
Tiliaceae (/ˌtɪliˈsii/) is a family of flowering plants. It is not a part of the APG, APG II and APG III classifications, being sunk in Malvaceae mostly as the subfamilies Tilioideae, Brownlowioideae and Grewioideae, but has an extensive historical record of use.

Tilia cordata

All through its existence the family has had a very lively history, with various authors taking very different views on what should be part of this family. As a result, it is recommended when this name is encountered to check what the author means.

However, in the northern temperate regions the name is unambiguous as the only representative is Tilia, the lime or linden.

APG II system

The APG II system, does not recognise this as a family but submerges it in the Malvaceae sensu lato, which unites the four families Bombacaceae, Malvaceae sensu stricto, Sterculiaceae and Tiliaceae. Modern botanical taxonomy, such as the relevant volume in the Kubitzki series which conforms to APG, treats most of the plants that traditionally constitute the family (see above) in the subfamilies Tilioideae, Brownlowioideae, and Grewioideae within this extended family Malvaceae sensu lato. Cladistically, the traditional family Tiliaceae is polyphyletic.

de Candolle system

In the de Candolle system the circumscription of the family was:

  • family Tiliaceae
    genus I. Sparmannia [sic: now Sparrmannia]
    genus II. Abatia
    genus III. Heliocarpus
    genus IV. Antichorus
    genus V. Corchorus
    genus VI. Honckenya [sic, see Clappertonia]
    genus VII. Triumfetta
    genus VIII. Grewia
    genus IX. Columbia [sic, now Colona]
    genus X. Tilia
    genus XI. Diplophractum
    genus XII. Muntingia
    genus XIII. Apeiba
    genus XIV. Sloanea
    genus XV. Ablania
    genus XIV. Gyrostemon
    genus XVII. Christiana
    genus XVIII. Alegria
    genus XIX. Luhea [sic, now: Luehea]
    genus XX. Vatica
    genus XXI. Espera
    genus XXII. Wikstroemia
    genus XXIII. Berrya

According to APG II system, the current placement of these genera is mostly in the Malvaceae sensu lato, but with Gyrostemon moved to family Gyrostemonaceae, Muntingia to family Muntingiaceae, Sloanea to family Elaeocarpaceae, Vatica to family Dipterocarpaceae and Wikstroemia to family Thymelaeaceae (possibly reduced to a synonym of Daphne). The genus Abatia is assigned to the family Salicaceae sensu lato.

Bentham & Hooker system

The family reached perhaps its widest circumscription in the Bentham & Hooker system:

  • family XXXIII Tiliaceae
    series A. Holopetalae
    tribus I. Brownlowieae
    genus 1. Brownlowia
    genus 2. Pentace
    genus 3. Diplodiscus
    genus 4. Pityranthe
    genus 5. Christiana
    genus 6. Berrya
    genus 7. Carpodiptera
    tribus II. Grewieae
    genus 8. Grewia
    genus 9. Columbia [sic, now Colona]
    genus 10. Diplophractum
    genus 11. Belotia
    genus 12. Erinocarpus
    genus 13. Triumfetta
    genus 14. Heliocarpus
    tribus III. Tilieae
    genus 15. Entelea
    genus 16. Sparrmannia
    genus 17. Honckenya [sic, see Clappertonia]
    genus 18. Corchorus
    genus 19. Corchoropsis
    genus 20. Luehea
    genus 21. Mollia
    genus 22. Trichospermum
    genus 23. Muntingia
    genus 24. Tilia
    genus 25. Leptonychia
    genus 26. Schoutenia
    tribus IV. Apeibeae
    genus 27. Glypilea
    genus 28. Apeiba
    series B. Heteropetalae
    tribus V. Prockieae
    genus 29. Prockia
    genus 30. Hasseltia
    genus 31. Plagiopteron
    genus 32? Ropalocarpus
    tribus VI. Sloanieae
    genus 33. Vallea
    genus 34. Sloanea
    genus 35. Echinocarpus
    genus 36. Antholoma
    tribus VII. Elaeocarpeae
    genus 37. Aristotelia
    genus 38. Elaeocarpus
    genus 39. Dubouzetia
    genus 40. Tricuspidaria

According to APG II system, the current placement of these genera is perhaps mostly in the Malvaceae sensu lato, but with Muntingia moved to family Muntingiaceae, while tribes VI and VII form the core of family Elaeocarpaceae and tribe V has been moved to the family Salicaceae sensu lato.

The Hutchinson system follows the Bentham & Hooker system rather closely.

Cronquist system

In the Cronquist system (1981) the family includes some fifty genera, totalling around seven hundred species of trees and shrubs, rarely herbs, with a subcosmopolitan distribution. It may be separated from Malvaceae sensu stricto by the smooth surface of the pollen grains, bilocular anthers, and the stamens free or in bundles (but not monadelphous)

  • Ancistrocarpus Oliv.
  • Apeiba Aubl.
  • Asterophorum Sprague
  • Berrya Roxb.
  • Brownlowia Roxb.
  • Burretiodendron Rehder
  • Carpodiptera Griseb.
  • Christiana DC.
  • Clappertonia Meisn.
  • Colona Cav.
  • Corchoropsis Siebold & Zucc.
  • Corchorus L.
  • Craigia W.W.Sm. & W.E.Evans
  • Desplatsia Bocq.
  • Dicraspidia Standl.
  • Diplodiscus Turcz.
  • Duboscia Bocquet
  • Eleutherostylis Burret
  • Entelea R.Br.
  • Erinocarpus Nimmo ex J.Graham
  • Glyphaea Hook.f.
  • Goethalsia Pittier
  • Grewia L.
  • Hainania Merr.
  • Heliocarpus L.
  • Hydrogaster Kuhlm.
  • Jarandersonia Kosterm.
  • Luehea Willd.
  • Lueheopsis Burret
  • Microcos L.
  • Mollia Mart.
  • Mortoniodendron Standl. & Steyerm.
  • Neotessmannia Burret
  • Pentace Hassk.
  • Pentaplaris L.O.Williams & Standl.
  • Petenaea Lundell
  • Pityranthe Thwaites
  • Pseudocorchorus Capuron
  • Schoutenia Korth.
  • Sicrea (Pierre) Hallier f.
  • Sparrmannia L.f.
  • Tetralix Griseb.
  • Tilia L.
  • Trichospermum Blume
  • Triumfetta L.
  • Vasivaea Baill.
  • Westphalina A.Robyns & Bamps
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