Legalism (Chinese philosophy)

Fajia (Chinese: 法家; pinyin: fǎjiā), often translated as Legalism,[1] was a school of thought from classical Chinese philosophy. It represents several branches of thought of early thinkers mainly from the Warring States period, such as Guan Zhong, Li Kui, Shen Buhai, Shang Yang, Shen Dao, and Han Fei, whose reform ideas contributed greatly to the establishment of the bureaucratic Chinese empire. With an influence in the Qin, it formed into a school of thought in the Han dynasty. The Qin to Tang were more characterized by its tradition.

Statue of the legalist Shang Yang
Literal meaningSchool of law

Though the origins of the Chinese administrative system cannot be traced to any one person, prime minister Shen Buhai may have had more influence than any other for the construction of the merit system, and could be considered its founder. His philosophical successor Han Fei, regarded as their finest writer, wrote the most acclaimed of their texts, the Han Feizi, containing some the earliest commentaries on the Daodejing. Sun Tzu's Art of War recommends Han Fei's concepts of power, technique, inaction, impartiality, punishment and reward.

Concerned largely with administrative and sociopolitical innovation, Shang Yang's reforms transformed the peripheral Qin state into a militarily powerful and strongly centralized kingdom, mobilizing the Qin to ultimate conquest of the other states of China in 221 BCE. With an administrative influence for the Qin dynasty, he had a formative influence for Chinese law. Succeeding emperors and reformers often followed the templates set by Han Fei, Shen Buhai and Shang Yang.

Early daoistic realism

Mohism contains the early elements of those later termed Fajia "Legalists", as well as the school of names "sophists" or "logicians", sharing in similar administrative practices.[2] With the school of names largely lost regardless, bureaucratic advancement is more obvious in Shen Buhai and Han Fei.[3][4] Those later termed Legalists can roughly be explained as originating in the reforms of Warring States period mobilizations.[5] With a lasting contribution to the organization of the bureaucracy, and advising techniques to prepare the ruler for military conquest, it can be characterized as an almost purely administrative realism, as critiqued by the Han Feizi.[6]

The Warring States period knew of no Legalists or Daoists as such, and did not form a Warring States school in the sense of the Mohists and Confucians. Prior Sima Qian, doctrines were identified only by teachers; for those later termed Daoists, namely Laozi and Zhuangzi, as loose networks of disciples with textual traditions. Their texts were brought together more fully in the Han dynasty.[7] With Sima Qian and Han Fei distinguishing between Shang Yang and the others,[8] those later termed Legalist may themselves roughly be characterized as early Daoistic thinkers, becoming a tradition or way of organizational thought based in the administrative power of the ruler, with differences to later Daoism.

Intersecting with the emerging the Daodejing and Book of Lord Shang, the Han Feizi makes frequent enough references to the Dao that some have considered the Han Feizi's current deeply Daoist-influenced, but not Daoist simply.[9] Regardless, their work's early commentators likely could not tell the difference between their current and the Daoists. Placing Han Fei and Shen Buhai alongside Laozi, Sima Qian, not entirely a Daoist himself, claims Han Fei, Shen Buhai and Shen Dao as having studied his same superstitious Huang-Lao. The favored ideology of the early Han and potentially Qin ruling classes in some earlier form, it marks the beginnings of religious Daoism.[10]

Sima Qian characterizes what he dubs his Daojia or Dao-school by the 'xingming' administrative method of Shen Buhai and Han Fei, functioning as an assembly of ministers contracted by a preferably inactive ruler. Daojia comes to mean Daoism a century after Sima Qian's death. In connection with Shang Yang in the Han Feizi, the book Book of Han relegates Shen Buhai, Shen Dao and Han Fei as Fajia Legalists.[11] The Shiji does claim that the first Emperor practiced the doctrinal method of Xingming, which the Han dynasty attributes back to Shen Buhai. Two hundred years into the Han dynasty however, Liu Xiang could still distinguish between Shang Yang, associated with penal law, and Shen Buhai, taken as advocating administrative technique, supervision and accountability to abolish the punishment of ministers.[12]

Said to have been a Daoist, but potentially earlier, in contrast to later Daoism or Huang-Lao, Shen Buhai's Dao or Way refers only to administrative methods (fa). His early, more Confucian concept of Wu wei advocates reduced activity by a completely impartial ruler, leaving duties to ministers. Hiding his power and wit, Shen Buhai's Wu wei teaches the ruler not to engage in actions that might harm the 'natural order of things'.[13] With a context spanning the Mozi to Huainanzi,[14] in opposition to the ministers Han Fei promotes a doctrine of ascetic self-interest to the ruler, comparable to later Huang-Lao works, teaching wu wei as emptiness and tranquility. Hidden and inactive, he responds to active ministers and affairs rather than acting himself. Han Fei's eclectic Way of the Ruler (Chapter 5) includes the ways of Laozi and Shen Buhai, but emphasizes Shen Buhai, with advice to the ruler to reduce his expressions, desires and traditional wisdom.[15]

An interpretation of the Daodejing (Laozi) as simply cynically political would be flawed. Still, together with qigong, it can be viewed as a manual for politics and military strategy. While they should not simply be framed as assumed 'originals', the Laozi of the early Mawangdui Silk Texts, and two of the three earlier Guodian Chu Slips, place political commentaries, or "ruling the state", first. The text is not necessarily entirely Daoist in the way it would later be understood. Nonetheless, in contrast to all prior conventional ways, the Daodejing emphasizes quietude and lack as wu wei. Emphasizing governmental usages, together especially with their early Daodejings, Shen Buhai, Han Fei, and Huang-Lao Daoism emphasize the political advantages of wu wei ("effortless action") as a method of control for survival, social stability, long life, and rule, refraining from action in-order to take advantage of favorable developments in affairs.[16]

