Wollondilly Shire

Wollondilly Shire is a periurban local government area, located on the south west fringe of the Greater Sydney area in New South Wales, Australia, parts of which fall into the Macarthur, Blue Mountains and Central Tablelands regions in the state of New South Wales, Australia. Wollondilly is seen as the transition between Regional NSW and the Greater Sydney Region, and is variously categorised as part of both. Wollondilly Shire was created by proclamation in the NSW Government Gazette on 7 March 1906, following the passing of the Local Government (Shires) Act 1905, and amalgamated with the Municipality of Picton on 1 May 1940.

Wollondilly Shire
New South Wales
Location in Outer Metropolitan Sydney
Coordinates34°11′S 150°36′E
Population53,961 (LGA 2021)[1]
Established7 March 1906
Area2,560 km2 (988.4 sq mi)
MayorMatt Gould
Council seatPicton[2]
Blue Mountains
Central Tablelands
Greater Western Sydney
State electorate(s)Wollondilly
Federal division(s)
WebsiteWollondilly Shire
LGAs around Wollondilly Shire:
Blue Mountains Penrith Camden
Oberon Wollondilly Shire Campbelltown
Upper Lachlan Wingecarribee Wollongong

Wollondilly Shire is named after the Wollondilly River. The area is traversed by the Hume Highway and the Southern Highlands railway line. Wollondilly Shire contains several small towns and villages broken up by farms and sandstone gorges. To its west is wilderness and includes the Nattai Wilderness and the Burragorang Valley. The majority of the Shire is either national park or forms part of the water catchment for Sydney's water supply. The Shire provides 97% of Sydney's water supply.

The Mayor of Wollondilly Shire is Cr. Matt Gould, an independent politician.

Towns, villages and localities in the local government area

Towns, villages and localities in the Wollondilly Shire are:

Council history

Wollondilly Shire was constituted by proclamation in the NSW Government Gazette on 7 March 1906, following the passing of the Local Government (Shires) Act 1905 (Shire No. 122 of 134), and included a wide area bounded by the local government areas of Camden, Campbelltown and Picton and Nepean Shire.[3] A temporary council of five members was appointed on 16 May 1906, which comprised: Richard Henry Antill of Jarvisfield, Picton, Thomas Donohue of Burragorang, George Frederick Litchfield of Yerranderie, George Macarthur-Onslow of Camden Park, Menangle, and John Simpson of Macquarie Dale, Appin.[4] The council first met on 15 June 1906, electing Macarthur-Onslow as Chairman of the Temporary Council and C. A. Thompson as secretary and shire clerk.[5][6][7] A. P. Minton, was later appointed Shire Clerk in June 1907.[8]

The first elections for the council were held on 24 November 1906 for six councillors in three ridings of two councillors each: A Riding, B Riding and C Riding:[9]

A Riding John Edward Moore Shire President 1907–1908
Alfred Leonard Bennett Shire President 1909–1910
B Riding James Oswald Moore Shire President 1908–1909
George Frederick Litchfield Temporary Councillor
C Riding John Simpson Temporary Councillor
George Macarthur-Onslow Chairman 1906, Shire President 1906–1907

The final meeting of the Temporary Council and the first meeting of the elected Council was held on 3 December 1906 at The Oaks, at which the chairman of the Temporary Council, George Macarthur-Onslow was elected at the first Shire President of Wollondilly.[10] However, on 11 January 1907, Macarthur-Onslow resigned as president, citing the distance between the shire offices and his home at Camden Park, and John E. Moore was elected Shire President in his place.[11][12] On 13 February 1908, James O. Moore was elected as Shire President, and re-elected to a second term in February 1909.[13][14] Following the resignation of James O. Moore in June 1909, Alfred Leonard Bennett was elected Shire President of the on 8 June 1909.[15][16]

On 31 May 1911 part of the Blue Mountains Shire was transferred to the Wollondilly Shire and part of Wollondilly Shire was transferred to the Nepean Shire from 21 March 1940.[17][18][19]

Amalgamation with Picton

When created in 1906, Wollondilly did not include the township of Picton, which had already been incorporated as the Borough of Picton on 15 March 1895.[20] The Borough of Picton became the Municipality of Picton on 31 December 1906 with the passing of the Local Government Extension Act, 1906.[21]

