adventures and List of Forgotten Realms modules and sourcebooks), but from OA5 was incorporated into Forgotten Realms.

Oriental Adventures - 1st Ed. AD&D / 2nd Ed. AD&D - Forgotten Realms (Toril)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
OA1 9164Swords of the Daimyo David Cook1986 
OA2 9186Night of the Seven Swords Various1986 
OA3 9195Ochimo: The Spirit Warrior5–7Jeff Grubb1987 
OA4 9203Blood of the Yakuza David Cook1987 
OA5 9242Mad Monkey vs. the Dragon Claw6–9Jeff Grubb1988Official download[6]
OA6 9257Ronin Challenge5–8Curtis Smith
Rick Swan
1989Official download[6]
OA7 9258Test of the Samurai6–9Rick Swan1989Sequel to OA6.
Official download[6]

OP—Outer Planes for use with the AD&D Manual of the Planes.

Outer Planes - 1st Ed. AD&D - Outer Planes
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
OP1 9225Tales of the Outer Planesvarious (1-11+) 1988Short Adventures


Q—Queen of the Demonweb Pits single module conclusion to the G and D series

Queen of the Demonweb Pits - 1st Ed. AD&D - Greyhawk (Oerth)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
Q1 9035Queen of the Demonweb Pits10–14David C. Sutherland III
Gary Gygax
1980Is the conclusion of the GDQ Series.


R—Role Playing Game Association tournament modules, R1–6 were also available to RPGA members. R1–4 were later revised and abridged as I12. Mentzer initially intended the "R" series to take place in Greyhawk (on a different continent from Oerik) as part of an "Acquaria" or "Aqua-Oeridian" campaign. The original concept was to use these modules to form the basis of a new Greyhawk boxed set, although TSR never went forward with these plans and as such the modules are not officially for Greyhawk.

Role Playing Game Association - 1st Ed. AD&D - Generic
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
R1 To the Aid of Falx5–9Frank Mentzer1982 
R2 The Investigation of Hydell3–5Frank Mentzer1982 
R3 The Egg of the Phoenix5–9Frank Mentzer1982 
R4 Doc's Island6–10Frank Mentzer1983 
R5 Great Bugbear Hunt5–7Frank Mentzer1986Run at GenCon South in 1982, later published in Polyhedron #28
R6 Bigby's Tomb5–7Frank Mentzer1984Run at an unknown tournament in 1984, later published in Polyhedron #20 as "The 384th Incarnation of Bigby's Tomb"
R7 "Dwarven" Quest for the Rod of Seven Parts Frank Mentzer(1982)Dwarven Quest for the Rod of Seven Parts Part 1. Run at GenCon II East in 1982, never published.
R8 Yog's Dessert Frank Mentzer(1982)Dwarven Quest for the Rod of Seven Parts Part 2 (sometimes misspelled "Yog's Desert"). Run at GenCon II East in 1982, never published.
R9 Tinker's Canyon Frank Mentzer(1982)Dwarven Quest for the Rod of Seven Parts Part 3. Run at GenCon II East in 1982, never published.
R10 Air Plane! Frank Mentzer(1982)Dwarven Quest for the Rod of Seven Parts Part 4. Run at GenCon II East in 1982, never published.

RA—Ravenloft / RQ—Ravenloft Quests TSR changed coding for sales purposes. Grand Conjunction Campaign was developed after the first 3 modules were made

Ravenloft/Ravenloft Quests - 2nd Ed. AD&D - Ravenloft
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
RA1 9298Feast of Goblyns4-7Blake Mobley19903rd Grand Conjunction Campaign Module or Stand alone
RA2 9321Ship of Horror8–10Anne Brown19914th Grand Conjunction Campaign Module or stand alone
RA3 9338Touch of Death3-5Bruce Nesmith19912nd Grand Conjunction Campaign Module or stand alone
RQ1 9352 Night of the Walking Dead 1-3 Bill Slavicsek 1992 1st Grand Conjunction Campaign Module or stand alone
RQ2 9364 Thoughts of Darkness 12-15 David Wise 1992
RQ3 9375 From the Shadows 9-12 Bruce Nesmith 1992 5th Grand Conjunction Campaign Module (Can be played with Roots of Evil by themselves)

RM—Ravenloft Missions TSR changed coding again for sales purposes

Ravenloft Missions - 2nd Ed. AD&D - Ravenloft
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
RM1 9413Roots of Evil9-12Erik Haddock & David Wise19936th and Final Module in the Grand Conjunction Campaign .
RM2 9414The Created2-4Bruce Nesmith1993
RM3 9415Web of Illusion7-9William W. Connors1993
RM4 9418 House of Strahd 6-13 Tracy and Laura Hickman 1993

RPGA—Role Playing Game Association tournament modules, also available to RPGA members. This series was later revised and reprinted as B7, C4 & C5.

