Lesson 10: Print Preview and Print



By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Use Print Preview
  • Print a document

Using Print Preview

Print Preview allows you to see how your file looks before you print, preventing a waste of paper and ink.

To access Print Preview (first method):

Important pointChoose FileactionPrint Preview from the menu bar.

print preview menu

To access Print Preview (second method):

Important pointClick the Print Preview button print preview icon on the Standard toolbar.

Once you have accessed Print Preview, your document will now be in Print Preview mode. It will look something like this:


Print Preview mode displays how your file is formatted. If you want to take a closer look, use the zoom feature. The zoom feature zooms in closer, giving you a better view of your file.

Let's zoom in and take a look at the Print Preview toolbar:

print preview toolbar

  • The Print button prints a file.
  • The View Ruler button displays the vertical and horizontal rulers. Rulers help edit margin settings.
  • If your file consists of multiple pages, the Multiple Pages button allows you to either view one page or several pages at a time.
  • Use zoom, then use the scroll bars to view your file.
  • Use the Shrink to Fit button to fit your information to one page.
  • If you want to exit or close Print Preview, click Close on the Print Preview toolbar.

Printing your work

To print your work (first method):

Important pointChoose FileactionPrint from the menu bar (Ctrl+P).

Check this outThe print dialog box will appear.

print menu

To print your work (second method):

Important pointClick the Print button print icon on the Standard toolbar.

Check this outThe file automatically prints. The print dialog box will not appear.

The Print dialog box

Here's what the Print dialog box looks like in Word 2000:

print dialog box

Printer selection

In the Name: drop-down box, the name(s) of your printer display(s). When working in an office environment, it is possible that your computer is part of a network that accesses several printers. Make sure you direct your print job to the correct printer.

Page range selection

The default setting is all. If you want to print only the current page, select the current page radio button. If you want to print only part of a document but it is more than one page, select the Pages radio button and enter the page numbers you want to print.

Copies selection

In this section, there is a Number of copies: box. The default setting is 1 copy. Manually enter the number you want to print by highlighting the number. Enter the number of copies you want to print. You can use the up or down arrows to indicate the desired number of copies.

Collate is the default setting. Collate means to put pages in the proper order. If you want to turn off the collating feature, deselect the radio button. This means if you print more than one copy of a document, all of the first pages will print together, all of the second pages will print together, and so on.

Print what section

You want to print a document. Leave this at the default setting.

Print section

The default setting is all pages in range. However, in the drop-down box, select even pages or odd pages if you want, or select a range of pages.


  • Open an existing file.
  • Preview your file using Print Preview.
  • Print your file.