The Picton Municipal Council held a voluntary poll on 1 April 1939, at the request of residents, on the question of the union of the Picton Municipality and the Wollondilly Shire.[22] The poll was resolved in the affirmative, with 197 for and 178 against.[23] The proposal for a "Picton Shire" was subsequently gazetted on 25 August 1939 and on 20 November 1939 the Department of Works and Local Government held an inquiry in Picton on the various issues relating to amalgamation.[24][25]

From 1 May 1940 the Municipality of Picton was amalgamated into Wollondilly Shire and the Shire Council was then expanded to consist of eight councillors representing four ridings. The first Provisional Council comprised: George John Adams and Edgar Henry Kirk Downes for A Riding; Eric Moore and Septimus Ernest Prosser for B Riding; James Thomas Carroll and Edward Wonson for C Riding' and John Bradburn Cartwright and Roy Carrington Pearce for D Riding.[26] The council seat was subsequently moved from The Oaks to Picton.[27]


At the 2016 census, there were 48,519 people in the Wollondilly local government area, with an equal proportion of males and females. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people made up 2.4% of the population which is on par with the national average. The median age of people in the Wollondilly Shire was 36 years. Children aged 0–14 years made up 23.1% of the population and people aged 65 years and over made up 10.8% of the population. Of people in the area aged 15 years and over, 54.9% were married and 10.4% were either divorced or separated.[28]

Population growth in the Wollondilly Shire between the 2001 Census and the 2006 Census was 9.18%; and in the subsequent five years to the 2011 Census, population growth was 7.23%. This was higher than the population growth for Australia from 2001 to 2006 (5.78%) but less than the national figure for 2006 to 2011 (8.32%).[29] The median weekly income for residents within the Wollondilly Shire was marginally higher than the national average.[28][30]

At the 2011 Census, the proportion of residents in the Wollondilly local government area who stated their ancestry as Australian or Anglo-Saxon was more than 63% (national average was 65.2%). More than 69% of Wollondilly Shire residents nominated a religious affiliation of Christianity at the 2011 Census, which was well above the national average of 50.2%. Compared to the national average, there was a lower than average proportion of households in the Wollondilly local government area (8.3%) where two or more languages were spoken (national average was 20.4%), and a significantly higher proportion (91.2%) where English only was spoken at home (national average was 76.8%).[28]