In contrast to Shang Yang and Shen Buhai, who would become influential as administrators, Shen Dao may have been well known as a philosopher in his time.[17] With a potential influence for Daoism, the Outer Zhuangzi lists the Mohists and Shen Dao as preceding Zhuang Zhou and Laozi,[18] and can be seen to bare resemblances to the Daoism of the Zhuangzi.[19] Shen Dao was early remembered for his secondary subject of shi or "situational authority", of which he is spoken in Chapter 40 of the Han Feizi and incorporated into The Art of War, but only and he only uses the term twice in the his fragments. Xun Kuang takes him as teaching passivity and the elimination of desire, but calls him "beclouded with fa (administrative standards)", which is prominent in his work in common with the others. Thus, taken as teaching inertia, he can be seen as proto-Daoistic, but was still preoccupied with the concept of fa standards as including laws.[20][21][22] Sinologist Herrlee G. Creel found no following for him comparable to Shang Yang or Shen Buhai by the Han dynasty.[23] He is only mentioned in the Shiji in a stub with other scholars of the Jixia Academy, like Xun Kuang and Mencius.[24]

Han Fei's late Daodejing commentaries are comparable with the Huang-Lao of the Guanzi Neiye,[25] but otherwise utilizes the Laozi more as a theme for methods of rule. Although he has Daoistic conceptions of objective viewpoints, he lacks a conclusive belief in their universal moralities and natural laws,[26] essentially sharing with Shang Yang and Shen Dao a view of man as self-interested.[27] Advocating against manipulation of the mechanisms of government, despite an advocacy of passive mindfulness, noninterference, and quiescence, the ability to prescribe and command is still built into Han Fei's contractual method.[28] His current is opposed with later Daoism as a practical state philosophy, not accepting a 'permanent way of statecraft', and applying the practice of wu wei or non-action more to the ruler than anyone else.[29] Contrasting with Han Fei and Huang-Lao and the political Daodejing, Stanford Encyclopedia's Sinologist Hansen took Daoism proper as more iconoclastic than authoritarian.[30]

Modern Chinese literature can still be seen to regard Shen Buhai, Shen Dao and Han Fei as Huang-Lao Daoist influenced, as termed by Sima Qian.[31] Although modernly its category has generally been taken as imposed backwards,[32] as compared with the Mawangdui Silk Texts, its claims are not without merit.[33]

Changing with the times

Generalized as a commonality, what the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy terms an evolutionary view of history has been associated more particularly with Gongsun Yang and Han Fei. Feng Youlan took the statesmen as fully understanding that needs change with the times and material circumstances. Admitting that people may have been more virtuous anciently, Han Fei believes that new problems require new solutions, with history as a process contrasting with the beliefs of Ancient China.[34]

In what A.C. Graham takes to be a "highly literary fiction", the Book of Lord Shang opens with a debate held by Duke Xiao of Qin, seeking to "consider the changes in the affairs of the age, inquire into the basis for correcting standards, and seek the Way to employ the people." Gongsun attempts to persuade the Duke to change with the times, with the Shangjunshu citing him as saying: "Orderly generations did not [follow] a single way; to benefit the state, one need not imitate antiquity."

Graham compares Han Fei in particular with the Malthusians, as "unique in seeking a historical cause of changing conditions", namely population growth, acknowledging that an underpopulated society only need moral ties. The Guanzi text sees punishment as unnecessary in ancient times with an abundance of resources, making it a question of poverty rather than human nature. Human nature is a Confucian issue. Graham otherwise considers the customs current at the time as having no significance to the statesmen, even if they may be willing to conform the government to them.[35]

Hu Shih took Xun Kuang, Han Fei and Li Si as "champions of the idea of progress through conscious human effort", with Li Si abolishing the feudal system, and unifying the empire, law, language, thought and belief, presenting a memorial to the throne in which he condemns all those who "refused to study the present and believed only in the ancients on whose authority they dared to criticize". With a quotation from Xun Kuang:[36]

You glorify Nature and meditate on her: Why not domesticate and regulate her? You follow Nature and sing her praise: Why not control her course and use it? ... Therefore, I say: To neglect man's effort and speculate about Nature, is to misunderstand the facts of the universe.

In contrast to Xun Kuang as the classically purported teacher of Han Fei and Li Si, Han Fei does not believe that a tendency to disorder demonstrates that people are evil or unruly.[37]

As a counterpoint, Han Fei and Shen Dao do still employ argumentative reference to 'sage kings'; Han Fei claims the distinction between the ruler's interests and private interests are said to date back to Cangjie, while government by Fa (standards) is said to date back to time immemorial. Han Fei considers the demarcation between public and private a "key element" in the "enlightened governance" of the purported former kings.[38]

Administrative focus

Containing the first direct reference to the writings of the Book of Lord Shang,[39] the combination of Shang Yang and Shen Buhai can first be seen in the Han Feizi, and is essentially attributable for their later Han dynasty categorization together under the 'fa school of thought' (Fajia) as 'Legalists'.[40] Han Fei presents Shen Buhai and Shang Yang as opposite components in his doctrine in chapter 43 of his named text. Han Fei takes Shen Buhai as focused on the use of fa (standards) in the administration, termed (shu) administrative Method or Technique, concerned with holding power, selecting ministers, and overseeing performance. He presents Shang Yang as focused on fa "standards" as including law (though his program was broader[41]); Han Fei considers both necessary.[42][43]