Role Playing Game Association - Basic D&D / 1st Ed. AD&D - Mystara / Generic
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
RPGA1 Rahasia1–2Tracy and Laura Hickman1983For Basic D&D; reprint of non-TSR module from 1979. Later combined into B7. Original RPGA1 by itself is a very rare module, though PDFs exist of RPGA1 and 2 combined and edited into a single document.
RPGA2 Black Opal Eye2–3Tracy and Laura Hickman1983For Basic D&D. Later combined into B7. Very rare module.
RPGA3 The Forgotten King4–7Bob Blake1983 
RPGA4 The Elixir of Life4–7Bob Blake1983 
RPGA5 Riddle of Dolmen Moor4–7Bob Blake in Polyhedron #16, reprinted in C5
RPGA6 Incants of Ishcabeble4–7Bob Blake in Polyhedron #17, reprinted in C5
RPGA7 Llywelyn's Tomb4–7Bob Blake in Polyhedron #18, reprinted in C5
RPGA8 And the Gods Will Have Their Way4–7Bob Blake in Polyhedron #19, reprinted in C5

RS—Red Sonja

Red Sonja - 1st Ed. AD&D - Earth (Hyborian Age)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
RS1 9183Red Sonja Unconquered10–14Anne McCready1986 



Special - 1st Ed. AD&D / 2nd Ed. AD&D - Greyhawk/Generic
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
S1 9022Tomb of Horrors10–14Gary Gygax1978Module from Origins 1, set in Greyhawk. Ranked 3rd greatest adventure of all time.[1]
Official download of 3.5 conversion[9]
S2 9027White Plume Mountain5–10Lawrence Schick1979Set in Greyhawk. Ranked 9th greatest adventure of all time.[1]
Official download of 3.5 Ed. revision
"Official download of Outside the Mountain web enhancement". Archived from the original on November 3, 2012. Retrieved Nov 3, 2012.
S3 9033Expedition to the Barrier Peaks8–12Gary Gygax1980Set in Greyhawk. Ranked 5th greatest adventure of all time.[1]
S4 9061The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth6–10Gary Gygax1982Prequel to WG4, set in Greyhawk. Originally published in 1976 without a module code as The Lost Caverns of Tsojconth (note difference in spelling). Ranked 22nd greatest adventure of all time[1]
S1–4 9209Realms of Horror10-14Gary Gygax1987Abridged Compilation
(S5) 9471The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga7–20Lisa Smedman19952nd Edition
(S6) 9503Labyrinth of Madness15+Monte Cook19952nd Edition

SJA—Spelljammer Adventure set in the Spelljammer campaign setting

Spelljammer Adventure - 2nd Ed. AD&D - Spelljammer
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
SJA1 9273Wildspace6–8Allen Varney1990An adventure that introduces the Spelljammer setting
SJA2 9286Skull & Crossbows6–10Nigel Findley1990An anthology of adventures that can be used as a sequel to Wildspace
SJA3 9299Crystal Spheres5–7J. Paul LaFountain1990Introduces four new crystal spheres
SJA4 9325Under the Dark Fist10–14Grant Boucher1991Introduces twelve new crystal spheres

SJQ–Spelljammer Quest set in the Spelljammer campaign setting

Spelljammer Quest - 2nd Ed. AD&D - Spelljammer
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
SJQ1 9347Heart of the Enemy8–11Rick Swam1992Set during the second Unhuman War and designed to follow Goblins' Return

SJS—Spelljammer Sourcebook set in the Spelljammer campaign setting

Spelljammer Sourcebook - 2nd Ed. AD&D - Spelljammer
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
SJS1 9343Goblins' Return7–10Bruce Nesmith1991Set during the second Unhuman War and designed to work with Heart of the Enemy

ST–Steam Train[10] (or Stoke-on-Trent) limited edition module released at 1986 Stoke-on-Trent Garden Festival (UK).

Steam Train - Basic/Expert D&D - Generic
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
ST1 Up the Garden Path4–7Graeme Morris
Mike Brunton


T—Temple of Elemental Evil set in Greyhawk.

