World Environment Day

World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated annually on 5 June and encourages awareness and action for the protection of the environment. It is supported by many non-governmental organizations, businesses, government entities, and represents the primary United Nations outreach day supporting the environment.[1][2]

World Environment Day
Official nameUN World Environment Day
Also calledEco Day, Environment Day, WED (world environment day)
SignificanceEnvironmental issues awareness
ObservancesEnvironment Protection
Date5 June
Next time5 June 2024 (2024-06)
First time5 June 1973 (5 June 1973)
World Environment Day in India

First held in 1973, it has been a platform for raising awareness on environmental issues as marine pollution, overpopulation, global warming, sustainable development and wildlife crime.[3] World Environment Day is a global platform for public outreach, with participation from over 143 countries annually, incl. participation from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, South Africa and the United States. Every year, the program has provided a theme and forum for businesses, non government organizations, communities, politicians and stars to advocate environmental causes.[4][5]


World Environment Day was established in 1972 by the United Nations at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment (5–16 June 1972), that had resulted from discussions on the integration of human interactions and the environment. One year later, in 1973 the first WED was held with the theme "Only One Earth".[6]

Host cities

World Environment Day celebrations have been (and will be) hosted in the following cities:[7]

Year Theme Host city
1972 Stockholm Conference on Human Environment Stockholm,United Nations
1973 Geneva, Switzerland[8]
1974Only one Earth during Expo '74[9]Spokane, United States
1975Human SettlementsDhaka, Bangladesh
1976Water: Vital Resource for LifeOntario, Canada
1977Ozone Layer Environmental Concern; Lands Loss and Soil DegradationSylhet, Bangladesh
1978Development Without DestructionSylhet, Bangladesh
1979Only One Future for Our Children – Development Without DestructionSylhet, Bangladesh
1980A New Challenge for the New Decade: Development Without DestructionSylhet, Bangladesh
1981Ground Water; Toxic Chemicals in Human Food ChainsSylhet, Bangladesh
1982Ten Years After Stockholm (Renewal of Environmental Concerns)Dhaka, Bangladesh
1983Managing and Disposing Hazardous Waste: Acid Rain and EnergySylhet, Bangladesh
1984DesertificationRajshahi, Bangladesh
1985Youth: Population and the EnvironmentIslamabad, Pakistan
1986A Tree for PeaceOntario, Canada
1987Environment and Shelter: More Than A RoofNairobi, Kenya
1988When People Put the Environment First, Development Will LastBangkok, Thailand
1989Global Warming; Global WarningBrussels, Belgium
1990Children and the EnvironmentMexico City, Mexico
1991Climate Change. Need for Global PartnershipStockholm, Sweden
1992Only One Earth, Care and ShareRio de Janeiro, Brazil
1993Poverty and the Environment – Breaking the Vicious CircleBeijing, People's Republic of China
1994One Earth One FamilyLondon, United Kingdom
1995We the Peoples: United for the Global EnvironmentPretoria, South Africa
1996Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our HomeIstanbul, Turkey
1997For Life on EarthSeoul, Republic of Korea
1998For Life on Earth – Save Our SeasMoscow, Russian Federation
1999Our Earth – Our Future – Just Save It!Tokyo, Japan
2000The Environment Millennium – Time to ActAdelaide, Australia
2001Connect with the World Wide Web of LifeTorino, Italy and Havana, Cuba
2002Give Earth a ChanceShenzhen, People's Republic of China
2003Water – Two Billion People are Dying for It!Beirut, Lebanon
2004Wanted! Seas and Oceans – Dead or Alive?Barcelona, Spain
2005Green Cities – Plant for the Planet!San Francisco, United States
2006Deserts and Desertification – Don't Desert Drylands!Algiers, Algeria
2007Melting Ice – a Hot Topic?London, England
2008Kick The Habit – Towards A Low Carbon EconomyWellington, New Zealand
2009Your Planet Needs You – Unite to Combat Climate ChangeMexico City, Mexico
2010Many Species. One Planet. One FutureRangpur, Bangladesh
2011Forests: Nature at your ServiceDelhi, India
2012Green Economy: Does it include you?Brasilia, Brazil
2013Think.Eat.Save. Reduce Your FoodprintUlaanbaatar, Mongolia
2014Raise your voice, not the sea levelBridgetown, Barbados
2015Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.Rome, Italy
2016Zero Tolerance for the Illegal Wildlife tradeLuanda, Angola
2017Connecting People to Nature – in the city and on the land, from the poles to the equatorOttawa, Canada
2018Beat Plastic Pollution[10]New Delhi, India
2019Beat Air Pollution[11]People's Republic of China
2020 Time for Nature[12][5] Colombia
2021 Ecosystem restoration[13] Pakistan
2022 Only One Earth Sweden
2023 Solutions to Plastic Pollution Côte d'Ivoire
2024 Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience[14] Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
2025 Ending plastic pollution[15] Republic of Korea

Annual themes and major initiatives and accomplishments

For almost five decades, World Environment Day has been raising awareness, supporting action, and driving changes for the environment. Here is a timeline of key accomplishments in WEDs' history:


Standard WED banners hung in San Francisco in May 2005

The theme for the 2005 World Environment Day was "Green Cities" and the slogan was "Plant for the Planet!".[16]


The topic for WED 2006 was Deserts and Desertification and the slogan was "Don't desert drylands".[17]

The slogan emphasised the importance of protecting drylands. The main international celebrations of the World Environment Day 2006 were held in Algeria.


