Mage: The Ascension

Mage: The Ascension is an urban fantasy tabletop role-playing game, first published on 19 August 1993, by White Wolf Publishing. Set in the World of Darkness, it was influenced by the mechanics of another game from the same publisher, Ars Magica.

Mage: The Ascension
Revised Edition cover
DesignersStewart Wieck, Christopher Earley, Stephan Wieck, Bill Bridges, Sam Chupp, Andrew Greenberg
PublishersWhite Wolf Publishing
  • 19 August 1993 (ed. 1)
  • December 1995 (ed. 2)
  • March 2000 (Revised Edition)
  • 23 September 2015 (20th Anniversary Edition)
GenresModern Mysticism
SystemsStoryteller System


Following the success of Vampire: The Masquerade, Mage: The Ascension was released as the second of four games within White Wolf's shared universe. The inaugural edition was launched by White Wolf Publishing at the Gen Con Gaming Convention[1][2] on 19 August 1993, marking the first chapter of the Mage series. A second edition followed in December 1995,[3][4] with a revised edition released in March 2000.[5] In 2005, White Wolf Publishing merged with CCP Games, and following company layoffs in October 2011, White Wolf's Creative Director, Richard Thomas, founded Onyx Path Publishing to continue publishing tabletop role-playing games.[6][7] Onyx Path Publishing later introduced the 20th Anniversary Edition of Mage: The Ascension in September 2015,[8] representing the game's fourth iteration.

Game Setting

Mage: The Ascension is set in the fictional Gothic-Punk World of Darkness, a reflection of contemporary Earth with the inclusion of magical abilities.

Early times

The story begins with descriptions of the original powerful mages meeting in Kemet. This period sees Nephandi and the Marauders rise in the Near East.

Mages see varying success until the Late Middle Ages, when mages belonging to the Order of Hermes and the Messianic Voices manage to attain a significant amount of influence over European society. Absorbed by their pursuit of occult power and esoteric knowledge, they often neglected and abused humanity. They were at odds with mainstream religions, envied by noble authorities, and feared by non-magical commoners.[9]

The Order of Reason

This period would see a number of Mages organize into the Order of Reason, a pseudo-rationalist movement that made use of a form of magic based on rational induction of the principles of reality. They would win support by promotiong their "rationalised" model, inadvertantly developing manufacturing, economics, wayfaring, medicine and other fields of interest to ordinary commoners. Masses of sleepers (humans who have yet to "awaken" their potential magic) embraced the fruits of this scientific revolution, as well as the mass advances in technology that accompanied it. Having gathered popular support, the Order would lead a successful revolution against the ruling class of Mage-supported monarchs.

In response to the anti-magic dogma of the Order of Reason, non-scientific mages would ban together to form the Council of Nine Traditions, containing mages of all primary magical paths.

Rise of the Technocracy

After the turn of the 17th century, the goals of the Order of Reason began to change. They decided that the mystical beliefs of ordinary people were not only backward but dangerous; they should be replaced by measurable and predictable physical laws and respect for human genius. They replaced long-held theologies, pantheons, and mystical traditions with "rational thought" and the scientific method.

However, the Order of Reason became less focused on improving the daily lives of sleepers and more concerned with eliminating any resistance. Following a reorganization under Queen Victoria in the late 1800s, the Order of Reason began referring to itself as the Technocracy, or the Technocratic Union.

Contemporary setting

The Technocratic Union maintains an authoritarian rule over the sleepers' beliefs, suppressing the Council of Nine's attempts to reintroduce magic.

Between 1997 and 2000, a series of metaplot events destroyed the Council of Nine's Umbral steadings, killing many of their most powerful members. This also cut the Technocracy off from their leadership. Both sides called a truce in their struggle to assess their new situation. Chief among these signs was the creation of a barrier between the physical and spiritual worlds.

These changes were introduced in supplements for the game's second edition and became core material in the third edition.