Pseudo-Li Si (or Sima Qian) receives them according to this same formula in the Shiji, connecting Shang Yang only with law, and Shen Buhai only with administrative technique.[44] According to Han Fei, Shen Buhai had disorganized law;[45] in contrast to Shang Yang, no text discussing him by himself identifies him with penal law, but only with control of the bureaucracy. He is glossed under penal law in the Han dynasty when he is paired with Shang Yang.[46]

While the term Legalism has still seen some conventional usage in recent years, such as in Adventures in Chinese Realism, academia has otherwise avoided it for reasons which date back to Sinologist Herrlee G. Creel's early work on the subject, as Sinologist Goldin recalls. As Han Fei presents, while Shang Yang most commonly has fa (standards) as law, Shen Buhai uses fa (standards) in the administration, which Creel translated as method.[47][48]

Shen Dao's fa includes law, but more generally uses fa (objective standards) in a manner similar to Shen Buhai, as an administrative technique, using fa standards to determine reward and punishment in accordance with merit. Xun Kuang takes him as obsessed with the emulation of models rather than the employment of worthy men, respecting the imitation of models more broadly but not necessarily following them.[49]

More broadly, together with Shen Buhai and Shen Dao, Han Fei was still primarily administrative. Han Fei and Shen Dao make some use of fa akin to law, and some use of reward and punishment, but generally use fa similarly to Shen Buhai: as an administrative technique.[47] Shen Buhai compares official's duties and performances, and Han Fei often uses fa in this sense, with a particular quotation from the Han Feizi as example:[50]

An enlightened ruler employs fa to pick his men; he does not select them himself. He employs fa to weigh their merit; he does not fathom it himself. Thus ability cannot be obscured nor failure prettified. If those who are [falsely] glorified cannot advance, and likewise those who are maligned cannot be set back, then there will be clear distinctions between lord and subject, and order will be easily [attained]. Thus the ruler can only use fa.

Blaming Shang Yang for too much reliance on law, Han Fei critiques him in much the same way as the Confucians, who held that laws cannot practice themselves. Han Fei says: "Although the laws were rigorously implemented by the officials, the ruler at the apex lacked methods." Han Fei's solution for unifying the various teachings of his forebears, including Confucianism and Mohism, is almost totally administrative, based in the ruler's power and methods.[51][52]

Han Fei's choice to include law is not accidental, and is at least indirectly intended to benefit the people, insomuch as the state is benefited by way of order. It can mainly be compared to a rule of law insomuch as it serves purposes beyond simply that of the ruler, generally operating separately from him once established. Han Fei says: "The enlightened ruler governs his officials; he does not govern the people." The ruler cannot jointly govern the people in a large state. Nor can his direct subordinates themselves do it. The ruler wields methods to control officials.[53]

Shang Yang himself addressed many administrative questions, including an agricultural mobilization, collective responsibility, and statist meritocracy. But Shang Yang himself addresses statutes mainly from an administrative standpoint.[54] Turning towards management, the Chapter 25 of the Shangjunshu's so-called "Attention to law" advocates "strict reliance on law" (fa) mainly as "norms of promotion and demotion" to judge officials and thwart ministerial cliques, but falls back on agriculture and war as the standard for promotion.[55]

Eradicating punishments

Translator Yuri Pines from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy takes the Book of Lord Shang's final chapter 26 as reflecting administrative realities of the 'late preimperial and Imperial Qin', essentially congruous with knowledge of the Qin. Although seeking governance more broadly, protecting the people from abuse by ministers becomes more important than punishing the people. Taken as universally beneficial, in an attempt to deliver the "blessed eradication of punishments through punishments", clear laws are promulgated and taught that the people can also use against the ministers. Han Fei advocates the same, but is more focused on accomplishing it through the administrative power of the ruler.[56]

If at least part of the Han Feizi dates date to it's period, the Shangjunshu could have circulated on the eve of unification. The work's adoption by the Han Feizi gives the appearance of a living current for the old harsh punishments of Shang Yang that can be mistakenly imposed backward. Whatever disasters may have occured, like the Chu–Han Contention, Pines still accepts a status quo in scholarship that Shang Yang's harsh punishments were abandoned before Qin unification. If they see an archaeologically unknown, anomalous Qin dynasty adoption, they have to shift back to normalcy for the early Han. The Book of Lord Shang itself is not a homogeneous ideology, but shifts substantially over it's development. As the work's first reference, the Han Feizi recalls it's earlier Chapter 4, saying:[39][57]

Gongsun Yang said: "When [the state] implements punishments, inflicts heavy [punishments] on light [offenses]: then light [offenses] will not come, and heavy [crimes] will not arrive. This is called: 'eradicating punishments with punishments'.

For Han Fei, the power structure is unable to bare an autonomous ministerial practice of reward and punishment. Han Fei mainly targets ministerial infringements. His main argument for punishment by law, Chapter 7's The Two Handles, is that delegating reward and punishment to ministers has led to an erosion of power and collapse of states in his era, and should be monopolized, using severe punishment in an attempt to abolish ministerial infringements, and therefore punishment. Han Fei's ruler abandons personal preferences in reward and punishment in favor of fa standards out of self-preservation.[58]

However, while Han Fei believes that a benevolent government that does not punish will harm the law, and create confusion, he also believes that a violent and tyrannical ruler will create an irrational government, with conflict and rebellion.[59] Han Fei does not care about retribution or punishment itself, and he does not suggest kinds of punishments. He only cares whether they work, and therefore end punishments. Although "benevolence and righteousness" may simply be "glittering words", other means can potentially be included.

