Wrestling at the Summer Olympics

Wrestling at the Olympic Games first appeared at the first modern Olympics, in the form of Greco-Roman wrestling, held in Athens in 1896. Wrestling would appear at every Summer Olympics held since then, with the exception of the 1900 Summer Olympics when wrestling did not appear on the program. Freestyle wrestling and weight classes both made their first appearance at the 1904 Summer Olympics. Women's freestyle wrestling competition was first held at the 2004 Summer Olympics.

Wrestling at the Summer Olympics
IOC Discipline CodeWRE
Governing bodyUWW
Events18 (men: 12; women: 6)

In 2013, the IOC voted to drop wrestling from the Summer Olympic program. The president of the sport's governing body, FILA (now United World Wrestling), resigned after a subsequent motion of no confidence, and several of the FILA leadership followed suit. Following these and revisions to the program for 2016 (including rule changes and additional women's competitions), wrestling successfully campaigned to be readmitted back onto the Summer Olympic program.


Summary of overall best wrestling nation at each Olympics, which includes combining all styles that were contested. Greco-Roman has been contested since the 1896 Summer Olympics, with men's freestyle being contested since 1904 and women's freestyle since 2004.

Games Year Events Best Nation
118961 Germany
319047 United States
419089 Great Britain
519125 Finland
7192010 Finland
8192413 Finland
9192813 Finland
10193214 Sweden
11193614 Sweden
14194816 Turkey
15195216 Soviet Union
16195616 Soviet Union
Games Year Events Best Nation
17196016 Turkey
18196416 Japan
19196816 Japan
20197220 Soviet Union
21197620 Soviet Union
22198020 Soviet Union
23198420 United States
24198820 Soviet Union
25199220 Unified Team
26199620 Russia
27200016 Russia
28200418 Russia
29200818 Russia
30201218 Russia
31201618 Russia
32202018 Japan

Removal and reinstatement

In an effort to control the size and costs of the Summer Olympics, and make the Games "relevant to sports fans of all generations", the IOC evaluated the Olympic event programme in place for the 2016 Summer Olympics, and voted on 25 "core" sports that would comprise the programme of the 2020 Summer Olympics (which was postponed to 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic).[1] One vacancy was to be left open for a new sport. In February 2013, IOC members voted to remove wrestling from the Olympic programme; The New York Times cited several potential factors in the decision, including the lack of universally-known talent unlike other sports, and concern for the lack of women's competitions in wrestling (having only introduced women's freestyle competitions in 2004). FILA (now United World Wrestling), the governing body of Olympic wrestling, immediately criticized the decision. The organization cited wrestling's long-standing history as an Olympic event, which dates as far back as the ancient Olympic Games.[2][3][4]

The decision resulted in immediate backlash; Armen Nazaryan and Sagid Murtazaliev both returned gold medals to the IOC in protest, while Nazaryan also staged a hunger strike until the 2013 European Wrestling Championships.[5] FILA president Raphaël Martinetti resigned after a vote of non-confidence by the organization's staff.[6]

Martinetti was replaced as acting president by Nenad Lalović. Under his leadership, the organization began to make changes to its Olympic programme for 2016, including rule changes designed to make bouts faster and encourage more aggression, as well as additional women's weight classes. These changes were intended to help improve audience interest, and address the shortcomings that likely led to the removal of the sport; wrestling joined baseball/softball, as well as squash, on a final shortlist of three sports to be included in the core Olympic programme for 2020.[2] On 8 September 2013, at the 125th IOC Session, the IOC selected wrestling to be reinstated in the Olympic program for 2020 and 2024.[7][8] Lalović was largely credited for his role in the reinstatement; he remarked that "normally this is done in a few years, we did it in a few months. It was a question of our survival."[9][10]



Greco-Roman light flyweight X X X X X X X 7
Greco-Roman flyweight X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 14
Greco-Roman bantamweight X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 24
Greco-Roman featherweight X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 23
Greco-Roman lightweight X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 27
Greco-Roman welterweight X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 22
Greco-Roman middleweight X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 27
Greco-Roman light heavyweight X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 20
Greco-Roman heavyweight X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 25
Greco-Roman super heavyweight X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 14
Greco-Roman open X 1
Freestyle light flyweight X X X X X X X X 8
Freestyle flyweight X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 15
Freestyle bantamweight X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 26
Freestyle featherweight X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 24
Freestyle lightweight X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 26
Freestyle welterweight X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 25
Freestyle middleweight X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 25
Freestyle light heavyweight X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 18
Freestyle heavyweight X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 26
Freestyle super heavyweight X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 14
Total 1 0 7 9 5 10 13 13 14 14 16 16 16 16 16 16 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 16 14 14 14 12 12 12


Freestyle flyweight X X X X X X 6
Freestyle bantamweight X X X X X X 6
Freestyle welterweight X X X 3
Freestyle middleweight X X X X X X 6
Freestyle light heavyweight X X X 3
Freestyle heavyweight X X X X X X 6
Total 4 4 4 6 6 6

Participating nations

The following nations have taken part in the wrestling competition. The numbers in the table indicate the number of competitors sent to that year's Olympics (X means qualified wrestlers for the next Olympics).