The topic for World Environment Day for 2007 was "Melting Ice – a Hot Topic?" During International Polar Year, WED 2007 focused on the effects that climate change is having on polar ecosystems and communities, on other ice- and snow-covered areas of the world, and the resulting global impacts.

The main international celebrations of the WED 2007 were held in the city of Tromsø, Norway, a city north of the Arctic Circle.[18]

Egypt issued a postage stamp for the 2007 World Environment Day.[19]


The host for World Environment Day 2008 was New Zealand, with the main international celebrations scheduled for Wellington. The slogan for 2008 was "CO2, Kick the Habit! Towards a Low Carbon Economy." New Zealand was one of the first countries to pledge to achieve carbon-neutrality, and will also focus on forest management as a tool for reducing greenhouse gases.[20]

The Chicago Botanic Garden served as the North American host[21] for World Environment Day on 5 June 2008.


The theme for WED 2009 was "Your Planet Needs You – UNite to Combat Climate Change", and Michael Jackson's "Earth Song" was declared "World Environment Day Song". It was hosted in Mexico.[22]


"Many Species. One Planet. One Future", was the theme of 2010.[23]

It celebrated the diversity of life on Earth as part of the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity. It was hosted in Rwanda. Thousands of activities were organized worldwide, with beach clean-ups, concerts, exhibits, film festivals, community events and much more.[24] Each continent (except Antarctica) had a "regional host city", the U.N. chose Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as the host for all North.[25]


The world environment day of 2011 was hosted by India. It was the 1st time for India to host the day. The theme for 2011 was 'Forests  Nature At Your Service'. Thousands of activities were organized worldwide, with beach clean-ups, concerts, exhibits, film festivals, community events, tree plantings[26] and much more.


The theme for the 2012 World Environment Day was Green Economy.[27]

The theme aimed to invite people to examine their activities and lifestyle and see how the concept of a "Green Economy" fits into it. The host country for the year's celebrations was Brazil.[27]


The 2013 theme for World Environment Day was "Think.Eat.Save".[28]

The campaign addressed the huge annual wastage and losses in food, which, if conserved, would release a large quantity of food as well as reduce the overall carbon footprint. The campaign aimed to bring about awareness in countries with lifestyles resulting in food wastage. It also aimed to empower people to make informed choices about the food they eat so as to reduce the overall ecological impact due to the worldwide production of food.[28] The host country for the year's celebrations was Mongolia.[29]


The Theme of the 2014 WED was International Year of Small Islands Developing States (SIDS). By choosing this Theme the UN General Assembly aimed to highlight the development Challenges and successes of the SIDS. In 2014, the World Environment Day focused on global warming and its impact on ocean levels.[31] The Slogan of the WED 2014 is "Raise your voice not the sea level", as Barbados hosted the global celebrations of the 42nd edition of the World Environment Day.[32][33] The UN Environment Programme named actor Ian Somerhalder as the official Goodwill ambassador of the WED 2014.[34]


The Slogan of the 2015 edition of the World Environment Day is "Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care". The slogan was picked through a voting process on social media.[35][36] In Saudi Arabia, 15 women recycled 2000 plastic bags to crochet a mural in support of the WED 2015.[37] In India, Narendra Modi planted a Kadamb sapling to celebrate the World Environment Day and raise awareness for Environment.[38][39] Italy is the host country of the 43rd edition of the WED. The celebrations took place as part of Milan Expo around the theme: Feeding the Planet – Energy for Life.[40]


The 2016 WED was organized under the theme "Go wild for life". This edition of the WED aims to reduce and prevent the illegal trade in wildlife.[41] Angola was chosen as the host country of the 2016 WED during the COP21 in Paris.[42][43]


Activities for World Environment Day in Bhopal, India

The theme for 2017 was 'Connecting People to Nature – in the city and on the land, from the poles to the equator'. The host nation was Canada.[44]


The theme for 2018 was "Beat Plastic Pollution". The host nation was India.[45] By choosing this theme, it is hoped that people may strive to change their everyday lives to reduce the heavy burden of plastic pollution. People should be free from the over-reliance on single-use or disposables, as they have severe environmental consequences. We should liberate our natural places, our wildlife and our own health from plastics.[46] The Indian government pledged to eliminate all single use of plastic in India by 2022.[47]


The theme for 2019 was "Beat Air Pollution". The host nation was China. This theme was chosen as air pollution causes about 7 million premature deaths annually.[48]

In Réunion Island, Miss Earth 2018 Nguyễn Phương Khánh from Vietnam delivered her speech during World Environment Day with the theme "How to fight global warming".[49]


The theme for 2020 was "Time for Nature", and was hosted in Colombia in partnership with Germany.[12]

Colombia is one of the largest megadiverse countries in the world and holds close to 10% of the planet's biodiversity. Since it is part of the Amazon rainforest, Colombia ranks first in bird and orchid species diversity and second in plants, butterflies, freshwater fish, and amphibians.