Although recalling him, in contrast to Shang Yang, Han Fei places a more equal emphasis on reward to encourage people and produce good results; he does not believe the government can be established on Shang Yang's basics of punishment.[60] Although opposed to the paradoxes of the earlier school of names 'sophists', otherwise devoted to the use of writing in administration, punishment for Han Fei was still secondary to simply controlling ministers through techniques, in particular simply through written agreements.[61][62]

Even if the Shangjunshu only passingly suggests that the need for punishment would pass away, and a more moral driven order evolve, the Qin nonetheless abandoned Shang Yang's heavy punishments before the founding of the Qin dynasty.[57] As a component of general colonization, the most common heavy punishment was expulsion to the new colonies, with exile considered a heavy punishment in ancient China. The Han engage in the same practice, transferring criminals to the frontiers for military service, with Emperor Wu and later emperors recruiting men sentenced to death for an expeditionary army. The Qin have mutilating punishments like nose cutting, but with tattooing as most common, with shame is its own heavy punishment in ancient China. They are not harsher for their time, and form a continuity with the early Han dynasty,[63] abolishing mutilations in 167 BC.[64][65]

Punishments in the Qin and early Han were commonly pardoned or redeemed in exchange for fines, labor or one to several aristocratic ranks, even up to the death penalty. Not the most common punishments, the Qin's mutilating punishment likely exist in part to create labor in agriculture, husbandry, workshops, and wall building.[66] Replacing mutilation, labor from one to five years becomes the common heavy punishment in early Imperial China, generally in building roads and canals.[67]


Emphasizing a dichotomy between the people and state, the Book of Lord Shang in particular has been regarded as anti-people, with alienating statements that a weak people makes a strong military. But, such statements are concentrated in a few chapters, and the work does still vacillate against ministerial abuses.[57] Michael Loewe regarded still the laws as primarily concerned with peace and order. They were harsh in Shang Yang's time mainly out of hope that people will no longer dare to break them.[68][57]

Sima Qian argues the Qin dynasty, relying on rigorous laws, as nonetheless still insufficiently rigorous for a completely consistent practice, suggesting them as not having always delivered justice as others understood it.[69] Still, from a modern perspective, it is "impossible" to deny at least the "'basic' justice of Qin laws". Rejecting the whims of individual ministers in favor of clear protocols, and insisting on forensic examinations, for an ancient society they are ultimately more definable by fairness than cruelty. With

contradicting evidences, as a last resort, officials could rely on beatings, but had to be reported and compared with evidence, and cannot actually punish without confession. With administration and judiciary not separated in ancient societies, the Qin develop the idea of the judge magistrate as a detective, emerging in the culture of early Han dynasty theater with judges as detectives aspiring to truth of justice.[70][71]

Inasmuch as Han Fei has modernly been related to the idea of justice, he opposes the early Confucian idea that ministers should be immune to penal law. With an at least incidental concern for the people, the Han Feizi is "adamant that blatant manipulation and subversion of law to the detriment of the state and ruler should never be tolerated":[72]

Those men who violated the laws, committed treason, and carried out major acts of evil always worked through some eminent and highly placed minister. And yet the laws and regulations are customarily designed to prevent evil among the humble and lowly people, and it is upon them alone that penalties and punishments fall. Hence the common people lose hope and are left with no place to air their grievances. Meanwhile the high ministers band together and work as one man to cloud the vision of the ruler.

Censure in the Qin dynasty

Although from a modern perspective seeming to support totalitarianism, Pines does not take what he terms the Fa thinkers as supplying alternate totalitarian ideologies or thought control. While the Han Feizi recommends that the King either approve or disapprove doctrines in Chapter 50, the late Qin state's Lüshi Chunqiu still reflects a military government. While the Han Feizi's unity is the king, pre-imperial Qin 'unity' was still that of military standards and commands. Neither much represents a concern for ideological or doctrinal unity, whose struggles for state supremacy are more typical of the Han dynasty. Qin's control, censure and imposition on intellectual life lacks intellectual content. Han Fei opposes the "discourses of the former kings", but does not reject that they may be of benefit. Sinologist Fraiser modernly considers Mozi to have been concerned with truth, but in governmental practice, fa methods in Han Fei's era test crimes and abilities against whatever fa standard, not ideological conceptions of truth.[73]

Purported by Sima Qian as a policy of Li Si, 'disturbance-causing' books are collected and given to the court erudites, with the suggestion that "those who want to study laws and ordinances take an official as a teacher." Apart from a presumed desire for control of intellectual activity, Pines connects it's narrative with the old idea in the Shangjunshu of recruitment for soldiers. Negating the idea that a study of the old 'disturbance causing' texts could lead to office, persecution of independent interests redirects toward a new standard: the recruitment of 'law officers', with fa government program broader than law as such. Under Sima Qian's Qin military government, 'disturbance-causing' books may be censured outside the government, but does not in fact entirely ban the teachings of Confucians, who will hopefully join the government. Under Confucian state orthodoxy, 'disturbance-causing' books and ideologies are censured inside the government. The difference may seem subtle, but only one antagonism is ideological, because only one existed as an ideology. The Legalism category was invented by Han historians.[74]