Later plot and finale

Aside from the common changes introduced by the World of Darkness meta-plot, mages dealt with renewed conflict when the hidden Rogue Council and the Technocracy's control encouraged the Traditions and Technocracy to struggle once again. The Rogue Council only made itself known through coded messages, while the surveillance created by the leaders of the Technocracy was to counter it.

This struggle eventually led to the point on the timeline occupied by the book, Ascension. Ascension provided multiple possible endings, none of them definitive.


The metaplot of the game involves a four-way struggle between the Technocracy, Marauders, Nephandi, and Nine Mystical Traditions. The playable characters are a part of the Nine Mystical Traditions. The plot is based on a violent war directly between factions.

Council of Nine Mystic Traditions.

The Traditions (formally called the Nine Mystic Traditions) are an alliance of secret societies in Mage. The Traditions exist to unify users of magic under a common banner to protect reality (particularly those parts of reality that are magical) against the growing disbelief of the modern world, the spreading dominance of the Technocracy, and the predations of unstable mages such as Marauders and Nephandi. Each of the Traditions is a largely independent organization unified by a broadly accepted paradigm for practicing magic. Though unified in their desire to keep magic alive, the magic practiced by different Traditions is often wildly different and entirely incompatible.

The nine traditions are:

  • Akashic Brotherhood: ascetics, martial artists, and monks, largely drawing from Buddhism, Taoism, Shinto, and Hinduism. They are masters of the sphere of Mind.
  • Celestial Chorus: a collection of many religions that believe in one supreme creator. They are masters of the sphere of Prime, the raw essence that fuels magic itself.
  • Cult of Ecstasy: intuitive seers using sensory stimulation, consciousness-expanding techniques, and meditation. They are Masters of the sphere of Time.
  • Dreamspeakers: shamanistic emissaries to the spirit world. They are masters of the Spirit World.
  • Euthanatos: workers and killers drawing from a legacy of death cults in India, Greece, and the cultures of the Arabs and Celts. They are masters of the sphere of Entropy.
  • The Order of Hermes: formalized high ritualists, ceremonial magicians, sorcerers, alchemists, and mystics who draw from classical occult practices. They are masters of the sphere of Forces.
  • Sons of Ether: inspiration-oriented scientists dedicated to fringe theories and alternative science. They are masters of the sphere of Matter.
  • Verbena: blood shamans, healers, primordial witches, and warlocks. They are masters of the sphere of Life.
  • Virtual Adepts: technological experts capable of informational wizardry. They are masters of the sphere of Correspondence, magic dealing with three-dimensional location, space, and communications.

The Technocratic Union

Technocracy is likewise divided into groups. Unlike the Traditions, however, they share a single paradigm and instead divide themselves based on their methodologies and areas of expertise.

The technocracy groups are:

  • Iteration X: experts in the arena of the physical sciences.
  • Progenitors: masters of the biological sciences.
  • New World Order: controllers of information and knowledge.
  • The Syndicate: controllers of the flow of money and power between disparate groups.
  • The Void Engineers: explorers of the unknown.


Marauders are chaos mages. Unlike other mages, they appear immune to paradoxical effects and often use vulgar magic to accomplish their insane tasks. Marauders represent the other narrative extreme: the corruption of unrestrained power and unchecked dynamism. They cannot become Arch-mages, as they lack sufficient insight and are incapable of appreciating truths that do not suit their madness.

In the revised edition, Marauders were made darker and less coherent, in keeping with the more serious treatment of madness used for Malkavians in Vampire: The Masquerade Revised Edition.


With the Technocracy representing Stasis and the Marauders acting on behalf of Dynamism, the third part of this trifecta is Entropy, as borne by the Nephandi. The Nephandi are morally inverted and spiritually mutilated. A Nephandus retains a clear moral compass and deliberately pursues actions to worsen the world and bring about its end.

The Technocracy and Traditions have been known to temporarily join forces against the Nephandi to set aside the ongoing war for reality. Meanwhile, the Marauders are known to attack the Nephandi on sight. All Nephandi have experienced the Rebirth, where they embrace the antithesis of everything, they know to be right, are physically and spiritually torn apart, and then reassembled.

