Timeline of Syrian history

This is a timeline of Syrian history, comprising important legal and territorial changes and political events in Syria and its predecessor states. To read about the background to these events, see History of Syria.

Millennia: 1st BC · 1st–2nd · 3rd
Centuries: 1st · 2nd · 3rd · 4th · 5th · 6th · 7th · 8th · 9th · 10th · 11th · 12th · 13th · 14th · 15th · 16th · 17th · 18th · 19th · 20th · See also · Further reading

1st century BC

64 BCSyria became a Roman (later Byzantine) province.
40 BCSyria is briefly captured by the Parthian forces under Pacorus I

6th century

526The 526 Antioch earthquake and conflagration destroyed most of the city.

7th century

614Syria fell to the Sasanian forces under Shahrbaraz
636Byzantine rule over Syria came to an end.
661The reign of the Umayyad Caliphate began.

8th century

750The reign of the Umayyad Caliphate ended.

10th century

977Fatimid Caliph Abu Mansoor Nizar al-Aziz Billah conquered Ramla.
994The Hamdanid dynasty came to power over Syria.

11th century

1097First Crusade: The forces of the First Crusade captured Antioch.

‘'Poet 'Al Maari' writes 'The Epistle of Forgiveness' amongst other great works.'’

13th century

12601 MarchHulagu Khan, grandson of Genghis, conquered Damascus.
1260SeptemberBaibars, Mamluk Sultan, wages war with the Mongols to recapture Damascus and Aleppo.[1]

15th century

1485The Ottomans invade Anatolia and Syria, starting the first Ottoman–Mamluk War (1485–1491).
1491The Ottoman–Mamluk War (1485–1491) ends in a stalemate. A peace treaty is signed, returning Mamluk control to the pre-war status quo.

16th century

1516The Ottoman Empire established its rule over Syria.

19th century

Massacre of Aleppo 1860 Mount Lebanon civil war

20th century

1918The Ottoman Empire's rule over Syria came to an end.
1 OctoberThe Allies of World War I, joined by Arab nationalists, entered Damascus.
1920AprilSan Remo conference: The conference partitioned the Ottoman Empire, establishing a French mandate in Syria and Lebanon.
1925JulyGreat Syrian Revolt: Revolts started against French rule.
1936The Franco-Syrian Treaty of Independence (1936) was signed.
1939The monks of Alexandretta and Antioch were ceded to Turkey by the French.
1946 1 JanuarySyria was recognized as an independent republic.
194617 AprilFrench troops evacuated Syria.
1947The first Baʿth Party congress was held in Damascus.
19481948 Arab–Israeli War: Syria was involved in the war.
19581 FebruaryThe United Arab Republic (UAR) was formed by the union of Syria and Egypt.
196128 SeptemberFollowing a military coup Syria seceded from the UAR, reestablishing itself as the Syrian Arab Republic.
19675 JuneSix-Day War: A war with Israel began.
Six-Day War: The Golan Heights were occupied by Israel.
197013 NovemberMinister of Defense Hafiz al-Assad effected a bloodless military coup and assumed the role of President.
19736 OctoberYom Kippur War: Syria and Egypt fought against Israel.
1974MaySyria and Israel signed a disengagement agreement.
1976Syrian occupation of Lebanon: The Syrian occupation of Lebanon began.
1982FebruaryA Muslim Brotherhood uprising in Hama was suppressed by the military.
1990Syria participated in a United States-led multinational coalition against Saddam Hussein.

21st century

200010 JuneAl-Assad died.
10 JulyAl-Assad's son Bashar al-Assad was made President.
20035 OctoberAin es Saheb airstrike: Israel bombed a site near Damascus.
2005Syrian occupation of Lebanon: Syria withdrew from Lebanon.
20076 SeptemberOperation Orchard: Israel bombed a target in the area of Deir ez-Zor.
2008OctoberSyria established diplomatic relations with Lebanon.
201126 January2011 Syrian uprising: Anti-government protests began in Syria.

See also

Cities in Syria
  • Timeline of Aleppo
  • Timeline of Damascus
  • Timeline of Hama
  • Timeline of Latakia


  1. Cummins, Joseph (2011), p. 89. History's Greatest Wars: The Epic Conflicts that Shaped the Modern World. Fair Winds Press. ISBN 9781610580557.

Further reading

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