Union of International Associations

The Union of International Associations (UIA) is a non-profit non-governmental research institute and documentation center based in Brussels, Belgium, and operating under United Nations mandate. It was founded in 1907 under the name Central Office of International Associations by Henri La Fontaine, the 1913 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and Paul Otlet, a founding father of what is now called information science.

Union of International Associations
Formation1907 (1907)
Region served
Official language

The UIA is an independent research institute and a repository for current and historical information on the work of global civil society. It serves two main purposes: to document and promote public awareness of the work of international organizations (both INGOs and IGOs), international meetings, and world problems. The UIA also supports and facilitates the work of international associations through training and networking opportunities.

It has consultative status with ECOSOC and UNESCO.


The two founders started work setting up the Central Office of International Organisations and then conducting a survey of international organisations with headquarters in Belgium. [1] Then with the help of the sociologist Cyril van Overbergh they extend this research to organisations based elsewhere.[2] After collaborating with Alfred Fried on the production of Annuaire de la Vie Internationale they produced their own edition without him.[2]

Top meeting places


Top international meeting countries in 2018[3]
RankCountryNumber of meetings
1 Singapore1,177
2 South Korea854
3 Belgium849
4 United States592
5 Japan579
6 Austria472
7 France455
8 Spain441
9 United Kingdom329
10 Germany296
Top international meeting cities in 2018[3]
RankCityNumber of meetings
1 Singapore1,177
2Belgium Brussels733
3South Korea Seoul431
4Austria Vienna401
5Japan Tokyo313
6France Paris259
7Spain Madrid190
8United Kingdom London183
9Spain Barcelona148
10Switzerland Geneva145

1999 to 2018

Top international meeting countries from 1999—2018[3]
RankCountryNumber of meetings
1 United States24,064
2 France13,903
3 Belgium11,838
4 Germany11,479
5 Singapore10,155
6 United Kingdom9,943
7 Italy9,920
8 Spain9,278
9 South Korea8,102
10 Austria7,785
Top international meeting cities from 1999—2018[3]
RankCityNumber of meetings
1 Singapore10,155
2Belgium Brussels9,683
3France Paris6,515
4Austria Vienna5,916
5South Korea Seoul4,291
6Switzerland Geneva3,992
7United Kingdom London3,575
8Germany Berlin3,072
9Spain Barcelona3,018
10Japan Tokyo3,012


In 1923, UIA published Code des voeux internationaux, codification générale des voeux et résolutions des organismes internationaux, with a preface by Henri La Fontaine.

See also


  1. Laqua, Daniel Wouter Van Acker and Christophe Verbruggen. 2019. International Organizations and Global Civil Society: Histories of the Union of International Associations. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  2. Rayward, W. Boyd (1993). World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services. American Library Association. ISBN 9780838906095. Retrieved 4 November 2018.
  3. "Union of International Associations 60th International Meetings Statistics Report" (PDF). UIA. 26 June 2019.

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