 Afghanistan (AFG) 78588517
 Albania (ALB) 1123
 Algeria (ALG) 3222133389
 American Samoa (ASA) 1113
 Argentina (ARG) 585234333321111116
 Armenia (ARM) 88797867
 Australia (AUS) 13134415983333332911141322
 Austria (AUT) 821753474142575231119
 Azerbaijan (AZE) 89716131477
 Bahamas (BAH) 21
 Bahrain (BRN) 11
 Belarus (BLR) 161410911887
 Belgium (BEL) 411217131198353222311118
 Bohemia (BOH) 442
 Bolivia (BOL) 11
 Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) 11
 Brazil (BRA) 21111537
 Bulgaria (BUL) 816161620202020201181312911716
 Cambodia (CAM) 112
 Cameroon (CMR) 654111318
 Canada (CAN) 1155659424791513111314471098423
 Central African Republic (CAF) 11
 Chile (CHI) 112
 China (CHN) 7118559168131110
 Chinese Taipei (TPE) 1413
 Colombia (COL) 141311335310
 Croatia (CRO) 112125
 Cuba (CUB) 337910151513121212101213
 Cyprus (CYP) 112
 Czech Republic (CZE) 33211117
 Czechoslovakia (TCH) 10962133354610589715
 Denmark (DEN) 119101173555433321221119
 Dominican Republic (DOM) 21114
 East Germany (GDR) 101712985
 Ecuador (ECU) 2112226
 Egypt (EGY) 124313124444105312371310820
 El Salvador (ESA) 1113
 Estonia (EST) 48618443123212
 Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) 11
 Finland (FIN) 437182413101315161014109107811127542123226
 France (FRA) 617231351011102934552899236962225
 The Gambia (GAM) 31
 Georgia (GEO) 8131210131177
 Germany (GER)1 114651481711109747715
 Great Britain (GBR)1 53121014626166466467677111123
 Greece (GRE)2 1523245323589451051110718321226
 Guam (GUM) 11111117
 Guatemala (GUA) 3541116
 Guinea (GUI) 212
 Guinea-Bissau (GBS) 11112227
 Haiti (HAI) 11
 Honduras (HON) 11
 Hungary (HUN)1 7101265121212810101318181918171189978625
 Iceland (ISL) 11
 Independent Olympic Participants (IOP) 912
 India (IND) 2364758486876117358720
 Indonesia (INA) 21
 Iran (IRI) 88129141715161011131213121115
 Iraq (IRQ) 1193516
 Ireland (IRL) 114215
 Israel (ISR) 212413318
 Italy (ITA) 168175610111451655786745426212226
 Ivory Coast (CIV) 11
 Japan (JPN) 1175581616152020202016128131013101221
 Jordan (JOR) 21
 Kazakhstan (KAZ) 111112161512117
 Kenya (KEN) 41
 Kyrgyzstan (KGZ) 46854797
 Kosovo (KOS) 11
 Latvia (LAT) 623111121110
 Lebanon (LBN) 5462211119
 Lithuania (LTU) 132342118
 Luxembourg (LUX) 223123418
 North Macedonia (MKD) 322115
 Madagascar (MAD) 11
 Malta (MLT) 222
 Mauritania (MTN) 242
 Mauritius (MRI) 11
 Mexico (MEX) 245144129225427121118
 Moldova (MDA) 64222327
 Mongolia (MGL) 88131313974466810914
 Morocco (MAR) 5434554523111
 Namibia (NAM) 112
 Netherlands (NED) 939864311110
 New Zealand (NZL) 112123223110
 Nicaragua (NCA) 11
 Nigeria (NGR) 1365421247511
 North Korea (PRK) 233434135410
 Norway (NOR) 19777136714135255211111224
 Pakistan (PAK) 676222231110
 Palau (PLW) 1213
 Panama (PAN) 1322112219
 Peru (PER) 4221511119
 Philippines (PHI) 111344328
 Poland (POL) 24351251218142018131199948619
 Portugal (POR) 213433111110
 Puerto Rico (PUR) 5324513219
 Republic of China (ROC) 11
 Romania (ROU) 57471012201920104111055825519
 Russia (RUS) 411201618181617179
 Samoa (SAM) 212
 San Marino (SMR) 11
 Senegal (SEN) 453443211122113
 Serbia (SRB) 21344
 Serbia and Montenegro (SCG) 11
 Slovakia (SVK) 443215
 South Africa (RSA) 1123543111111
 South Korea (KOR) 4134138411141916151091195218
 Soviet Union (URS) 1616161616202020209
 Spain (ESP) 44123910231111
 Sweden (SWE) 93413139131416110129778811108757567326
 Switzerland (SUI) 412111312512339124424211120
 Syria (SYR) 221738327
 Tajikistan (TJK) 14244
 Tunisia (TUN) 2333413841010
 Turkey (TUR) 56111615131615161611161315131212131314921
 Turkmenistan (TKM) 112
 Ukraine (UKR) 171616161311107
 Unified Team (EUN) 201
 United States (USA) 42621814777881516161619201920202016171717141525
 United Team of Germany (EUA) 515143
 Uzbekistan (UZB) 1011788887
 Venezuela (VEN) 3216223799
 Vietnam (VIE) 51124
 Virgin Islands (ISV) 41
 West Germany (FRG) 11171514175
 Yemen (YEM) 312
 Yugoslavia (YUG) 25532548106109213