The Disparate Alliance

The Disparate Alliance is a newly created network of independent Crafts that have chosen to take the matters of the Ascension War into their own hands. During the Age of Information, small mage societies and groups called crafts began reaching out to each other. With no desire to join the Traditions and a general hatred for Technocracy, they decided to band together.

The five founding crafts are:

  • The Ahl-i-Batin: Arabian mages originally based in the Middle East and North Africa, this group has expanded worldwide. They practice magic with a strong focus on subtlety and seek to bring Unity to the world.
  • The Children of Knowledge: LSD, and other psychedelic-using alchemists hope that their drugs could help to open people's minds.
  • The Hollow Ones: Mages who have either been orphaned by or rejected by the Traditions and have refused to join the Technocracy. They fuse what they like from every tradition. Their magic often uses whatever they must work with, called gutter magic. They draw members from various subcultures and counterculture groups, such as afro futurists, cosplayers, cybergoths, goths, skaters, hip-hop fans, and ballroom voguers.
  • The Ngoma: Proud sub-Saharan African ritualists and knowledge-seekers who strive to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos and the gods.

Five other crafts then joined them:

  • The Kopa Loei: Polynesian mystics who are working to return ancient wisdom and culture to their people and balance their islands.
  • The Knights of the Temple of Solomon: Also known as Knights Templar, are dedicated to the Christian God.
  • The Taftâni: Djinn-binding Persian mages who craft bold spells and displays of magic.

Other Crafts that have been considered for membership include:

  • The Uzoma: Yoruba mediums, and spirit intercessors.
  • The Navalon: A breakaway from the Utopian faction within Technocracy, which reveres the ideals of Camelot and King Arthur.
  • The Mirainohmen: Japanese techno-mystical tricksters who use psychic bonds with technological spirits to rearrange identities and undermine social preconceptions.
  • The Red Thorn Dedicants: A cult of magic-using Bahari that revere Lilith.
  • The Go Kamisori Gama: technomantic ninja assassins with a vendetta against the Technocratic Union.

Rules and continuity

The game's core rules are similar to those in other World of Darkness games.

Like other storytelling games, Mage emphasizes personal creativity and that ultimately, the game's powers and traits should be used to tell a satisfying story. One of Mage's highlights is its system for describing magic based on spheres, a relatively open-ended 'toolkit' approach to using game mechanics to define the bounds of a given character's magical ability. Different Mages will have differing aptitudes for spheres and a character's magical expertise is described by the allocation of points in the spheres. The various spheres' sigils are, in whole or in part, symbols taken from alchemical texts.[10][11]

The game organizes magic into nine spheres:

  • Correspondence: space and distances, allowing teleportation and seeing into distant areas.
  • Entropy: order, chaos, fate, and fortune. A mage can sense where elements of chance influence the world and manipulate them.
  • Forces: energies, natural forces, and their negative opposites; essentially, anything in the material world that can be seen or felt but is not material that can be controlled: electricity, gravity, magnetism, friction, heat, motion, fire, etc.
  • Life: understanding and influencing biological systems, material objects with mostly living cells; allows the mage to heal herself or metamorphose simple life forms at lower levels, working up to healing others and controlling more complex life at higher levels.
  • Mind: control over one's mind, the reading and influencing of other minds, and various subtler applications such as astral projection and psychometry. Mages can create new, complete minds or completely rework existing ones at high levels.
  • Matter: all inanimate material; matter can be reshaped mentally, transmuted into another substance, or given altered properties.
  • Prime: deals directly with Quintessence, the raw material of the tapestry, which is the metaphysical structure of reality. It is necessary if the mage ever wants to conjure something out of nothing, as opposed to transforming one pattern into another. Uses of Prime include general magic senses, counter-magic, and making magical effects permanent.
  • Spirit: an eclectic mixture of abilities relating to dealings with the spirit world or Umbra. It includes stepping into the Near Umbra right up to traveling through outer space, contacting and controlling spirits, communing with your own or others' avatars, returning a Mage into a sleeper, returning ghosts to life, creating magical fetish items, and so forth.
  • Time: dilating, slowing, stopping, or traveling through time; can be used to install delays into spells, view the past or future, and pull people and objects out of linear progression.