Temple of Elemental Evil - 1st Ed. AD&D - Greyhawk (Oerth)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
T1 9026The Village of Hommlet1–3Gary Gygax1979 
T1–4 9147The Temple of Elemental Evil1–8Gary Gygax
Frank Mentzer
1985Includes abridged T1. Ranked 4th greatest adventure of all time[1]


U—Underwater a linked trilogy set in Greyhawk, published in the UK.

Underwater - 1st Ed. AD&D - Greyhawk (Oerth)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
U1 9062The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh1–3Dave Browne
Don Turnbull
1981Ranked 27th greatest adventure of all time[1]
U2 9064Danger at Dunwater1–4Dave Browne
Don Turnbull
U3 9076The Final Enemy3–5Dave Browne
Don Turnbull

UK—United Kingdom a series of mostly independent adventures developed by the TSR UK office

United Kingdom - 1st Ed. AD&D - Greyhawk (Oerth)/Generic
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
UK1 9066Beyond the Crystal Cave4–7Dave Browne
Tom Kirby
Graeme Morris
1983Set in Greyhawk
UK2 9101The Sentinel2–5Graeme Morris1983Adlerweg Part 1, set in Greyhawk
UK3 9111The Gauntlet3–6Graeme Morris1984Adlerweg Part 2, set in Greyhawk
UK4 9120When a Star Falls3–5Graeme Morris1984 
UK5 9125Eye of the Serpent1Graeme Morris1984 
UK6 9126All That Glitters...3–5Jim Bambra1984 
UK7 9151Dark Clouds Gather7–9Jim Bambra
Phil Gallagher


WG—World of Greyhawk was a series of stand-alone adventures set in Greyhawk for 1st edition except as noted. No modules were ever assigned codes WG1–WG3. WG1 was earmarked for The Village of Hommlet (T1), and WG2 was earmarked for The Temple of Elemental Evil (T1-4). WG3 was to be Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth (S4), a loosely tied prequel to WG4. WG7 was advertised during summer 1986 as Shadowlords, a collaboration between Gary Gygax and Skip Williams. Gygax's lawsuit with TSR put Shadowlords in limbo, and it was replaced with Castle Greyhawk.

World of Greyhawk - 1st Ed. AD&D/2nd Ed. AD&D - Greyhawk (Oerth)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
WG4 9065The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun8–10Gary Gygax1982Sequel to S4. Ranked 23rd greatest adventure of all time[1]
WG5 9112Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure9–12Robert Kuntz
Gary Gygax
WG6 9153Isle of the Ape18 +Gary Gygax1985 
WG7 9222Castle Greyhawk0–25Various1988Humorous theme
WG8 9253Fate of Istus Various1989Has 2nd edition logo
WG9 9251Gargoyle1–4Dave Collins
Skip Williams
19892nd edition
WG10 9265Child's Play13–15Jean Rabe
Skip Williams
19892nd edition
WG11 9269Puppets1–3Vince Garcia
Bruce Rabe
19892nd edition
WG12 9270Vale of the Mage7–9Jean Rabe19892nd edition

WGA—World of Greyhawk Adventure

World of Greyhawk Adventure - 2nd Ed. AD&D - Greyhawk (Oerth)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
WGA1 9279Falcon's Revenge5–7Richard and Anne Brown1990fold-up cardstock buildings
WGA2 9289Falconmaster5–7Richard and Anne Brown1990fold-up cardstock buildings
WGA3 9302Flames of the Falcon5–7Richard and Anne Brown1990fold-up cardstock buildings
WGA4 9309Vecna Lives!12–15David Cook1990 

WGM—World of Greyhawk Mission

World of Greyhawk Mission - 2nd Ed. AD&D - Greyhawk (Oerth)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
WGM1 9406Border Watch1–3Paul Riegel1993 

WGQ—World of Greyhawk Quest

World of Greyhawk Quest - 2nd Ed. AD&D - Greyhawk (Oerth)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
WGQ1 9385Patriots of Ulek1–3Anthony Pryor1992 

WGR—World of Greyhawk Reference is a mix of adventures and background information.