Despite rhetoric in the Book of Lord Shang, Sima Qian's Lisi lacks ideological basis for antagonism; some books might be burned, but are otherwise given to the court erudites. The Qin dynasty does not target Confucians in government service, at least an elite of Confucian specialists prosper, both the First and Second Emperors consult with Confucian scholars, and the first Emperor erects Confucianistic inscriptions. Han Fei and Sima Qian's king can approve or disapprove the promulgation of doctrines, and might do so, but the ability to censure is not an ideology or an ideological antagonism. Fa standards early represent an alternative to Li (Ritual): standards as an abstract category is not ideology. Han Fei's current is opposed in the later Han not as ideology, but as fa standards and censure other than. Law as a category of government is not an ideology; the Confucians simply call them Legalists. There is no Qin Legalism specifically targeting Confucianism, but there is a Han ministerial opposition to law and regulation, desiring to utilize their own individual moral judgements in government. Holding ministers to their contracted work was not conceived as an ideology called Legalism. It was conceived as a method of employing ministers.[75][76]

The Confucians were much occupied with questions of when it is morally correct to accept office in the 'degenerate age'.[77] In pursuit of Shang Yang's old goals of a "rich state and powerful army", as with other high ministers of his period, the recruiting, appointing and managing of ministers is one of Han Fei's greatest concerns. The Han Feizi is at times antagonistic, but it's standard for recruitment is abstract standards, in particular ministers own proposals; recruitment by abstract standards does not bar ministers on an ideological basis even if Han Fei is antagonistic. Provided they are of benefit, proponents of the various teachings might otherwise join the government, suggest programs, teach laws, and mobilize men for war, judged by their accountable offices.[57][78] The First Emperor is said to have executed a particular group of provincial Confucians, not for ideological reasons but for violating the regulations. Presuming they express wishes for his longevity, and as Sima Qian purports, avoid disturbing the provinces, the First Emperor is otherwise said to have entertained the erudites, or Scholars of Wide Learning, which must include more than a few Confucians.[79]

Few specific legal rules are found in any writings later taken as Legalist; Han Fei cares that laws are more reliable, transparent and understandable than the morality of ministers and rulers.[68] Their texts were not entirely successful, in their own time, in advocating for laws, bureaucracy, and punishment. The Shangjunshu has a text with positive ideas about what an order based on laws and bureaucracy would look like, but less idea of how to get there, so that in its own time it was largely theoretical. The Han Feizi's proposition to control ministers with laws and punishments was still largely theoretical. A couple of its late Daoist chapters take on a metaphysical character in an attempt to legitimize fa laws and methods.[80] Following the defeat of the Huang-Lao under Emperor Wu, Sang Hongyang, as a proponent of Shang Yang, describes laws as supervising and barring evil, but still argues for their need from a changing with the times standpoint.[81]

Qin law includes such advanced concepts as intent, judicial procedure, defendant rights, retrial requests and distinctions between different kinds of law (common law and statutory law).[82] But its penal law was only included alongside li ritual. While some Qin penal laws deal with infanticide or other unsanctioned harm of children, it primarily concerned theft; it does not much deal with murder, as either more straightforward or more suitable to li ritual. By contrast, detailed rules and "endless paperwork" tightly regulate grain, weights, measures, and official documents.[83][64]

The Qin took a congratulatory attitude towards laws and measures on their success, and the stele of the First Emperor promote his own consolidated model of governance as a permanent establishment for the ages. But the Han Feizi has a 'changing with the times' paradigm, only considering it a matter of necessity that rule by virtue could no longer be relied upon. Abstractly advocating laws, measures and punishments, although the Han Feizi does not much suppose that the need for punishments will disappear, it's main argument for them are that they are the government for the time. Lacking commitment to ideology or an apparent totalitarian extension of law, Legalism or the Qin dynasty would be a questionable basis for totalitarianism, rather than just authoritarianism.[84][57] The Han dynasty is the era of state ideology. The Qin were a military junta-cum-empire,[85] and Shang Yang was an 'iron' military man, contemptuous of ideology. He has no cosmology or ontology; the men useful to him are driven by profit and fame.[86]

Teachings of names

Sima Qian originally glosses Shen Buhai, Shang Yang and Han Fei as adherents of the teaching of (xingming 刑名), which Creel titled "“performance and title”, with their combination becoming common in the early Han dynasty.[57] However, while, Shang Yang can be considered pioneering in the advancement of fa (standards) as law and governmental program more generally,[87] his early administrative method more simply connects names with benefits like profit and fame, to try to convince people to pursue benefits in the interest of the state.[88] More advanced Names and Realities discussions date to the later Warring States period, after Shang Yang, Shen Buhai, and Mencius.[89]

Words and names are essential to administration, and discussion of names and realities were however common to all schools in the classical period (500bce-150bce), as including the Mohists and posthumous categories of Daoists, Legalists and School of Names. It's earlier thinking was actually most developed by the Confucians, while later thinking was characterized by paradoxes. Although less Confucian, Han Fei can still be compared with the earlier Confucian rectification of names, together with Shen Buhai and Xun Kuang. Daoism represents an even higher degree of relativist skepticism. Shen Dao and Daoism question the premises prior schools and any actual need for guidance, in particular that of Confucianism and Mohism and their prior uses of language.[90][91]

Sima Qian divided the schools (or categories) along elemental lines, as including Ming ("names" categories in the administration including contracts) for the Mingjia School of Names, and fa (standards in the administration including law and method) for the Fajia ("Legalists").[92] Both groupings are posthumous and have both elements, and share the same concerns, evaluating bureaucratic performance and examining the structural relationship between ministers and supervisors. The practices and doctrines of Shen Buhai, Han Fei and the school of names are indeed all termed Mingshi (name and reality) and Xingming (form and name).[93] The Shiji asserts the stele of the first emperor as proclaiming their practice.[94]