Selected historical census data for Wollondilly local government area
Census year2001[29]2006[30]2011[28]2016 [31] 2021 [32]
PopulationEstimated residents on census night36,95340,34443,25948,51953,961
Average population growth p/a1.84%Decrease 1.45%Increase 2.43%Decrease 2.23%
LGA rank in terms of size within New South Wales54thIncrease 49thIncrease 47thIncrease 46th
% of New South Wales population0.59%Increase 0.62%Increase 0.63%Increase 0.65%Increase 0.67%
% of Australian population0.20%Steady 0.20%Steady 0.20%Increase 0.21%Steady 0.21%
Median weekly incomes
Personal incomeMedian weekly personal incomeA$502Increase A$617Increase A$738Increase A$877
% of Australian median income107.7%Decrease 106.9%Increase 111.5%Decrease 108.9%
Family incomeMedian weekly family incomeA$1,186Increase A$1,661Increase A$2,032Increase A$2,350
% of Australian median income115.5%Decrease 112.2%Increase 117.2%Decrease 110.8%
Household incomeMedian weekly household incomeA$1,321Increase A$1,478Increase A$1,871Increase A$2,151
% of Australian median income112.8%Increase 119.8%Increase 130.1% Decrease 123.2%
Selected historical census data for Camden local government area
Ancestry, top responses
2001[29] 2006[30] 2011[28] 2016[31] 2021[32]
No Data No Data Australian33.9%AustralianDecrease 33.3%Australian43.5%
English29.2%EnglishDecrease 28.2%English39.5%
Irish7.9%IrishDecrease 7.7%Irish10.3%
Scottish6.2%ScottishIncrease 6.4%Scottish9.1%
Italian2.9%ItalianIncrease 3.4%Scottish5.4%
Country of Birth, top responses
2001[29] 2006[30] 2011[28] 2016[31] 2021[32]
Australia81.1%AustraliaIncrease 81.9%AustraliaIncrease 83.1%AustraliaDecrease 82.1%AustraliaIncrease 84.2%
England5.2%EnglandDecrease 4.5%EnglandDecrease 4.3%EnglandDecrease 3.8%EnglandDecrease 3.3%
New Zealand0.9%New ZealandIncrease 1.0%New ZealandSteady 1.0%New ZealandSteady 1.0%New ZealandSteady 1.0%
Scotland0.7%ScotlandDecrease 0.6%ScotlandSteady 0.6%ScotlandDecrease 0.5%ScotlandSteady 0.5%
Italy0.6%ItalyDecrease 0.5%ItalySteady 0.5%ItalyDecrease 0.4%ItalySteady 0.4%
Germany0.6%GermanyDecrease 0.5%GermanyDecrease 0.4%GermanySteady 0.4%MaltaIncrease 0.4%
Language, top responses (other than English)
2001[29] 2006[30] 2011[28] 2016[31] 2021[32]
Italian0.8%ItalianSteady 0.8%ItalianSteady 0.8%ItalianDecrease 0.7%ItalianSteady 0.7%
Arabic0.5%ArabicSteady 0.5%ArabicDecrease 0.4%ArabicIncrease 0.6%ArabicIncrease 0.7%
Maltese0.5%MalteseDecrease 0.4%MalteseSteady 0.4%SpanishIncrease 0.4%SpanishIncrease 0.5%
German0.4%GreekIncrease 0.3%GreekSteady 0.3%MalteseSteady 0.4%MalteseSteady 0.4%
Estonian0.4%GermanDecrease 0.3%GermanSteady 0.3%GreekSteady 0.3%CroatianIncrease 0.3%
Religious affiliation, top responses
2001[29] 2006[30] 2011[28] 2016[31] 2021[32]
Anglican33.4%AnglicanDecrease 32.3%AnglicanIncrease 32.5%CatholicDecrease 30.2%No ReligionIncrease 31.9%
Catholic29.3%CatholicIncrease 30.1%CatholicIncrease 30.9%AnglicanDecrease 27.5%CatholicDecrease 28.8%
No Religion11.2%No ReligionIncrease 13.7%No ReligionIncrease 15.4%No ReligionIncrease 21.4%AnglicanDecrease 21.1%
United Church5.3%United ChurchDecrease 4.2%United ChurchDecrease 3.8%Uniting ChurchDecrease 3.0%United ChurchDecrease 2.0%
and Reformed
and Reformed
Decrease 2.8%Presbyterian
and Reformed
Decrease 2.4%Presbyterian
and Reformed
Decrease 2.0%Christian (Undefined)Increase 1.7%


Current composition and election method

Wollondilly Shire Council is composed of nine councillors elected proportionally as two wards, each electing 4 councillors as well as a popularly elected mayor who is elected at large. All councillors are elected for a fixed four-year term of office.[33][34][35]

Independents 9
Total 9

The current council was elected in December 2021, with the current Mayor Matt Gould being the first popularly elected mayor in the history of the shire. Prior to this the mayor was elected by the councillors for a period of 2 years. The Mayor and Councillors are also allocated one or more portfolios that they have strategic oversight of. The current members of the council are:

Mayor[33] Matt Gould Independent Agriculture, Indigenous Matters Mayor Dec 2021–present, Deputy Mayor 2018–2020
East Ward[34] Matthew Deeth Independent Customer Experience & Corporate Services Deputy Mayor Dec 2021–present, Mayor 2018–2020
Paul Rogers Independent Roads
Michael Banasik Independent Environment, Mining & Energy Mayor 2004–2005, 2008–2009, 2010–2011, Deputy Mayor 2020–2022
Suzy Brandstater Independent Arts & Culture, Sustainable Growth & Planning
North Ward[35] Hilton Gibbs Independent Traffic Management & Transport, Community Facilities Deputy Mayor 2015–2016
Blair Briggs Independent Emergency Management, Economic Development, Sport & Wellbeing
Judith Hannan Independent Tourism, Heritage Mayor 2007–2008, 2016–2018
Beverley Spearpoint Independent Community