World of Greyhawk Reference - 2nd Ed. AD&D - Greyhawk (Oerth)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
WGR1 9292Greyhawk Ruins2–15Blake Mobley
Timothy Brown
WGR2 9360Treasures of Greyhawk4–18Various1992Short Adventures
WGR3 9386Rary the TraitorAll / 8+Anthony Pryor1992 
WGR4 9398The Marklands Carl Sargent1993Sourcebook
WGR5 9399Iuz the Evil Carl Sargent1993Sourcebook
WGR6 9405The City of Skulls9–12Carl Sargent1993Ranked 26th greatest adventure of all time[1]

WGS—World of Greyhawk Swords was originally intended as a trilogy. The planned third module became instead the Greyhawk Wars boxed wargame.

World of Greyhawk Swords - 2nd Ed. AD&D - Greyhawk (Oerth)
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
WGS1 9317Five Shall Be One7–10Carl Sargent1991 
WGS2 9337Howl From the North8–10Dale "Slade" Henson1991 


X—eXpert series was for use with Dungeons & Dragons Expert Set except where noted and set in Mystara.

eXpert Series - Expert D&D - Mystara
Code TSR# Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
X1 9043The Isle of Dread3–7David Cook
Tom Moldvay
1981Included in Expert Set. Ranked 16th greatest adventure of all time[1]
X2 9051Castle Amber3–6Tom Moldvay1981Ranked 15th greatest adventure of all time[1]
X3 9056Curse of Xanathon5–7Douglas Niles1982 
X4 9068Master of the Desert Nomads6–9David Cook1983Nomads Pt 1
X5 9069Temple of Death6–10David Cook1983Nomads Pt 2. Given 10/10 by White Dwarf.[11]
X6 9081Quagmire!4–10Merle M. Rasmussen1984 
X7 9079The War Rafts of Kron9–12Bruce Nesmith1984 
X8 9127Drums on Fire Mountain5–8Graeme Morris
Tom Kirby
1984UK made
X9 9129The Savage Coast4–10Merle M. Rasmussen
Jackie Rasmussen
Anne C. Gray
X10 9160Red Arrow, Black Shield10–14Michael S. Dobson1985Battlesystem required; uses elements introduced in X4-X5, but not a continuation of that series as such
X11 9165Saga of the Shadow Lord5–9Stephen Bourne1986 
X12 9188Skarda's Mirror5–8Aaron Allston1987 
X13 9218Crown of Ancient Glory7–10Stephen Bourne1987Requires Companion Set
XL1 9114Quest for the Heartstone5–10Michael L. Gray1984Tie in to action figures. Given 4/10 by White Dwarf.[12]
XSOLO 9082Lathan's Gold4–6Merle M. Rasmussen1984Solo Module
XS2 9157Thunderdelve Mountain7–9William Carlson1985Solo Module