The school of names mingjia could also be translated as Legalists if either category had existed in the Warring States period, and would be more or less equally accurate and inaccurate.[95] The school of names used fa (comparative models) for litigation,[96] while the Qin dynasty made a more restrictive use of comparative model manuals to guide penal legal procedure, but still included such advanced concepts as intent, judicial procedure, defendant rights, and retrial requests.[97] The Zhuangzi slanders those who place the practice of Xingming and rewards and punishments over wu-wei as sophists and "mere technicians";[98] the Han dynasty term Mingjia (school of names) is applied to administrators earlier termed by the Zhuangzi as debaters (sophists).[92]

The term Fajia is applied to administrators discredited by later Han dynasty Confucians, in posthumous association with the Li Si, Qinshihuang, and the old harsh penal laws of Shang Yang. It includes people like Shen Buhai who were received as advising the use of administrative technique and supervision to abolish the punishment of ministers. Emperors like Wen who practiced Xingming, and Han dynasty governors who had been students of Li Si, were earlier famous for their clemency and the reduction of capital punishment, with Emperor Wen abolishing mutilitations.[99]


Shang Yang can be considered pioneering in the advancement of fa (standards) as law and governmental program more generally,[87] but his early administrative method more simply connects names with benefits like profit and fame, to try to convince people to pursue benefits in the interest of the state.[88] Its more advanced discussions date to the later Warring States period, after Shang Yang, Shen Buhai, and Mencius.[89]

Han Fei's his late tradition develops its own unique names and realities (mingshi) method, under the term Xing-Ming. Naming individuals to their roles as ministers (e.g. "Steward of Cloaks"), in contrast to the earlier Confucians, Han Fei's Xing-Ming holds ministers accountable for their proposals, actions and performance. Their direct connection as an administrative function cannot be seen before Han Fei;[100] the late Warring States theories of Xun Kuang and the Mohists were still far more generalized;[101] Sima Tan proclaims the Daojia or "dao school" as adopting "the essentials of ming and fa".[92]

The term Xingming likely originates in school of names; the Zhan Guo Ce quotes one of their paradoxes: "Su Qin said to the King of Qin, 'Exponents of Xingming all say that a white horse is not a horse.'" Nonetheless, Suqin took Gongsun Long's white horse paradox to be a Xingming administrative strategy.[102] Despite opposition to their paradoxes, the Han Feizi provides a white horse strategy: the chief minister of Yan pretended to see a white horse dash out the gate. All of his subordinates denied having seen anything, save one, who ran out and returned claiming to have seen it, identifying him as a flatterer.[103]

An early bureaucratic pioneer, Shen Buhai was not so much more advanced as he was more focused on bureaucracy. Nonetheless, he can be taken as of the originator of the "Legalist doctrine of names" as understood by the later Han dynasty, which Han Fei terms Method or Technique (Shu). Han Fei says: "Method is to confer office in accordance with a candidate's capabilities; to hold achievement accountable to claim; and to examine the ability of the assembled ministers. This is controlled by the ruler."

The Huainanzi regards it's literature as developing in the chaotic beginnings of Shen Buhai's state of Han. Although Shen Buhai uses the earlier school of names method-term mingshim or name and reality, while Xing-Ming is Han Fei's, Sima Qian and Liu Xiang attribute it back to the doctrine of Shen Buhai, described it as holding outcome accountable to claim. It becomes the term for secretaries of government who had charge of the records of decisions in criminal matters in the Han Dynasty, before it's meaning degenerates into the "names of punishments" and is lost.[104][102]

Categorization as Legalist

The early reforms of Zichan concerned the Jin that law would destroy the social order and even the state,[105] while Shang Yang's consistent application of punishments, extending even to the tutor of the prince, led to his downfall.[106] Considering the Qin remote in the Spring and Autumn period, central China in the Warring States period saw the Qin state as barbarian, writing little about it.[107][108] With the Wei state's Li Kui and Wu Qi taken as predecessors,[109] Li Kui could theoretically have influenced Shen Buhai as mutually seeking meritocratic government, but Wei itself was a marginalized state of little interest to Warring States contemporaries.[110][111] If Shang Yang's tradition was even much known before the Qin dynasty,[17] as a late figure, Xun Kuang knew about Shen Buhai and Shen Dao, but still did not appear to know about Shang Yang.[112]

The fa school's various thinkers and statesmen had influences for the Warring States, Qin, Han and later dynasties. But no one ever called himself a Fajia Legalist,[113] its category is not indicated pre-Han,[114] and they were probably never an organized school in the sense of the Confucians or Mohists; their posthumous categorization itself divides them from other thinkers with shared administrative practices, like the school of names.[115] Prior Han Fei, and later categorization as Fajia or Legalist, they only appear to have been known as individuals in connection with older ideologies.[116]

Sima Tan and Sima Qian (145–c.86 BC) invented Fajia or "Legalism" in the Records of the Grand Historian as a "taxonomical category", or abstract school of thought, rather than a group of people or historical category. They originally defined it more in terms of office divisions and responsibilities, but as "strict and with little kindness".[117] They do not name anyone under the categories, and likely did not intend Han Fei's figures for it.[118] A political document aiming to demonstrate his own early Daoistic Huang-Lao ideology as best,[119] Sima Qian claims that Han Fei, Shen Buhai, and Shen Dao had studied it as a teaching based in Yellow Emperor,[120] including a chapter on the "Biographies of Laozi and Han Fei" that includes Shen Buhai; Shang Yang is simply given his own chapter.[121]

