Lesson 21: Free Resources for Learning Office for Mac


Free resources for learning Office for Mac

Our Microsoft Office tutorials are some of the most popular courses we offer. These tutorials, however, are designed for those using Office on computers with Microsoft Windows. We don't currently offer tutorials on Office for Mac, but it is important to note that Office 2016 shares a lot of functionality with the Windows version. So if you have Office 2016 for Mac, check out our Office 2016 tutorial. To help you, we'd like to share a number of excellent—and mostly free!—resources that can help you learn how to use Office for Mac.

Microsoft 365
If you're thinking of upgrading to the latest version of Office for Mac, you may want to consider purchasing a subscription to Microsoft 365 (formerly called Office 365) instead of buying the stand-alone suite. A subscription includes a copy of Office for Mac on up to five computers, and you'll be able to upgrade to the latest version of Office for Mac when it becomes available. You can check out our What is Office 365? lesson to learn more.

Free Office for Mac tutorials

If you're using Office for Mac, the Office for Mac team has provided great series of tutorials and how-to guides to help you get started and even learn advanced skills:

Of course, you can also find help on the Microsoft Office for Mac Support page from the Office community and support team. If you need additional support, you might consider purchasing a subscription to LinkedIn Learning to take advantage of its thorough Office for Mac Tutorial. It's not free, but it's still a great resource if you need to learn the software quickly.

What if I use an older version of Office for Mac?

If you use Office 2008 for Mac, you should be aware that Microsoft discontinued support for this version in 2013. While this doesn't mean the programs will stop working, it does mean it will be more difficult to get help from Microsoft if something goes wrong.