All-time medal tables – 1896–2020

All-time medal table combined – Greco-Roman, Freestyle men's and women's – 1896–2020


1 Soviet Union (URS)623123116
2 United States (USA)554439138
3 Japan (JPN)37221776
4 Russia (RUS)31111456
5 Turkey (TUR)29181966
6 Sweden (SWE)28273186
7 Finland (FIN)26282983
8 Hungary (HUN)20171956
9 Bulgaria (BUL)16322371
10 Iran (IRI)11152147
11 South Korea (KOR)11111436
12 Cuba (CUB)1161027
13 Romania (ROU)781934
14 Italy (ITA)741122
15 Unified Team (EUN)65516
16 Germany (GER)5131129
17 Poland (POL)591327
18 Estonia (EST)52411
19 Azerbaijan (AZE)481325
20 Ukraine (UKR)46818
21 Yugoslavia (YUG)46616
22 France (FRA)441018
23 Switzerland (SUI)44715
24 Norway (NOR)4228
25 ROC4048
26 Canada (CAN)37717
27 Georgia (GEO)361019
28 Great Britain (GBR)341017
29 North Korea (PRK)32510
30 China (CHN)25815
31 Armenia (ARM)2439
32 Egypt (EGY)2338
33 East Germany (GDR)2327
34 Uzbekistan (UZB)2248
35 Czechoslovakia (TCH)17715
36 Kazakhstan (KAZ)151117
37 United Team of Germany (EUA)1539
38 West Germany (FRG)1449
39 Greece (GRE)13711
40 Serbia (SRB)1012
41 Belarus (BLR)07714
42 Mongolia (MGL)04610
43 Denmark (DEN)0369
44 Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)0336
45 Belgium (BEL)0303
 Russian Empire (RU1)0303
47 India (IND)0257
48 Australia (AUS)0123
 Lebanon (LIB)0123
50 Lithuania (LTU)0112
51 Latvia (LAT)0101
 Mexico (MEX)0101
 Nigeria (NGR)0101
 Puerto Rico (PUR)0101
 Slovakia (SVK)0101
 Syria (SYR)0101
 Tajikistan (TJK)0101
58 Austria (AUT)0022
 Colombia (COL)0022
60 Czech Republic (CZE)0011
 Moldova (MDA)0011
 North Macedonia (MKD)0011
 Pakistan (PAK)0011
 San Marino (SMR)0011
 Spain (ESP)0011
 Tunisia (TUN)0011
Totals (66 entries)4284285001356