Combinations of Shen Buhai, Shang Yang and Han Fei became common starting in early Han dynasty literature, including the Huang-Lao Huainanzi.[57][122] Its author would be suppressed together with the Huang-Lao faction by other likely Han Feizi students, the Shang-Yangian Emperor Wu of Han, Gongsun Hong and Zhang Tang as opposed by Sima Qian. Under Confucian factional pressure, Emperor Wu discriminated against students of Shang Yang, Shen Buhai and Han Fei in favor of the Confucians. When older, those officials who praised Shang Yang and Li Si and denounced Confucius were upheld. The ministerial examination system would be instituted through the likely influence of Shen Buhai and Han Fei.[123] With Han Confucianism ultimately opposing a Shang Yangian Legalism, the ministerial regulations of Shen Buhai, as well as a contrasting Daoism, a confused revulsion against the Qin dynasty and old harsh laws of Shang Yang, abandoned before its founding, develops over the course of the Han dynasty.[124]

Saying that "if the family was rich they sent them out as separate households" Jia Yi promotes the Shangjunshu's reforms as attacking kin ties and promoting greed. With the Han adopting Qin administration, Jia Yi villainizes the First Emperor as arrogant and inflexible, but mainly blames the second emperor, further developing the mythos of cruel Qin dynasty laws.[125] Confucian archivists Liu Xiang (77–6BCE) and Liu Xin (c.46bce–23ce) appropriate Fajia, assigning it a fictional origin in an ancient department of criminal justice or "chief of prisons" for their imperial library classification system, together with departments for the other schools.[126][57] The Book of Han lists the 'school of fa' or so-called department of prisons as a category of Masters Texts, as one of ten such categories,[127] prominently listing Han Fei and other main figures of the Han Feizi's later chapters, Shen Buhai, Shang Yang and Shen Dao.[128][129]