Other modules

Code Title Levels Author(s) Published Notes
9481 Avengers in Lankhmar 1-3 1991 The players, and three competitor teams of non-player characters, search Lankhmar for the fugitive assassin.
 Adventurer's Guild modules   Limited edition modules released by TSR to retailers as promotional tie-ins to upcoming products.[13]
11413Against the Giants: The Liberation of GeoffVariableGary Gygax and Sean K. Reynolds1999Expanded version of G1, G2 and G3 that includes adventures suitable for low to high level characters. Set in Greyhawk.
11614The Apocalypse Stone15+Jason Carl & Chris Pramas2000An endtimes adventure designed to bring about the destruction of the campaign world. Generic setting.
9350Assault on Raven's Ruin2–3Tim Beach1992Thunder Rift setting.
11347Axe of the Dwarvish Lords13–15Skip Williams1999Generic setting.
9580Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad 8–10 or 8–12[14]Sean K. Reynolds1998Second volume in the Lost Tombs trilogy. Set in Greyhawk.
9471The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga7–20Lisa Smedman1995Generic setting.
2019SDark and Hidden WaysVariesVarious1990Bundled with the Dungeoneer's Survival Guide; disconnected Underdark encounters.
2631Dead Gods6-9Monte Cook1997For the Planescape setting. Ranked 14th greatest adventure of all time.[1]
11377Destiny of Kings1–4Stephen Bourne19982nd edition version of the original module published in 1986.
11662Die Vecna Die!10–13Bruce R. Cordell and Steve Miller2000Three-part adventure (Greyhawk, Ravenloft and Planescape). The final 2nd edition adventure.
9581The Doomgrinder4–8Steve Miller1998Final adventure in the Lost Tombs trilogy. Set in Greyhawk.
Dragon Mountain10-151993Boxed set adventure.
11444Dungeons of DespairVariesVarious1999Adventures compiled from Dungeon magazine.
 The Dwarven Glory Pete and Judy Kerestan1977Distributed by TSR and published by Wee Warriors.
9542Evil Tide5–7Bruce Cordell1997First part of the "Sahuagin" trilogy and supports the Sea Devils sourcebook of the Monstrous Arcana series. Generic setting.
9530Eye of Doom6–8Thomas M. Reid1996Second part of the "Beholder" trilogy.
9522Eye of Pain4–8Thomas M. Reid1996First part of the "Beholder" trilogy and supports the I, Tyrant sourcebook of the Monstrous Arcana series. Generic setting.
11373Eye of the WyvernJeff Grubb1999Fast-Play Game adventure.
9536Eye to Eye8–12Thomas M. Reid1996Third part of the "Beholder" trilogy.
2430Forest Maker11–13John J. Terra1994For the Dark Sun setting.
9533The Gates of Firestorm Peak5-8Bruce Cordell1996Ranked 11th greatest adventure of all time.[1] Incorporates rules from the Player's Option books. Generic setting.
2502Hail the Heroes1–3Tim Beach1994Set in Mystara. Includes an interactive audio CD for use with the adventure.
9534A Hero's Tale1-10Monte Cook1996Adventure anthology suitable for any campaign world.
9436In the Phantom's Wake3–5"Slade" Henson1993Thunder Rift setting.
9259The Jade Hare1John Nephew1992Limited edition module included for free with other purchases from the TSR Mail Order Hobby Shop in order to secure the trademark for its "Dragon Master" line of products.[15] Designed for first level characters.
3142King of the GiantdownsVariableEd Stark 1997For the Birthright campaign setting. Includes adventures for low to high level characters.
9434The Knight of Newts1-2"Slade" Henson 1993Thunder Rift setting. Designed for the boxed set or Rules Cyclopedia and comes with full color poster map.
9503Labyrinth of Madness15+Monte Cook 1995Generic setting.
3125Legends of the Hero-KingsVariableEd Stark 1996For the Birthright campaign setting. Includes adventures for low to high level characters.
9573The Lost Shrine of Bundushatur8-10Michael D. Wagner1998Generic setting. Part of the Dungeon Crawl series of stand-alone modules.
2513Mark of Amber4–6Aaron Allston, Jeff Grubb and John D. Rateliff1995Set in Mystara; sequel to Castle Amber. Includes interactive audio CD for use with the adventure.
9568Moonlight Madness4–6Penny & Skip Williams1998Generic setting.
1125Night Below1-10+Carl Sargent1995Generic setting. Epic Underdark Campaign.
9550Night of the Shark6–8Bruce Cordell1997Second part of the "Sahuagin" trilogy.
2509Night of the Vampire1–3L. Richard Baker III1994Set in Mystara.
 Palace of the Vampire Queen Pete and Judy Kerestan1976The first published adventure ever. Distributed by TSR and published by Wee Warriors.[16]
9586A Paladin in Hell15–20Monte Cook1998Generic setting.
9342Quest for the Silver Sword2–3William W. Connors1992Thunder Rift setting. Followed by Rage of the Rakasta.
 Quest for the Fazzlewood John and Laurie Van De Graaf1978Tournament module later revised and published as The Gem and the Staff.[17]
9435Rage of the Rakasta2–4William W. Connors1993Thunder Rift setting. Can be played as a sequel to Quest for the Silver Sword or as a stand-alone.
11397Ravenloft: 25th Anniversary5–7Tracy and Laura Hickman19992nd edition version of the original module. Set in Ravenloft. Also known as the Silver Anniversary Edition, not to be confused with the I6 Ravenloft facsimile which was included in the TSR Silver Anniversary box.[18]
9576Return of the Eight6–12Roger E. Moore1998Set in Greyhawk.
11327Return to the Keep on the Borderlands1–3John D. Rateliff1999Sequel to B2 The Keep on the Borderlands. Set in Greyhawk (but also has several Mystara references), even though B2 was generic in terms of setting.
1162Return to the Tomb of Horrors13–16Bruce R. Cordell1998Expansion and sequel to S1 Tomb of Horrors. Set in Greyhawk. Ranked 10th greatest adventure of all time.[1]
11434Return to White Plume Mountain7–10Bruce R. Cordell1999Sequel to S2 White Plume Mountain. Set in Greyhawk.
11392Reverse DungeonVariousJohn D. Rateliff & Bruce R. Cordell2000Players roleplay monsters defending a dungeon against NPC adventurers. Generic setting.
11376Road to Danger1–3Christopher Perkins1998Low level adventures compiled from Dungeon magazine.
9560Sea of Blood7–9Bruce R. Cordell1997Third part of the "Sahuagin" trilogy.
11621Slavers4–5Sean K. Reynolds and Chris Pramas2000Sequel to A1–4 Scourge of the Slave Lords. Set in Greyhawk.
3102Sword and Crown5–7Colin McComb1995For the Birthright campaign setting.
9387Sword and Shield1–3John Terra1992Thunder Rift setting. Introductory adventure
9448Temple, Tower, and Tomb7-12Steve Winter and Laura Craig1994 
NNTerrible Trouble at Tragidore5–8Bruce Rabe and Jean Rabe1989Generic Setting. Included with the 2nd edition Dungeon Master's Screen.
1145The Rod of Seven Parts10–12Skip Williams1996Generic setting.
11325The Shattered Circle1–3Bruce R. Cordell1999Generic setting.
9508The Silver Key2–8Ted James Thomas Zuvich1996Generic setting.
9579The Star Cairns5–8Sean K. Reynolds1998First part of the Lost Tombs trilogy. Set in Greyhawk.
The Star of Kolhapur5–8Michael Selinker1997RPGA module. Generic setting.
3118The Sword of Roele5–8Wolfgang Baur1996For the Birthright campaign setting.
9357Thunder RiftEntry LevelColin McComb1992Presents the Thunder Rift campaign setting.
9518Treasure TalesLoren Coleman1996Adventure anthology.
11445TSR Jam 1999VariousVarious1999Anthology of adventures compiled from the Adventurer's Guild program.[19]
9582Vecna Reborn5-7Monte Cook1998Marketed as a Ravenloft product as it was set in the Demiplane of Dread
11326The Vortex of Madness Chris Pramas2000 
B00778Wand of Archeal6–8Mike Selinker & Penny Williams1999Originally a Role Playing Game Association tournament module. Generic setting.
3110Warlock of the Stonecrowns4–10Wolfgang Baur1995For the Birthright campaign setting
2020SWild Things Grant Boucher1997Originally bundled with the Wilderness Survival Guide, this rare module was never sold separately. It has no cover but the sleeve originally containing the whole bundle; Wilderness adventure.
11331Wrath of the MinotaurJeff Grubb1999Fast-Play Game adventure.