Shire Presidents and Mayors

#ChairmanTerm startTerm endTime in officeNotes
1George Macarthur-Onslow15 June 19063 December 1906171 days[5]
#Shire PresidentTerm startTerm endTime in officeNotes
George Macarthur-Onslow3 December 190611 January 190739 days[10][11]
2John Edward Moore11 January 190713 February 19081 year, 33 days[11][12]
3James Oswald Moore13 February 19083 June 19091 year, 110 days[13][14][15]
4Alfred Leonard Bennett8 June 19093 October 19134 years, 117 days[16][36][37][38]
John Edward Moore7 October 191312 February 19151 year, 128 days[39]
5Charles Green Moore12 February 191521 September 19183 years, 221 days[40][41][42][43]
John Edward Moore25 September 191811 December 19257 years, 77 days[44][45][46]
6Edgar Henry Kirk Downes11 December 192510 December 1926364 days[47]
George Macarthur-Onslow10 December 192612 September 19314 years, 276 days[48][49][50][51][52][53]
7George Joseph Spearing18 September 193118 December 193191 days[54][55]
Edgar Henry Kirk Downes18 December 19314 December 19364 years, 352 days[47][56][57][58]
8Eric Moore4 December 19367 December 19382 years, 3 days[59][60]
Edgar Henry Kirk Downes7 December 193813 December 19391 year, 6 days[61]
9Septimus Ernest Prosser13 December 193917 December 19412 years, 4 days[62][63][64]
Edgar Henry Kirk Downes17 December 194110 May 19464 years, 144 days[65][66][67][68]
Eric Moore10 May 194618 December 19471 year, 222 days[69]
10Lachlan Nicholson18 December 194714 December 19502 years, 361 days[70][71]
11Percy William Early14 December 195017 December 19533 years, 3 days[72]
12Murrum Edward Sweet17 December 195319 December 19574 years, 2 days[73]
13Roy Ernest Middleton19 December 195717 September 197719 years, 272 days[74]
14Francis William McKay AM MBE17 September 197730 June 199315 years, 286 days[74][75][76]
#MayorTerm startTerm endTime in officeNotes
Francis William McKay AM MBE1 July 199327 September 199388 days[74]
15Charles John Desmond Ayliffe27 September 199326 September 1994364 days[74]
16Christine Towndrow26 September 199423 September 19961 year, 363 days[74]
17Marina Voncina23 September 199628 September 19982 years, 5 days[74]
Christine Towndrow28 September 199827 September 1999364 days[74][77]
18Helen Kuiper27 September 199925 September 2000364 days[74]
Christine Towndrow25 September 200024 September 2001364 days[74]
19Colin Mitchell24 September 200115 April 20042 years, 204 days[74]
20Michael Banasik15 April 200419 September 20051 year, 157 days[74]
21Phil Costa19 September 200516 April 20071 year, 209 days[74]
22Judith Hannan16 April 200713 September 20081 year, 150 days[74]
Michael Banasik13 September 200821 September 20091 year, 8 days[74]
Colin Mitchell21 September 200920 September 2010364 days[74]
Michael Banasik20 September 201019 September 2011364 days[78]
Colin Mitchell19 September 201116 September 20131 year, 362 days[79]
22Benn Banasik17 September 201315 September 2014364 days[80]
Colin Mitchell15 September 201421 September 20151 year, 6 days[81]
23Simon Landow21 September 201526 September 20161 year, 5 days[82]
Judith Hannan26 September 201617 December 20182 years, 82 days[83][84]
24Matthew Deeth17 December 201815 September 20201 year, 273 days[85]
25Robert Khan15 September 202021 December 20211 year, 97 days[86]
26Matt Gould21 December 2021Present2 years, 136 days[87]

Heritage listings

The Wollondilly Shire has a number of heritage-listed sites, including:

  • Appin, Cataract Road: Cataract Dam[88]
  • Appin, Wilton Road: Windmill Hill, Appin[89]
  • Bargo, Avon Dam Road: Nepean Dam[90]
  • Bargo, Hume Highway: Wirrimbirra Sanctuary[91]
  • Bargo, Main Southern railway 96.265 km: Bargo railway viaduct[92]
  • Camden Park, Elizabeth Macarthur Avenue: Camden Park Estate[93]
  • Cordeaux, Cordeaux River: Cordeaux Dam[94]
  • Couridjah, Main Southern railway: Couridjah railway station[95]
  • Menangle, Main Southern railway: Menangle railway station[96]
  • Menangle, Main Southern railway: Nepean River railway bridge, Menangle[97]
  • Orangeville, Brownlow Hill Loop Road: Brownlow Hill Estate[98]
  • Picton, Hume Highway Deviation: Jarvisfield[99]
  • Picton, Main Southern railway: Picton railway station[100]
  • Picton, Main Southern railway: Stonequarry Creek railway viaduct, Picton[101]
  • Picton, Oaks Road: Abbotsford[102]
  • Picton, Prince Street: Victoria Bridge, Picton[103]
  • Tahmoor, Main Southern railway: Tahmoor railway station[104]
  • Thirlmere, NSW Rail Transport Museum, Barbour Road: Rail Paybus FP1[105]
  • Warragamba, Coxs River Arms: Coxs River track[106]
  • Warragamba, Warragamba Dam: Megarritys Bridge[107]
  • Warragamba, Warragamba Dam: Warragamba Dam - Haviland Park[108]
  • Warragamba, Warragamba Dam: Warragamba Dam Emergency Scheme[109]
  • Wilton, Wilton Park Road: Wilton Park[110]

Local media

Wollondilly is home to two local newspapers, the District Reporter and the Wollondilly Express. Other regional media which serve the area are radio stations, 2MCR and C91.3FM,and the "Macarthur Chronicle" a regional newspaper covering the wider Macarthur Region.