  1. Pines 2023; Goldin 2011; Creel 1970, p. 93,119–120.
  2. Smith 2003, p. 131,142-144; Schwartz 1985, p. 164,329; Hansen 1992, p. 208,349.
  3. Makeham 1994, pp. 67–68, 81, 82.
  4. Cua 2003, pp. 492.
  5. Loewe 1999, p. 587-591; Schwartz 1985, p. 328-335,342-343; Pines 2023.
  6. Smith 2003, p. 132-134; Hansen 1992; Pines 2023.
  7. Smith 2003, p. 129; Loewe 1999, p. 591.
  8. Smith 2003, p. 1; Creel 1970, p. 93,94; Graham 1989, p. 268.
  9. Loewe 1999, p. 1008; Lewis 1999, p. 38-40,145; Schneider 2013, p. 267; Hansen 1992, p. 371; Goldin 2011, p. 1.
  10. Makeham 1994, p. 74; Smith 2003, p. 129-131,141; Hansen 1992, p. 360,371.
  11. Smith 2003, p. 129-131,141; Creel 1970, p. 93-95,113,120.
  12. Creel 1970, pp. 86, 101.
  13. Loewe 1999, p. 1008; Creel 1970, p. 63-64,81,96-98; Goldin 2005, p. 63.
  14. Lewis 1999, pp. 27–28, 40.
  15. Goldin 2005, p. 59-64; Goldin 2012, p. 15-16; Makeham 1994, p. 73,74; Lewis 1999; Hansen 1992, p. 371.
  16. Slingerland 2007, p. 6,95,279; Cook 2012, p. 10,14; Hansen 1992, p. 202,223,371,373; Henricks 2000, p. 7; Goldin 2011, p. 19; Kim 2012, p. 11; Hansen 1992, p. 401.
  17. Fraiser 2011, p. 64.
  18. Hansen 1992; Hansen 2020; Kejian 2016, p. 95.
  19. Rubin 1974, p. 339.
  20. Rubin 1974, p. 343.
  21. Graham 1989, p. 268; Goldin 2011, p. 96(8).
  22. Watson 2003, p. 9.
  23. Creel 1970, p. 95.
  24. Smith 2003, p. 141-142; Jiang 2021, p. 267.
  25. Hansen 1992, p. 360.
  26. Goldin 2005, p. 59-60,64; Hansen 1992, p. 373; Goldin 2012, p. 12.
  27. Schwartz 1985, p. 246.
  28. Makeham 1994, pp. 81.
  29. Goldin 2012, pp. 257.
  30. Hansen 1992, pp. 203.
  31. Kejian 2016, p. 22,184.
  32. Lewis 1999, p. 488; Smith 2003, p. 146.
  33. Goldin 2012, p. 15-17; Loewe 1999, p. 87.
  34. Pines 2023; Youlan 1948, p. 30,33.
  35. Graham 1989, p. 270-272.
  36. Shih 2013, p. 89.
  37. Fraser 2023, p. 65.
  38. Goldin 2005, p. 59; Leung 2019, p. 1; Jiang 2021, p. 237,452.
  39. Pines 2017, pp. 26.
  40. Creel 1970, p. 93; Goldin 2011, p. 88(1),94(6),101-104(13-16); Pines 2023; Graham 1989, p. 268.
  41. Goldin 2011, pp. 104(16).
  42. Creel 1970, p. 93,; Goldin 2011, p. 104,105(16-17); Hansen 1992, p. 347,349; Graham 1989, p. 268,282-283.
  43. Fraiser 2011, p. 59.
  44. Creel 1974, pp. 222.
  45. Winston 2005, pp. 338.
  46. Creel 1970, pp. 101.
  47. Goldin 2011, pp. 96–98(8, 10).
  48. Hansen 1992, pp. 347, 349.
  49. Goldin 2011, p. 8(98); Rubin 1974, p. 343.
  50. Goldin 2011, pp. 98(10).
  51. Smith 2003, pp. 103.
  52. Hsiao 1979, pp. 410–412.
  53. Winston 2005, p. 1; Hsiao 1979, p. 409,411; Schneider 2013, p. 1.
  54. Goldin 2011, pp. 104-105(16-17).
  55. Pines 2017, pp. 228.
  56. Hansen 1992, p. 347,357-359,369; Pines 2017, p. 231-232.
  57. Pines 2023.
  58. Leung 2019, p. 118-119,129; Goldin 2012, p. 5; Hansen 1992, p. 347,369.
  59. Hsiao 1979, p. 404-405,417; Pines 2023.
  60. Hansen 1992, p. 347,369; Goldin 2012, p. 5-6.
  61. Lewis 1999, pp. 32, 33.
  62. Hsiao 1979, pp. 404–406.
  63. Loewe 1986, p. 526,534,535; Lewis 2010, p. 42,72,248.
  64. Loewe 1986, pp. 539–540.
  65. Lewis 1999, pp. 19.
  66. Loewe 1986, p. 526,534,535; Pines 2023, p. 27.
  67. Loewe 1986, pp. 533–543.
  68. Loewe 1986, pp. 526.
  69. Lewis 2010, pp. 240.
  70. Goldin 2005, pp. 6.
  71. Lewis 2010, pp. 72, 246–248.
  72. Jiang 2021, pp. 35, 420.
  73. Smith 2003, p. 132-134; Pines 2023; Hansen 1992, p. 223,349,393; Fraser 2023; Kejian 2016, p. 170.
  74. Pines 2023; Makeham 1994, p. 1979-180; Goldin 2011, p. 88,95(1,7); Hsiao 1979, p. 470; Hansen 1992, p. 345.
  75. Pines 2023; Smith 2003, p. 133-134; Hsiao 1979, p. 469-470.
  76. Makeham 1994, p. 179-180; Creel 1970, p. 111,113,116.
  77. Graham 1989, pp. 3.
  78. Loewe 1999, pp. 587, 589.
  79. Hsiao 1979, pp. 469.
  80. Leung 2019, pp. 116–118.
  81. Hsiao 1979, pp. 466–467.
  82. Goldin 2005, pp. 5–6.
  83. Mou 2008, pp. 208.
  84. Leung 2019, pp. 116, 123–124.
  85. Makeham 1994, p. 179-180; Smith 2003, p. 130,141-142.
  86. Schwartz 1985, pp. 331.
  87. Hansen 1992, p. 359.
  88. Pines 2017, p. 50; Jiang 2021, p. 254.
  89. Yu-Lan 1952, pp. 81.
  90. Makeham 1994, pp. xiv, xv, 67.
  91. Hansen 1992, pp. 202, 209, 222–223.
  92. Smith 2003, pp. 144.
  93. Smith 2003, p. 143-144; Makeham 1990, p. 67.
  94. Creel 1970, pp. 86.
  95. Smith 2003, p. 142,144; Goldin 2011, p. 88(1).
  96. Fraser 2020.
  97. Loewe 1986, p. 492; Goldin 2005, p. 5,6.
  98. Creel 1970, pp. 72.
  99. Creel 1970, pp. 80, 101, 106, 114, 113, 120.
  100. Pines 2023; Makeham 1994.
  101. Makeham 1994, pp. 81–82.
  102. Makeham 1990, pp. 91–92.
  103. Lewis 1999, pp. 33.
  104. Creel 1970, pp. 79, 86.
  105. Kejian 2016, 166.
  106. Loewe 1986, pp. 36.
  107. Pines 2014, p. 16.
  108. Creel 1970, p. 149.
  109. Yuan 2018, pp. 211.
  110. Pines 2022, pp. 351.
  111. Shaughnessy 2023, pp. 203.
  112. Graham 1989, p. 268; Hansen 1992, p. 345,346.
  113. Goldin 2011, p. 93(5).
  114. Schwartz 1985, p. 174,244; Hansen 1992, p. 345-346; Loewe 1999, p. 591,589.
  115. Smith 2003, pp. 131, 142–144.
  116. Schwartz 1985, pp. 174, 244.
  117. Goldin 2011, p. 89,92; Smith 2003, p. 142; Fraiser 2011, p. 59; Creel 1970, p. 93.
  118. Smith 2003, p. 142.
  119. Goldin 2011; Smith 2003.
  120. Creel 1970, p. 51; Kejian 2016, p. 22.
  121. Smith 2003; Jiang 2021; Creel 1974, p. 21.
  122. Hansen 2020.
  123. Vankeerberghen 2001, p. 24,96; Creel 1960, p. 239,241; Creel 1970, p. 110-111,115-120; Lewis 1999, p. 491.
  124. Loewe 1999, p. 1008; Creel 1970, p. 113,91; Pines 2023.
  125. Lewis 2010, p. 42,72; Pines 2009, p. 110; Pines 2014, p. 116-117.
  126. Smith 2003, p. 131,141; Youlan 1948, p. 32–34.
  127. Smith 2003, p. 141; Pines 2023; Goldin 2011, p. 91,92(4,5).
  128. Smith 2003, pp. 131.
  129. Leung 2019, pp. 103.


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