The World Environment Day falls on June 5. The theme for 2021 is "Ecosystem Restoration",[50] and was hosted by Pakistan. On this occasion UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration was also launched.[51][52]


The World Environment Day theme for 2022 is "Only One Earth" and the event was hosted by Sweden.


The World Environment Day theme for 2023 is "Solution to plastic pollution" and the event was hosted by Côte d'Ivoire. It is a reminder that people's actions on plastic pollution matters. The steps governments and businesses are taking to tackle plastic pollution are the consequence of this action. It is time to accelerate this action and transition to a circular economy.[53]


1981 World Environment Day celebration

On 5 June 1981, World Environment Day 1981 was celebrated.

2022 World Environment Day celebration

On 5 June 2022, millions of people in multiple different countries across the whole world celebrated World Environment Day 2022 despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

World Environment Day edition dates

1981 and earlier

Edition numberDateAlso known asDay of the Week
1st5 June 1973World Environment Day 1973Tuesday
2nd5 June 1974World Environment Day 1974Wednesday
3rd5 June 1975World Environment Day 1975Thursday
4th5 June 1976World Environment Day 1976Saturday
5th5 June 1977World Environment Day 1977Sunday
6th5 June 1978World Environment Day 1978Monday
7th5 June 1979World Environment Day 1979Tuesday
8th5 June 1980World Environment Day 1980Thursday
9th5 June 1981World Environment Day 1981Friday

1982–2021 (Post-1981 and pre-2022)

Edition numberDateAlso known asDay of the Week
10th5 June 1982World Environment Day 1982Saturday
11th5 June 1983World Environment Day 1983Sunday
12th5 June 1984World Environment Day 1984Tuesday
13th5 June 1985World Environment Day 1985Wednesday
14th5 June 1986World Environment Day 1986Thursday
15th5 June 1987World Environment Day 1987Friday
16th5 June 1988World Environment Day 1988Sunday
17th5 June 1989World Environment Day 1989Monday
18th5 June 1990World Environment Day 1990Tuesday
19th5 June 1991World Environment Day 1991Wednesday
20th5 June 1992World Environment Day 1992Friday
21st5 June 1993World Environment Day 1993Saturday
22nd5 June 1994World Environment Day 1994Sunday
23rd5 June 1995World Environment Day 1995Monday
24th5 June 1996World Environment Day 1996Wednesday
25th5 June 1997World Environment Day 1997Thursday
26th5 June 1998World Environment Day 1998Friday
27th5 June 1999World Environment Day 1999Saturday
28th5 June 2000World Environment Day 2000Monday
29th5 June 2001World Environment Day 2001Tuesday
30th5 June 2002World Environment Day 2002Wednesday
31st5 June 2003World Environment Day 2003Thursday
32nd5 June 2004World Environment Day 2004Saturday
33rd5 June 2005World Environment Day 2005Sunday
34th5 June 2006World Environment Day 2006Monday
35th5 June 2007World Environment Day 2007Tuesday
36th5 June 2008World Environment Day 2008Thursday
37th5 June 2009World Environment Day 2009Friday
38th5 June 2010World Environment Day 2010Saturday
39th5 June 2011World Environment Day 2011Sunday
40th5 June 2012World Environment Day 2012Tuesday
41st5 June 2013World Environment Day 2013Wednesday
42nd5 June 2014World Environment Day 2014Thursday
43rd5 June 2015World Environment Day 2015Friday
44th5 June 2016World Environment Day 2016Sunday
45th5 June 2017World Environment Day 2017Monday
46th5 June 2018World Environment Day 2018Tuesday
47th5 June 2019World Environment Day 2019Wednesday
48th5 June 2020World Environment Day 2020Friday
49th5 June 2021World Environment Day 2021Saturday

2022 and later

Edition numberDateAlso known asDay of the Week
50th5 June 2022World Environment Day 2022Sunday
51st5 June 2023World Environment Day 2023Monday
52nd5 June 2024World Environment Day 2024Wednesday
53rd5 June 2025World Environment Day 2025Thursday
54th5 June 2026World Environment Day 2026Friday
55th5 June 2027World Environment Day 2027Saturday
56th5 June 2028World Environment Day 2028Monday
57th5 June 2029World Environment Day 2029Tuesday
58th5 June 2030World Environment Day 2030Wednesday

See also


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