One of the plot hooks the second edition books put forth was the persistent rumors of a "tenth sphere." Though there were hints, it was deliberately left vague. The final book in the series, Ascension, implies that the tenth sphere is the sphere of Ascension. As the book presents alternative resolutions for the Mage line, Chapter Two also presents an alternative interpretation that the tenth sphere is "Judgement" or "Telos" and that Anthelios (the red star in the World of Darkness meta-plot) is its planet (each sphere has an associated planet and Umbral realm).


Adam Tinworth, of Arcane gave Mage: The Ascension's second edition an 8/10, calling it "good for those who enjoy involved and challenging games." He noted that while it could be difficult for new players to grasp the game's background, develop their style of magic, or figure out how the magic worked, the game-play system itself would be easy enough to understand. [12]

Mage: The Ascension was ranked 16th in the 1996 reader poll of Arcane magazine, which determined the 50 most popular role-playing games of all time. The magazine's editor, Paul Pettengale commented: "Mage is perfect for those of a philosophical bent. It's a hard game to get right, requiring much of thought from players and referees alike, but its underlying theme – the nature of reality – makes it one of the most interesting and mature role-playing games available."[13]


  • In 1994, Mage: The Ascension was nominated for Casus Belli's awards for the best role-playing game of 1993 and ended up in fifth place.[14]
  • Mage: The Ascension, 2nd Edition, won the Origins Award for Best Role-playing Rules of 1995.[15]


  • Dragon No. 202 (February 1994)
  • Shadis #27 (May 1996)
  • Pyramid for Second Edition Revised[16]
  • Rollespilsmagasinet Fønix (Danish) (Issue 12 - Mar/Apr 1996)[17]
  • Envoyer (German) (Issue 27 - Jan 1999)[18]

See also


  1. Varney, Allen (December 1994). "Role-playing Reviews". Dragon. No. 212. TSR, Inc. pp. 90–91.
  2. McLaughlin, Tom (May 1993). "Get ready—here comes the 1993 Gen Con Game Fair!". Dragon. No. 193. TSR, Inc. p. 83.
  3. "White Wolf". Casus Belli (in French). No. 91. Excelsior Publications. February 1996. p. 14.
  4. "Mage : The Ascension (1-56504-400-2)".
  5. "2000 Release Schedule". White Wolf Publishing. Archived from the original on 3 March 2000. Retrieved 27 December 2020.
  6. "Gaming Industry Innovators CCP and White Wolf to Merge". 13 November 2006. Retrieved 16 March 2024.
  7. "Frequently Asked Questions – Onyx Path Publishing". Retrieved 16 March 2024.
  8. "Now Available: Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition!". 23 September 2015.
  9. Mage : the ascension. Internet Archive. Clarkston, GA : White Wolf. 2000. ISBN 978-1-56504-405-0.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  10. "Mage: The Ascension (Tabletop Game)". TV Tropes. Retrieved 26 April 2024.
  11. Latin terms obtained from The alchemy website's copy of symbols from Medicinisch-Chymisch- und Alchemistisches Oraculum, Ulm, 1755. Accessed 15 December 2006.
  12. Tinworth, Adam (April 1996). "Mage: The Ascension 2nd Edition". Arcane (5). Future Publishing: 62–63.
  13. Pettengale, Paul (Christmas 1996). "Arcane Presents the Top 50 Roleplaying Games 1996". Arcane (14). Future Publishing: 25–35.
  14. "Trophées Casus Belli 1993 du jeu de rôle". Casus Belli (in French). No. 80. Excelsior Publications. April–May 1994. pp. 16–17.
  15. "1995 list of winners". Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design. Archived from the original on 4 May 2009. Retrieved 14 January 2014.
  16. "Pyramid: Pyramid Review: Mage Second Edition Revised".
  17. "Anmeldelser | Article | RPGGeek".
  18. "Mage The Ascension | Article | RPGGeek".
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