  1. Australian Bureau of Statistics (28 June 2022). "Wollondilly (Local Government Area)". Australian Census 2021 QuickStats. Retrieved 28 June 2022. 
  2. "Wollondilly Shire Council". Division of Local Government. Retrieved 27 November 2006.
  3. "Proclamation". Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales. New South Wales, Australia. 7 March 1906. p. 1593. Retrieved 30 May 2020 via Trove.
  4. "Proclamation". Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales. New South Wales, Australia. 16 May 1906. p. 2984. Retrieved 30 May 2020 via Trove.
  5. "Temporary Shire Councils". The Sydney Morning Herald. New South Wales, Australia. 16 June 1906. p. 12. Retrieved 31 May 2020 via Trove.
  6. "Wollondilly Temporary Shire Council". Camden News. New South Wales, Australia. 6 December 1906. p. 1. Retrieved 30 May 2020 via Trove.
  7. "Wollondilly". Camden News. New South Wales, Australia. 5 July 1906. p. 8. Retrieved 30 May 2020 via Trove.
  8. "Shire Councils". The Sydney Morning Herald. New South Wales, Australia. 28 June 1907. p. 10. Retrieved 30 May 2020 via Trove.
  9. "Shire Elections". Camden News. New South Wales, Australia. 29 November 1906. p. 10. Retrieved 30 May 2020 via Trove.
  10. "Wollondilly Temporary Shire Council". Camden News. New South Wales, Australia. 6 December 1906. p. 1. Retrieved 30 May 2020 via Trove.
  11. "The Wollondilly Shire Council". Camden News. New South Wales, Australia. 17 January 1907. p. 1. Retrieved 30 May 2020 via Trove.
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  20. "Government Gazette Proclamations and Legislation". New South Wales Government Gazette. New South Wales, Australia. 15 March 1895. p. 1815. Retrieved 30 May 2020 via Trove.
  21. "Proclamation". Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales. New South Wales, Australia. 31 December 1906. p. 7019. Retrieved 30 May 2020 via Trove.
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  28. Australian Bureau of Statistics (31 October 2012). "Wollondilly (A)". 2011 Census QuickStats. Retrieved 29 November 2012.
  29. Australian Bureau of Statistics (9 March 2006). "Wollondilly (A)". 2001 Census QuickStats. Retrieved 27 November 2012.
  30. Australian Bureau of Statistics (25 October 2007). "Wollondilly (A)". 2006 Census QuickStats. Retrieved 27 November 2012.
  31. Australian Bureau of Statistics (27 June 2017). "Wollondilly (A)". 2016 Census QuickStats. Retrieved 6 July 2017.
  32. Australian Bureau of Statistics (28 June 2022). "Wollondilly (A)". 2021 Census QuickStats. Retrieved 26 June 2023.
  33. "Wollondilly Shire Council - Mayoral Election". Local Government Elections 2021. Electoral Commission of New South Wales. 21 December 2021. Retrieved 20 March 2023.
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  71. "Shire President Re-elected". The Picton Post. New South Wales, Australia. 19 December 1949. p. 1. Retrieved 31 May 2020 via Trove.
  72. "Cr. Early New Shire President". The Picton Post. New South Wales, Australia. 14 December 1950. p. 5. Retrieved 31 May 2020 via Trove.
  73. "Wollondilly Shire". Camden News. New South Wales, Australia. 17 December 1953. p. 6. Retrieved 31 May 2020 via Trove.
  74. "Archival List of Mayors". Wollondilly Shire Council. Archived from the original on 27 March 2011. Retrieved 30 May 2020.
  75. "Mr Francis William McKAY, MBE - Member of the Order of Australia". Australian Honours Search Facility. Australian Government. Retrieved 31 May 2020.
  76. The Local Government Act 1993 replaced the term 'Shire President' with 'Mayor'.
  77. Chenoweth, Ben (26 August 2014). "40 years' service to Wollondilly community earns rare honour". Wollondilly Advertiser. Retrieved 31 May 2020.
  78. "New Mayor and Deputy Mayor". Latest News. Wollondilly SHire Council. 13 March 2011. Archived from the original on 13 March 2011. Retrieved 31 May 2020.
  79. "Archival List of Mayors". Wollondilly Shire Council. Archived from the original on 21 June 2014. Retrieved 31 May 2020.
  80. Chenoweth, Ben (17 September 2013). "New mayor lists priorities". Wollondilly Advertiser. Retrieved 31 May 2020.
  81. "Councillor Col Mitchell announced as Wollondilly Council mayor". Wollondilly Advertiser. 16 September 2014. Retrieved 31 May 2020.
  82. Tullis, Ashleigh (22 September 2015). "Youngest councillor elected Wollondilly mayor". Wollondilly Advertiser. Retrieved 31 May 2020.
  83. Tullis, Ashleigh (27 September 2016). "Hannan takes top job". Wollondilly Advertiser. Retrieved 31 May 2020.
  84. Osborne, Kayla (11 December 2018). "Wollondilly mayor Judith Hannan set to step down". Campbelltown Macarthur Advertiser. Retrieved 31 May 2020.
  85. Osborne, Kayla (18 December 2018). "Wollondilly's new mayor has been chosen". Wollondilly Advertiser. Retrieved 31 May 2020.
  86. Osborne, Kayla (16 September 2020). "Wollondilly council elects new mayor and deputy". Wollondilly Advertiser. Retrieved 16 September 2020.
  87. Osborne, Kayla (7 January 2022). "Wollondilly mayor Matt Gould sets roads and infrastructure in his sights". Wollondilly Advertiser. Retrieved 9 March 2022.
  88. "Cataract Dam". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H01359. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  89. "Windmill Hill Group, including Ruins". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H01931. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  90. "Nepean Dam". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H01368. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  91. "Wirrimbirra Sanctuary". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H01508. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  92. "Bargo Railway Viaduct". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H01024. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  93. "Camden Park". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H00341. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  94. "Cordeaux Dam". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H01360. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  95. "Couridjah Railway Station". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H01121. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  96. "Menangle Railway Station group". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H01191. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  97. "Menangle rail bridge over Nepean River". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H01047. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  98. "Brownlow Hill Estate". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H01489. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  99. "Jarvisfield". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H00305. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  100. "Picton Railway Station group". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H01224. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  101. "Picton railway viaduct over Stonequarry Creek". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H01051. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  102. "Abbotsford". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H00073. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  103. "Victoria Bridge over Stonequarry Creek". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H01484. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  104. "Tahmoor Railway Station Group". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H01258. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  105. "Rail Paybus FP1". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H01673. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  106. "Track". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H01372. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  107. "Megarritys Bridge". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H01367. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  108. "Warragamba Dam - Haviland Park". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H01375. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  109. "Warragamba Emergency Scheme". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H01376. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  110. "Wilton Park". New South Wales State Heritage Register. Department of Planning & Environment. H00257. Retrieved 18 May 2018. Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
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