All-time medal table – Greco-Roman – 1896–2020


1 Soviet Union (URS)34161060
2 Sweden (SWE)20172158
3 Finland (FIN)18211958
4 Hungary (HUN)17131141
5 Russia (RUS)123722
6 Turkey (TUR)116825
7 Bulgaria (BUL)914932
8 Cuba (CUB)95216
9 South Korea (KOR)72716
10 Romania (ROU)681327
11 Italy (ITA)64919
12 Poland (POL)58821
13 Germany (GER)410822
14 Japan (JPN)47415
15 Iran (IRI)4149
16 United States (USA)36615
17 Yugoslavia (YUG)35412
18 Unified Team (EUN)3339
19 Estonia (EST)3148
20 Armenia (ARM)2338
 Egypt (EGY)2338
22 Ukraine (UKR)2327
23 France (FRA)2259
24 Norway (NOR)2125
25 East Germany (GDR)2114
26 Czechoslovakia (TCH)16411
27 Greece (GRE)1359
28 Georgia (GEO)1348
29 West Germany (FRG)1315
30 Azerbaijan (AZE)1247
31 Kazakhstan (KAZ)1225
32 ROC1023
33 Serbia (SRB)1012
 Uzbekistan (UZB)1012
35 United Team of Germany (EUA)0437
36 Denmark (DEN)0369
37 Russian Empire (RU1)0303
38 Belarus (BLR)0257
39 Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)0213
40 China (CHN)0156
41 Lebanon (LIB)0123
42 Lithuania (LTU)0112
43 Latvia (LAT)0101
 Mexico (MEX)0101
45 Austria (AUT)0011
 Czech Republic (CZE)0011
 Moldova (MDA)0011
 North Korea (PRK)0011
 Switzerland (SUI)0011
Totals (49 entries)199201225625

All-time medal table – Freestyle men's and women's – 1904–2020


1 United States (USA)523833123
2 Japan (JPN)33151361
3 Soviet Union (URS)28151356
4 Russia (RUS)198734
5 Turkey (TUR)18121141
6 Sweden (SWE)8101028
7 Finland (FIN)871025
8 Bulgaria (BUL)7181439
9 Iran (IRI)7141738
10 South Korea (KOR)49720
11 Switzerland (SUI)44614
12 Canada (CAN)37717
13 Azerbaijan (AZE)36918
14 Great Britain (GBR)341017
15 Hungary (HUN)34815
16 North Korea (PRK)3249
17 Unified Team (EUN)3227
18 ROC3025
19 China (CHN)2439
20 Georgia (GEO)23611
 Ukraine (UKR)23611
22 France (FRA)2259
23 Cuba (CUB)21811
24 Estonia (EST)2103
 Norway (NOR)2103
26 Germany (GER)1337
27 Uzbekistan (UZB)1236
28 Yugoslavia (YUG)1124
29 United Team of Germany (EUA)1102
30 Romania (ROU)1067
31 Italy (ITA)1023
32 Belarus (BLR)0527
33 Mongolia (MGL)04610
34 Kazakhstan (KAZ)03912
35 Belgium (BEL)0303
36 India (IND)0257
37 East Germany (GDR)0213
38 Poland (POL)0156
39 Czechoslovakia (TCH)0134
 West Germany (FRG)0134
41 Australia (AUS)0123
 Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)0123
43 Armenia (ARM)0101
 Nigeria (NGR)0101
 Puerto Rico (PUR)0101
 Slovakia (SVK)0101
 Syria (SYR)0101
 Tajikistan (TJK)0101
49 Colombia (COL)0022
 Greece (GRE)0022
51 Austria (AUT)0011
 North Macedonia (MKD)0011
 Pakistan (PAK)0011
 San Marino (SMR)0011
 Spain (ESP)0011
 Tunisia (TUN)0011
Totals (56 entries)229227275731

See also


  1. "Joint Statement from the International Olympic Committee and the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee". International Olympic Committee. Retrieved 24 March 2020.
  2. Hamilton, Tracee (2013-09-08). "Wrestling, IOC make right moves in getting sport back on 2020 Olympics program". The Washington Post. ISSN 0190-8286. Retrieved 2018-03-16.
  3. Longman, Jeré (2013-02-12). "Olympics Moves to Drop Wrestling in 2020". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2018-03-16.
  4. "Wrestling to be dropped from 2020 Olympic Games". BBC Sport. 12 February 2013.
  5. "Bulgaria wrestling coach Armen Nazaryan on hunger strike". BBC Sport. 2013-03-04. Retrieved 2018-05-26.
  6. "International Wresting President forced to quit after Olympic shock". Inside the Games. Retrieved 2018-03-16.
  7. "Wrestling, baseball/softball and squash shortlisted by IOC for 2020 as five fail to make cut". 29 May 2013.
  8. "Wrestling added to Olympic programme for 2020 and 2024 Games". IOC. 8 September 2013. Retrieved 8 September 2013.
  9. KAROLOS GROHMANN (8 September 2013). "Wrestling wins vote and will be part of 2020 Tokyo Olympics". The Globe and Mail. Archived from the original on 8 September 2013. Retrieved 2013-09-08.
  10. "Wrestling gets reinstated for 2020 Olympics". 8 September 2013. Retrieved 2016-08-15.
  11. "Olympic Analytics - Medals by Countries". olympanalyt.com. Retrieved 2022-01-31.
  12. "Olympic Analytics - Medals by Countries". olympanalyt.com. Retrieved 2022-01-31.
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