  1. Credited as Paul Jaquays.


  1. Mona, Erik; Jacobs, James; Dungeon Design Panel (2004). "The 30 Greatest D&D Adventures of All Time". Dungeon (116). Paizo Publishing (published November 2004): 68–81.
  2. "Dungeons & Dragons FAQ". Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2008-10-02. Retrieved 2008-10-03.
  3. Kinsman, Berin (May–June 1993). "Capsule Reviews: AD&D Dark Sun; Asticlian Gambit". White Wolf Magazine. No. 36. pp. 66–67.
  4. Kinsman, Berin (May–June 1993). "Capsule Reviews: AD&D Dark Sun; Black Sun". White Wolf Magazine. No. 38. p. 67.
  5. Applecline, Shannon. "DSM1 Black Flames (2e)". Dungeon Masters Guild. Retrieved 2020-04-22.
  6. "Previous Edition Dungeons & Dragons Downloads". 30 June 2010. Archived from the original on 30 June 2010.
  7. Bambra, Jim (September 1983). "Open Box". White Dwarf (review) (45). Games Workshop: 14.
  8. "Novice Series". The Acaeum. Retrieved 27 September 2021.
  9. "Adventures: Tomb of Horrors (Revised)". 11 January 2011. Archived from the original on 11 January 2011.
  10. "Tomb of Treasures ST1 module information". Tomb of Treasures. Retrieved 2011-04-16.
  11. Morris, Dave (July 1984). "Open Box: Dungeon Modules". White Dwarf (review) (55). Games Workshop: 18–19. ISSN 0265-8712.
  12. Staplehust, Graham (March 1985). "Open Box: Dungeon Modules". White Dwarf (review) (63). Games Workshop: 12. ISSN 0265-8712.
  13. "Adv Guild".
  14. Reynolds, Sean (October 17, 2012). "Facebook". Facebook. Retrieved 2023-06-29.
  15. "Jade Hare".
  16. "Palace of the Vampire Queen".
  17. "One-on-One Series".
  18. "Ravenloft Silver Anniversary Edition (1999 TSR edition) - RPGnet d20 RPG Game Index".
  19. "AG Index".
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